998 resultados para Surfaces, Algebraic.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015


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A novel artificial antibody for troponin T (TnT) was synthesized by molecular imprint (MI) on the surface of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). This was done by attaching TnT to the MWCNT surface, and filling the vacant spaces by polymerizing under mild conditions acrylamide (monomer) in N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide (cross-linker) and ammonium persulphate (initiator). After removing the template, the obtained biomaterial was able to rebind TnT and discriminate it among other interfering species. Stereochemical recognition of TnT was confirmed by the non-rebinding ability displayed by non-imprinted (NI) materials, obtained by imprinting without a template. SEM and FTIR analysis confirmed the surface modification of the MWCNT. The ability of this biomaterial to rebind TnT was confirmed by including it as electroactive compound in a PVC/plasticizer mixture coating a wire of silver, gold or titanium. Anionic slopes of 50 mV decade−1 were obtained for the gold wire coated with MI-based membranes dipped in HEPES buffer of pH 7. The limit of detection was 0.16 μg mL−1. Neither the NI-MWCNT nor the MWCNT showed the ability to recognize the template. Good selectivity was observed against creatinine, sucrose, fructose, myoglobin, sodium glutamate, thiamine and urea. The sensor was tested successfully on serum samples. It is expected that this work opens new horizons on the design of new artificial antibodies for complex protein structures.


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The contribution of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) antibodies in the defense of mucosal epithelia plays an important role in preventing pathogen adhesion to host cells, therefore blocking dissemination and further infection. This mechanism, referred to as immune exclusion, represents the dominant mode of action of the antibody. However, SIgA antibodies combine multiple facets, which together confer properties extending from intracellular and serosal neutralization of antigens, activation of non-inflammatory pathways and homeostatic control of the endogenous microbiota. The sum of these features suggests that future opportunities for translational application from research-based knowledge to clinics include the mucosal delivery of bioactive antibodies capable of preserving immunoreactivity in the lung, gastrointestinal tract, the genito-urinary tract for the treatment of infections. This article covers topics dealing with the structure of SIgA, the dissection of its mode of action in epithelia lining different mucosal surfaces and its potential in immunotherapy against infectious pathogens.


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We introduce an algebraic operator framework to study discounted penalty functions in renewal risk models. For inter-arrival and claim size distributions with rational Laplace transform, the usual integral equation is transformed into a boundary value problem, which is solved by symbolic techniques. The factorization of the differential operator can be lifted to the level of boundary value problems, amounting to iteratively solving first-order problems. This leads to an explicit expression for the Gerber-Shiu function in terms of the penalty function.


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Due to their numerous novel technological applications ranging from the example of exhaust catalysts in the automotive industry to the catalytic production of hydro- gen, surface reactions on transition metal substrates have become to be one of the most essential subjects within the surface science community. Although numerous applications exist, there are many details in the different processes that, after many decades of research, remain unknown. There are perhaps as many applications for the corrosion resistant materials such as stainless steels. A thorough knowledge of the details of the simplest reactions occuring on the surfaces, such as oxidation, play a key role in the design of better catalysts, or corrosion resistant materials in the future. This thesis examines the oxidation of metal surfaces from a computational point of view mostly concentrating on copper as a model material. Oxidation is studied from the initial oxidation to the oxygen precovered surface. Important parameters for the initial sticking and dissociation are obtained. The saturation layer is thoroughly studied and the calculated results arecompared with available experimental results. On the saturated surface, some open questions still remain. The present calculations demonstrate, that the saturated part of the surface is excluded from being chemically reactive towards the oxygen molecules. The results suggest, that the reason for the chemical activity of the saturated surface is due to a strain effect occuring between the saturated areas of the surface.


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This thesis studies the properties and usability of operators called t-norms, t-conorms, uninorms, as well as many valued implications and equivalences. Into these operators, weights and a generalized mean are embedded for aggregation, and they are used for comparison tasks and for this reason they are referred to as comparison measures. The thesis illustrates how these operators can be weighted with a differential evolution and aggregated with a generalized mean, and the kinds of measures of comparison that can be achieved from this procedure. New operators suitable for comparison measures are suggested. These operators are combination measures based on the use of t-norms and t-conorms, the generalized 3_-uninorm and pseudo equivalence measures based on S-type implications. The empirical part of this thesis demonstrates how these new comparison measures work in the field of classification, for example, in the classification of medical data. The second application area is from the field of sports medicine and it represents an expert system for defining an athlete's aerobic and anaerobic thresholds. The core of this thesis offers definitions for comparison measures and illustrates that there is no actual difference in the results achieved in comparison tasks, by the use of comparison measures based on distance, versus comparison measures based on many valued logical structures. The approach has been highly practical in this thesis and all usage of the measures has been validated mainly by practical testing. In general, many different types of operators suitable for comparison tasks have been presented in fuzzy logic literature and there has been little or no experimental work with these operators.


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Même ouvrage.Livres 3 et 5. — Comparer Cat. imp., liv. 106, f. 21 (Xin fa suan shu, 100 livres).


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Cell surfaces of susceptible host species (Mortierella pusllla and Cboanepilora cucurbitarum ), resistant host (Pilascolomyces articulosus ), nonhost (Mortierella candelabrum ) and the mycoparasite (Piptocepilalis virginiana) were examined for sugar distribution patterns using light and fluorescent microscopy techniques. The susceptible host, resistant host and the mycoparasite species exhibited a similar sugar distribution profile; they all showed N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucose on their cell wall surfaces. The nonhost cell wall surface showed a positive binding reaction to FITClectins specific for N-acetyl glucosamine and also for OI.-fucose, N-acetyl galactosamine and galactose. Treatment of these fungi with mild concentrations of proteinases (both commercial as well as the mycoparasiteproteinase) resulted in the revelation of additional sugars on the fungal cell walls. The susceptible host treated with proteinase expressed higher levels of N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucose. The susceptible host also showed the presence of OI.-fucose, N-acetyl galactosamine and galactose. The proteinasetreated susceptible host cell walls also showed an increase in the levels of attachment with the mycoparasite. Treatment of the resistant host with proteinases revealed OI.-fucose in addition to N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucose. Treatment of the nonhost cell wall with proteinase resulted in the exposure of low levels of D-glucose, in addition to sugars found on the untreated nonhost cell wall surface. The mycoparasite treated with proteinase revealed OI.-fucose, N-acetyl galactosamine and galactose on its cell surface in addition to the sugars N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucose. Protoplasts were isolated from hosts and nonhost fungi and their surfaces were examined for sugar distribution patterns. The susceptible host and nonhost protoplast membranes showed all the sugars (N-acetyl glucosamine, D-glucose, (It.-fucose, N-acetyl galactosamine and galactose) tested for. The resistant host protoplast membrane however, had only N-acetyl glucosamine and D-glucose exposed. This sugar distribution profile resembles that exhibited by the untreated resistant host cell wall, as well as that shown by the untreated mycoparasite cell surface. Only susceptible host protoplasts were successful in attaching to the mycoparasite surface. Resistant host protoplasts did not show any interaction with the i mycoparasite cell surface. Both susceptible as well as resistant host protoplasts were incapable of attaching to agarose beads surface-coated with specific carbohydrates. The mycoparasite however, did attach to agarose beads surface-coated with either N-acetyl glucosamine, D-glucose/Dmannose or o:,- methyl-D-mannose. The relevance of the cell wall and the protoplast membrane in the light of the present results, in reacting appropriately to bring about either a susceptible, a resistant or a nonhost response has been discussed.


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For inviscid fluid flow in any n-dimensional Riemannian manifold, new conserved vorticity integrals generalizing helicity, enstrophy, and entropy circulation are derived for lower-dimensional surfaces that move along fluid streamlines. Conditions are determined for which the integrals yield constants of motion for the fluid. In the case when an inviscid fluid is isentropic, these new constants of motion generalize Kelvin’s circulation theorem from closed loops to closed surfaces of any dimension.


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Classical relational databases lack proper ways to manage certain real-world situations including imprecise or uncertain data. Fuzzy databases overcome this limitation by allowing each entry in the table to be a fuzzy set where each element of the corresponding domain is assigned a membership degree from the real interval [0…1]. But this fuzzy mechanism becomes inappropriate in modelling scenarios where data might be incomparable. Therefore, we become interested in further generalization of fuzzy database into L-fuzzy database. In such a database, the characteristic function for a fuzzy set maps to an arbitrary complete Brouwerian lattice L. From the query language perspectives, the language of fuzzy database, FSQL extends the regular Structured Query Language (SQL) by adding fuzzy specific constructions. In addition to that, L-fuzzy query language LFSQL introduces appropriate linguistic operations to define and manipulate inexact data in an L-fuzzy database. This research mainly focuses on defining the semantics of LFSQL. However, it requires an abstract algebraic theory which can be used to prove all the properties of, and operations on, L-fuzzy relations. In our study, we show that the theory of arrow categories forms a suitable framework for that. Therefore, we define the semantics of LFSQL in the abstract notion of an arrow category. In addition, we implement the operations of L-fuzzy relations in Haskell and develop a parser that translates algebraic expressions into our implementation.


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Assuming at least three individuals and some regularity conditions, we construct a set S* of Pareto surfaces which is an ordinal basis of the set S of all surfaces: every surface in S is ordinally equivalent to some surface in S* and all surfaces in S* are ordinally distinct.


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L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer et de comparer la force d’adhésion de deux résines de collage: le ClearfilTM Esthetic Cement & DC Bond Kit (C) et le RelyXTM Unicem (R), sur trois adhérents différents : une surface d’émail, un alliage de métaux non précieux (Np) et un alliage de métaux semi-précieux (Sp). La surface des échantillons des alliages métalliques a subi différents traitements de surface. Sur l’émail (n=15) ainsi que sur les plaquettes d’alliages Np et Sp (n=15), des cylindres de résine étaient appliqués et polymérisés. Suite au processus de collage, les échantillons ont été incubés à 37°C pendant 24 heures, puis ont subi 500 cycles de thermocyclage. Des tests de cisaillement ont été effectués, suivi par l’analyse de la surface des échantillons au microscope à balayage électronique. Une comparaison de type T-test et des comparaisons multiples post hoc, ont été effectuées pour l’analyse statistique (p 0,05). Sur l’émail, les résultats ont démontré que la résine C présentait une force d'adhésion moyenne statistiquement supérieure (33,97±17,18 MPa) à la résine R (10,48±11,23 MPa) (p 0,05). Le type d’alliage utilisé n’influençait pas la force d’adhésion, et ce, peu importe le type de résine de collage (p>0,05). Pour le groupe Sp, la résine C a démontré une adhésion statistiquement supérieure à la résine R, et ce, pour tous les traitements de surface (p 0,05). En conclusion, la résine C a démontré des résultats d’adhésion significativement supérieurs à la résine R sur l’émail ainsi que sur presque toutes les surfaces traitées des alliages de métaux.


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La représentation d'une surface, son lissage et son utilisation pour l'identification, la comparaison, la classification, et l'étude des variations de volume, de courbure ou de topologie sont omniprésentes dans l'aire de la numérisation. Parmi les méthodes mathématiques, nous avons retenu les transformations difféomorphiques d'un pattern de référence. Il y a un grand intérêt théorique et numérique à approcher un difféomorphisme arbitraire par des difféomorphismes engendrés par des champs de vitesses. Sur le plan théorique la question est : "est-ce que le sous-groupe de difféomorphismes engendrés par des champs de vitesses est dense dans le groupe plus large de Micheletti pour la métrique de Courant ?" Malgré quelques progrès réalisés ici, cette question demeure ouverte. Les pistes empruntées ont alors convergé vers le sous-groupe de Azencott et de Trouvé et sa métrique dans le cadre de l'imagerie. Elle correspond à une notion de géodésique entre deux difféomorphismes dans leur sous-groupe. L'optimisation est utilisée pour obtenir un système d'équations état adjoint caractérisant la solution optimale du problème d'identification à partir des observations. Cette approche est adaptée à l'identification de surfaces obtenues par un numériseur tel que, par exemple, le scan d'un visage. Ce problème est beaucoup plus difficile que celui d'imagerie. On doit alors introduire un système de référence courbe et une surface à facettes pour les calculs. On donne la formulation du problème d'identification et du calcul du changement de volume par rapport à un scan de référence.