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The magnetic structure of the [Cu4(bpy)4(aspartate)2(H2O)3](ClO4)4·2.5 H2Ocrystal - using fractional coordinates determined at room-temperature ¿ has beenanalysed in detail. This analysis has been carried out by extending our first principlesbottom-up theoretical approach, which was initially designed to study through-spacemagnetic interactions, to handle through-bond magnetic interactions. The only input datarequired by this approach are the values of the computed JAB exchange parameters for allthe unique pairs of spin-containing centres. The results allow the magnetic structure ofthe crystal, which presents two types of isolated tetranuclear CuII clusters, to be definedin quantitative terms. Each of these clusters presents ferro and antiferromagneticinteractions, the former being stronger, although outnumbered by the latter. Thecomputed magnetic susceptibility curve shows the same qualitative features as theexperimental data. However, there are small differences that are presumed to beassociated with the use of room-temperature crystal coordinates.
INTRODUCTION: The importance of the micromovements in the mechanism of aseptic loosening is clinically difficult to evaluate. To complete the analysis of a series of total knee arthroplasties (TKA), we used a tridimensional numerical model to study the micromovements of the tibial implant. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty one patients (with 57 cemented Porous Coated Anatomic TKAs) were reviewed (mean follow-up 4.5 year). Radiolucency at the tibial bone-cement interface was sought on the AP radiographs and divided in 7 areas. The distribution of the radiolucency was then correlated with the axis of the lower limb as measured on the orthoradiograms. The tridimensional numerical model is based on the finite element method. It allowed the measurement of the cemented prosthetic tibial implant's displacements and the micromovements generated at bone-ciment interface. A total load (2000 Newton) was applied at first vertically and asymetrically on the tibial plateau, thereby simulating an axial deviation of the lower limbs. The vector's posterior inclination then permitted the addition of a tangential component to the axial load. This type of effort is generated by complex biomechanical phenomena such as knee flexion. RESULTS: 81 per cent of the 57 knees had a radiolucent line of at least 1 mm, at one or more of the tibial cement-epiphysis jonctional areas. The distribution of these lucent lines showed that they came out more frequently at the periphery of the implant. The lucent lines appeared most often under the unloaded margin of the tibial plateau, when axial deviation of lower limbs was present. Numerical simulations showed that asymetrical loading on the tibial plateau induced a subsidence of the loaded margin (0-100 microns) and lifting off at the opposite border (0-70 microns). The postero-anterior tangential component induced an anterior displacement of the tibial implant (160-220 microns), and horizontal micromovements with non homogenous distribution at the bone-ciment interface (28-54 microns). DISCUSSION: Comparison of clinical and numerical results showed a relation between the development of radiolucent lines and the unloading of the tibial implant's margin. The deleterious effect of lower limbs' axial deviation is thereby proven. The irregular distribution of lucent lines under the tibial plateau was similar of the micromovements' repartition at the bone-cement interface when tangential forces were present. A causative relation between the two phenomenaes could not however be established. Numerical simulation is a truly useful method of study; it permits to calculate micromovements which are relative, non homogenous and of very low amplitude. However, comparative clinical studies remain as essential to ensure the credibility of results.
PURPOSE: Mutations within the KRAS proto-oncogene have predictive value but are of uncertain prognostic value in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer. We took advantage of PETACC-3, an adjuvant trial with 3,278 patients with stage II to III colon cancer, to evaluate the prognostic value of KRAS and BRAF tumor mutation status in this setting. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blocks (n = 1,564) were prospectively collected and DNA was extracted from tissue sections from 1,404 cases. Planned analysis of KRAS exon 2 and BRAF exon 15 mutations was performed by allele-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction. Survival analyses were based on univariate and multivariate proportional hazard regression models. RESULTS: KRAS and BRAF tumor mutation rates were 37.0% and 7.9%, respectively, and were not significantly different according to tumor stage. In a multivariate analysis containing stage, tumor site, nodal status, sex, age, grade, and microsatellite instability (MSI) status, KRAS mutation was associated with grade (P = .0016), while BRAF mutation was significantly associated with female sex (P = .017), and highly significantly associated with right-sided tumors, older age, high grade, and MSI-high tumors (all P < 10(-4)). In univariate and multivariate analysis, KRAS mutations did not have a major prognostic value regarding relapse-free survival (RFS) or overall survival (OS). BRAF mutation was not prognostic for RFS, but was for OS, particularly in patients with MSI-low (MSI-L) and stable (MSI-S) tumors (hazard ratio, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.4 to 3.4; P = .0003). CONCLUSION: In stage II-III colon cancer, the KRAS mutation status does not have major prognostic value. BRAF is prognostic for OS in MS-L/S tumors.
Introduction: Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) represent a heterogeneous disease with variable clinical outcome. Identifying phenotypic biomarkers of tumor cells on paraffin sections that predict different clinical outcome remain an important goal that may also help to better understand the biology of this lymphoma. Differentiating non-germinal centre B-cell-like (non-GCB) from Germinal Centre B-cell-like (GCB) DLBCL according to Hans algorithm has been considered as an important immunohistochemical biomarker with prognostic value among patients treated with R-CHOP although not reproducibly found by all groups. Gene expression studies have also shown that IgM expression might be used as a surrogate for the GCB and ABC subtypes with a strong preferential expression of IgM in ABC DLBCL subtype. ImmunoFISH index based on the differential expression of MUM-1, FOXP1 by immunohistochemistry and on the BCL6 rearrangement by FISH has been previously reported (C Copie-Bergman, J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:5573-9) as prognostic in an homogeneous series of DLBCL treated with R-CHOP. In addition, oncogenic MYC protein overexpression by immunohistochemistry may represent an easy tool to identify the consequences of MYC deregulation in DLBCL. Our aim was to analyse by immunohistochemistry the prognostic relevance of MYC, IgM, GCB/nonGCB subtype and ImmunoFISH index in a large series of de novo DLBCL treated with Rituximab (R)-chemotherapy (anthracyclin based) included in the 2003 program of the Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte (GELA) trials. Methods: The 2003 program included patients with de novo CD20+ DLBCL enrolled in 6 different LNH-03 GELA trials (LNH-03-1B, -B, -3B, 39B, -6B, 7B) stratifying patients according to age and age-adjusted IPI. Tumor samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using CD10, BCL6, MUM1, FOXP1 (according to Barrans threshold), MYC, IgM antibodies on tissue microarrays and by FISH using BCL6 split signal DNA probes. Considering evaluable Hans score, 670 patients were included in the study with 237 (35.4%) receiving intensive R-ACVBP regimen and 433 (64.6%) R-CHOP/R-mini-CHOP. Results: 304 (45.4%) DLBCL were classified as GCB and 366 (54.6%) as non-GCB according to Hans algorithm. 337/567 cases (59.4%) were positive for the ImmunoFISH index (i.e. two out of the three markers positive: MUM1 protein positive, FOXP1 protein Variable or Strong, BCL6 rearrangement). Immunofish index was preferentially positive in the non-GCB subtype (81.3%) compared to the GCB subtype (31.2%), (p<0.001). IgM was recorded as positive in tumor cells in 351/637 (52.4%) DLBCL cases with a preferential expression in non-GCB 195 (53.3%) vs GCB subtype 100(32.9%), p<0.001). MYC was positive in 170/577 (29.5%) cases with a 40% cut-off and in 44/577 (14.2%) cases with a cut-off of 70%. There was no preferential expression of MYC among GCB or non-GCB subtype (p>0.4) for both cut-offs. Progression-free Survival (PFS) was significantly worse among patients with high IPI score (p<0.0001), IgM positive tumor (p<0.0001), MYC positive tumor with a 40% threshold (p<0.001), ImmunoFISH positive index (p<0.002), non-GCB DLBCL subtype (p<0.0001). Overall Survival (OS) was also significantly worse among patients with high IPI score (p<0.0001), IgM positive tumor (p=0.02), MYC positive tumor with a 40% threshold (p<0.01), ImmunoFISH positive index (p=0.02), non-GCB DLBCL subtype (p<0.0001). All significant parameters were included in a multivariate analysis using Cox Model and in addition to IPI, only the GCB/non-GCB subtype according to Hans algorithm predicted significantly a worse PFS among non-GCB subgroup (HR 1.9 [1.3-2.8] p=0.002) as well as a worse OS (HR 2.0 [1.3-3.2], p=0.003). This strong prognostic value of non-GCB subtyping was confirmed considering only patients treated with R- CHOP for PFS (HR 2.1 [1.4-3.3], p=0.001) and for OS (HR 2.3 [1.3-3.8], p=0.002). Conclusion: Our study on a large series of patients included in trials confirmed the relevance of immunohistochemistry as a useful tool to identify significant prognostic biomarkers for clinical use. We show here that IgM and MYC might be useful prognostic biomarkers. In addition, we confirmed in this series the prognostic value of the ImmunoFISH index. Above all, we fully validated the strong and independent prognostic value of the Hans algorithm, daily used by the pathologists to subtype DLBCL.
In contrast to intact BALB/c mice, BALB/c mice rendered deficient in Vbeta4+ CD4+ T cells develop a Th1 response to infection with Leishmania major and are resistant. Vbeta4-deficient BALB/c mice are unable to generate the early IL-4 transcription occurring in Vbeta4 Valpha8 CD4+ T cells of BALB/c mice within 1 day of infection. Here we demonstrate that treatment of Vbeta4-deficient BALB/c mice with IL-4 during the first 64 h after infection instructs Th2 cell development and susceptibility to infection. The demonstrated inability of IL-4 to reverse the resistant phenotype of BALB/c mice treated with anti-CD4 mAb the day before infection suggest that these effects of IL-4 require its interaction with CD4+ T cells. In contrast to draining lymph node cells from BALB/c mice, cells from Vbeta4-deficient BALB/c mice remain responsive to IL-12 following infection. Strikingly, administration of IL-4 to Vbeta4-deficient BALB/c mice renders their lymph node cells unresponsive to IL-12 by down-regulating IL-12R beta2-chain expression. This study directly demonstrates that in BALB/c mice IL-4 is necessary and sufficient to initiate the molecular events steering Th2 cell maturation and susceptibility to L. major.
Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) a une prévalence élevée dans les pays industrialisés, et on s'attend à une augmentation dans les années à venir en raison du vieillissement de la population ainsi que des modifications du mode de vie. Il existe malheureusement peu de données épidémiologiques sur la prévalence et la prise en charge du diabète en Suisse. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient donc 1) évaluer la prévalence du DT2 dans une cohorte lausannoise ; 2) caractériser la prise en charge des patients atteints de DT2, et 3) identifier les facteurs associés à la prévalence, la connaissance par les patients de leur maladie et le traitement du DT2. Pour ce faire, 6181 sujets (3246 femmes), âgés de 35 à 75 ans et vivant à Lausanne ont été inclus dans l'étude. La prévalence totale du DT2 était de 6.3% (intervalle de confiance à 95%: 5.7-7.0%), une valeur comparable à celle des pays avoisinants. La prévalence était plus élevée chez les hommes que chez les femmes (9.1% contre 3.8%, p<0.001), et augmentait avec l'âge. Deux tiers des patients avec DT2 (65.3% ; 60.4-70.0%) avaient connaissance de leur situation, et plus de trois-quarts d'entre eux étaient traités. Les hommes étaient plus fréquemment traités que les femmes (91.3% contre 75.9%, p<0.001). La plupart des patients suivait une monothérapie (majoritairement par biguanides). Parmi les sujets avec une thérapie multiple, une prévalence plus élevée de glycémie à jeun >7 mmol/1 était présente. L'analyse multivariée a montré que le sexe masculin, l'âge croissant et un indice de masse corporelle élevé étaient associés à une plus grande prévalence du DT2, alors qu'aucune association n'a été trouvée pour l'activité physique et la consommation d'alcool. Parmi les sujets atteints de DT2, l'âge croissant était positivement associé à la connaissance du diabète, de même que l'âge croissant et le sexe masculin étaient associés à une plus grande prévalence du traitement. Le faible taux de connaissance de diabète pourrait être dû à un manque de dépistage par les médecins de premier recours. La présence d'autres facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire devrait inciter les médecins à un dépistage du diabète pour obtenir un meilleur profil de risque. Cette étude a des limitations. D'abord, aucune mesure de l'hémoglobine glyquée n'a été mesurée, et par conséquent la détermination de la prise en charge uniquement par la glycémie à jeun peut être difficile. Ensuite, le taux de participation était bas et pourrait limiter l'interprétation des résultats ; néanmoins, il est comparable à celui d'autres études effectuées dans les pays occidentaux. Il existe peu de données épidémiologiques du DT2 en Suisse, cette étude permet donc d'évaluer la situation actuelle et de déterminer la prévalence et la prise en charge du diabète à Lausanne à travers la cohorte CoLaus. Une telle étude a par conséquent son importance dans le contexte actuel, au vu du vieillissement de la population et de l'augmentation des facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaires.
The Iowa State Highway Commission purchased a Conrad automatic freeze and thaw machine and placed it in operation during October 1961. There were a few problems, but considering, the many electrical and mechanical devices used in the automatic system it has always functioned quite well. Rapid freezing and thawing of 4"x4"xl8" concrete beams has been conducted primarily in accordance with ASTM C-29l (now ASTM C-666 procedure B) at the rate of one beam per day. Over 4000 beams have been tested since 1961, with determination of the resulting durability factors. Various methods of curing were used and a standard 90 day moist cure was selected. This cure seemed to yield durability factors that correlated very well with ratings of coarse aggregates based on service records. Some concrete beams had been made using the same coarse aggregate and the durability factors compared relatively well with previous tests. Durability factors seemed to yield reasonable results until large variations in durability factors were noted from beams of identical concrete mix proportions in research projects R-234 and R-247. This then presents the question "How reliable is the durability as determined by ASTM C-666?" This question became increasingly more important when a specification requiring a minimum durability factor for P.C. concrete made from coarse aggregates was incorporated into the 1972 Standard Specification for coarse aggregates for concrete.
This paper summarizes the results of a taxonomic study of the isopods collected during the 'Antártida 1986-11' expedition. A total of 123 specimens were studied, of which 99 were in the adult or juvenile phases and 24 were in the postmanca phase. The specimens were attributed to 11 species, 9 genera, 5 families and 4 suborders. The most abundant species were Glyptonotus antarcticus and Ceratoserolis trilobitoides. Several records are reported for the first time from the archipelagos of the Scotia Arc.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the cumulative live birth rates obtained after cryopreservation of either pronucleate (PN) zygotes or early-cleavage (EC) embryos. DESIGN: Prospective randomized study. SETTING: University hospital. PATIENT(S): Three hundred eighty-two patients, involved in an IVF/ICSI program from January 1993 to December 1995, who had their supernumerary embryos cryopreserved either at the PN (group I) or EC (group II) stage. For 89 patients, cryopreservation of EC embryos was canceled because of poor embryo development (group III). Frozen-thawed embryo transfers performed up to December 1998 were considered. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Age, oocytes, zygotes, cryopreserved and transferred embryos, damage after thawing, cumulative embryo scores, implantation, and cumulative live birth rates. RESULT(S): The clinical pregnancy and live birth rates were similar in all groups after fresh embryo transfers. Significantly higher implantation (10.5% vs. 5.9%) and pregnancy rates (19.5% vs. 10.9%; P< or = .02 per transfer after cryopreserved embryo transfers were obtained in group I versus group II, leading to higher cumulative pregnancy (55.5% vs. 38.6%; P < or = .002 and live birth rates (46.9% vs. 27.7%; P< or = .0001.Conclusion(s): The transfer of a maximum of three unselected embryos and freezing of all supernumerary PN zygotes can be safely done with significantly higher cumulative pregnancy chances than cryopreserving at a later EC stage.
BACKGROUND: Community-acquired respiratory viral infections (RVIs) are common in lung transplant patients and may be associated with acute rejection and bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). The use of sensitive molecular methods that can simultaneously detect a large panel of respiratory viruses may help better define their effects. METHODS: Lung transplant recipients undergoing serial surveillance and diagnostic bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) during a period of 3 years were enrolled. BAL samples underwent multiplex testing for a panel of 19 respiratory viral types/subtypes using the Luminex xTAG respiratory virus panel assay. RESULTS: Demographics, symptoms, and forced expiratory volume in 1 sec were prospectively collected for 93 lung transplant recipients enrolled. Mean number of BAL samples was 6.2+/-3.1 per patient. A respiratory virus was isolated in 48 of 93 (51.6%) patients on at least one BAL sample. Of 81 positive samples, the viruses isolated included rhinovirus (n=46), parainfluenza 1 to 4 (n=17), coronavirus (n=11), influenza (n=4), metapneumovirus (n=4), and respiratory syncytial virus (n=2). Biopsy-proven acute rejection (> or =grade 2) or decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec > or =20% occurred in 16 of 48 (33.3%) patients within 3 months of RVI when compared with 3 of 45 (6.7%) RVI-negative patients within a comparable time frame (P=0.001). No significant difference was seen in incidence of acute rejection between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Biopsy-proven obliterative bronchiolitis or BOS was diagnosed in 10 of 16 (62.5%) patients within 1 year of infection. CONCLUSION: Community-acquired RVIs are frequently detected in BAL samples from lung transplant patients. In a significant percentage of patients, symptomatic or asymptomatic viral infection is a trigger for acute rejection and obliterative bronchiolitis/BOS.
Selostus: Maan laadun käsite suomalaisen maatalousmaan tutkimuksessa
The 24-item Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS, version 4.0) enables the rater to measure psychopathology severity. Still, little is known about the BPRS's reliability and validity outside of the psychosis spectrum. The aim of this study was to examine the factorial structure and sensitivity to change of the BPRS in patients with unipolar depression. Two hundred and forty outpatients with unipolar depression were administered the 24-item BPRS. Assessments were conducted at intake and at post-treatment in a Crisis Intervention Centre. An exploratory factor analysis of the 24-item BPRS produced a six-factor solution labelled "Mood disturbance", "Reality distortion", "Activation", "Apathy", "Disorganization", and "Somatization". The reduction of the total BPRS score and dimensional scores, except for "Activation", indicates that the 24-item BPRS is sensitive to change as shown in patients that appeared to have benefited from crisis treatment. The findings suggest that the 24-item BPRS could be a useful instrument to measure symptom severity and change in symptom status in outpatients presenting with unipolar depression.
BACKGROUND: In Fabry nephropathy, alpha-galactosidase deficiency leads to accumulation of glycosphingolipids in all kidney cell types, proteinuria and progressive loss of kidney function. METHODS: An international working group of nephrologists from 11 Fabry centres identified adult Fabry patients, and pathologists scored histologic changes on renal biopsies. A standardized scoring system was developed with a modified Delphi technique assessing 59 Fabry nephropathy cases. Each case was scored independently of clinical information by at least three pathologists with an average final score reported. RESULTS: We assessed 35 males (mean age 36.4 years) and 24 females (43.9 years) who mostly had clinically mild Fabry nephropathy. The average serum creatinine was 1.3 mg/dl (114.9 micromol/l); estimated glomerular filtration rate was 81.7 ml/min/1.73 m(2) and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 1.08 g/g (122.0 mg/mmol). Males had greater podocyte vacuolization on light microscopy (mean score) and glycosphingolipid inclusions on semi-thin sections than females. Males also had significantly more proximal tubule, peritubular capillary and vascular intimal inclusions. Arteriolar hyalinosis was similar, but females had significantly more arterial hyalinosis. Chronic kidney disease stage correlated with arterial and glomerular sclerosis scores. Significant changes, including segmental and global sclerosis, and interstitial fibrosis were seen even in patients with stage 1-2 chronic kidney disease with minimal proteinuria. CONCLUSIONS: The development of a standardized scoring system of both disease-specific lesions, i.e. lipid deposition related, and general lesions of progression, i.e. fibrosis and sclerosis, showed a spectrum of histologic appearances even in early clinical stage of Fabry nephropathy. These findings support the role of kidney biopsy in the baseline evaluation of Fabry nephropathy, even with mild clinical disease. The scoring system will be useful for longitudinal assessment of prognosis and responses to therapy for Fabry nephropathy.
ABSTRACT: The CIAO Study ("Complicated Intra-Abdominal infection Observational" Study) is a multicenter investigation performed in 68 medical institutions throughout Europe over the course of a 6-month observational period (January-June 2012).Patients with either community-acquired or healthcare-associated complicated intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) were included in the study.2,152 patients with a mean age of 53.8 years (range: 4-98 years) were enrolled in the study. 46.3% of the patients were women and 53.7% were men. Intraperitoneal specimens were collected from 62.2% of the enrolled patients, and from these samples, a variety of microorganisms were collectively identified.The overall mortality rate was 7.5% (163/2.152).According to multivariate analysis of the compiled data, several criteria were found to be independent variables predictive of patient mortality, including patient age, the presence of an intestinal non-appendicular source of infection (colonic non-diverticular perforation, complicated diverticulitis, small bowel perforation), a delayed initial intervention (a delay exceeding 24 hours), sepsis and septic shock in the immediate post-operative period, and ICU admission.Given the sweeping geographical distribution of the participating medical centers, the CIAO Study gives an accurate description of the epidemiological, clinical, microbiological, and treatment profiles of complicated intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) throughout Europe.