975 resultados para Taxonomic revision
This review of Electromagnetic Band Gap (EGB) metamaterials and steering integrated antennas was carried out in IMST GmbH under a short collaboration stay. This activity is in line with Coordinating the Antenna Research in Europe (CARE). The aim is to identify the newest trends, and suggest novel solutions and design methodologies for various applications.
El presente trabajo de Revisión del Proyecto de Ordenación del monte "Montaña de Pi" (Bellver), perteneciente al citado pueblo, nos fue encomendado por la Dirección General de Montes, Caza y Pesca fluvial, por orden de fecha 11de Agosto de 1943
Las instrucciones vigentes para el servicio de Ordenación de montes en sus artículos 238 al 243 dicen que la Revisión a de efectuarse constantemente registrado en los libros denominados "Crónica del Monte" "Contabilidad" y "Experiencias epidoxilométricas", todas las incidencias, operaciones y experiencias que hayan sucedido o se hayan realizado en el monte, a pie de que en el último año de vigencia del Plan Especial, pueda realizarse con perfecto conocimiento de los hechos, un análisis comparativo entre lo sucedido en el monte y aquello que había sido previsto en el Plan especial que se termina de poner en ejecución, para poder determinar como consecuencia de este estudio el nuevo Plan especial, y del mismo modo ver si es precisa la modificación del Plan general del Proyecto, si los resultados no han sido los que se esperaban»
El Proyecto de Ordenación del monte "Biros de Aynet" ejecutado en Lérida, en Marzo de l.927 por el Ingeniero D. Federico Sanz Muñoz, fue redactado con arreglo a las Instrucciones contenidas en la R.O. de 22 de Mayo de 1.924 dictadas en cumplimiento del R.D. de 19 de febrero de igual año.
Encargado por la Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Montes, como proyecto d® fin de carrera del trabajo consistente en el estudio y redacción de la REVISIÓN CORRESPONDIENTE AL PROYECTO DE ORBEHACION BEL GRUPO DE TABIFA(CADIZ). Trabajo que debía entregar antes del 1 de noviembre; hago constar que por la escasez de tiempo, pues para llevar a cabo solamente el conteo del total del grupo de Montes se precisaría de más de ocho meses, he reducido el trabajo al estudio y revisión del cuartel A de la sección 5ª de dicho Grupo, para lo cual he contado con el permiso de la Escuela.
Con fecha 2 de Julio de 1946 el Sr. Presidente de la Comisión de residencias me hizo saber lo siguiente: “Estudio de la Revisión correspondiente al proyecto de Ordenación del monte "Campo Común de Arriba" de los propios de Cartaya. Este Proyecto será redactado por el alumno D. José Luis Miranda Fernández Villarrenaga, bajo la inmediata dirección del Ingeniero Jefe del Distrito Forestal de Huelva.
El Proyecto de Ordenación del monte «Biros de Arahós" ejecutado en Lérida, en febrero de 1927 por el Ingeniero D. Fecerido Sanz Muñoz, fue redactado con arreglo a las Instrucciones contenidas en la R.O. de 22 de Mayo de 1924 dictadas en cumplimiento del Real Decreto de 19 de febrero de igual año.
Con fecha 2 de Julio de 1.946 recibí una comunicación del Sr. Presidente de la Comisión de Residencias de la Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Montes en la que se me designaba para la redacción del Proyecto de la Tercera Revisión del Monte Calar de Juana y Acebadillas, bajo la inmediata dirección del Sr. Ingeniero Jefe Regional del Patrimonio forestal del Estado de Jaén
In this paper we present a global overview of the recent study carried out in Spain for the new hazard map, which final goal is the revision of the Building Code in our country (NCSE-02). The study was carried our for a working group joining experts from The Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN) and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) , being the different phases of the work supervised by an expert Committee integrated by national experts from public institutions involved in subject of seismic hazard. The PSHA method (Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment) has been followed, quantifying the epistemic uncertainties through a logic tree and the aleatory ones linked to variability of parameters by means of probability density functions and Monte Carlo simulations. In a first phase, the inputs have been prepared, which essentially are: 1) a project catalogue update and homogenization at Mw 2) proposal of zoning models and source characterization 3) calibration of Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPE’s) with actual data and development of a local model with data collected in Spain for Mw < 5.5. In a second phase, a sensitivity analysis of the different input options on hazard results has been carried out in order to have criteria for defining the branches of the logic tree and their weights. Finally, the hazard estimation was done with the logic tree shown in figure 1, including nodes for quantifying uncertainties corresponding to: 1) method for estimation of hazard (zoning and zoneless); 2) zoning models, 3) GMPE combinations used and 4) regression method for estimation of source parameters. In addition, the aleatory uncertainties corresponding to the magnitude of the events, recurrence parameters and maximum magnitude for each zone have been also considered including probability density functions and Monte Carlo simulations The main conclusions of the study are presented here, together with the obtained results in terms of PGA and other spectral accelerations SA (T) for return periods of 475, 975 and 2475 years. The map of the coefficient of variation (COV) are also represented to give an idea of the zones where the dispersion among results are the highest and the zones where the results are robust.
Primer trabajo a nivel mundial sobre la diferenciación de especies de Pinus con clave dicotómica a través de la estructura cuticular
This work provides a tool whereby the needle remains of native, south-western European Pinus spp. can be easily identified from species-specific epidermal features. To construct this tool, the needles of P. uncinata, P. sylvestris, P. nigra, P. pinaster, P. pinea and P. halepensis were gathered across the Northern Hemisphere range of each taxon and compared with non-indigenous trees growing in two South Australian Botanic Gardens. Three needles from each of these species were taken from three adult trees growing at three different localities. Light microscopy was used to observe the key epidermal and stomatal features of the needles. To improve interpretation, additional scanning electron microscopy samples were prepared. Epidermal features, including variation in the diameter of the epistomatal chamber aperture (pore), are described. A taxonomic key based on the size, shape and arrangement of the subsidiary cells of the stomatal complexes was constructed. This key enables the identification of pine needle fragments at the species level (except those belonging to the group P. gr. nigra-uncinata). Despite their overlapping range, pore size was helpful in distinguishing between P. nigra and P. uncinata and between three groups of species. Isolated stomata were also observed. Cluster and discriminant analyses of stomatal variables described in earlier studies were performed. Overlap in guard cell variables hampers species-level identification of isolated stomata. Species discrimination is improved if groups of ecological affinity are considered.
We are grateful to all those who helped with sample collection. This includes the MEDITS survey programme (IEO Mallorca) for Mediterranean samples. Portugal mainland samples were collected under the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF, PNAB). Azores specimens from the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries (DOP) of the University of the Azores (UAc) were collected under the project DEMERSAIS “Monitorização das espécies demersais dos Açores” financed by the Azorean government, and the project DEECON “Unravelling population connectivity for sustainable fisheries in the Deep Sea” project approved by the European Science Foundation (ESF) under the EUROCORES programme (proposal No 06-EuroDEEP-FP-008 & SFRH-EuroDEEP/0002/2007). This study was funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Oceans 2025 Strategic Research Programme Theme 6 (Science for Sustainable Marine Resources). REB was supported by the Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI), BSP was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, SFRH/BPD/72351/2010 and JL was supported by The Alasdair Downes Marine Conservation Fund.
Belief Revision addresses the problem of how to change epistemic states, usually represented in the literature by sets of logical sentences. Solid theoretical results were consolidated with the AGM paradigm, which deals with theories (logically closed sets of sentences). After that, the theory was extended to belief bases, that is, arbitrary sets of sentences. Besides all this theoretical framework, AI researchers face serious difficulties when trying to implement belief revision systems. One of the major complications is the closure required by AGM theory, which cannot be easily computed. Even belief bases, which do not require closure, seem to be improper for practical purposes, since their changes are usually very rigid (syntax dependent). Some operations, known as pseudo-contractions, are in the middle ground between belief set change and belief base change. In the present work we have proposed a new pseudo-contraction operation, studied its properties and characterized it. We have also found connections between this operator and some other pseudo-contractions.
Biotic indices have been developed to summarise information provided by benthic macroinvertebrates, but their use can require specialized taxonomic expertise as well as a time-consuming operation. Using high taxonomic level in biotic indices reduces sampling processing time but should be considered with caution, since assigning tolerance level to high taxonomic levels may cause uncertainty. A methodology for family level tolerance categorization based on the affinity of each family with disturbed or undisturbed conditions was employed. This family tolerance classification approach was tested in two different areas from Mediterranean Sea affected by sewage discharges. Biotic indices employed at family level responded correctly to sewage presence. However, in areas with different communities among stations and high diversity of species within each family, assigning the same tolerance level to a whole family could imply mistakes. Thus, use of high taxonomic level in biotic indices should be only restricted to areas where homogeneous community is presented and families across sites have similar species composition.