919 resultados para Surface Molecular imprint
We report on properties of high quality ~60 nm thick InAlN layers nearly in-plane lattice-matched to GaN, grown on c-plane GaN-on-sapphire templates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Excellent crystalline quality and low surface roughness are confirmed by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. High annular dark field observations reveal a periodic in-plane indium content variation (8 nm period), whereas optical measurements evidence certain residual absorption below the band-gap. The indium fluctuation is estimated to be +/- 1.2% around the nominal 17% indium content via plasmon energy oscillations assessed by electron energy loss spectroscopy with sub-nanometric spatial resolution.
So far, no experimental data of the infrared and Raman spectra of 13C isotopologue of dimethyl ether are available. With the aim of providing some clues of its low-lying vibrational bands and with the hope of contributing in a next spectral analysis, a number of vibrational transition frequencies below 300 cm−1 of the infrared spectrum and around 400 cm−1 of the Raman spectrum have been predicted and their assignments were proposed. Calculations were carried out through an ab initio three dimensional potential energy surface based on a previously reported one for the most abundant dimethyl ether isotopologue (M. Villa et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 115 (2011) 13573). The potential function was vibrationally corrected and computed with a highly correlated CCSD(T) method involving the COC bending angle and the two large amplitude CH3 internal rotation degrees of freedom. Also, the Hamiltonian parameters could represent a support for the spectral characterization of this species. Although the computed vibrational term values are expected to be very accurate, an empirical adjustment of the Hamiltonian has been performed with the purpose of anticipating some workable corrections to any possible divergence of the vibrational frequencies. Also, the symmetry breaking derived from the isotopic substitution of 13C in the dimethyl ether was taken into account when the symmetrization procedure was applied.
he composition, strain and surface morphology of (0001)InGaN layers are investigated as a function of growth temperature (460–645 °C) and impinging In flux. Three different growth regimes: nitrogen-rich, metal-rich and intermediate metal-rich, are clearly identified and found to be in correlation with surface morphology and strain relaxation. Best epilayers’ quality is obtained when growing under intermediate metal-rich conditions, with 1–2 monolayers thick In ad-coverage. For a given In flux, the In incorporation decreases with increasing growth temperature due to InN thermal decomposition that follows an Arrhenius behavior with 1.84±0.12 eV activation energy.
The mechanisms of growth of a circular void by plastic deformation were studied by means of molecular dynamics in two dimensions (2D). While previous molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in three dimensions (3D) have been limited to small voids (up to ≈10 nm in radius), this strategy allows us to study the behavior of voids of up to 100 nm in radius. MD simulations showed that plastic deformation was triggered by the nucleation of dislocations at the atomic steps of the void surface in the whole range of void sizes studied. The yield stress, defined as stress necessary to nucleate stable dislocations, decreased with temperature, but the void growth rate was not very sensitive to this parameter. Simulations under uniaxial tension, uniaxial deformation and biaxial deformation showed that the void growth rate increased very rapidly with multiaxiality but it did not depend on the initial void radius. These results were compared with previous 3D MD and 2D dislocation dynamics simulations to establish a map of mechanisms and size effects for plastic void growth in crystalline solids.
El desarrollo de sensores está ganando cada vez mayor importancia debido a la concienciación ciudadana sobre el medio ambiente haciendo que su desarrollo sea muy elevado en todas las disciplinas, entre las que cabe destacar, la medicina, la biología y la química. A pesar de la existencia de estos dispositivos, este área está aún por mejorar, ya que muchos de los materiales propuestos hasta el momento e incluso los ya comercializados muestran importantes carencias de funcionamiento, eficiencia e integrabilidad entre otros. Para la mejora de estos dispositivos, se han propuesto diversas aproximaciones basadas en nanosistemas. Quizá, uno de las más prometedoras son las nanoestructuras de punto cuántico, y en particular los semiconductores III-V basados en la consolidada tecnología de los arseniuros, las cuáles ofrecen excelentes propiedades para su uso como sensores. Además, estudios recientes demuestran su gran carácter sensitivo al medio ambiente, la posibilidad de funcionalizar la superficie para la fabricación de sensores interdisciplinares y posibilididad de mejorar notablemente su eficiencia. A lo largo de esta tesis, nos centramos en la investigación de SQD de In0.5Ga0.5As sobre substratos de GaAs(001) para el desarrollo de sensores de humedad. La tesis abarca desde el diseño, crecimiento y caracterización de las muestras hasta la el posterior procesado y caracterización de los dispositivos finales. La optimización de los parámetros de crecimiento es fundamental para conseguir una nanoestructura con las propiedades operacionales idóneas para un fin determinado. Como es bien sabido en la literatura, los parámetros de crecimiento (temperatura de crecimiento, relación de flujos del elemento del grupo V y del grupo I II (V/III), velocidad de crecimiento y tratamiento térmico después de la formación de la capa activa) afectan directamente a las propiedades estructurales, y por tanto, operacionales de los puntos cuánticos (QD). En esta tesis, se realiza un estudio de las condiciones de crecimiento para el uso de In0.5Ga0.5As SQDs como sensores. Para los parámetros relacionados con la temperatura de crecimiento de los QDs y la relación de flujos V / I I I se utilizan los estudios previamente realizados por el grupo. Mientras que este estudio se centrará en la importancia de la velocidad de crecimiento y en el tratamiento térmico justo después de la nucleación de los QDs. Para ello, se establece la temperatura de creciemiento de los QDs en 430°C y la relación de flujos V/III en 20. Como resultado, los valores más adecuados que se obtienen para la velocidad de crecimiento y el tratamiento térmico posterior a la formación de los puntos son, respectivamente, 0.07ML/s y la realización de una bajada y subida brusca de la temperatura del substrato de 100°C con respecto a la temperatura de crecimiento de los QDs. El crecimiento a una velocidad lo suficientemente alta que permita la migración de los átomos por la superficie, pero a su vez lo suficientemente baja para que se lleve a cabo la nucleación de los QDs; en combinación con el tratamiento brusco de temperatura que hace que se conserve la forma y composición de los QDs, da lugar a unos SQDs con un alto grado de homogeneidad y alta densidad superficial. Además, la caracterización posterior indica que estas nanoestructuras de gran calidad cristalina presentan unas propiedades ópticas excelentes incluso a temperatura ambiente. Una de las características por la cual los SQD de Ino.5Gao.5As se consideran candidatos prometedores para el desarrollo de sensores es el papel decisivo que juega la superficie por el mero hecho de estar en contacto directo con las partículas del ambiente y, por tanto, por ser capaces de interactuar con sus moléculas. Así pues, con el fin de demostrar la idoneidad de este sistema para dicha finalidad, se evalúa el impacto ambiental en las propiedades ópticas y eléctricas de las muestras. En un primer lugar, se analiza el efecto que tiene el medio en las propiedades ópticas. Para dicha evaluación se compara la variación de las propiedades de emisión de una capa de puntos enterrada y una superficial en distintas condiciones externas. El resultado que se obtiene es muy claro, los puntos enterrados no experimentan un cambio óptico apreciable cuando se varían las condiciones del entorno; mientras que, la emisión de los SQDs se modifica significativamente con las condiciones del medio. Por una parte, la intensidad de emisión de los puntos superficiales desaparece en condiciones de vacío y decrece notablemente en atmósferas secas de gases puros (N2, O2). Por otra parte, la fotoluminiscencia se conserva en ambientes húmedos. Adicionalmente, se observa que la anchura a media altura y la longitud de onda de emisión no se ven afectadas por los cambios en el medio, lo que indica, que las propiedades estructurales de los puntos se conservan al variar la atmósfera. Estos resultados apuntan directamente a los procesos que tienen lugar en la superficie entre estados confinados y superficiales como responsables principales de este comportamiento. Así mismo, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis más detallado de la influencia de la calidad y composición de la atmósfera en las propiedades ópticas de los puntos cuánticos superficiales. Para ello, se utilizan distintas sustancias con diferente polaridad, composición atómica y masa molecular. Como resultado se observa que las moléculas de menor polaridad y más pesadas causan una mayor variación en la intensidad de emisión. Además, se demuestra que el oxígeno juega un papel decisivo en las propiedades ópticas. En presencia de moléculas que contienen oxígeno, la intensidad de fotoluminiscencia disminuye menos que en atmósferas constituidas por especies que no contienen oxígeno. Las emisión que se observa respecto a la señal en aire es del 90% y del 77%, respectivamente, en atmósferas con presencia o ausencia de moléculas de oxígeno. El deterioro de la señal de emisión se atribuye a la presencia de defectos, enlaces insaturados y, en general, estados localizados en la superficie. Estos estados actúan como centros de recombinación no radiativa y, consecuentemente, se produce un empeoramiento de las propiedades ópticas de los SQDs. Por tanto, la eliminación o reducción de la densidad de estos estados superficiales haría posible una mejora de la intensidad de emisión. De estos experimentos de fotoluminiscencia, se deduce que las interacciones entre las moléculas presentes en la atmósfera y la superficie de la muestra modifican la superficie. Esta alteración superficial se traduce en un cambio significativo en las propiedades de emisión. Este comportamiento se atribuye a la posible adsorción de moléculas sobre la superficie pasivando los centros no radiativos, y como consecuencia, mejorando las propiedades ópticas. Además, los resultados demuestran que las moléculas que contienen oxígeno con mayor polaridad y más ligeras son adsorbidas con mayor facilidad, lo que hace que la intensidad óptica sufra variaciones despreciables con respecto a la emisión en aire. Con el fin de desarrollar sensores, las muestras se procesan y los dispositivos se caracterizan eléctricamente. El procesado consiste en dos contactos cuadrados de una aleación de Ti/Au. Durante el procesado, lo más importante a tener en cuenta es no realizar ningún ataque o limpieza que pueda dañar la superficie y deteriorar las propiedades de las nanostructuras. En este apartado, se realiza un análisis completo de una serie de tres muestras: GaAs (bulk), un pozo cuántico superficial (SQW) de Ino.5Gao.5As y SQDs de Ino.5Gao.5As. Para ello, a cada una de las muestras se le realizan medidas de I-V en distintas condiciones ambientales. En primer lugar, siguiendo los resultados obtenidos ópticamente, se lleva a cabo una comparación de la respuesta eléctrica en vacío y aire. A pesar de que todas las muestras presentan un carácter más resistivo en vacío que en aire, se observa una mayor influencia sobre la muestra de SQD. En vacío, la resistencia de los SQDs decrece un 99% respecto de su valor en aire, mientras que la variación de la muestras de GaAs e Ino.5Gao.5As SQW muestran una reducción, respectivamente, del 31% y del 20%. En segundo lugar, se realiza una evaluación aproximada del posible efecto de la humedad en la resistencia superficial de las muestras mediante la exhalación humana. Como resultado se obtiene, que tras la exhalación, la resistencia disminuye bruscamente y recupera su valor inicial cuando dicho proceso concluye. Este resultado preliminar indica que la humedad es un factor crítico en las propiedades eléctricas de los puntos cuánticos superficiales. Para la determinación del papel de la humedad en la respuesta eléctrica, se somete a las muestras de SQD y SQW a ambientes con humedad relativa (RH, de la siglas del inglés) controlada y se analiza el efecto sobre la conductividad superficial. Tras la variación de la RH desde 0% hasta el 70%, se observa que la muestra SQW no cambia su comportamiento eléctrico al variar la humedad del ambiente. Sin embargo, la respuesta de la muestra SQD define dos regiones bien diferenciadas, una de alta sensibilidad para valores por debajo del 50% de RH, en la que la resistencia disminuye hasta en un orden de magnitud y otra, de baja sensibilidad (>50%), donde el cambio de la resistencia es menor. Este resultado resalta la especial relevancia no sólo de la composición sino también de la morfología de la nanostructura superficial en el carácter sensitivo de la muestra. Por último, se analiza la influencia de la iluminación en la sensibilidad de la muestra. Nuevamente, se somete a las muestras SQD y SQW a una irradiación de luz de distinta energía y potencia a la vez que se varía controladamente la humedad ambiental. Una vez más, se observa que la muestra SQW no presenta ninguna variación apreciable con las alteraciones del entorno. Su resistencia superficial permanece prácticamente inalterable tanto al modificar la potencia de la luz incidente como al variar la energía de la irradiación. Por el contrario, en la muestra de SQD se obtiene una reducción la resistencia superficial de un orden de magnitud al pasar de condiciones de oscuridad a iluminación. Con respecto a la potencia y energía de la luz incidente, se observa que a pesar de que la muestra no experimenta variaciones notables con la potencia de la irradiación, esta sufre cambios significativos con la energía de la luz incidente. Cuando se ilumina con energías por encima de la energía de la banda prohibida (gap) del GaAs (Eg ~1.42 eV ) se produce una reducción de la resistencia de un orden de magnitud en atmósferas húmedas, mientras que en atmósferas secas la conductividad superficial permanece prácticamente constante. Sin embargo, al inicidir con luz de energía menor que Eg, el efecto que se produce en la respuesta eléctrica es despreciable. Esto se atribuye principalmente a la densidad de portadores fotoactivados durante la irradiación. El volumen de portadores excita dos depende de la energía de la luz incidente. De este modo, cuando la luz que incide tiene energía menor que el gap, el volumen de portadores generados es pequeño y no contribuye a la conductividad superficial. Por el contrario, cuando la energía de la luz incidente es alta (Eg), el volumen de portadores activados es elevado y éstos contribuyen significantemente a la conductividad superficial. La combinación de ambos agentes, luz y humedad, favorece el proceso de adsorción de moléculas y, por tanto, contribuye a la reducción de la densidad de estados superficiales, dando lugar a una modificación de la estructura electrónica y consecuentemente favoreciendo o dificultando el transporte de portadores. ABSTRACT Uncapped three-dimensional (3D) nanostructures have been generally grown to assess their structural quality. However, the tremendous growing importance of the impact of the environment on life has become such nanosystems in very promising candidates for the development of sensing devices. Their direct exposure to changes in the local surrounding may influence their physical properties being a perfect sign of the atmosphere quality. The goal of this thesis is the research of Ino.5Gao.5As surface quantum dots (SQDs) on GaAs(001), covering from their growth to device fabrication, for sensing applications. The achievement of this goal relies on the design, growth and sample characterization, along with device fabrication and characterization. The first issue of the thesis is devoted to analyze the main growth parameters affecting the physical properties of the Ino.5Gao.5As SQDs. It is well known that the growing conditions (growth temperature , deposition rate, V/III flux ratio and treatment after active layer growth) directly affect the physical properties of the epilayer. In this part, taking advantage of the previous results in the group regarding Ino.5Gao.5As QD growth temperature and V/III ratio, the effect of the growth rate and the temperature treatment after QDs growth nucleation is evaluated. Setting the QDs growth temperature at 430°C and the V/III flux ratio to ~20, it is found that the most appropriate conditions rely on growing the QDs at 0.07ML/s and just after QD nucleation, rapidly dropping and again raising 100°C the substrate temperature with respect to the temperature of QD growth. The combination of growing at a fast enough growth rate to promote molecule migration but sufficiently slow to allow QD nucleation, together with the sharp variation of the temperature preserving their shape and composition yield to high density, homogeneous Ino.5Gao.5As SQDs. Besides, it is also demonstrated that this high quality SQDs show excellent optical properties even at room temperature (RT). One of the characteristics by which In0.5Ga0.5As/GaAs SQDs are considered promising candidates for sensing applications is the crucial role that surface plays when interacting with the gases constituting the atmosphere. Therefore, in an attempt to develop sensing devices, the influence of the environment on the physical properties of the samples is evaluated. By comparing the resulting photoluminescence (PL) of SQDs with buried QDs (BQDs), it is found that BQDs do not exhibit any significant variation when changing the environmental conditions whereas, the external conditions greatly act on the SQDs optical properties. On one hand, it is evidenced that PL intensity of SQDs sharply quenches under vacuum and clearly decreases under dry-pure gases atmospheres (N2, O2). On the other hand, it is shown that, in water containing atmospheres, the SQDs PL intensity is maintained with respect to that in air. Moreover, it is found that neither the full width at half maximun nor the emission wavelength manifest any noticeable change indicating that the QDs are not structurally altered by the external atmosphere. These results decisively point to the processes taking place at the surface such as coupling between confined and surface states, to be responsible of this extraordinary behavior. A further analysis of the impact of the atmosphere composition on the optical characteristics is conducted. A sample containing one uncapped In0.5Ga0.5As QDs layer is exposed to different environments. Several solvents presenting different polarity, atomic composition and molecular mass, are used to change the atmosphere composition. It is revealed that low polarity and heavy molecules cause a greater variation on the PL intensity. Besides, oxygen is demonstrated to play a decisive role on the PL response. Results indicate that in presence of oxygen-containing molecules, the PL intensity experiments a less reduction than that suffered in presence of nonoxygen-containing molecules, 90% compared to 77% signal respect to the emission in air. In agreement with these results, it is demonstrated that high polarity and lighter molecules containing oxygen are more easily adsorbed, and consequently, PL intensity is less affected. The presence of defects, unsaturated bonds and in general localized states in the surface are proposed to act as nonradiative recombination centers deteriorating the PL emission of the sample. Therefore, suppression or reduction of the density of such states may lead to an increase or, at least, conservation of the PL signal. This research denotes that the interaction between sample surface and molecules in the atmosphere modifies the surface characteristics altering thus the optical properties. This is attributed to the likely adsoption of some molecules onto the surface passivating the nonradiative recombination centers, and consequently, not deteriorating the PL emission. Aiming for sensors development, samples are processed and electrically characterized under different external conditions. Samples are processed with two square (Ti/Au) contacts. During the processing, especial attention must be paid to the surface treatment. Any process that may damage the surface such as plasma etching or annealing must be avoided to preserve the features of the surface nanostructures. A set of three samples: a GaAs (bulk), In0.5Ga0.5As SQDs and In0.5Ga0.5As surface quantum well (SQW) are subjected to a throughout evaluation. I-V characteristics are measured following the results from the optical characterization. Firstly, the three samples are exposed to vacuum and air. Despite the three samples exhibit a more resistive character in vacuum than in air, it is revealed a much more clear influence of the pressure atmosphere in the SQDs sample. The sheet resistance (Rsh) of SQDs decreases a 99% from its response value under vacuum to its value in air, whereas Rsh of GaAs and In0.5Ga0.5As SQW reduces its value a 31% and a 20%, respectively. Secondly, a rough analysis of the effect of the human breath on the electrical response evidences the enormous influence of moisture (human breath is composed by several components but the one that overwhelms all the rest is the high concentration of water vapor) on the I-V characteristics. Following this result, In0.5Ga0.5As SQDs and In0.5Ga0.5As SQW are subjected to different controlled relative humidity (RH) environments (from 0% to 70%) and electrically characterized. It is found that SQW shows a nearly negligible Rsh variation when increasing the RH in the surroundings. However, the response of SQDs to changes in the RH defines two regions. Below 50%, high sensitive zone, Rsh of SQD decreases by more than one order of magnitude, while above 50% the dependence of Rsh on the RH becomes weaker. These results remark the role of the surface and denote the existence of a finite number of surface states. Nevertheless, most significantly, they highlight the importance not only of the material but also of the morphology. Finally, the impact of the illumination is determined by means of irradiating the In0.5Ga0.5As SQDs and In0.5Ga0.5As SQW samples with different energy and power sources. Once again, SQW does not exhibit any correlation between the surface conductivity and the external conditions. Rsh remains nearly unalterable independently of the energy and power of the incident light. Conversely, Rsh of SQD experiences a decay of one order of magnitude from dark-to-photo conditions. This is attributed to the less density of surface states of SQW compared to that of SQDs. Additionally, a different response of Rsh of SQD with the energy of the impinging light is found. Illuminating with high energy light results in a Rsh reduction of one order of mag nitude under humid atmospheres, whereas it remains nearly unchanged under dry environments. On the contrary, light with energy below the bulk energy bandgap (Eg), shows a negligible effect on the electrical properties regardless the local moisture. This is related to the density of photocarriers generated while lighting up. Illuminating with excitation energy below Eg affects a small absorption volume and thus, a low density of photocarriers may be activated leading to an insignificant contribution to the conductivity. Nonetheless, irradiating with energy above the Eg can excite a high density of photocarriers and greatly improve the surface conductivity. These results demonstrate that both illumination and humidity are therefore needed for sensing. The combination of these two agents improves the surface passivation by means of molecule adsorption reducing the density of surface states, thus modifying the electronic structures, and consequently, promoting the carrier motion.
Proteins play an important role in the biological mechanisms controlling hard tissue development, but the details of molecular recognition at inorganic crystal interfaces remain poorly characterized. We have applied a recently developed homonuclear dipolar recoupling solid-state NMR technique, dipolar recoupling with a windowless sequence (DRAWS), to directly probe the conformation of an acidic peptide adsorbed to hydroxyapatite (HAP) crystals. The phosphorylated hexapeptide, DpSpSEEK (N6, where pS denotes phosphorylated serine), was derived from the N terminus of the salivary protein statherin. Constant-composition kinetic characterization demonstrated that, like the native statherin, this peptide inhibits the growth of HAP seed crystals when preadsorbed to the crystal surface. The DRAWS technique was used to measure the internuclear distance between two 13C labels at the carbonyl positions of the adjacent phosphoserine residues. Dipolar dephasing measured at short mixing times yielded a mean separation distance of 3.2 ± 0.1 Å. Data obtained by using longer mixing times suggest a broad distribution of conformations about this average distance. Using a more complex model with discrete α-helical and extended conformations did not yield a better fit to the data and was not consistent with chemical shift analysis. These results suggest that the peptide is predominantly in an extended conformation rather than an α-helical state on the HAP surface. Solid-state NMR approaches can thus be used to determine directly the conformation of biologically relevant peptides on HAP surfaces. A better understanding of peptide and protein conformation on biomineral surfaces may provide design principles useful for the modification of orthopedic and dental implants with coatings and biological growth factors that are designed to enhance biocompatibility with surrounding tissue.
The integrin family of cell surface receptors is strongly conserved in higher animals, but the evolutionary history of integrins is obscure. We have identified and sequenced cDNAs encoding integrin β subunits from a coral (phylum Cnidaria) and a sponge (Porifera), indicating that these proteins existed in the earliest stages of metazoan evolution. The coral βCn1 and, especially, the sponge βPo1 sequences are the most divergent of the “β1-class” integrins and share a number of features not found in any other vertebrate or invertebrate integrins. Perhaps the greatest difference from other β subunits is found in the third and fourth repeats of the cysteine-rich stalk, where the generally conserved spacings between cysteines are highly variable, but not similar, in βCn1 and βPo1. Alternatively spliced cDNAs, containing a stop codon about midway through the full-length translated sequence, were isolated from the sponge library. These cDNAs appear to define a boundary between functional domains, as they would encode a protein that includes the globular ligand-binding head but would be missing the stalk, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic domains. These and other sequence comparisons with vertebrate integrins are discussed with respect to models of integrin structure and function.
The presenilin proteins PS-1 and PS-2 are crucially involved in Alzheimer disease (AD), but their molecular functions are not known. They are integral membrane proteins, but whether they can be expressed at the surface of cells has been in dispute. Here we show by immunofluorescence experiments, using anti-peptide antibodies specific for either PS-1 or PS-2, that live cultured DAMI cells and differentiated human NT2N neuronal cells are specifically immunolabeled for their endogenous as well as transfected presenilins, although the cells cannot be immunolabeled for their intracellular tubulin, unless they are first fixed and permeabilized. These and other results establish that portions of the presenilins are indeed expressed at the surfaces of these cells. These findings support our previous proposal that the presenilins on the surface of a cell engage in intercellular interactions with the β-amyloid precursor protein on the surface of a neighboring cell, as a critical step in the molecular and cellular mechanisms that lead to AD.
Succinoglycan, a symbiotically important exopolysaccharide of Rhizobium meliloti, is composed of polymerized octasaccharide subunits, each of which consists of one galactose and seven glucoses with succinyl, acetyl, and pyruvyl modifications. Production of specific low molecular weight forms of R. meliloti exported and surface polysaccharides, including succinoglycan, appears to be important for nodule invasion. In a previous study of the roles of the various exo gene products in succinoglycan biosynthesis, exoP, exoQ, and exoT mutants were found to synthesize undecaprenol-linked fully modified succinoglycan octasaccharide subunits, suggesting possible roles for their gene products in polymerization or transport. Using improved techniques for analyzing succinoglycan biosynthesis by these mutants, we have obtained evidence indicating that R. meliloti has genetically separable systems for the synthesis of high molecular weight succinoglycan and the synthesis of a specific class of low molecular weight oligosaccharides consisting of dimers and trimers of the octasaccharide subunit. Models to account for our unexpected findings are discussed. Possible roles for the ExoP, ExoQ, and ExoT proteins are compared and contrasted with roles that have been suggested on the basis of homologies to key proteins involved in the biosynthesis of O-antigens and of certain exported or capsular cell surface polysaccharides.
A network of interacting proteins has been found that can account for the spontaneous oscillations in adenylyl cyclase activity that are observed in homogenous populations of Dictyostelium cells 4 h after the initiation of development. Previous biochemical assays have shown that when extracellular adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) binds to the surface receptor CAR1, adenylyl cyclase and the MAP kinase ERK2 are transiently activated. A rise in the internal concentration of cAMP activates protein kinase A such that it inhibits ERK2 and leads to a loss-of-ligand binding by CAR1. ERK2 phosphorylates the cAMP phosphodiesterase REG A that reduces the internal concentration of cAMP. A secreted phosphodiesterase reduces external cAMP concentrations between pulses. Numerical solutions to a series of nonlinear differential equations describing these activities faithfully account for the observed periodic changes in cAMP. The activity of each of the components is necessary for the network to generate oscillatory behavior; however, the model is robust in that 25-fold changes in the kinetic constants linking the activities have only minor effects on the predicted frequency. Moreover, constant high levels of external cAMP lead to attenuation, whereas a brief pulse of cAMP can advance or delay the phase such that interacting cells become entrained.
We studied single molecular interactions between surface-attached rat CD2, a T-lymphocyte adhesion receptor, and CD48, a CD2 ligand found on antigen-presenting cells. Spherical particles were coated with decreasing densities of CD48–CD4 chimeric molecules then driven along CD2-derivatized glass surfaces under a low hydrodynamic shear rate. Particles exhibited multiple arrests of varying duration. By analyzing the dependence of arrest frequency and duration on the surface density of CD48 sites, it was concluded that (i) arrests were generated by single molecular bonds and (ii) the initial bond dissociation rate was about 7.8 s−1. The force exerted on bonds was increased from about 11 to 22 pN; the detachment rate exhibited a twofold increase. These results agree with and extend studies on the CD2–CD48 interaction by surface plasmon resonance technology, which yielded an affinity constant of ≈104 M−1 and a dissociation rate of ≥6 s−1. It is concluded that the flow chamber technology can be an useful complement to atomic force microscopy for studying interactions between isolated biomolecules, with a resolution of about 20 ms and sensitivity of a few piconewtons. Further, this technology might be extended to actual cells.
The epithelial amiloride-sensitive sodium channel (ENaC) controls transepithelial Na+ movement in Na+-transporting epithelia and is associated with Liddle syndrome, an autosomal dominant form of salt-sensitive hypertension. Detailed analysis of ENaC channel properties and the functional consequences of mutations causing Liddle syndrome has been, so far, limited by lack of a method allowing specific and quantitative detection of cell-surface-expressed ENaC. We have developed a quantitative assay based on the binding of 125I-labeled M2 anti-FLAG monoclonal antibody (M2Ab*) directed against a FLAG reporter epitope introduced in the extracellular loop of each of the α, β, and γ ENaC subunits. Insertion of the FLAG epitope into ENaC sequences did not change its functional and pharmacological properties. The binding specificity and affinity (Kd = 3 nM) allowed us to correlate in individual Xenopus oocytes the macroscopic amiloride-sensitive sodium current (INa) with the number of ENaC wild-type and mutant subunits expressed at the cell surface. These experiments demonstrate that: (i) only heteromultimeric channels made of α, β, and γ ENaC subunits are maximally and efficiently expressed at the cell surface; (ii) the overall ENaC open probability is one order of magnitude lower than previously observed in single-channel recordings; (iii) the mutation causing Liddle syndrome (β R564stop) enhances channel activity by two mechanisms, i.e., by increasing ENaC cell surface expression and by changing channel open probability. This quantitative approach provides new insights on the molecular mechanisms underlying one form of salt-sensitive hypertension.
We have generated RANK (receptor activator of NF-κB) nullizygous mice to determine the molecular genetic interactions between osteoprotegerin, osteoprotegerin ligand, and RANK during bone resorption and remodeling processes. RANK−/− mice lack osteoclasts and have a profound defect in bone resorption and remodeling and in the development of the cartilaginous growth plates of endochondral bone. The osteopetrosis observed in these mice can be reversed by transplantation of bone marrow from rag1−/− (recombinase activating gene 1) mice, indicating that RANK−/− mice have an intrinsic defect in osteoclast function. Calciotropic hormones and proresorptive cytokines that are known to induce bone resorption in mice and human were administered to RANK−/− mice without inducing hypercalcemia, although tumor necrosis factor α treatment leads to the rare appearance of osteoclast-like cells near the site of injection. Osteoclastogenesis can be initiated in RANK−/− mice by transfer of the RANK cDNA back into hematopoietic precursors, suggesting a means to critically evaluate RANK structural features required for bone resorption. Together these data indicate that RANK is the intrinsic cell surface determinant that mediates osteoprotegerin ligand effects on bone resorption and remodeling as well as the physiological and pathological effects of calciotropic hormones and proresorptive cytokines.
Phenylamidine cationic groups linked by a furan ring (furamidine) and related compounds bind as monomers to AT sequences of DNA. An unsymmetric derivative (DB293) with one of the phenyl rings of furamidine replaced with a benzimidazole has been found by quantitative footprinting analyses to bind to GC-containing sites on DNA more strongly than to pure AT sequences. NMR structural analysis and surface plasmon resonance binding results clearly demonstrate that DB293 binds in the minor groove at specific GC-containing sequences of DNA in a highly cooperative manner as a stacked dimer. Neither the symmetric bisphenyl nor bisbenzimidazole analogs of DB293 bind significantly to the GC containing sequences. DB293 provides a paradigm for design of compounds for specific recognition of mixed DNA sequences and extends the boundaries for small molecule-DNA recognition.