972 resultados para Tooth resorption
Enxertos ósseos homólogos congelados têm sido documentados apresentando bons resultados clínicos como substituto ao material autógeno nas reconstruções alveolares. Entretanto, dados referentes à incorporação e remodelação destes enxertos não estão disponíveis na literatura. Este estudo tem por objetivo determinar um período ótimo de espera para instalação de implantes em rebordos reconstruídos com enxertos ósseos homólogos em bloco no que se refere à incorporação e reabsorção. 24 pacientes foram submetidos à reconstrução alveolar óssea homóloga previamente à instalação de implantes. Os indivíduos foram alocados randomicamente em um de 3 grupos de acordo com o tempo de espera para o segundo estágio cirúrgico (4, 6 e 8 meses). Análises tomográficas, histológicas e histomorfométricas foram utilizadas a fim de determinar o grau de reabsorção e incorporação dos enxertos nos diferentes intervalos de tempo para cada grupo. Os dados de reabsorção sofrida pelos enxertos demonstraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para os três intervalos de espera. Da mesma forma, parâmetros histomorfométricos como contagem de osteócitos e quantificação de remanescentes de osso homólogo nas biópsias apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos. De acordo com os dados do presente trabalho, no que diz respeito à remodelação e incorporação, o período mais favorável à instalação dos implantes a curto prazo após recontruções com enxertos homólogos é de 4 meses.
Esta tese é composta por três estudos ecológicos que incluíram as 27 capitais brasileiras. Esses três estudos foram os seguintes: 1- A associação entre a disponibilidade de cirurgiões-dentistas e a quantidade de procedimentos odontológicos nos serviços públicos de odontologia; 2- A associação entre a disponibilidade de cirurgiões-dentistas e a proporção de dentes restaurados (em relação ao total de dentes atacados pela cárie) em indivíduos de 15 a 19 anos ; 3- A associação da disponibilidade de cirurgiões-dentistas com a prevalência e severidade da cárie em indivíduos de 15 a 19 anos. As três investigações são apresentadas sob forma de artigos. Foram utilizados diversos bancos de dados secundários, disponíveis gratuitamente na internet. No primeiro estudo foi identificada associação do número de Equipes de Saúde Bucal do programa Saúde da Família (ESB) e de cirurgiões-dentistas no SUS de uma forma geral com o número de procedimentos odontológicos no serviço público; quanto mais ESB e cirurgiões-dentistas mais procedimentos odontológicos, tanto preventivos quanto restauradores. Mais dentistas no serviço público de odontologia significaram mais procedimentos preventivos e coletivos, porém um número relativamente pequeno a mais de restaurações. É preocupante a quantidade relativamente pequena de restaurações realizadas pelos dentistas do serviço público no Brasil diante do grande número de dentes com cárie não tratada, identificado pela pesquisa nacional de saúde bucal. O segundo estudo revelou que a quantidade de dentistas nas capitais brasileiras é muito grande e que, portanto, há capacidade instalada para atender todas as necessidades de tratamentos restauradores. Entretanto, o índice de cuidado odontológico em jovens de 15 a 19 anos revelou que menos da metade dos dentes atacados pela cárie tinham recebido o cuidado adequado, i.e., estavam restaurados. Este estudo concluiu que, o grande investimento da sociedade brasileira em odontologia, seja no setor público ou privado, não está tendo o retorno esperado, pelo menos para jovens de 15 a 19 anos. O terceiro estudo concluiu que fatores socioeconômicos amplos e flúor na água foram os principais determinantes da variação na prevalência e severidade da cárie em jovens de 15 a 19 anos e que a contribuição do dentista foi relativamente pequena. Diante do papel relativamente pequeno do dentista na prevenção da cárie, o esforço clínico do mesmo deveria, portanto, enfatizar tratamentos de maior complexidade, visando a restauração e reabilitação de danos relevantes para a função e bem estar (Serviço Pessoal de Saúde). Esforços efetivos para evitar a cárie dentária ocorrem principalmente no âmbito de estratégias preventivas populacionais (Serviço não Pessoal de Saúde), com uma contribuição relativamente pequena do trabalho clínico.
In the present study, variation in the morphology of the lower pharyngeal element between two Sicilian populations of the rainbow wrasse Coris julis has been explored by the means of traditional morphometrics for size and geometric morphometrics for shape. Despite close geographical distance and probable high genetic flow between the populations, statistically significant differences have been found both for size and shape. In fact, one population shows a larger lower pharyngeal element that has a larger central tooth. Compared to the other population, this population also has medially enlarged lower pharyngeal jaws with a more pronounced convexity of the medial-posterior margin. The results are discussed in the light of a possible more pronounced durophagy of this population.
Esta dissertação constitui uma reflexão sobre a situação social, política e cultural da Inglaterra na década de 70, especialmente nos anos de 1972 e 1973, como descrita no romance Serena, de Ian McEwan. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é apresentar como o momento histórico supracitado é narrado no discurso ficcional, a partir da perspectiva da personagem Serena, em comparação com o discurso histórico, de acordo com fontes selecionadas, que narram a história da Inglaterra no contexto da Guerra Fria, dos ataques terroristas do IRA e do funcionamento do Serviço Secreto doméstico inglês, chamado MI5.
在中国北方大部分地区,水分始终是影响植物生长和分布的最主要限制性因子之一,植物在其生长期经常遭受水分胁迫。不仅如此,随着大气同温层中臭氧浓度的减少,过量的有害紫外辐射(主要是UV-B,280nm-320nm)将穿透大气层达到地球表面。随着全球变化的加剧,这些地区的植物将不可避免地受UV-B和水分胁迫的共同作用。 本实验是在北京东灵山暖温带森林生态系统中,选择常见灌丛土庄绣线菊(Spiraea pubescens),建立UV-B控制实验。连续三个生长季每天增补9.4kJ•m-2的辐射剂量,模拟臭氧衰减17%时近地表面UV-B辐射的增强。本实验的目的是观测在野外环境下,长时间人工增强UV-B辐射对土庄绣线菊水分生理、氮素利用以及形态特征的影响。具体对以下指标进行测定:叶片的气孔导度、碳同位素比率(δ13 C)、叶含水量、叶面积、水分利用效率(WUE)、叶全氮含量、叶氮素再吸收率。 实验结果表明,增强UV-B辐射显著减少了土庄绣线菊的叶面积(50.1%),提高了叶片全氮含量(102%),处理植株的氮素再吸收率比对照植株高出50.9%。同时,UV-B辐射还在一定程度上(尽管统计显示不显著)降低了气孔导度(16.1%)、胞间CO2浓度与大气CO2浓度之比(Ci/Ca) (4.0%)、提高了碳同位素比率(δ13 C)(20.5‰)、叶含水量(3.1%)及比叶重(SLW)(5.2%),从而导致水分利用效率(WUE)的增加(4.1%),植物的抗旱能力增强。值得注意的是,深层土壤(30-40cm)含水量变化会影响气孔导度、δ13 C、WUE对紫外辐射的响应程度:在土壤干旱的季节(6月和9月),气孔导度、δ13 C、WUE这些指标处理和对照的差异很小,但是当土壤水分充足时(7月和8月),处理和对照的差异就较为显著。另外,随着实验处理时间的延长UV-B的效应变得不显著。相关分析表明,UV-B辐射降低了土壤含水量(30-40cm)与土庄绣线菊叶含水量、δ13 C、Ci/Ca、气孔导度的相关系数,增强了WUE与土壤含水量的相关性,这也许是由于UV-B辐射增强了WUE对土壤水分变化的敏感性。本研究的结果表明UV-B辐射对土庄绣线菊的形态和生长有显著的影响,但对主要水分生理指标影响不显著。
Bone as most of living tissues is able, during its entire lifetime, to adapt its internal microstructure and subsequently its associated mechanical properties to its specific mechanical and physiological environment in a process commonly known as bone remodelling. Bone is therefore continuously renewed and micro-damage, accumulated by fatigue or creep, is removed minimizing the risk of fracture. Nevertheless, bone is not always able to repair itself completely. Actually, if bone repairing function is slower than micro-damage accumulation, a type of bone fracture, usually known as "stress fracture", can finally evolve. In this paper, we propose a bone remodelling continuous model able to simulate micro-damage growth and repair in a coupled way and able therefore to predict the occurrence of "stress fractures". The biological bone remodelling process is modelled in terms of equations that describe the activity of basic multicellular units. The predicted results show a good correspondence with experimental and clinical data. For example, in disuse, bone porosity increases until an equilibrium situation is achieved. In overloading, bone porosity decreases unless the damage rate is so high that causes resorption or "stress fracture".
Although growth rate and age data are essential for leatherback management, estimates of these demographic parameters remain speculative due to the cryptic life history of this endangered species. Skeletochronological analysis of scleral ossicles obtained from 8 captive, known-age and 33 wild leatherbacks originating from the western North Atlantic was conducted to characterize the ossicles and the growth marks within them. Ages were accurately estimated for the known-age turtles, and their growth mark attributes were used to calibrate growth mark counts for the ossicles from wild specimens. Due to growth mark compaction and resorption, the number of marks visible at ossicle section tips was consistently and significantly greater than the number visible along the lateral edges, demonstrating that growth mark counts should be performed at the tips so that age is not underestimated. A correction factor protocol that incorporated the trajectory of early growth increments was used to estimate the number of missing marks in those ossicles exhibiting resorption, which was then added to the number of observed marks to obtain an age estimate for each turtle. A generalized smoothing spline model, von Bertalanffy growth curve, and size-at-age function were used to obtain estimates of age at maturity for leatherbacks in the western North Atlantic. Results of these analyses suggest that median age at maturation for leatherbacks in this part of the world may range from 24.5 to 29 yr. These age estimates are much greater than those proposed in previous studies and have significant implications for population management and recovery.
本文选择东灵山地区具有代表性的11种植物,研究了植物叶片养分元素动态特征以及各个层次物种、生活型和生境等对植物叶片养分元素再吸收的影响。主要结论如下: 1、不同物种间、以及相同物种在不同森林类型内的叶片C素含量变化程度较小;11个物种之间叶片N素养分浓度差很大,但各种植物叶片的N素含量的季节变化比较一致,大多数情况下表现为单峰型或双峰变化曲线;各种森林类型中11种植物叶片P的最高含量都出现在生长初期,以后开始下降。 2、在物种水平、养分再吸收是一种重要的养分保存机制,N素和P素再吸收率大约为50%,对这两种养分元素而言,相同生境下生长的不同植物种的养分再吸收率不同,存在显著差异,而同一植物种不同生境下养分再吸收率之间也存在差异,而S素的差异则不显著。 3、同一生活型在不同的森林类型中养分再吸收率差异不明显,同一森林类型中不同生活型的养分再吸收率差异也不明显;高养分再吸收率不是低养分环境所选择的优势性状,低养分环境中的物种主要通过延长叶片寿命和加强低养分浓度状况下的物质合成来适应低养分环境。 4、除了土壤pH值外,土壤容重、土壤有机质、土壤全氮、土壤阳离子交换量在三种生境下都表现出一定的差异性。华北落叶松林生境下的土壤养分含量较丰富,其次是落叶阔叶混交林,辽东栎林相对前二种生境其土壤养分相对低一些,但在三种生境之间养分元素再吸收率差异不显著,植物养分再吸收没有或微弱地受控于土壤养分获得的能力。
Berendse&Aerts (1987)认为氮素利用效率(nitrogen use efficiency,NUE)可以分为两部分的乘积,即:①氮素生产力(nitrogen productivity,NP),②氮素的平均滞留时间(mean residencetime,MRT)。本文利用这一概念对处于我国北方农牧交错带的内蒙古自治区多伦县典型植物的氮素利用策略进行了研究。研究假设:植物在贫瘠生境上所采取的氮素适应策略主要是提高对所吸收氮素的保持能力(较长的MRT),而不是提高NUE。 在不同土壤生境上,属于不同生活型的不同物种其NP和MRT之间存在负相关关系。在不同生境、生活型和物种之间,作为NP与MRT乘积的NUE比NP、MRT的变化相对要小,结果表明植物主要通过延长MRT来适应氮素贫瘠的生境。因为NP与MRT相反的方向变化,二者不能同时增加或减少,所以NP与MRT之间存在相互协调(trade-off)的关系。 在群落和生态系统水平上,NP与MRT之间也存在相互协调关系,不同水平上的NUE之间也存在一定的联系。除了在种间存在这种关系外,通过对多伦县和十三里滩两种针茅(大针茅、克氏针茅)的氮素利用特征的研究,发现在种内,NP与MRT之间也存在这种相互协调关系。NUE与土壤供氮能力有关,随着土壤供氮能力的下降,NUE呈上升趋势。植物的NUE不仅与土壤的供氮能力有关,其它因素如土壤水分供应状况也会对植物的NUE产生影响,例如,与生长在河岸上的植物相比,生长在河滩湿地上的植物具有较高的NP,但MRT却较低。在群落中,不同植物个体的NUE及其组成参数NP和MRT也存在较大的差异,较大的植株具有较高的NP和MRT,因而NUE也高于个体较小的植株。本文研究结果表明,植物的NUE与氮素回收转移特性密切相关,植物提高氮素回收效率(nitrogen resorption efficiency,NRE)可以延长MRT,从而提高NUE。
养分回收是植物衰老时,养分从衰老组织向活的组织体转移的一种过程。该过程延长了养分在植物体内的滞留时间,提高了植物保持养分的能力,因此是植物适应养分贫瘠生境的策略之一。全球气候变化,包括降水格局改变和氮(N)沉降增加,改变了生态系统正常的生物地球化学循环,因此可能会对植物的养分回收特性产生影响。研究不同N、磷(P)、水梯度上,植物物种养分回收特性的响应格局,对于预测N沉降增加和降水格局改变对物种养分利用策略的潜在影响,具有一定的理论与实践意义。本研究以中国科学院植物研究所多伦恢复生态学实验站长期施N肥实验(0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64 g N m-2 yr-1等8个水平)为研究平台研究了克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)群落中优势植物养分回收随N素添加梯度的变化,同时结合三个盆栽控制实验(施N肥实验:0,0.5,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 g N m-2等10个水平;施P肥实验:梯度同施N肥实验;控水实验:3600,4000,4500,5143,6000,7200,9000,12000,18000,36000 mL pot-1等10个水平),主要探讨了羊草(Leymus chinensis)养分回收效率(从衰老组织中回收转移的养分百分数,RE)和养分回收度(以枯叶中养分浓度衡量,RP)以及其它叶片养分特性(绿叶养分浓度和比叶面积SLA)对环境因子改变的响应格局。同时,我们还调查了枯叶C:N比和C:P比等参数,研究环境因子改变对凋落物分解的影响。 1)连续4年施N肥显著降低了五个物种叶片N素回收度(NRP),对P素回收度(PRP)的影响在各物种间差异较大,但低N提高了多数物种的PRP;物种间,冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)RP(枯叶N和P浓度分别为14.3±2.0 mg g-1和0.68±0.09 mg g-1)最低,砂韭(Allium bidentatum)(N:5.2±0.2 mg g-1,P:0.12±0.01 mg g-1)最高。沿施N梯度,N素回收效率(NRE)的变化趋势在物种间差异较小但在方法间(叶干重水平,叶面积水平和单株水平)差异较大,而P素回收效率(PRE)的变化在物种间和方法间差别都较大。叶干重水平和叶面积水平上,NRE在四个物种中表现出显著降低的趋势,PRE只在糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)和星毛委陵菜(Potentilla acaulis)中显著降低,其它三个物种变化不显著。单株水平上,所有物种NRE(除了克氏针茅)和PRE均与施N量梯度无显著性关系。物种间,砂韭的RE最高(>80.0%),冷蒿和星毛委陵菜最低(<60.0%)。方法间,叶片水平上的RE均高于单株水平上。沿施N肥梯度,两个禾本科物种SLA无显著变化规律,而其它三个物种SLA表现出先增加后变化不大的趋势。物种间,最高和最低的SLA分别表现在冷蒿和克氏针茅。沿施N肥梯度,五个物种C:N比呈先显著降低后缓慢降低的趋势。物种间,最大和最小的C:N比分别出现在砂韭和冷蒿。 2)盆栽施N肥实验中,一定范围内,施N肥显著提高了羊草地上地下生物量、SLA和绿叶N浓度,显著降低了C:N比、NRP、NRE和PRE,但对绿叶P浓度、叶片PRP和C:P比无明显影响。平均枯叶N浓度和枯叶P浓度分别为16.2 mg g-1和1.01 mg g-1,平均NRE和PRE分别为46.1﹪和58.1﹪。10月时,地下生物量和养分积累均高于地上部分。 3)盆栽施P肥实验中,一定范围内,施P肥显著地提高了羊草地上地下生物量、SLA、绿叶N浓度和绿叶P浓度,显著降低了C:N比、C:P比、NRP、PRP和PRE,但对NRE无显著影响。平均枯叶N浓度和枯叶P浓度分别为9.9 mg g-1和7.43 mg g-1,平均NRE和PRE分别为58.2﹪,平均PRE为56.1﹪。10月时地下部分生物量和N库积累均高于地上部分,而P库在两个部分间差别不大。 4)盆栽控水实验中,一定范围内,供水量增加显著增加了羊草地上地下生物量、SLA、NRP、PRP、PRE、C:N比和C:P比,显著降低了绿叶N浓度,但对绿叶P浓度和NRE无显著性影响。平均枯叶N浓度和枯叶P浓度分别为10.4 mg g-1和0.32 mg g-1,平均NRE和PRE分别为54.4﹪和76.8﹪。10月时,地下部分生物量和养分积累均高于地上部分。 以上结果表明,N、P和水分因子的改变影响了植物生物量和养分分配、叶片养分特性、养分回收能力以及枯叶分解质量等,且不同梯度影响程度也不同。因此,未来全球变化包括N沉降增加和降水格局改变可能影响植物养分利用策略和凋落物分解特性,进而可能对植被-土壤系统养分循环产生影响。
Bone as most of living tissues is able, during its entire lifetime, to adapt its internal microstructure and subsequently its associated mechanical properties to the specific mechanical and physiological environment in a process commonly known as bone remodelling. Bone is therefore continuously renewed and microdamage removed minimizing the risk of fracture. Bone remodelling is controlled by mechanical and metabolical stimuli. In this paper, we introduce a new model of bone remodelling that takes into account both types of influences. The predicted results show a good correspondence with experimental and clinical data. For example, in disuse, bone porosity increases until an equilibrium situation, while, in overloading, decreases unless the damage rate is so high that causes resorption and "stress fracture". This model has been employed to predict bone adaptation in the proximal femur after total hip replacement proving its consistence and good correspondence with well-known clinical experiences.
Small pelagic fish play a very important role in human nutrition and health. Lipids of these fish differ remarkably from plant and other animal lipids. The aim of the study was to describe the proximate composition of thirty-three small pelagic fish species commonly available in Sri Lanka. Fish species were collected from Negombo and Chillaw fish landing sites and subjected to analysis for moisture, ash, protein and total lipid content. Tiger tooth croaker (Otolithus ruber) was found to have the highest moisture percentage (80.0%) followed by Clarias sp. (78.9%), Indian anchovy (Steloporus indicus) and Comerson's anchovy (Stelophorus commersonii), (78%). The lowest percentage of moisture, 69.4%, was recorded in white sardinella (Sardinella albella). Indian ilisha (Ilisha melastoma) was found to have the highest amount of ash (10.1%) followed by Otolithus sp. (8%) and big-eye barracuda contained the least amount (2.5%). Carassius Carassius, pick handle barracuda (Sphyraena jello) and Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) contained higher amounts of protein, 24.3, 20.6 and 19.2% respectively. The lowest protein content (10.1%) was found in Indian scad (Decapterus russelli). The protein content of the fish was in the range of 13-15%. The results revealed that the small fish are moderate protein sources. The total lipid content varied between 0.6-8%. White sardinella recorded the highest percentage of lipid (8%) where tiger tooth croaker contained the lowest percentage (0.6 %). The study showed high fatty species to contain low amount of moisture and vice versa establishing an inverse relation between fat and moisture quantitatively.
Humans perform fascinating science experiments at home on a daily basis when they undertake the modification of natural and naturally-derived materials by a cooking process prior to consumption. The material properties of such foods are of interest to food scientists (texture is often fundamental to food acceptability), oral biologists (foods modulate feeding behavior), anthropologists (cooking is probably as old as the genus Homo and distinguishes us from all other creatures) and dentists (foods interact with tooth and tooth replacement materials). Materials scientists may be interested in the drastic changes in food properties observed over relatively short cooking times. In the current study, the mechanical properties of one of the most common (and oldest at 4,000+ years) foods on earth, the noodle, were examined as a function of cooking time. Two types of noodles were studied, each made from natural materials (wheat flour, salt, alkali and water) by kneading dough and passing them through a pasta-making machine. These were boiled for between 2-14 min and tested at regular intervals from raw to an overcooked state. Cyclic tensile tests at small strain levels were used to examine energy dissipation characteristics. Energy dissipation was >50% per cycle in uncooked noodles, but decreased by an order of magnitude with cooking. Fractional dissipation values remained approximately constant at cooking times greater than 7 min. Overall, a greater effect of cooking was on viscoplastic dissipation characteristics rather than on fracture resistance. The results of the current study plot the evolution of a viscoplastic mixture into an essentially elastic material in the space of 7 minutes and have broad implications for understanding what cooking does to food materials. In particular, they suggest that textural assessment by consumers of the optimally cooked state of food has a definite physical definition. © 2007 Materials Research Society.
The biological characteristics and population dynamisms of Sphyraena putnamae, were studied in the northern Persian Gulf and Oman Sea restricted to Hormuzgan province waters within 13 months period, from November 2006 up to November 2007. Biometrical and anatomical measurements were carried out, and biological surveys were conducted on 486 specimens. On the other hand, the growth and mortality parameters were estimated by using 3096 samples. These samples were collected from 3 landings, namely Bandar Abbas, Bandar Lengeh and Bandar Jask. The measurements of the minimum and maximum Fork lengths and weights were 11.7 to 8.03 cm and 135.0 to 4140.0 g, respectively. The results indicated that this species, having the Relative Length of Gut, RLG=0.34±0.002, is strongly carnivorous (often fish-eater), proven by the fact that more than 98% of its stomach contents were fish pieces. Examining the changes in the index of stomach emptiness by the percentage of CV = 0.47% indicates that this fish is Moderate feeder. The level of feeding increased in March, before spawning and decreased in June and September, simultaneously with the spawning season. There are 2 peaks of reproduction or spawning seasons during the months of April-May and September, of which the prior is assumed as the main spawning. The sex ratio (M:F) was calculated 0.5:1.0(X2 =2.11), which did not show a significant difference with expected level of 1:1 (P>0.05). The average absolute and relative reproduction rates of Sphyraena putnamae is respectively as follows: 1866827.1±255448.9 and 1097.7±94.3. The highest and the lowest diameter of matured egg are from 200 to 750 μ, and its average diameter is 402.10 ± 0.190 μ. A parameter for Saw-tooth barracuda length measurement, Lm50, based on the Fork-length, was calculated as 54.01 cm. In other words, as far as the fisheries management is concerned, the fish whose lengths are less than 54.01 cm should not be caught. The calculated level of (R2) (correlations of total length & weight), indicated strong correlations between length and weight of this fish, and the obtained formula included W =0.007100 FL 2.9295 and reinforced this assumption. The “K” Index for this fish in 3 above mentioned landings (Jask, Bandar-Abbas and Bandar-Length) were 1.24, 0.37 and 0.46 per year, respectively and the FL index for the same landings were estimated as 129, 110 and 134 cm, respectively. The growth coefficient (MONRO) for the above mentioned regions were calculated as 3.601, 3.647 and 3.917, respectively; and in the surveyed regions there were no significant differences in populations. The Total mortality coefficient (Z) was calculated 0.76, 1.12 and 1.07 per year, the Natural mortality coefficient was 0.46, 0.63 and 0.70, and the Fishing mortality coefficient (rate) (F) was found to be 0.30, 0.49 and 0.37 per year. The value of the exploitation rate (E) is equal to 0.39 per year, indicating that this species is an under-exploited resource, and there is no excessive fishing pressure on the fish supply of this species in the afore-said regions. The highest level of exploitation was found for ‘Bandar Abbas’ fishing region and the lowest level of exploitation is in ‘Bandar Lengeh’ waters.
Hybrid numerical large eddy simulation (NLES) and detached eddy simulation (DES) methods are assessed on a labyrinth seal geometry. A high sixth order discretization scheme is used and is validated using a test case of a two dimensional vortex. The hybrid approach adopts a new blending function and along with DES is initially validated using a simple cavity flow. The NLES method is also validated outside of RANS zones. It is found that there is very little resolved turbulence in the cavity for the DES simulation. For the labyrinth seal calculations the DES approach is problematic giving virtually no resolved turbulence content. It is seen that over the tooth tips the extent of the LES region is small and is likely to be a strong contributor to excessive flow damping in these regions. On the other hand the zonal Hamilton-Jacobi approach did not suffer from this trait. In both cases the meshes used are considered to be hybrid RANS-LES adequate. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) the DES profiles are in agreement with the time mean experimental measurements. It is concluded that for an inexperienced CFD practitioner this could have wider implications particularly if transient results such as unsteady loading are desired. Copyright © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.