986 resultados para Thickness measurement


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Work stress is after musculoskeletal disorders the second most common work-related health problem in the European Union, affecting 28% of EU employees. Furthermore, a 50% excessive cardiovascular disease risk among employees with work stress is reported. High job demands combined with low job control according to the Job Demands-Job Control model, or high effort combined with low rewards according to Effort-Reward Imbalance model, are likely to produce work stress in the majority of employees. Atherosclerotic wall thickening is a validated marker of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This study examined the role of childhood and adolescent factors as antecedents of work stress and early atherosclerosis, and in the relationship between them. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study, (the CRYF project) started in 1980 when the participants were at the age of three to 18 years. Follow-ups have been conducted every three years until 1992, after that in 1997 and 2001, and the latest is ongoing in 2008. The participants parents reported their socioeconomic position in 1980 and 1983, and their life satisfaction in 1983. Biological risk factors were measured in 1980 and 2001. Type A behaviour was reported in 1986, 1989 and 2001. In the 2001 follow-up when the participants were aged 24 to 39, work stress was assessed from responses to questionnaires on job demands-job control and effort-reward imbalance, and education. Ultrasound measurement of the carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) was used to assess atherosclerosis. There were 755, 746, 1014 and 494 participants in studies I-IV, respectively. The results showed that low parental socioeconomic position and parental life dissatisfaction during childhood and adolescence predicted higher levels of job strain 18 years later, and that education mediated the relationship between parental socioeconomic position and job strain. Childhood and adolescent family factors were not related to the effort-reward imbalance. Parental life satisfaction was associated with high rewards at work among the men, and high parental socioeconomic position was associated with high reward among the women. Among the men, the eagerness-energy component of Type A behaviour across different developmental periods predicted increased CIMT. Among the women, hard-driving component of Type A behaviour predicted decreased CIMT. Low leadership characteristic in adolescence and early adulthood was associated with both high job strain and increased CIMT, and attenuated the relationship between job strain and CIMT to non-significance in men. The current findings add to the literature on the relationship between job strain and health literature in adopting a developmental perspective. The results imply that work stress does not completely originate from work. There are childhood and adolescent environmental and dispositional effects on work stress and CIMT several years later, and these partly seem to operate through educational attainment.


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Whilst the topic of soil salinity has received a substantive research effort over the years, the accurate measurement and interpretation of salinity tolerance data remain problematic. The tolerance of four perennial grass species (non-halophytes) to sodium chloride (NaCl) dominated salinity was determined in a free-flowing sand culture system. Although the salinity tolerance of non-halophytes is often represented by the threshold salinity model (bent-stick model), none of the species in the current study displayed any observable salinity threshold. Further, the observed yield decrease was not linear as suggested by the model. On re-examination of earlier datasets, we conclude that the threshold salinity model does not adequately describe the physiological processes limiting growth of non-halophytes in saline soils. Therefore, the use of the threshold salinity model is not recommended for non-halophytes, but rather, a model which more accurately reflects the physiological response observed in these saline soils, such as an exponential regression curve.


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Atherosclerosis is the main underlying pathology of coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is a serious health problem in Finland, and it is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries. Psychological stress correlates with coronary heart disease events – myocardial infarction and sudden death, which are the most common clinical syndromes of atherosclerotic narrowing of arteries. The present series of studies examines the interaction between stress and endothelial function in relation to atherosclerosis. The study also aims to give new information on the mechanisms through which stress has its effect on atherosclerosis progression, focusing on possible relations between psychological stress and the functioning of the endothelium. Our project is based on data from one of the largest national epidemiological studies, the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study, which has monitored the development of risk factors for coronary heart disease in 3596 young adults since 1980. The present study combines experimental stress research with epidemiology and uses an advanced method for examining atherosclerosis development in healthy subjects (intima-media thickness ultrasound measurement). The physiological parameters used were heart rate, respiratory sinus arrhythmia and pre-ejection period. Chronic stress was assessed by vital exhaustion. The ultrasound measurements that served as the indexes of preclinical atherosclerosis were carotid intima-media thickness, brachial flow-mediated dilatation and carotid artery compliance. The effects of cardiovascular risk factors found to be important were taken into account: serum cholesterols level, triglyceride level, serum insulin level and systolic and diastolic blood pressure. There were 69, 1596, 81 and 1721 participants in studies I-IV, respectively. The results showed that both chronic and acute stress may exert an effect on atherosclerosis in subjects with impaired endothelial responses. The findings are consistent with the idea that risk factors are more harmful if the endothelium is not working properly. Chronic stress was found to be a risk if it has resulted in ineffective cardiac stress reactivity or delayed recovery. Men were shown to be at increased risk for atherosclerotic progression in early life, which suggests men’s decreased stress coping ability in relation to stressful psychosocial coronary risk factors. Autonomic imbalance may be the common mechanism of the stress influence on atherosclerosis development. The results of the present study contain background information for the identification the first stages of atherosclerosis, and they may be useful for preventive medicine programs for young adults and could help to improve cardiovascular health in Finland as well as in other countries.


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The short duration of the Doppler signal and noise content in it necessitate a validation scheme to be incorporated in the electronic processor used for frequency measurement, There are several different validation schemes that can be employed in period timing devices. A detailed study of the influence of these validation schemes on the measured frequency has been reported here. These studies were carried out by using a combination of a fast A/D converter and computer. Doppler bursts obtained from an air flow were digitised and stored on magnetic discs. Suitable computer programs were then used to simulate the performance of period timing devices with different validation schemes and the frequency of the stored bursts were evaluated. It is found that best results are obtained when the validation scheme enables frequency measurement to be made over a large number of cycles within the burst.


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Coalescence between two droplets in a turbulent liquid-liquid dispersion is generally viewed as a consequence of forces exerted on the drop-pair squeezing out the intervening continuous phase to a critical thickness. A new synthesis is proposed herein which models the film drainage as a stochastic process driven by a suitably idealized random process for the fluctuating force. While the true test of the model lies in detailed parameter estimations with measurement of drop-size distributions in coalescing dispersions, experimental measurements on average coalescence frequencies lend preliminary support to the model.


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Objective This study explored the dimensionality and measurement invariance of the 25-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC; Connor & Davidson, 2003) across samples of adult (n = 321; aged 20–36) and adolescent (n = 199; aged 12–18) Australian cricketers. Design Cross-sectional, self-report survey Methods An online, multi-section questionnaire. Results Confirmatory factor and item level analyses supported the psychometric superiority of a revised 10-item, unidimensional model of resilience over the original 25-item, five-factor measurement model. Positive and moderate correlations with hardiness as well as negative and moderate correlations with burnout components were evidenced thereby providing support for the convergent validity of the unidimensional model. Measurement invariance analyses of the unidimensional model across the two age-group samples supported configural (i.e., same factor structure across groups), metric (i.e., same pattern of factor loadings across the groups), and partial scalar invariance (i.e., mostly the same intercepts across the groups). Conclusion Evidence for a psychometrically sound measure of resilient qualities of the individual provides an important foundation upon which researchers can identify the antecedents to and outcomes of resilience in sport contexts.


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We discuss the inverse problem associated with the propagation of the field autocorrelation of light through a highly scattering object like tissue. In the first part of the work, we reconstructed the optical absorption coefficient mu(u) and particle diffusion coefficient D-B from simulated measurements which are integrals of a quantity computed from the measured intensity and intensity autocorrelation g(2)(tau) at the boundary. In the second part we recover the mean square displacement (MSD) distribution of particles in an inhomogeneous object from the sampled g(2)(tau) measure on the boundary. From the MSD, we compute the storage and loss moduli distributions in the object. We have devised computationally easy methods to construct the sensitivity matrices which are used in the iterative reconstruction algorithms for recovering these parameters from the measurements. The results of the reconstruction of mu(a), D-B, MSD and the viscoelastic parameters, which are presented, show reasonable good position and quantitative accuracy.


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To strive to improve the rehabilitation program of individuals with transfemoral amputation fitted with bone-anchored prosthesis based on data from direct measurements of the load applied on the residuum we first of all need to understand the load applied on the fixation. Therefore the load applied on the residuum was first directly measured during standardized activities of daily living such as straight line level walking, ascending and descending stairs and a ramp and walking around a circle. From measuring the load in standardized activities of daily living the load was also measured during different phases of the rehabilitation program such as during walking with walking aids and during load bearing exercises.[1-15] The rehabilitation program for individuals with a transfemoral amputation fitted with an OPRA implant relies on a combination of dynamic and static load bearing exercises.[16-20] This presentation will focus on the study of a set of experimental static load bearing exercises. [1] A group of eleven individuals with unilateral transfemoral amputation fitted with an OPRA implant participated in this study. The load on the implant during the static load bearing exercises was measured using a portable system including a commercial transducer embedded in a short pylon, a laptop and a customized software package. This apparatus was previously shown effective in a proof-of-concept study published by Prof. Frossard. [1-9] The analysis of the static load bearing exercises included an analysis of the reliability as well as the loading compliance. The analysis of the loading reliability showed a high reliability between the loading sessions indicating a correct repetition of the LBE by the participants. [1, 5] The analysis of the loading compliance showed a significant lack of axial compliance leading to a systematic underloading of the long axis of the implant during the proposed experimental static LBE.


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Background The purpose of this presentation is to outline the relevance of the categorization of the load regime data to assess the functional output and usage of the prosthesis of lower limb amputees. The objectives are • To highlight the need for categorisation of activities of daily living • To present a categorization of load regime applied on residuum, • To present some descriptors of the four types of activity that could be detected, • To provide an example the results for a case. Methods The load applied on the osseointegrated fixation of one transfemoral amputee was recorded using a portable kinetic system for 5 hours. The load applied on the residuum was divided in four types of activities corresponding to inactivity, stationary loading, localized locomotion and directional locomotion as detailed in previously publications. Results The periods of directional locomotion, localized locomotion, and stationary loading occurred 44%, 34%, and 22% of recording time and each accounted for 51%, 38%, and 12% of the duration of the periods of activity, respectively. The absolute maximum force during directional locomotion, localized locomotion, and stationary loading was 19%, 15%, and 8% of the body weight on the anteroposterior axis, 20%, 19%, and 12% on the mediolateral axis, and 121%, 106%, and 99% on the long axis. A total of 2,783 gait cycles were recorded. Discussion Approximately 10% more gait cycles and 50% more of the total impulse than conventional analyses were identified. The proposed categorization and apparatus have the potential to complement conventional instruments, particularly for difficult cases.


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Online dynamic load modeling has become possible with the availability of Static Voltage Compensator (SVC) and Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) devices. The power of the load response to the small random bounded voltage fluctuations caused from SVC can be measured by PMU for modelling purposes. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the capability of identifying an aggregated load model from high voltage substation level in the online environment. The induction motor is used as the main test subject since it contributes the majority of the dynamic loads. A test system representing simple electromechanical generator model serving dynamic loads through the transmission network is used to verify the proposed method. Also, dynamic load with multiple induction motors are modeled to achieve a better realistic load representation.


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This is an experimental and theoretical Study of a laminar separation bubble and the associated linear stability mechanisms. Experiments were performed over a flat plate kept in a wind tunnel, with an imposed pressure gradient typical of an aerofoil that would involve a laminar separation bubble. The separation bubble was characterized by measurement of surface-pressure distribution and streamwise velocity using hot-wire anemometry. Single component hot-wire anemometry was also used for a detailed study of the transition dynamics. It was foundthat the so-called dead-air region in the front portion of the bubble corresponded to a region of small disturbance amplitudes, with the amplitude reaching a maximum value close to the reattachment point. An exponential growth rate of the disturbance was seen in the region upstream of the mean maximum height of the bubble, and this was indicative of a linear instability mechanism at work. An infinitesimal disturbance was impulsively introduced into the boundary layer upstream of separation location, and the wave packet was tracked (in an ensemble-averaged sense) while it was getting advected downstream. The disturbance was found to be convective in nature. Linear stability analyses (both the Orr-Sommerfeld and Rayleigh calculations) were performed for mean velocity profiles, starting from an attached adverse-pressure-gradient boundary layer all the way up to the front portion of the separation-bubble region (i.e. up to the end of the dead-air region in which linear evolution of the disturbance could be expected). The conclusion from the present work is that the primary instability mechanism in a separation bubble is inflectional in nature, and its origin can be traced back to upstream of the separation location. In other words, the inviscid inflectional instability of the separated shear layer should be logically seen as an extension of the instability of the upstream attached adverse-pressure-gradient boundary layer. This modifies the traditional view that pegs the origin of the instability in a separation bubble to the detached shear layer Outside the bubble, with its associated Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism. We contendthat only when the separated shear layer has moved considerably away from the wall (and this happens near the maximum-height location of the mean bubble), a description by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability paradigm, with its associated scaling principles, Could become relevant. We also propose a new scaling for the most amplified frequency for a wall-bounded shear layer in terms of the inflection-point height and the vorticity thickness and show it to be universal.