998 resultados para Tachkent (Ouzbékistan) -- Descriptions et voyages


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I-IV. Philosophie.--IV-VI. Romans, contes, critique littéraire.--V.VII-VIII. Théatre, critique dramatique.--IX. Poésies diverses. Sciences--X-XIII. Beaux-arts.--XIII-XVII. Encyclopédie--XVII-XVIII. Voyages, oeuvres diverses.--XVIII-XX. Correspondance.


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"This volume presents the texts of the Voyages of 1613 and the Voyages et descouvertures of 1619, as given in the excellent translation by Dr. Charles Pomeroy Otis, in the second and third volumes of the late Dr. Edmund F. Slafter's Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, published in three volumes by the Prince Society."--Note.


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Imprint varies: v.2, 5-8, Paris, A. Wimal.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Given the diversity of uses of the French imparfait, there is no unanimity about the nature – or even the existence – of a semantic invariant that may characterize it. The present article aims on the one hand at recapitulating the attempted temporal, aspectual and discursive descriptions of the imparfait found in contemporary research. A personal description of that tense based on the concepts of time, aspect and Aktionsart is then proposed ; it is thought such description may account for that tense multiplicity of uses. On the other hand, because of the necessity of a dialogue between theoretical and applied linguistics, this article will also consider the potential contribution of the suggested invariant to the teaching of French as a foreign language.


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Les formes du passé constituent un écueil pour l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère ; même les apprenants les plus avancés échouent à maîtriser leur emploi. Si le manque d'équivalence forme à forme entre les temps des langues constitue une difficulté évidente, la complexité sémantique et distributionnelle des tiroirs français ne doit pas être négligée. Grammairiens et linguistes se sont efforcés de fournir des descriptions des tiroirs du passé mais leur travail, comme celui des didacticiens, s'est révélé inégal. Les contributions retenues dans ce volume invitent à la réflexion critique en ce qui concerne les descriptions existantes des temps et les approches de leur enseignement. Sont envisagées la structuration du système ainsi que la constitution des tiroirs du point de vue synchronique, évolutif et contrastif, à partir de corpus de différentes variétés de français. La question de l'enseignement de ces notions à des apprenants du français langue étrangère et maternelle est aussi considérée dans les divers contextes de l'acquisition. C'est dans l'esprit d'un dialogue de plus en plus nécessaire entre application et modélisation qu'est proposé cet ouvrage, qui retiendra l'intérêt tant des praticiens que des théoriciens. The forms of the past constitute a stumbling block for learning foreign language French; even the most advanced learners fail to master their jobs. If the lack of shape to form equivalence between the time of languages is an obvious difficulty, complexity, semantics and distributional drawers French should not be neglected. Grammarians and linguists have tried to provide descriptions of the drawers of the past but their work, such as educationalists, has been uneven. The contributions included in this volume invite critical thinking regarding the existing descriptions of time and approaches to their teaching. Envisaged the structure of the system and the constitution of the drawers of synchronic point of view, evolutionary and contrasts, from corpora of different varieties of French. The issue of teaching these concepts to learners of French foreign language and tongue is also considered in various contexts of acquisition. In the spirit of dialogue increasingly required between application and modeling what this proposed structure, which will retain the interest of both practitioners and theorists.


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A preliminary study by Freeman et al (1996b) has suggested that when complex patterns of motion elicit impressions of 2-dimensionality, odd-item-out detection improves given targets can be differentiated on the basis of surface properties. Their results can be accounted for, it if is supposed that observers are permitted efficient access to 3-D surface descriptions but access to 2-D motion descriptions is restricted. To test the hypothesis, a standard search technique was employed, in which targets could be discussed on the basis of slant sign. In one experiment, slant impressions were induced through the summing of deformation and translation components. In a second theory were induced through the summing of shear and translation components. Neither showed any evidence of efficient access. A third experiment explored the possibility that access to these representations may have been hindered by a lack of grouping between the stimuli. Attempts to improve grouping failed to produce convincing evidence in support of life. An alternative explanation is that complex patterns of motion are simply not processed simultaneously. Psychophysical and physiological studies have, however, suggested that multiple mechanisms selective for complex motion do exist. Using a subthreshold summation technique I found evidence supporting the notion that complex motions are processed in parallel. Furthermore, in a spatial summation experiment, coherence thresholds were measured for displays containing different numbers of complex motion patches. Consistent with the idea that complex motion processing proceeds in parallel, increases in the number of motion patches were seen to decrease thresholds, both for expansion and rotation. Moreover, the rates of decrease were higher than those typically expected from probability summation, thus implying mechanisms are available, which can pool signals from spatially distinct complex motion flows.


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Pleistocene sediments in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, have been intruded by sills and their organic matter thus subjected to thermal stress. Sediment samples from DSDP/IPOD Sites 477, 478, and 481, and samples of thermally unaltered materials from Sites 474 and 479 were analyzed to characterize the lipids and kerogens and to evaluate the effects of the intrusive thermal stresses. The lipids of the thermally unaltered samples are derived from microbial and terrestrial higher-plant detritus. The samples from the sill proximities contain the distillates, and those adjacent to the sills contain essentially no lipids. The pyrograms of the kerogens from the unaltered samples reflect their predominantly autochthonous microbial origin. When compared with the unaltered samples, the pyrograms of the altered kerogen samples reflect the thermal effects by a reduction in the complexity of the products. Kerogens adjacent to the sills produced little or no pyrolysis products. The effects of intrusions into unconsolidated, wet sediments resulted in in situ pyrolysis of the organic matter, as confirmed by these data.


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This reconnaissance study was undertaken to determine whether the mass extinctions and faunal successions that mark the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary left a discernible molecular fossil record in the sediments of this period. Lipid signatures of sediments taken from above and below the K/T boundary were compared in core and outcrop samples taken from two locations: the U.S. east coast continental margin (western Atlantic Ocean, DSDP Site 605) and Stevns Klint, Denmark. Four calcareous sediments taken from above and below the K/T boundary in DSDP Hole 605, Section 605-66-1, revealed changing lipid signatures between above and below that are characterized by a large component of unresolved naphthenic hydrocarbons and a homologous series of n-alkanes ranging from Ci6 to C33. These lipid signatures are attributed to an influx of a terrestrial higher plant component and to bacterial reworking of the sediments under partially anoxic depositional and/or diagenetic conditions. The outcrop samples from Stevns Klint had extremely low concentrations of indigenous lipids. The fish clay at the K/T boundary contained traces of microbial hydrocarbons and fatty acids, whereas the carbonates above and below had only microbial fatty acids and additional terrestrial resin acids. The data from both sites indicate a perturbation in the deposition of lipid compound classes across the K/T boundary.