983 resultados para Transposition didactique et technologie
Species of Pithophora occasionally appear in Europe and are associated mostly with the tropical, higher water plants, cultivated in numerous botanical gardens. In June 1973 pale green, branched threads were discovered in the pond of the Wroclaw Botanical Garden, amongst filaments of Spirogyra crassa (Kutz.) Czurda emend. and Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kutz. floating on the water surface. They were maintained for several weeks in crude cultures and produced numerous, dark akinetes tightly packed with reserve material. This collected material was found to be a member of the family Pithophora, Wittr. Further examinations identified the material as Pithophora oedogonia. The findings point out that it is probable, that species of Pithophora Wittr. can become acclimatized in Europe, primarily in ponds of botanical gardens, where consequently they are able to tangle easily with higher tropical plants.
Analyse about all the economical connexions between the European Union and Algeria since 1962 until 2014.
Utilization of the heavy isotope of nitrogen as a tracer has found numerous applications in soil biology. It allows better definition of different stages of the nitrogen cycle, in particular the immobilization-mineralization cycle. In this work, the authors report the results of calculations of natural isotope ratios of nitrogen in samples of water, soil and vegetation prevailing in Dombes and discuss the possibilities of errors and coefficients of fractionation.
During hydrographic and plankton studies carried out since 1960 in the coastal zone between the Ebro and Castellon (western Mediterranean), data has been collected which confirms the importance of ciliates in the composition and activity of the plankton. The ciliates in 413 samples of 100 ml of water were counted, having been examined with the Utermohl microscope after sedimentation. The samples studied were distributed according to the density of their population. subject for study. The author concludes that recognition of the role of ciliates as an important link in the food chain of the sea would simplify the interpretation of certain problems posed by the nutrition of certain groups of planktonic animals.
Ce rapport présente les activités et les résultats de l’atelier Vision 2050: Changement climatique, pêche et aquaculture en Afrique de l’Ouest. Les objectifs de l’atelier étaient de discuter les questions critiques et les incertitudes auxquelles est confronté le secteur de la pêche et de l’aquaculture au Ghana, au Sénégal et en Mauritanie, d’élaborer des scénarios sectoriels pour 2050 et de discuter de l’implication de ces scénarios dans le contexte du changement climatique pour ces pays et la région ouest africaine.
A presente tese tem o objetivo de promover uma análise sobre a norma penal brasileira que versa sobre a violenta emoção, com base no estudo teórico da ação criminal passional. Tem por objeto de estudos a discussão sobre a temporalidade psíquica da ação que sustenta as distinções no instituto jurídico da violenta emoção apresentada nos artigos 28; 65, III, c; 121 1 e 129 4 do Código Penal Brasileiro. A partir de uma construção genealógica, buscou-se os antecedentes históricos dessas leis, posteriormente, interpretadas à luz de conceitos psicanalíticos e de contribuições da antropologia social acerca do imaginário cultural que sustenta a eclosão e o julgamento de crimes na esfera amorosa. O método de trabalho consistiu em um estudo teórico de caráter dedutivo-construtivo baseado em fontes oriundas de diferentes campos teórico-práticos e também de consultas abertas feitas a juristas e estudiosos da criminologia. As transformações históricas nos julgamentos indicam uma transposição da antiga indulgência em relação aos criminosos ao atual apelo por recrudescimento das penas, demonstrando que justificar ou punir crimes sob a rubrica da violenta emoção ligados à esfera amorosa representa um sintoma atrelado ao contexto social. O conceito de "violenta emoção" está sujeito a reducionismos teóricos, devido à ênfase dada à dimensão da "culpabilidade consciente" no sistema jurídico, ao predomínio de interpretações ligadas aos aspectos psicofisiológicos do ímpeto, bem como à incipiente atenção dada às condições inconscientes culturalmente determinantes do ato criminal violento em casais. Desse modo, o texto dos referidos artigos pode servir indevidamente à diminuição da pena em crimes envolvendo casais, assim como a devida atenuação pode ser desconsiderada quando a/o ré/u sofre de privações sociais e psíquicas prolongadas constitutivas de um mal-estar passional por vezes dissociado do tempo da ação. Com as limitações apontadas, reconhece-se a importância da existência da referência à violenta emoção enquanto uma atenuante criminal genérica e critica-se a sua aplicação como "privilégio" de diminuição de pena em crimes de ímpeto em casais. O estudo psicanalítico historicizado do tema assevera a necessidade de realçar tanto a responsabilidade subjetiva ligada à atualização de um potencial psicopatológico, mas, também, a responsabilidade social em relação aos crimes passionais, enfatizando a importância de se criar alternativas à resposta penal, buscando promover uma leitura e interpretação cuidadosa dos artigos sobre a violenta emoção no sentido de propiciar melhor entendimento da temporalidade inconsciente inerente a esses crimes.
615 p.
The different coding methods concerning artisanal collective fishing in the Ebrié lagoon, are exposed. For each computer program one example is proposed.
This paper collects most of the information gathered between October 1974 and July 1976 within the framework of a research program concerning the hydrobioclimate of ivorian lagoons and especially the Ebrié lagoon. Monthly surveys concerning the latter were carried out during 1975. The following parameters - and their vertical distribution wherever it had a meaning - were systematically gathered in a system of fifty-five stations: Transparency (Secchi), Temperature, Salinity, Chlorophylla, Dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite. These data provide an outline of the annual cycle of nutrients and primary production of the Ivoirian lagoons
This publication gives the results of the bottom trawlings made during the cruises Togo 3 and logo 4 by the oceanographic research vessel "Andre NIZERY" on the continental shelf of Togo during the estimation program of halieutic resources. The report includes: 1 - The report of the cruises Togo 3 and Togo 4 2 - Some information on the presentation of the results 3 - The trawl recording cards for the 2 cruises 4 - The length frequency distributions of the measured samples.
This data report contains all the meteorological, hydrological and dynamic data gathered during the VASPI cruises (I : from December 8th to December 13th 1982, II : from March 5th to March 9th 1983, and III : from October 6th to October 10th 1983) carried out along the continental shelf of Ivory Coast by the oceanographic ship "Andre NIZERY". These cruises, which represent a part of a coastal programme, are included in the more general scientific program FOCAL, whose main scientific objective is the study of the thermal context of the intertropical atlantic area.
This work summarizes the present knowledge on biology and fisheries of Atlantic tuna such as yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and to a lesser extent, bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga). Current appraisal of these stocks
Beach surface temperature is recorded every morning between 7h30 and 8h00 at each coastal station. On figure 2, 3, 4 and 5 it has been plotted daily variation and mean variation computed on 7, 15 and 30 days basis of sea surface temperature. However it seems that variations of dynamic height anomaly are reflecting more accurately the stages of the coastal upwelling than the sea surface temperature.
In this report, accurate data from coastal stations and from the Vridi hydrological station were gathered. The used experiments took place from 1989 to 1991.
This publication gives the results of bottom trawlings made during the cruises CHALCI 84-01 and CHALCI 84-02 by the oceanographic research vessel "Andre NIZERY" sur le plateau continental ivoirien.