758 resultados para TAP
A Formação Parental poderá ser a chave para o sucesso de muitas famílias, principalmente para aquelas que se encontram menos preparadas para este novo papel, que é ser mãe ou pai, sobretudo quando ainda são jovens. Desta forma, o presente estudo tem como objetivos identificar quais as necessidades de formação de mães com filhos com idades compreendidas entre os 3 e 6 anos apoiadas pelo Centro da Mãe do Funchal; aplicar um programa de formação parental adequado às necessidades das mães; avaliar a evolução das competências e estilos parentais e comparar os resultados com outros estudos. Como já supramencionado, este estudo desenvolveu-se no Centro de Mãe do Funchal, Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social, que tem como objetivo apoiar e/ou acolher grávidas adolescentes e jovens mães, com os seus filhos, em situação de risco. As participantes do estudo foram três assistentes sociais, uma psicóloga e seis jovens mães de crianças em idade pré-escolar, apoiadas pelo Centro de Mãe. A identificação das necessidades de formação das mães foi concretizada recorrendo a entrevistas semiestruturadas. Posteriormente, procedemos à adaptação de um programa de formação parental, baseando-o no programa “Escola de Mães” do estudo de Bernardo (2013). Após as alterações necessárias ao programa de formação parental, este foi aplicado às mães. Com o objetivo de avaliar a evolução das competências e estilos parentais, foi efetuada também uma entrevista antes e após a frequência da formação parental. De forma a consubstanciar esta avaliação foram utilizados três instrumentos validados para a população portuguesa, designadamente o Questionário de Estilos Parentais – Pais adaptado de Parental Authority Questionnaire PAQ, de Buri (1991, cit in Pires et al.,2011), a Escala de Estima de Si - S.E.R.T.H.U.A.L. adaptado de Tap et al., (2009) e a Escala de Autoeficácia Parental de Brites (2010). As alterações do estilo parental praticado antes e após a frequência do programa indicam que o Programa de formação parental teve um impacto positivo junto da maioria das participantes neste estudo. É de realçar ainda a evolução das competências parentais das mães, manifestadas na sua autoestima e na relação com os seus filhos.
INTRODUÇÂO A prevalência de doença mental é uma das mais altas do mundo (Caldas de Almeida & Xavier, 2013) em adultos, desconhecendo-se os dados epidemiológicos para os adolescentes. O + Contigo é um projecto que visa promover a saúde mental e prevenir comportamentos suicidários na comunidade educativa (Santos et al 2013). OBJETIVOS Os objectivos deste estudos são caracterizar o bem-estar, autoconceito, coping e depressão numa amostra de 3500 adolescentes portugueses, estudantes do 7º ao 10 ano. Comparar os diversos indicadores tendo em conta o género. Comparar os diversos indicadores tendo em conta o ano de escolaridade. METODOLOGIA A recolha de dados foi feita através de questionário, preenchido em sala de aula, autorizado pela DSPE (inquérito n.º 0224900002). Do questionário faziam parte os seguintes instrumentos: Índice de Bem-estar da Organização Mundial de Saúde (1998), Escala Toulosiana de Coping elaborada por (Esparbés et 1993 e validada para Portugal, por Tap, Costa & Alves (2005), Inventário de Depressão de Beck criado por Beck & Steer (1987) e validado por Martins, (2000), Escala de auto-conceito de Piers (Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale 2, Piers & Hertzberg, 2002, validada por Veiga (2006 ) RESULTADOS Foram considerados válidos 3150 questionários, com 50,1% de raparigas, com média etária de 13,56 anos, distribuídos pelo 7º ano (43%); 8ºano (24,6%); 9º ano (15,1%); 10º ano (17,3%). Os resultados indicam níveis elevados de depressão 26,7%, com 14,4% com depressão moderada ou severa. O índice de bem-estar apresenta uma média de 18,75, o autoconceito uma média de 42,03 e o coping de 153,46. Nas variáveis protetoras de comportamentos suicidários as raparigas apresentam scores inferiores relativamente aos rapazes, apresentando níveis superiores na sintomatologia depressiva, considerado fator de risco para os comportamentos suicidários.Considerando o ano de escolaridade verificou-se, de forma consistente, um agravamento das variáveis estudadas ao longo dos anos, mas com uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os alunos do 10º ano e os restantes. CONCLUSÕES Cerca de um quarto dos adolescentes apresentam níveis de sintomatologia depressiva, em que 14,4% apresentam níveis moderados ou severos, mais evidentes nas raparigas e agravando-se ao longo da sua progressão académica, entre o 7º e o 10º ano. As adolescentes apresentam maiores vulnerabilidades em saúde mental. Estes achados reforçam a necessidade de privilegiar a promoção da saúde mental junto da comunidade educativa e, particularmente, junto dos adolescentes. Tendo em conta os dados recolhidos, a supervisão, monitorização e acompanhamento de comportamentos de risco assume particular importância na promoção de saúde mental, evidenciando assim a relevância do projecto + Contigo. BIBLIOGRAFIA- Caldas de Almeida, J., & Xavier, M. (2013). Estudo Epidemiológico Nacional de Saúde Mental (Vol. 1). Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Santos, José; Erse, Maria; Simões, Rosa; Façanha, Jorge; Marques, Lucia; (2013) "+ Contigo na promoção da saúde mental e prevenção de comportamentos suicidários em meio escolar" - Revista de Enfermagem Referência, Número: 10, Série: III série, 1ª Edição, UICISA-E, Coimbra, p203 - 207.
Water quality of parking lot (~1,858 m2) stormwater runoff and its treated effluent flow were analyzed for total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), total suspended solids (TSS), electrical conductivity (EC), copper, lead and zinc. The novel system under investigation, located at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, includes a standard bioretention facility, underdrained to a cistern to store treated stormwater, and pumped to a vegetable garden for irrigation. The site abstraction, the average bioretention abstraction, and bowl volumes were estimated to be 8500, 4378, and 895 L, respectively; this indicates that rain events of more than 0.45 cm are necessary to produce runoff and more than 0.75 cm will produce system overflow. The cistern water quality indicates good-to-excellent treatment by the system. Compared to local tap water, cistern water has lower concentrations of TP, TN, EC (non-winter), copper, and zinc, indicating a good water source for irrigation.
As a result of globalization, two thirds of the world’s business takes place nowadays in the service sector. In line, professional service firms are growing their share of the global service production. However, saturation of the professional service sector has forced professional service firms to search for more heuristic ways to conduct business in the international markets. By leveraging effectively the firm’s professionals, a professional service firm can lower its costs to clients and simultaneously generate additional value for the company and thus gain competitive advantage. Even though the academic field has shown growing interest towards services for decades, the fields of service productization and service internationalization are heavily understudied even today. Hence, the objective of this study was to contribute to the research on professional service internationalization and productization. The study concentrated on examining the impact that productization has on knowledge sharing and leveraging in professional service firms operating internationally. The research question focused on examining what implications productization has on knowledge transfer and leveraging during professional service internationalization by leaning on the existing research and on an empirical research. The empirical research was conducted as a single case study within a professional service firm operating in debt-related administrative service business. The case company is one of the leading operators in its field of business and therefore offered a fruitful environment to observe and analyze the topics in question. Additionally, the case company has a strong international presence and a large scale of operations in the selected markets, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Based on the previous literature and on the empirical research, this study found that for professional service firms to efficiently utilize individual, tacit knowledge, in its internationalization processes, it must be shared with the whole organization. By exploiting productization as a knowledge leveraging mechanism, a PSF can apply and transfer knowledge profoundly during its internationalization processes that would otherwise be difficult to tap into. Productization might not be sufficient alone, but by complementing it with a favorable organizational structure and culture, and by encouraging open communication, a PSF may take advantage of the whole potential that productization has to offer.
Fungal infection in the eggs of freshwater fish is well known as a problematic disease. That isolation and recognition Saprolegnia fungi from fungal infected eggs of the rainbow trout in Mazandaran province was the aim of this research. For this purpose fungal infected eggs were examined from six fish farm in the fall and winter 2005-2006. The eggs with fungi were inoculated on SDA, CMA, GPagar and hemp seed and sesame seed cultures in sterile tap water at room temperature (18-24°C). In this study recognized three genera and six species Saprolegniaceae members, based on morphological characteristics which contain: Saprolegnia, Achlya, Brevilegnia. Four species were identified in the genus Saprolegnia; S.mixta, S.parasitica, S.moniliphera, S.lapponica and one species was identified in the genus Achlya; A.oblongata. S.parasitica was isolated from almost all the farms. In addition, another nine genera and species were identified; Penicillium, Aspergillus, Paeciliomyces, Acremonium, Fusarium oxysporum, F.solani , Alternaria, Helminthosporium, Mucor.
Effluents from intensive pig farms present high nutrient concentration, mainly ammonium, contributing to water eutrophication and pollution. Microalgae ability to deplete inorganic nutrients makes them an efficient effluent bioremediation tool. Scenedesmus obliquus was grown in piggery effluent (without any pretreatment) diluted with tap water at 5%v/v (187±25mg/L N-NH4+) and compared with growth in synthetic Bristol media. A 21-days trial was performed in 1L bubble-column reactors illuminated by fluorescent and LED lamps(3klux). Microalgae growth was monitored through OD540nm, dry weight and Chlorophyll content and also by flow cytometry in terms of autofluorescence read in FL3 channel (>670 nm), cell size (FSC), internal complexity (SSC) and cell membrane integrity (PI). S. obliquus cells have grown slower in pig effluent (mmax=0.13-19d-1) than in Bristol media (mmax=0.46-0.50d-1) although after 15 days the biomass productivity observed for the pig waste cultivation, operated under LED (0.127gL-1d-1) was similar to those attained for the Bristol media after 8 and 12 days (0.130 and 0.129 gL-1d-1 using Fluorescent and LED lights, respectively). The Chlorophyll content was correlated to FL3 autofluorescence, with R2>0.97 for Bristol and R2>0.92 for pig waste cultures. Regarding cell size and complexity, Bristol cultures did not show significant differences along time, while cells grown on pig waste increased, attaining FSC and SSC values similar to those observed for Bristol cultures. However, pig waste led to higher percentage of cells with permeabilised membrane (up to 18%) than Bristol cultures (7%). For pig waste experiments, ammonium removal rates were 95% with final values within legal limits. S. obliquus cultivations proved to be an efficient system for direct piggery effluent bioremediation, attaining biomass productivities similar to those obtained in synthetic media. Using LED lighting enables to reduce the energy consumption while maintaining microalgae growth and bioremediation performance. Scale-up to an outdoor 150L photobioreactor is underway.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with increased cardiovascular risk in comparison with the general population. This can be observed even in the early stages of CKD, and rises in proportion to the degree of renal impairment. Not only is cardiovascular disease (CVD) more prevalent in CKD, but its nature differs too, with an excess of morbidity and mortality associated with congestive cardiac failure, arrhythmia and sudden death, as well as the accelerated atherosclerosis which is also observed. Conventional cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidaemia, obesity, glycaemia and smoking, are highly prevalent amongst patients with CKD, although in many of these examples the interaction between risk factor and disease differs from that which exists in normal renal function. Nevertheless, the extent of CVD cannot be fully explained by these conventional risk factors, and non-conventional factors specific to CKD are now recognised to contribute to the burden of CVD. Oxidative stress is a state characterised by excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other radical species, a reduction in the capacity of antioxidant systems, and disturbance in normal redox homeostasis with depletion of protective vascular signalling molecules such as nitric oxide (NO). This results in oxidative damage to macromolecules such as lipids, proteins and DNA which can alter their functionality. Moreover, many enzymes are sensitive to redox regulation such that oxidative modification to cysteine thiol groups results in activation of signalling cascades which result in adverse cardiovascular effects such as vascular and endothelial dysfunction. Endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress are present in association with many conventional cardiovascular risk factors, and can be observed even prior to the development of overt, clinical, vascular pathology, suggesting that these phenomena represent the earliest stages of CVD. In the presence of CKD, there is increased ROS production due to upregulated NADPH oxidase (NOX), increase in a circulating asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), uncoupling of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) as well as other mechanisms. There is also depletion in exogenous antioxidants such as ascorbic acid and tocopherol, and a reduction in activity of endogenous antioxidant systems regulated by the master gene regulator Nrf-2. In previous studies, circulating markers of oxidative stress have been shown to be increased in CKD, together with a reduction in endothelial function in a stepwise fashion relating to the severity of renal impairment. Not only is CVD linked to oxidative stress, but the progression of CKD itself is also in part dependent on redox sensitive mechanisms. For example, administration of the ROS scavenger tempol attenuates renal injury and reduces renal fibrosis seen on biopsy in a mouse model of CKD, whilst conversely, supplementation with the NOS inhibitor L-NAME causes proteinuria and renal impairment. Previous human studies examining the effect of antioxidant administration on vascular and renal function have been conflicting however. The work contained in this thesis therefore examines the effect of antioxidant administration on vascular and endothelial function in CKD. Firstly, 30 patients with CKD stages 3 – 5, and 20 matched hypertensive controls were recruited. Participants with CKD had lower ascorbic acid, higher TAP and ADMA, together with higher augmentation index and pulse wave velocity. There was no difference in baseline flow mediated dilatation (FMD) between groups. Intravenous ascorbic acid increased TAP and O2-, and reduced central BP and augmentation index in both groups, and lowered ADMA in the CKD group only. No effect on FMD was observed. The effects of ascorbic acid on kidney function was then investigated, however this was hindered by the inherent drawbacks of existing methods of non-invasively measuring kidney function. Arterial spin labelling MRI is an emerging imaging technique which allows measurement of renal perfusion without administration of an exogenous contrast agent. The technique relies upon application of an inversion pulse to blood within the vasculature proximal to the kidneys, which magnetically labels protons allowing measurement upon transit to the kidney. At the outset of this project local experience using ASL MRI was limited and there ensued a prolonged pre-clinical phase of testing with the aim of optimising imaging strategy. A study was then designed to investigate the repeatability of ASL MRI in a group of 12 healthy volunteers with normal renal function. The measured T1 longitudinal relaxation times and ASL MRI perfusion values were in keeping with those found in the literature; T1 time was 1376 ms in the cortex and 1491 ms in the whole kidney ROI, whilst perfusion was 321 mL/min/100g in the cortex, and 228 mL/min/100g in the whole kidney ROI. There was good reproducibility demonstrated on Bland Altman analysis, with a CVws was 9.2% for cortical perfusion and 7.1% for whole kidney perfusion. Subsequently, in a study of 17 patients with CKD and 24 healthy volunteers, the effects of ascorbic acid on renal perfusion was investigated. Although no change in renal perfusion was found following ascorbic acid, it was found that ASL MRI demonstrated significant differences between those with normal renal function and participants with CKD stages 3 – 5, with increased cortical and whole kidney T1, and reduced cortical and whole kidney perfusion. Interestingly, absolute perfusion showed a weak but significant correlation with progression of kidney disease over the preceding year. Ascorbic acid was therefore shown to have a significant effect on vascular biology both in CKD and in those with normal renal function, and to reduce ADMA only in patients with CKD. ASL MRI has shown promise as a non-invasive investigation of renal function and as a biomarker to identify individuals at high risk of progressive renal impairment.
Food irradiation is a treatment that involves subjecting in-bulk or packaged food to a controlled dose of ionizing radiation, with a clearly defined goal. It has been used for disinfestation and sanitization of food commodities and to retard postharvest ripening and senescence processes, being a sustainable alternative to chemical agents 1 . Doses up to 10 kGy are approved by several international authorities for not offering negative effects to food from a nutrition and toxicology point of view 2 . However, the adoption of this technology for food applications has been a slow process due to some misunderstandings by the consumer who often chooses non-irradiated foods. In this study, the effects of the ionizing radiation treatment on physical, chemical and bioactive properties of dried herbs and its suitability for preserving quality attributes of fresh vegetables during cold storage were evaluated. The studied herbs, perennial spotted rockrose (Tuberaria lignosa (Sweet) Samp.) and common mallow (Malva neglecta Wallr.) were freeze-dried and then irradiated up to 10 kGy in a Cobalt-60 chamber. The selected vegetables, watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) and buckler sorrel (Rumex induratus Boiss. Reut.) were rinsed in tap water, packaged in polyethylene bags, submitted to irradiation doses up to 6 kGy and then were stored at 4 C for a period of up to 12 days. Physical, chemical and bioactive parameters of irradiated and non-irradiated samples were evaluated using different methodologies the colour was measured with a colorimeter, individual chemical compounds were analyzed by chromatographic techniques, antioxidant properties were evaluated using in vitro assays based on different reaction mechanisms, and other quality analyses were performed following official methods of analysis. The irradiation treatment did not significantly affect the colour of the perennial spotted rockrose samples, or its phenolic composition and antioxidant activity 3 . Medium doses preserved the colour of common mallow and a low dose did not induce any adverse effect in the organic acids profile. The green colour of the irradiated vegetables was maintained during cold storage but the treatment had pros and cons in other quality attributes. The 2 kGy dose preserved free sugars and favoured polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) while the 5 kGy dose favoured tocopherols and preserved the antioxidant properties in watercress samples. The 6 kGy dose was a suitable option for preserving PUFA and the ω-6 ω-3 fatty acids ratio in buckler sorrel samples. This comprehensive experimental work allowed selecting appropriate processing doses for the studied plant foods in order to preserve its quality attributes and edibility.
Watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) is a semi-aquatic plant of the Brassicaceae family highly appreciated in the Mediterranean cuisine. It features sharp, peppery and slightly tangy taste and contains health-promoting phytochemicals. Its consumption as a fresh-cut product has increased in recent years, as well as the global market of minimally processed vegetables. This demand is driven by the growing interest in the role of food in promoting the human health and wellbeing and to meet consumer needs for fresh-like and more convenient foods. Due to the reduced shelf-life of this plant, the suitability of inert gas-enriched atmospheres and ionizing irradiation for preserving visual, nutritional and functional quality attributes during cold storage was studied. Watercress samples were gathered in the Northeast region of Portugal, rinsed in tap water and a portion was immediately analyzed (non-stored control). The remaining fresh material was packaged in polyethylene bags under N2- and Ar-enriched atmospheres, conventional atmosphere (air) and vacuum (no atmosphere). Samples under conventional atmosphere were irradiated at 1, 2 and 5 kGy of gamma-rays (predicted doses) in a 60Co experimental chamber. A non-irradiated control followed all the experiment. Then, all packaged samples were stored at 4 ºC for 7 days. The studied quality parameters included the colour that was measured with a Konica Minolta colorimeter, and total soluble solids and pH determined in squeezed juice. The proximate composition (moisture, proteins, fat, ash, carbohydrates and energy) was evaluated using the AOA C procedures. Organic acids, free sugars, fatty acids and tocopherols were analyzed by chromatographic techniques. Samples were also evaluated for its DPPH• scavenging activity, reducing power, and lipid peroxidation inhibition capacity trough the inhibition of the β-carotene bleaching and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBAR S) formation. Differences among treatments were analyzed using the one-way analysis of variance (ANO VA) and a linear discriminant analysis (LDA ) was used to evaluate the effects on the overall postharvest quality. After evaluating the effect on the individual quality parameters, the LDA revealed that the Ar-enriched atmosphere and the irradiation at 2 kGy were suitable processing choices for preserving the integrity of the non-stored control samples during cold storage. Thus, these non-thermal treatments were highlighted for shelf-life extension of fresh-cut watercress.
Buckler sorrel (Rumex induratus Boiss. & Reut.) is an underutilized leafy vegetable with peculiar sensory properties and potential as a gourmet food. In the food industry, different packaging methods have been used for shelf-life extension, but it is important to know how the quality of minimally processed vegetable is affected by these treatments. Recently, nitrogen and argon have been used for food packaging. Nitrogen is low soluble in water and other food constituents and does not support the growth of aerobic microbes. In turn, argon is biochemically active and appears to interfere with enzymatic oxygen receptor sites. In this study, modified atmospheres enriched with nitrogen and argon were evaluated for shelf-life extension of buckler sorrel leaves. Wild samples were gathered in Bragança, Portugal, considering local consumers’ sites and criteria. Healthy and undamaged leaves were selected, rinsed in tap water, and a portion was immediately analyzed (non-stored control). The remaining fresh material was packaged in polyethylene bags under nitrogen- and argon-enriched atmospheres and a conventional control atmosphere (air). All packaged samples were stored at 4 ºC for 12 days and then analyzed. The headspace gas composition was monitored during storage. Different quality attributes were evaluated, including visual (colour), nutritional (macronutrients, individual sugars and fatty acids) and bioactive (hydrophilic and lipophilic molecules and antioxidant properties) parameters. Different statistical tools were used; the one-way analysis of variance (ANO VA) was applied for analyse the differences among treatments and a linear discriminant analysis (LDA ) was used to evaluate the effects on the overall postharvest quality. The argon-enriched atmosphere better prevent the samples yellowing. The proximate composition did not change significantly during storage. Samples in control atmosphere revealed higher protein and ash contents and lower levels of lipids. The non-stored control samples presented the higher amounts of fructose, glucose and trehalose. The storage time increased the palmitic acid levels and decreased the content in α-linolenic and linoleic acids. The γ- e δ-tocopherols were higher after the 12 days of cold storage. Probably, the synthesis of these lipophilic compounds was a plant strategy to fight against the abiotic stress induced by storage. Higher levels of total phenolics and flavonoids and increased reducing power and β-carotene bleaching inhibition capacity were also found in the stored control samples. Once again, this result may be attributed to the intrinsic plant-protection mechanisms. Overall, the argon atmosphere was more suitable for quality preservation and shelf-life extension of buckler sorrel.
Older adults frequently report that they can hear what they have been told but cannot understand the meaning. This is particularly true in noisy conditions, where the additional challenge of suppressing irrelevant noise (i.e. a competing talker) adds another layer of difficulty to their speech understanding. Hearing aids improve speech perception in quiet, but their success in noisy environments has been modest, suggesting that peripheral hearing loss may not be the only factor in the older adult’s perceptual difficulties. Recent animal studies have shown that auditory synapses and cells undergo significant age-related changes that could impact the integrity of temporal processing in the central auditory system. Psychoacoustic studies carried out in humans have also shown that hearing loss can explain the decline in older adults’ performance in quiet compared to younger adults, but these psychoacoustic measurements are not accurate in describing auditory deficits in noisy conditions. These results would suggest that temporal auditory processing deficits could play an important role in explaining the reduced ability of older adults to process speech in noisy environments. The goals of this dissertation were to understand how age affects neural auditory mechanisms and at which level in the auditory system these changes are particularly relevant for explaining speech-in-noise problems. Specifically, we used non-invasive neuroimaging techniques to tap into the midbrain and the cortex in order to analyze how auditory stimuli are processed in younger (our standard) and older adults. We will also attempt to investigate a possible interaction between processing carried out in the midbrain and cortex.
Canine Visceral Leishmania (CVL) is an important zoonotic disease that has a world wide distribution and has a large impact on public health on the American Continent, especially in Brazil, where the nature of endemic diseases in humans affects a large part of the nation. The influence of the prevalence of CVL in the increased rate of human cases in endemic areas and in the unleashing of epidemic outbreaks shows the need for a more profound understanding, that would generate significant advances in the current measures used to control the reservoirs of sickness that are practiced by the Programa Nacional de Vigilância e Controle da Leishmaniose Visceral. The present work describes and compares the clinical-laboratorial and histopathological findings of twenty-three dogs that were naturally infected by Leishmania chagasi, from endemic areas in metropolitan Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These animals, that were selected and given physical and serological exams (IFI and ELISA rK-39), were classified according to the degree of clinical severity and had blood samples drawn (whole blood and serum) for a complete hemogram and a coagulogram to be done as well as biochemical tests for kidney and liver function. The confirmation of infection by L. chagasi was done after the euthanasia of the animals, through the direct demonstration of the parasite in the impression of the spleen and liver crowned with GIEMSA and through a cultivation by means of NNN/Schneider. According to the clinical evaluation, the animals were classified as asymptomatic (7), oligosymptomatic (7) and polysymptomatic (9). Among the animals that were chosen to be autopsied, there were 2 asymptomatic, 3 oligosymptomatic and 3 polysymptomatic, for the purpose of studying their histopathology, having collected fragments of the spleen, liver, kidneys and skin and were fixed in 10% tamponed formol. The comparison between the average parameters of the clinical-laboratory tested animals in the groups was done through the Student t test (a<0.05). The main clinical signals observed were lymphadenomegaly, alopecy, dermatitis, exfoliation, cutaneous ulcers, onicogriphosis and emaciation. The main clinical-laboratorial alterations established, mainly in the polysymptomatic group, were anemia, hyperproteinemia, hyperglobulinemia, alterations in the albumin/globulin ratio and increased ALT activity. Renal alterations were not verified (urea and creatinine levels were normal). Thrombocytopenia was observed in three clinical groups. However, the other indicators of coagulation function (TAP and TTPA) did not have abnormal variations. There were inflammatory infiltrations and leishmania amastigotes in the skin of polysymptomatic dogs, however, they were not found in the skin of asymptomatic animals. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the phagocyte mononuclear system, leishmania amastigote parasites were found in the macrophages, extramedullary hematopoiesis and degenerative alterations were detected in the spleen and liver of 8 of the animals submitted to histopathological exams. In accord with these results, it was demonstrated that the expected alterations in the hematological and biochemical parameters in function of their viscerotropic nature of CVL are mainly observed in the more advanced stages of the disease. The absence of inflammatory infiltration and parasite load in the skin suggest that infected animals without symptoms may have an importance irrelevant to the infectiousness of the vector
Education is one of the main industries in the world, which needs to focus more than other types of industries. As Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world” (www.brainyquote.com). Global economic recession era put serious pressure on private Higher Education Institutions (HEI), which resulted as decrease in the university spending`s budget. Therefore, HEI forced to develop more competitive ways to find new financial resources for rapid technological and organizational changes (Savsar, 2012). Students are the motive of being of Higher Education. The aim of this study is to implement İmportance-Satisfaction Analysis (IPA) matrix to evaluate the student`s satisfaction and assess importance of different attributes in terms of student`s perception. The students that participated in this study enrolled in the present academic year, 2015/2016, in the Economics and Administration Faculty-Qafqaz University. In order to perform study, survey method applied to collect the data and number of received valid questionnaire were 266. Questionnaire used to collect demographic information of students, identify importance given to each attribute and satisfaction degree of each attribute. Descriptive analysis used to identify profile of respondents, also find satisfaction and importance degree for each attributes. To evaluate differences between groups, built association between variables, find relation between variables and answering to the research hypothesis inferential analysis applied. Moreover, IPA matrix was been used to explore the attributes that needs improvement that perceived as attributes that are more important for the students. The result showed that generally students are satisfied with service quality offered by HEI-on sample of the Qafqaz University. In addition, research found that there are no differences in overall satisfaction and importance by department, gender, academic year and grade point average. IPA matrix highlighted the main attributes, which performs well, namely Academic Services and Teaching aspects, and in another hand needs to concentrate in Undergraduate program and External Relations. In addition, research found that loyalty of students is very low and there is a negative correlation between loyalty and satisfaction.
A presente tese explora a hipótese de utilização dos genes da oxidase alternativa (AOX) e da oxidase terminal da plastoquinona (PTOX) como genes-alvo para o desenvolvimento de marcadores funcionais (MF) para avaliar a performance do crescimento em cenoura, fator determinante da produtividade. Para avaliar se os referidos genes estão associados com o crescimento da cenoura procedeu—se ao seu isolamento e posterior análise dos seus perfis de transcrição em diversos sistemas biológicos. O sistema in vitro selecionado, denominado sistema de culturas primárias, permitiu avaliar alterações na quantidade de transcritos desses genes durante os processos de reprogramação celular e crescimento. Ao nível da planta foi também estudado o efeito do frio na expressão precoce dos genes AOX. Ambos os genes DcAOX1 e DcAOX2a revelaram uma resposta rápida e um padrão semelhante apos stresse (inoculação in vitro e resposta ao frio). Foi igualmente verificado um incremento na expressão do gene DcPTOX durante a fase inicial do processo de reprogramação celular. Estudos de expressão dos genes AOX durante o desenvolvimento da raiz da cenoura revelaram que o gene DcAOX2a será potencialmente o gene mais envolvido neste processo. De modo a avaliar a hipótese de envolvimento do gene DcPTOX no crescimento da raíz procederam—se a estudos de expressão ao nível do tecido meristemático. Todavia, para um mais completo entendimento da ligação entre DcPTOX e o crescimento secundário e/ou acumulação de carotenos, a expressão do gene DcPTOX foi também avaliada em raízes de cenoura durante o desenvolvimento, utilizando cultivares caracterizadas por distintos conteúdos de carotenos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a associação do gene DcPTOX a ambos os processos. O envolvimento da PTOX no crescimento adaptativo da raiz foi analisado com um ensaio que permitiu identificar, no tecido meristemático, uma resposta precoce do gene DcPTOX face a uma diminuição da temperatura. Adicionalmente, foi efetuada a seleção de genes de referência para uma analise precisa da expressão génica por RT-qPCR em diversos sistemas biológicos de cenoura, e a importância do seu estudo ao nível do sistema biológico foi realçada. Os resultados desta tese são encorajadores para prosseguir os estudos de utilização dos genes AOX e PTOX como MF no melhoramento da performance do crescimento adaptativo em cenoura, fator determinante para a produtividade; ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the hypothesis of using the alternative oxidase (AOX) and theplastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) as target genes for functional marker (FM) development for yield-determining growth performance in carrot. To understand if these genes are associated to growth, different AOX gene family members and the single PTOX gene were isolated, and their expression patterns evaluated in diverse carrot plant systems. An in-vitro primary culture system was selected to study AOX and PTOX transcript changes during cell reprogramming and growth performance. At plant level, a putative early response of AOX to chilling was also evaluated. In fact, both DcAOXl and DcAOXZa were early responsive and showed similar patterns under stress conditions (in vitro inoculation and chilling). A role for DcPTOX during earliest events of cell reprogramming was also suggested. Next, the expression profiles of AOX gene family members during carrot tap root development were investigated. DcAOXZa was identified as the most responsive gene to root development. In order to evaluate if DcPTOX is associated with carrot tap root growth performance, DcPTOX transcript levels were measured in the central root meristem. To further understand whether DcPTOX is associated with secondary growth and/or carotenoids accumulation, DcPTOX expression was also studied in deveIOping carrot tap roots in cultivars with different carotenoids contents. The results indicated that DcPTOX associates to both carotenoid biosynthesis and secondary growth during storage root development. To obtain further insights into the involvement of PTOX on adaptive growth, the early effects of temperature decrease were explored in the root meristem, where a short—term early response in DcPTOX was found, probably associated with adaptive growth. Furthermore, a selection of the most suitable reference genes for accurate RT—qPCR analysis in several carrot experimental systems was performed and discussed. The present research provides the necessary toolbox for continuing studies in carrot AOX and PTOX genes as promising resources for FM candidates in order to assist breeding on yield—determining adaptive growth performance.
Current environmental concerns include the excessive consumption and inefficient use of non-renewable natural resources. The construction industry is considered one of the largest consumers of natural raw materials, significantly contributing to the environmental degradation of the planet. The use of calcareous quarry (RPPC) and porcelain tile polishing residues (RPP) as partial replacements of the cement in mortars is an interesting alternative to minimize the exploration of considerably large amounts of natural resources. The present study aimed at investigating the properties of fresh and hardened mortars produced using residues to replace cement. The residues used were fully characterized to determine their specific mass, unitary mass, particle size distribution and morphology, and composition. The performance of the mortars was compared to that of reference compositions, prepared without residues. A total of 18 compositions were prepared, 16 using residues and 2 reference ones. The mortars were prepared using Portland CP II F 32 cement, CH I hydrated lime, river sand and tap water. The compositions of the mortars were 1:1:6 and 1:0.5:4.5 (vol%), and water to cement ratios of 1.87 and 1.45 were used, respectively. The mortars in the fresh state were evaluated by consistency index, water retention, density of mass and incorporated air content tests. In their hardened state, the mortars were evaluated by apparent mass density, modulus of elasticity, flexural tensile strength, compressive strength and water absorption by capillarity. The mortars were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and fluorescence. Finally, they were classified according to NBR 13281 standards. The mortars prepared using residues partially replacing the cement exhibited lower modulus of elasticity compared to the reference compositions, thus improving the performance in their intended use. On the downside, the water absorption by capillarity was affected by the presence of residues and both the tensile and compressive strength were reduced. However, from the overall standpoint, the replacement of cement by calcareous quarry or porcelain tile polishing residues did not result in significant changes in the properties of the mortars. Therefore, compositions containing these residues can be used in the construction industry