983 resultados para Temperature of animals.


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Endothermic animals vary in their physiological ability to maintain a constant body temperature. Since melanin-based coloration is related to thermoregulation and energy homeostasis, we predict that dark and pale melanic individuals adopt different behaviours to regulate their body temperature. Young animals are particularly sensitive to a decrease in ambient temperature because their physiological system is not yet mature and growth may be traded-off against thermoregulation. To reduce energy loss, offspring huddle during periods of cold weather. We investigated in nestling barn owls (Tyto alba) whether body temperature, oxygen consumption and huddling were associated with melanin-based coloration. Isolated owlets displaying more black feather spots had a lower body temperature and consumed more oxygen than those with fewer black spots. This suggests that highly melanic individuals display a different thermoregulation strategy. This interpretation is also supported by the finding that, at relatively low ambient temperature, owlets displaying more black spots huddled more rapidly and more often than those displaying fewer spots. Assuming that spot number is associated with the ability to thermoregulate not only in Swiss barn owls but also in other Tytonidae, our results could explain geographic variation in the degree of melanism. Indeed, in the northern hemisphere, barn owls and allies are less spotted polewards than close to the equator, and in the northern American continent, barn owls are also less spotted in colder regions. If melanic spots themselves helped thermoregulation, we would have expected the opposite results. We therefore suggest that some melanogenic genes pleiotropically regulate thermoregulatory processes.


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Thermal processes are widely used in small molecule chemical analysis and metabolomics for derivatization, vaporization, chromatography, and ionization, especially in gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). In this study the effect of heating was examined on a set of 64 small molecule standards and, separately, on human plasma metabolite extracts. The samples, either derivatized or underivatized, were heated at three different temperatures (60, 100, and 250 °C) at different exposure times (30 s, 60 s, and 300 s). All the samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and the data processed by XCMS Online ( xcmsonline.scripps.edu ). The results showed that heating at an elevated temperature of 100 °C had an appreciable effect on both the underivatized and derivatized molecules, and heating at 250 °C created substantial changes in the profile. For example, over 40% of the molecular peaks were altered in the plasma metabolite analysis after heating (250 °C, 300s) with a significant formation of degradation and transformation products. The analysis of 64 small molecule standards validated the temperature-induced changes observed on the plasma metabolites, where most of the small molecules degraded at elevated temperatures even after minimal exposure times (30 s). For example, tri- and diorganophosphates (e.g., adenosine triphosphate and adenosine diphosphate) were readily degraded into a mono-organophosphate (e.g., adenosine monophosphate) during heating. Nucleosides and nucleotides (e.g., inosine and inosine monophosphate) were also found to be transformed into purine derivatives (e.g., hypoxanthine). A newly formed transformation product, oleoyl ethyl amide, was identified in both the underivatized and derivatized forms of the plasma extracts and small molecule standard mixture, and was likely generated from oleic acid. Overall these analyses show that small molecules and metabolites undergo significant time-sensitive alterations when exposed to elevated temperatures, especially those conditions that mimic sample preparation and analysis in GC/MS experiments.


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Cette thèse traite du rôle qu'un facteur de risque génétique développé chez les patients souffrant de schizophrénie, à savoir un déficit de la synthèse du glutathion, peut jouer dans les anomalies de la connectivité cérébrale trouvées chez ces patients. L'essentiel du travail a été consacré à évaluer la structure de la substance blanche dans l'ensemble du cerveau chez un modèle animal par une méthode similaire à celle utilisée en recherche clinique avec l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM). Cette approche de translation inverse chez la souris knock-out de glutamate-cystéine ligase modulateur sous-unité (Gclm KO), avait l'objectif d'étudier l'effet des défenses redox déficientes sur le développement des connexions cérébrales, tout en excluant celui des facteurs non liés au génotype. Après avoir établi le protocole de recherche, l'influence d'une manipulation environnementale a également été étudiée. Pour effectuer une analyse statistique fiable des données d'IRM obtenues, nous .avons d'abord créé un atlas du cerveau de la souris afin de l'utiliser comme modèle pour une segmentation précise des différentes régions du cerveau sur les images IRM obtenues in vivo. Les données provenant de chaque région d'intérêt ont ensuite été étudiées séparément. La qualité de cette méthode a été évaluée dans une expérience de simulation pour déduire la puissance statistique réalisable dans chaque région en fonction du nombre d'animaux utilisés. Ces outils d'analyse nous ont permis d'évaluer l'intégrité de la substance blanche dans le cerveau des souris durant le développement grâce à une expérience longitudinale, en utilisant l'imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI). Nous avons ainsi observé des anomalies dans les paramètres dérivés du tenseur (diffusivité et anisotropie) dans la Commissure Antérieure et le Fimbria/Fornix des souris Gclm KO, par rapport aux animaux contrôles. Ces résultats suggèrent une substance blanche endommagée dans ces régions. Dans une expérience électrophysiologique, Pascal Steullet a montré que ces anomalies ont des conséquences fonctionnelles caractérisées par une réduction de la vitesse de conduction dans les fibres nerveuses. Ces données renforcent les conclusions des analyses d'imagerie. Le mécanisme par lequel une dérégulation redox affecte la structure de la substance blanche reste encore à définir, car une analyse immunohistochimique des protéines constituantes de la couche de myéline des fibres concernées n'a pas donné de résultats concluants. Nous avons également constaté un élargissement des ventricules dans les jeunes souris Gclm KO, mais pas chez les adultes et des anomalies neurochimiques déjà connues chez ces animaux (Duarte et al. 2011), à savoir une réduction du Glutathion et une augmentation de l'acide N-acétylaspartique, de l'Alanine et du ratio Glutamine/Glutamate. Nous avons ensuite testé l'effet d'un stress environnemental supplémentaire, l'élevage en isolement social, sur le phénotype. Ce stress n'a eu aucun effet sur la structure de la substance blanche évaluée par DTI, mais a réduit la concentration de myo-Inositol et augmenté le ratio de Glutamine/Glutamate dans le cortex frontal. Nous avons aussi reproduit dans ce groupe indépendant d'animaux les effets du génotype sur le profil neurochimique, sur la taille des ventricules et aussi sur les paramètres dérivés du tenseur de diffusion dans le Fimbria/Fornix, mais pas dans la Commissure Antérieure. Nos résultats montrent qu'une dérégulation redox d'origine génétique perturbe la structure et la fonction de la substance blanche dans des régions spécifiques, causant ainsi l'élargissement des ventricules. Ces phénotypes rassemblent certaines caractéristiques neuro-anatomiques de la schizophrénie, mais les mécanismes qui en sont responsables demeurent encore inconnus. L'isolement social n'a pas d'effet sur la structure de la substance blanche évaluée par DTI, alors qu'il est prouvé qu'il affecte la maturation des oligodendrocytes. La neurochimie corticale et en particulier le rapport Glutamine/Glutamate a été affecté par le dérèglement redox ainsi que par l'isolement social. En conséquence, ce ratio représente un indice prometteur dans la recherche sur l'interaction du stress environnemental avec le déséquilibre redox dans le domaine de la schizophrénie. -- The present doctoral thesis is concerned with the role that a genetic risk factor for the development of schizophrenia, namely a deficit in Glutathione synthesis, may play in the anomalies of brain connectivity found in patients. Most of the effort was devoted to perform a whole-brain assessment of white matter structure in the Glutamate-Cysteine ligase modulatory knockout mouse model (Gclm KO) using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques similar to those used in state-of-the-art clinical research. Such reverse translational approach taking brain imaging from the bedside to the bench aimed to investigate the role that deficient redox defenses may play in the development of brain connections while excluding all influencing factors beside the genotype. After establishing the protocol, the influence of further environmental manipulations was also studied. Analysis of MRI images acquired in vivo was one of the main challenges of the project. Our strategy consisted in creating an atlas of the mouse brain to use as segmentation guide and then analyze the data from each region of interest separately. The quality of the method was assessed in a simulation experiment by calculating the statistical power achievable in each brain region at different sample sizes. This analysis tool enabled us to assess white matter integrity in the mouse brain along development in a longitudinal experiment using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). We discovered anomalies in diffusivity parameters derived from the tensor in the Anterior Commissure and Fimbria/Fornix of Gclm KO mice when compared to wild-type animals, which suggest that the structure of these tracts is compromised in the KO mice. In an elegant electrophysiological experiment, Pascal Steullet has provided evidence that these anomalies have functional consequences in form of reduced conduction velocity in the concerned tracts, thus supporting the DTI findings. The mechanism by which redox dysregulation affects WM structure remains unknown, for the immunohistochemical analysis of myelin constituent proteins in the concerned tracts produced inconclusive results. Our experiments also detected an enlargement of the lateral ventricles in young but not adult Gclm KO mice and confirmed neurochemical anomalies already known to affect this animals (Duarte et al. 2011), namely a reduction in Glutathione and an increase in Glutamine/Glutamate ratio, N-acetylaspartate and Alanine. Using the same methods, we tested the effect of an additional environmental stress on the observed phenotype: rearing in social isolation had no effect on white matter structure as assessed by DTI, but it reduced the concentration of myo-Inositol and increased the Glutamine/Glutamate ratio in the frontal cortex. We could also replicate in this separate group of animals the effects of genotype on the frontal neurochemical profile, ventricular size and diffusivity parameters in the Fimbria/Fornix but not in the Anterior Commissure. Our data show that a redox dysregulation of genetic origin may disrupt white matter structure and function in specific tracts and cause a ventricular enlargement, phenotypes that resemble some neuroanatomical features of schizophrenia. The mechanism responsible remains however unknown. We have also demonstrated that environmental stress in form of social isolation does not affect white matter structure as assessed by DTI even though it is known to affect oligodendrocyte maturation. Cortical neurochemistry, and specifically the Glutamine to Glutamate balance was affected both by redox dysregulation and social isolation, and is thus a good target for further research on the interaction of redox imbalance and environmental stress in schizophrenia.


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Sixty-one animals with different Halothane genes (homozygous halothane positive, n=34; and homozygous halothane negative, n=27) were fed with three diets (controlgroup, with no supplement; magnesium (Mg) group with 1.28g MgCO3/kg and tryptophan (Trp) group with 5g L-Trp/kg) during the last 5 days before slaughter. Animals were submitted to minimal stress ante mortem conditions. Pig behaviour was recorded at the experimental farm, raceway to the CO2 stunning system and during the stunning period. Corneal reflexes were recorded after stunning as well. There were no differences in feed intake among diets (p>0.05) during the 5 days of treatment. Thehalothane positive (nn) group had lower intake than the halothane negative (NN) group(p<0.01). The behaviour of the pigs in the raceway did not differ (p>0.05) among treatments or halothane genotype. A significant (p<0.001) interaction diet*halothane was found in the time to appear the first retreat attempt during the exposure to the CO2 system. In the nn group, the time of performing the first retreat attempt was later in the Mg (p<0.05) than the Control group. Moreover, in the Mg group, the nn had a later (p<0.05) first retreat attempt than the NN. Thus, Mg supplementation could have a positive effect on welfare of nn pigs. The nn had a lower proportion of animals thatshowed corneal reflexes after stunning than NN, indicating a higher effectiveness of thestunning method in nn pigs. Neither Mg nor Trp affected carcass quality and meat quality parameters, although significant differences were found between genotypes


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In this work is presented and tested (for 106 adducts, mainly of the zinc group halides) two empirical equations supported in TG data to estimate the value of the metal-ligand bond dissociation enthalpy for adducts: <D> (M-O) = t i / g if t i < 420 K and <D> (M-O) = (t i / g ) - 7,75 . 10-2 . t i if t i > 420 K. In this empirical equations, t i is the thermodynamic temperature of the beginning of the thermal decomposition of the adduct, as determined by thermogravimetry, andg is a constant factor that is function of the metal halide considered and of the number of ligands, but is not dependant of the ligand itself. To half of the tested adducts the difference between experimental and calculated values was less than 5%. To about 80% of the tested adducts, the difference between the experimental (calorimetric) and the calculated (using the proposed equations) values are less than 15%.


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In order to shed light on the main physical processes controlling fragmentation of massive dense cores, we present a uniform study of the density structure of 19 massive dense cores, selected to be at similar evolutionary stages, for which their relative fragmentation level was assessed in a previous work. We inferred the density structure of the 19 cores through a simultaneous fit of the radial intensity profiles at 450 and 850 μm (or 1.2 mm in two cases) and the spectral energy distribution, assuming spherical symmetry and that the density and temperature of the cores decrease with radius following power-laws. Even though the estimated fragmentation level is strictly speaking a lower limit, its relative value is significant and several trends could be explored with our data. We find a weak (inverse) trend of fragmentation level and density power-law index, with steeper density profiles tending to show lower fragmentation, and vice versa. In addition, we find a trend of fragmentation increasing with density within a given radius, which arises from a combination of flat density profile and high central density and is consistent with Jeans fragmentation. We considered the effects of rotational-to-gravitational energy ratio, non-thermal velocity dispersion, and turbulence mode on the density structure of the cores, and found that compressive turbulence seems to yield higher central densities. Finally, a possible explanation for the origin of cores with concentrated density profiles, which are the cores showing no fragmentation, could be related with a strong magnetic field, consistent with the outcome of radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations.


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Herein, we have investigated the solubilization of decane into a novel nonionic gemini surfactant, myristoyl-end capped Jeffamine, synthesized from a polyoxyalkyleneamine (ED900). Starting from this system, porous silica materials have been prepared. Performing the hydrothermal treatment at low temperature, a slight increase of the mesopore diameter is observed in the presence of decane. Increasing the temperature of the hydrothermal treatment, no swelling effect of decane is detected. By contrast, the pore diameter decreases but better mesopore homogeneity and a larger wall thickness are obtained. At high decane concentration the new myristoyl-end capped Jeffamine/decane/water system forms oil-in-water emulsions, which are used as template for the formation of hierarchical porous silica materials.


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In situ ethylene polymerizations were performed using bis(cyclopentadiene)titanium dichloride supported on polyethersulfone as catalyst. The bis(cyclopentadiene)titanium dichloride supported on polyethersulfone catalyst activity estimated by ethylene polymerization was 360 kgPE/molTi/h. During polymerization the fillers used were montmorillionite nanoclays having surface modifications with 35-45 wt% dimethyl dialkyl(14-18)amine (FA) and 25-30 wt% trimethyl stearyl ammonium (FB). These fillers were pretreated with methylaluminoxine (MAO; cocatalyst) for better dispersion onto the polymer matrix. The formation of polyethylene within the whole matrix was confirmed by FTIR studies. It was found that the nature of nanofiller did not have any remarkable effect on the melting characteristics of the polymer. TGA study indicates that nanoclay FB filled polyethylene has higher thermal stability than nanoclay FA filled polyethylene. The melting temperature of the obtained polyethylenes was 142 ºC, which corresponds to that synthesized by the polyether sulfone supported catalyst.


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Supercritical fluid extraction was used to extract active compounds from the Chinese traditional medicinal D. dasycarpus under the pressure of 30 MPa and temperature of 45 ºC. Further separation and purification was established by high-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) with a two-phase solvent system composed of n-hexane-ethyl acetate-methanol-water (1:0.8:1.3:0.9, volume ratio). The separation yielded a total of 47 mg of dictamnine, 24 mg of obacunone and 83 mg of fraxinellone from 1.0 g of the crude extract in one step separation with the purity of 99.2, 98.4 and 99.0%, respectively, as determined by HPLC. The chemical structures of these compounds were identified by ESI-MS, IR, ¹H-NMR and 13C-NMR.


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Lipases are characterised mainly by catalytic versatility and application in different industrial segments. The aim of this study was to biochemically characterise a lipase from a new strain of Bacillus sp. ITP-001. The isoelectric point and molecular mass were 3.12 and 54 kDa, respectively. The optima lipase activity was 276 U g-1 at pH 7.0 and a temperature of 80 ºC, showing greater stability at pH 5.0 and 37 ºC. Enzymatic activity was stimulated by various ions and pyridine, and inhibited by Cu+ and ethanol. The values of Km and v max were 105.26 mmol and 0.116 mmol min-1 g-1, respectively determined by the Eadie-Scatchard method.


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The physicochemical properties (solubilization, structural organization and stability) of meso-tetrakis(p-methoxyphenyl)porphyrin (TMPP), a promising photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy, solubilized in polymeric micelles of tri-block copolymers PluronicTM P-123 and F-127, were studied. The formulations obtained by the solid dispersion method led to monomerization of TMPP in these copolymers. Solubility studies showed that P-123 solubilizes double the photosensitizer than F-127. The self-aggregation phenomenon was affected by the [TMPP]/[poloxamer] ratio and medium temperature. The decrease in the temperature of these systems promoted the formation of different kinds of TMPP aggregates intrinsically connected with the structural changes occurring in the micelles.


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The dehydration kinetic of Yb, Lu and Y 4-chlorobenzylidenepyruvate was studied by using thermogravimetry and the kinetics parameters obtained by Flynn and Wall method suggest that the dehydration step follows a first order mechanism. The activation energies calculated were 103.6, 96.6 and 97.2 kJ/mol and the lifetime considering the temperature of 31 and 101 º C for the dehydration of these compounds were 23, 26, 31 minutes and 0.6, 1.3 and 1.4 seconds, respectively. The results have similar values and suggest that the water is attached in the same way.


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The inhibition of the corrosion of mild steel in 2M hydrochloric acid solutions by Pyridoxol hydrochloride (PXO) has been studied using weight loss and hydrogen evolution techniques. The inhibitor (PXO) exhibited highest inhibition efficiency of 71.93% at the highest inhibitor concentration of 1.0 x 10-2M investigated and a temperature of 303K from weight loss result. Also, inhibition was found to increase with increasing concentration of the inhibitor and decreasing temperature. A first order type of mechanism has been deduced from the kinetic treatment of the weight loss results and the process of inhibition attributed to physical adsorption. The results obtained from the two techniques show that pyridoxol hydrochloride could serve as an effective inhibitor of the corrosion of mild steel in HCl acid solution. The compound obeys the Langmuir adsorption isotherm equation.


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Calcium oxide looping is a carbon dioxide sequestration technique that utilizes the partially reversible reaction between limestone and carbon dioxide in two interconnected fluidised beds, carbonator and calciner. Flue gases from a combustor are fed into the carbonator where calcium oxide reacts with carbon dioxide within the gases at a temperature of 650 ºC. Calcium oxide is transformed into calcium carbonate which is circulated into the regenerative calciner, where calcium carbonate is returned into calcium oxide and a stream of pure carbon dioxide at a higher temperature of 950 ºC. Calcium oxide looping has proved to have a low impact on the overall process efficiency and would be easily retrofitted into existing power plants. This master’s thesis is done in participation to an EU funded project CaOling as a part of the Lappeenranta University of Technology deliverable, reactor modelling and scale-up tools. Thesis concentrates in creating the first model frame and finding the physically relevant phenomena governing the process.


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The objective of this work was to define the optimal conditions for invertase assay, seeking to determine the ideal parameters for the different isoenzymes of leaf and bark tissues in adult rubber trees. Assays of varying pH, sucrose concentration and temperature of the reaction medium were conducted for the two investigated isoenzymes. The results pointed out the existence of two different pH related isoforms for the two analyzed tissues, with an isoenzyme being more active at pH 5,5 and the other at neutral/alkaline pH. Leaf blade isoenzymes presented similar values for substrate concentration, whereas the bark isoenzyme presented maximum values below those previously reported. The assays at different temperatures presented similar values for leaf isoenzymes, though they have differed significantly among the obtained values.