938 resultados para The waves
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The effects of a temperature dependent viscosity in surface nonlinear waves propagating in a shallow fluid heated from below are investigated. It is shown that the (2+1)-dimensional Burgers equation may appear as the equation governing the upper free surface perturbations of a Bénard system, even when the viscosity is assumed to depend on temperature. The critical Rayleigh number for the appearance of waves governed by the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, however, will be smaller than R=30, which is the critical number obtained for a constant viscosity. © 1992.
During 9-11 August 1988, a cyclone developed over Uruguay in the lee of the Andes Mountains and moved over the South Atlantic Ocean, where it redeveloped into an intense storm. This storm was responsible for unusual wave activity along the Brazilian shoreline from 22° to 32°S. The Brazilian news media reported the loss of at least one life, waves of 3 m and higher, and the disappearance of a drainage pipe, which weighed 8000 kg, off the shores of Rio de Janeiro. In this paper, the evolution of this intense storm and the associated ocean wave response is studied through European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts analyses, a hydrostatic limited-area meteorological model, and a second-generation prognostic wave model. The atmospheric model results indicated the presence of a long-lived and large fetch with surface wind velocities higher than 12 m s -1 directed toward the coast. Some areas with velocities of 20 m s -1 were embedded in the fetch. The wave model forced by this wind field was able to simulate waves with a significant height of 8 m far from the coast and about 4 m in regions very close to the Brazilian coast in agreement with the occurrence reported at Rio de Janeiro. The swell propagation toward the coast of Rio de Janeiro was obstructed by a northeastward 10-m wind during the first 24-h period of the model's integration. During the second 24-h period, the fetch was still large and strong, but the obstacle was removed by a counterclockwise rotation of wind direction favoring the swell and windsea propagation toward the Rio de Janeiro coast.
We study a one-dimensional extended Peierls-Hubbard model coupled to intracell and intercell phonons for a half-filled band. The calculations are made using the Hartree-Fock and adiabatic approximations for arbitrary temperature. In addition to static spin, charge, and bond density waves, we predict intermediate phases that lack inversion symmetry, and phase transitions that reduce symmetry on increasing temperature.
We apply a multiple-time version of the reductive perturbation method to study long waves as governed by the shallow water wave model equation. As a consequence of the requirement of a secularity-free perturbation theory, we show that the well known N-soliton dynamics of the shallow water wave equation, in the particular case of α = 2β, can be reduced to the N-soliton solution that satisfies simultaneously all equations of the Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy.
The modal and nonmodal linear properties of the Hasegawa-Wakatani system are examined. This linear model for plasma drift waves is nonnormal in the sense of not having a complete set of orthogonal eigenvectors. A consequence of nonnormality is that finite-time nonmodal growth rates can be larger than modal growth rates. In this system, the nonmodal time-dependent behavior depends strongly on the adiabatic parameter and the time scale of interest. For small values of the adiabatic parameter and short time scales, the nonmodal growth rates, wave number, and phase shifts (between the density and potential fluctuations) are time dependent and differ from those obtained by normal mode analysis. On a given time scale, when the adiabatic parameter is less than a critical value, the drift waves are dominated by nonmodal effects while for values of the adiabatic parameter greater than the critical value, the behavior is that given by normal mode analysis. The critical adiabatic parameter decreases with time and modal behavior eventually dominates. The nonmodal linear properties of the Hasegawa-Wakatani system may help to explain features of the full system previously attributed to nonlinearity.
The solutions of a renormalized BCS equation are studied in three space dimensions in s, p and d waves for finite-range separable potentials in the weak to medium coupling region. In the weak-coupling limit, the present BCS model yields a small coherence length ξ and a large critical temperature, T c, appropriate for some high-T c materials. The BCS gap, T c, ξ and specific heat C s(T c) as a function of zero-temperature condensation energy are found to exhibit potential-independent universal scalings. The entropy, specific heat, spin susceptibility and penetration depth as a function of temperature exhibit universal scaling below T c in p and d waves.
Water waves generated by a solid mass is a complex phenomenon discussed in this paper by numerical and experimental approaches. A model based on shallow water equations with shocks (Saint Venant) has developed. It can reproduce the amplitude and the energy of the wave quite well, but because it consistently generates a hydraulic jump, it is able to reproduce the profile, in the case of high relative thickness of slide, but in the case of small relative thickness it is unable to reproduce the amplitude of the wave. As the momentum conservation is not verified during the phase of wave creation, a second technique based on discharge transfer coefficient α, is introduced at the zone of impact. Numerical tests have been performed and validated this technique from the experimental results of the wave's height obtained in a flume.
There is controversy over how hormonal conditions influence cerebral physiology. We studied pattern-shift visual evoked potentials (PS-VEP), brain stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) and short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEV) in 20 female volunteers at different phases of the menstrual cycle (estrogen phase, ovulatory day and progesterone phase). Statistical analysis showed decreased latencies for P 100 (PS-VEP), N 19and P 22 (SSEV) waves in the progesterone phase compared with the estrogen phase. There was no significant difference between the estrogen and the ovulation day values. Comparing the three above stages, there were no significant differences in the brainstem auditory evoked potentials. The reduction of the latencies of the potentials generated in multisynaptic circuits provides the first consistent neurophysiological basis for a tentative comprehension of human pre-menstrual syndrome.
The linear properties of an electromagnetic drift-wave model are examined. The linear system is non-normal in that its eigenvectors are not orthogonal with respect to the energy inner product. The non-normality of the linear evolution operator can lead to enhanced finite-time growth rates compared to modal growth rates. Previous work with an electrostatic drift-wave model found that nonmodal behavior is important in the hydrodynamic limit. Here, similar behavior is seen in the hydrodynamic regime even with the addition of magnetic fluctuations. However, unlike the results for the electrostatic drift-wave model, nonmodal behavior is also important in the adiabatic regime with moderate to strong magnetic fluctuations. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.
The criteria for the occurrence of roll wave phenomenon in the supercritical and turbulent Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows from the engineering point of view was analyzed. Imposing a constant discharge at the upstream of the canal and superposing a small perturbation, it was observed that roll waves can be developed more easily for small wave numbers and for high cohesions. Moreover, from the mathematical model used, it was demonstrated that the numerical viscosity was 10 times the physical viscosity.
Water waves generated by landslides were long menace in certain localities and the study of this phenomenon were carried out at an accelerated rate in the last decades. Nevertheless, the phase of wave creation was found to be very complex. As such, a numerical model based on Boussinesq equations was used to describe water waves generated by local disturbance. This numerical model takes in account the vertical acceleration of the particles and considers higher orders derivate terms previously neglected by Boussinesq, so that in the generation zone, this model can support high relative amplitude of waves.
We establish a Green-Nagdhi model equation for capillary-gravity waves in (2+1) dimensions. Through the derivation of an asymptotic equation governing short-wave dynamics, we show that this system possesses (1 + 1) traveling-wave solutions for almost all the values of the Bond number θ (the special case θ=1/3 is not studied). These waves become singular when their amplitude is larger than a threshold value, related to the velocity of the wave. The limit angle at the crest is then calculated. The stability of a wave train is also studied via a Benjamin-Feir modulational analysis. ©2005 The American Physical Society.
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of barbiturate, benzodiazepine and ketamine on flash-evoked potentials (F-VEP) in adult rabbits. A total of 36 animals were studied, 16 after pentobarbital endovenous (EV) inffusion, 10 after midazolam EV administration, and 10 after ketamine EV inffusion. Pentobarbital induced triphasic F-VEP, first negative (N1), secondpositive (P1), third negative (N2) waves, all with large amplitudes and P1 with well-defined morphology. Mean P1 latency was 33ms. Midazolam induced similar but less defind triphasic waves, with mean latency of 27ms. Ketamine induced poliphasic and poorly defined F-VEP, with mean first positive (P1) latency of 27ms. Statistical analysis showed more elongated latency for the pentobarbital group than the midazolam and ketamine groups. The results of this study suggest that the pharmacological effects of pentobarbital and midazolam on GABA neurotransmission in rabbit visual cortex may be different; another neurotransmission system, possibly cholinergic, may be involved. The ketamine effect seen in rabbit visual cortex seems to be different from pentobarbital and midazolam.
This work presents the implementation of the ultrasonic shear reflectance method for viscosity measurement of Newtonian liquids using wave mode conversion from longitudinal to shear waves and vice-versa. The method is based on measuring the complex reflection coefficient (magnitude and phase) at a solid-liquid interface. Viscosity measurements were made in the range from 1 to 3.5MHz at 22.5°C for automotive oil (SAE40) and at 15°C for olive oil. Moreover, measurements of the olive oil were also conducted in the range from 15 to 30°C at 3.5MHz. The experimental results agree with those provided by a rotational viscometer. © 2006 IEEE.