997 resultados para Teoria da estimativa
This work deals with net radiation (Q*) estimates as function of solar radiation (K↓) for the Jaboticabal region in Sao Paulo State. In the same way shows a comparison between measured and Penman estimates net radiations. The data were 207 pairs of net and solar radiation obtained in a net radiometer and a Eppley Piranometer. The results show a good agreement between Q* and K↓ for two periods: spring-summer and autumn-winter. The Penman's equation for Q* underestimates the values for any station with albedo of 0.25. -English summary
The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic trends of the milk and fat yield in three herds maintained in São Paulo State, Brazil. The estimation of genetic, environmental and phenotypic trends were based on 716 first lactations. The cows were sired by 134 bulls. The statistical models included the fixed effects of herds, kind of gestation, season and year of the calving, age of the cow at calving, besides the random effect of the bulls. The statistical analyses, by the last squares method showed effects for bulls, herds and age of the cows on milk and fat yield. The genetic, environmental and phenotypic trends estimated were -10.20; 6.74 and -3.46 kg for milk yield and -1.90; 2.20 and 0.12 kg for fat yield.
Moina minuta, a tropical species of Cladocera, was selected for the study of medium size at maturity and female egg production, due to its abundance and frequency in samples during low-water season in 1997 and high-water season in 1998, in Amapá Lake, Western Amazônia. The primiparous female had a size of 330 μm and 340 μm in low and high water, respectively. Moina individuals reached maximum size during high water (595μm). The medium size of the ovigerous females, in low water was 501 μm, producing an average of 4.41 eggs/female, while in high water, it was 533μm, with an average egg production of 4.84 eggs/female. The results, analyzed by the t test and Fischer's F test, showed that there were no statistical differences in size among individuals (t= -10.69, F=1.20 and P>0.1227), nor among ovigerous females (t= -4.45, F=1.02 and P>0.8906), considering the two seasons.
Female broiler breeder productivity is based on the principles of thermal comfort that are directly related with the microclimate inside the housing. This research had the objective of monitoring the behavior of female broiler breeders, using the technology of radio-frequency, injectable transponders and readers in different existing microclimates inside a small scale distorted housing model. Eight birds with electronic identification were used. Three readers were used, in three different points inside the model: on the floor of the nest, in the passage besides the lateral wall and below the water facility. Dry bulb (DBT), wet bulb (WBT) and black globe (BGT) temperature were measured continuously. The results point out a distinct behavioral pattern of the birds regarding the environment exposition during the experiment. Three probabilistic models of behavior were developed from the recorded data: probabilistic model for the passage use: FP = 1.10 - 0.244 ln(DBT), probabilistic model for the water facility use: FB = 0.398 + 0.00866(DBT), and probabilistic model for the nest use: FN = 2.22 - 0.272 DBT + 0,011 DBT 2 - 0.000144 DBT 3.
The aim of this investigation was to evaluate four reference methods to estimate evapotranspiration (Makkink, Hargreaves, Class A pan and Radiation), compared tb Penman-Monteith method, that is considered standard by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Errors due to variable measurements in the reference evapotranspiration estimate were taken into consideration. The research was developed in an experimental area of the Department of Rural Engieering of the School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Campus of Jaboticabal, São Paulo State University. An automated weather station was used and it was equipped with sensors to measure global and net radiation, temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. The aftermath showed a better adjustment to Hargreaves. Makkink, Class A pan and Radiation methods are different from Penman-Monteith, therefore, they cannot be compared. To evaluate methods to estimate evapotranspiration and avoid possible evaluation errors, ETo estimate errors must be considered.
The obtaining of the correct space distribution for attributes of the soil is relevant in the agricultural planning, in what concerns to the installation and maintenance of the cultures. The objective of that work was to compare statistical interpolation methods (ordinary krigagem) and deterministic methods (inverse square distance) in the estimate of CTC and V% in a distrophic yellow-red Latossolo. The study was accomplished in the State of Experimental Hands on of the Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (INCAPER), in an irregular grading with 109 points. The data were collected in the layer of 0 - 0,20 m in the projection of the cup of the plants, in the superior part of the slope. The performance of the interpolators was obtained and compared using the criterion of the medium mistake. The observations are dependent in space until a maximum reach of 14,1 m, considering the isotropy. IDW presented larger mistake in the estimate of the data; however its difference in relation to KRIG was small for both variables.
The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare measurements and estimates from Davis and Campbell Scientific Instruments in two automatic weather stations. Integrity of meteorological data for estimates of evapotranspiration of reference crop (ETo) from both stations was also evaluated. The following meteorological data were evaluated: air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, precipitation, net radiation and global solar radiation. The Penman-Monteith reference method to estimate ETo was evaluated daily. The weather stations were set up in an experimental area of the Rural Engineering Department-FACV/ UNESP, in Jaboticabal, State of Sao Paulo. Data were collected daily and statistical analysis was performed using linear regression analysis. The integrity of meteorological data to estimate ETo was evaluated. The results of the study in the stations using linear regression analysis showed that daily estimates for ETo had acceptable differences. The technique which evaluates the integrity of meteorological data revealed that data of relative humidity from both stations and of precipitation using Campbell Instruments were not good.
The purpose of this work is to compare two methods for time estimation of useful life for a small and shallow reservoir, located in Pirassununga, São Paulo State, Brazil: 1) sedimentometry; and 2) bathymetry. The model indicated a useful lifetime around 50 years for the studied dam. The values are between 51 years for the initial years of 1998/1999, and 46 years for the final years of 2004/2005, with an oscillation between 1999/2000 of 27 years, and between 2000/2001 of 76 years. The results show that it is possible to estimate the useful lifetime for small dams through the sedimentometric method, by knowing the correction coefficient value (K'). The coefficient is calculated using time values of useful lifetime calculated by the sedimentometric and bathymetric methods simultaneously, during the span of one year.
In the experimental area of the Department of Environmental Sciences (21.85° S; 48.43° W; 786 m), in the School of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, an experiment was carried out using peanut (Arachis hypogaea L), cv. IAC-TATU-ST, to quantify the crop daily water requirements. During the peanut crop cycle, the environmental variables, such as rainfall, air temperature, air relative humidity, soil matric potential, soil heat flux and radiation balance, have been registered continually. These measurements were used to calculate the daily crop evapotranspiration, by the Bowen ratio method. The water replacement required by the peanut crop was done the dripping irrigation system, oriented by a dynamic agrometeorological model that computes the entrance and exit of water in the soil. During the peanut crop cycle, 9.0 mm of water was used from sowing to emergence; 67.0 mm of water, in the growth stage; 166.0 mm, in the flowering stage; 124.0 mm in the final stage and 46.0 mm from physiological maturity to harvest. Oot of 412.0 mm of the total consumption, 246.0 mm of water was supplied by irrigation and 166.0 mm by the rain. The grain yield was 3.15 t ha-1 for 15% of humidity, and the water use efficiency was 0.764 kg m-3.
The equations and extrapolation use to localities whose characteristics of soil and climate, even if partial, distinguish the town to which they were generated, still permeate in studies to estimate the rainfall erosivity (EI 30). This work has objective to propose and validate mathematical equations to estimate the rainfall erosivity of two cities of Sao Paulo State's. The adjusted to estimate obtaining and validate data of equations of erosivity (EI 30) according to values of coefficient of rain (Rc) were obtained from pluviographic and pluviometric rainfall data, respectively, using of distinct historical rainfall series. Mutiple comparisions test and confidence intervals were performed to compare absolute average of EI 30, pluviometric data (Pp), and Rc. The correlation between EI 30 and Rc was verified by of Pearson correlation coefficient. Test of the hypothesis of equality between population variance was used to compare the equations. Pluviometrics data of historical series rainfall data different than those that the models were generated were used to validate and to assess the performance of the equations, proposed of this study and compare them with another equation already consolidated in literature. The results show that for the conditions under which the study was conducted, the simple linear equations, shown to be the most appropriate to estimate the rainfall erosivity these two cities. According to the test of the hypothesis of equality variances between populations, the equations adjusted for each city differ statistically so that the rainfall erosivity of each city must be estimated by their respective equation.
Times of in situ incubation (144 and 288h) for determination of internal markers IADF and INDF and the effects of differents procedures (wash or not the nylon bag every 72h incubation) was evaluated in samples of diet, duodenal digesta and cattle feces. The duodenal flow dry matter and fecal production utilizing the internal markers to compare with the external marker chromium oxide there was estimated. The animals were fed with sorgum silage, concentrate or urea. In this experiment, a latin square design was used, in a factorial scheme (two times of incubation × two processing nylon bag). No was observed effect of the incubation time or processing in the internal markers INDF and IADF concentration and the in situ incubation after 144h is adequate to reproduce the indigestible markers fraction in samples. For fecal production estimation, the external marker chromium oxide presented similar result (1.26 kg day-1) as the total fecal collection (1.49 kg day-1). Both the internal markers overestimate the duodenal flow dry matter when compared with the external marker chromium oxide.
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Landfill is an engineering work that aims at to accommodate residues in the smallest possible space in the soil, with minimum damages to the environment and the public health. One in the constructive forms of a controlled landfill is the excavation of ditches with appropriate dimensions, for disposition of solid residues without compactation or impermeabilization. Liquid effluents generated for similar volumes of residues, disposed in ditches with ages different from closing, it should result in physical and chemical alterations you correlated at the time of residence materials. With base in this hypothesis, measures of electric resistivity were accomplished through the of Eletrical Resistivity geophysical method, on residues ditches closed annually between 12/2001 and 12/2007, localized in control landfill of the Cordeirópolis city (SP). The leachate is a liquid effluent generated by the decomposition of organic matter and characterized by high content in total dissolved solids, whose interaction with geological environment results in alterations in terms of electrical resistivity susceptible to detection for the geophysical instrumental. The results suggest a resistivity reduction for leachate percolation produced for ditches recently and increase progressive of the resistivity for older ditches. The statistical comparative analysis with reference values for the area suggests ages of the finish production and percolation leachate for soil and rock below the ditches.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the varieties of coffee Arabic Catucáand Catuaí productivity, in Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais, through agrometeorological mathematical models, considering the spatial variability of productivity in the area. The samplings were georrefered building an irregular grid, totalizing 50 samplings per area. After that, geostatic analysis was made to quantify spatial dependence degree of the real values and the estimated productivity. According to the classification, the models superestimated the productivity for the two varieties.
No presente artigo, conforme o entendimento de que modelos te- óricos subsidiam a compreensão de fenômenos investigativos, objetivou-se elucidar os conceitos da teoria sociológica de Norbert Elias, considerando-se que esta é uma excelente fonte de análise para se compreender o universo do ser professor, apesar de o autor não abordar diretamente questões relacionadas ao campo da educação. A partir do conceito de configuração, é possível dizer que a constituição do ser professor resulta das diferentes configurações nas quais ele está imerso, pois, de acordo com Elias, as pessoas (professores, pais, gestores, ministros, alunos etc.) modelam suas ideias a partir de todas as suas experiências e, essencialmente, das experiências vividas no interior do próprio grupo. É observável que as configurações, formadas por grupos interdependentes de pessoas, e não por indivíduos singulares, apresentam-se cada vez mais ampliadas nos contextos escolares, com funções especializadas e específicas (professores, alunos, diretores, coordenadores, supervisores, secretários etc.), em grupos que se tornam cada vez mais funcionalmente dependentes. As cadeias de interdependência estão mais diferenciadas e, consequentemente, mais opacas e dificilmente controláveis por parte de quaisquer grupos ou indiví- duos. Portanto, uma melhor compreensão será possível quando se estudar empiricamente as configurações que estão em jogo na educação brasileira. Daí se justifica a análise das configurações e das teias de interdependência em que os professores estão envolvidos. Enfim, a aplicação dos modelos de competição abordados por Elias possibilita evidenciar as problemáticas sociológicas do ser professor, tornando-as mais evidentes e facilitando o entendimento do jogo para reorganizá-lo em termos de equilíbrio na teia social.