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Inspections are used to prevent tax evasion or any other unlawful behavior. ? The effect of inspections depends on the network topology and the contagion rule. ? The network is modeled as a Watts?Strogatz Small World that is tuned from regular to random. ? Two contagion rules are applied: continuous and discontinuous. ? The equilibrium populations of payers and evaders are obtained in terms of these system parameters.
Economics of Cybersecurity Part 2. SPSI-2015-01-0024.
The membrane assembly of polytopic membrane proteins is a complicated process. Using Chinese hamster P-glycoprotein (Pgp) as a model protein, we investigated this process previously and found that Pgp expresses more than one topology. One of the variations occurs at the transmembrane (TM) domain including TM3 and TM4: TM4 inserts into membranes in an Nin-Cout rather than the predicted Nout-Cin orientation, and TM3 is in cytoplasm rather than the predicted Nin-Cout orientation in the membrane. It is possible that TM4 has a strong activity to initiate the Nin-Cout membrane insertion, leaving TM3 out of the membrane. Here, we tested this hypothesis by expressing TM3 and TM4 in isolated conditions. Our results show that TM3 of Pgp does not have de novo Nin-Cout membrane insertion activity whereas TM4 initiates the Nin-Cout membrane insertion regardless of the presence of TM3. In contrast, TM3 and TM4 of another polytopic membrane protein, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), have a similar level of de novo Nin-Cout membrane insertion activity and TM4 of CFTR functions only as a stop-transfer sequence in the presence of TM3. Based on these findings, we propose that 1) the membrane insertion of TM3 and TM4 of Pgp does not follow the sequential model, which predicts that TM3 initiates Nin-Cout membrane insertion whereas TM4 stops the insertion event; and 2) “leaving one TM segment out of the membrane” may be an important folding mechanism for polytopic membrane proteins, and it is regulated by the Nin-Cout membrane insertion activities of the TM segments.
To understand how the human visual system analyzes images, it is essential to know the structure of the visual environment. In particular, natural images display consistent statistical properties that distinguish them from random luminance distributions. We have studied the geometric regularities of oriented elements (edges or line segments) present in an ensemble of visual scenes, asking how much information the presence of a segment in a particular location of the visual scene carries about the presence of a second segment at different relative positions and orientations. We observed strong long-range correlations in the distribution of oriented segments that extend over the whole visual field. We further show that a very simple geometric rule, cocircularity, predicts the arrangement of segments in natural scenes, and that different geometrical arrangements show relevant differences in their scaling properties. Our results show similarities to geometric features of previous physiological and psychophysical studies. We discuss the implications of these findings for theories of early vision.
Polyamides composed of four amino acids, imidazole (Im), pyrrole (Py), hydroxypyrrole (Hp), and β-alanine (β), are synthetic ligands that form highly stable complexes in the minor groove of DNA. Although specific pairing rules within the 2:1 motif can be used to distinguish the four Watson⋅Crick base pairs, a comparable recognition code for 1:1 polyamide:DNA complexes had not been described. To set a quantitative baseline for the field, the sequence specificities of Im, Py, Hp, and β for the four Watson⋅Crick base pairs were determined for two polyamides, Im-β-ImPy-β-Im-β-ImPy-β-Dp (1, for Im, Py, and β) and Im-β-ImHp-β-Im-β-ImPy-β-Dp (2, for Hp), in a 1:1 complex within the DNA sequence context 5′-AAAGAGAAGAG-3′. Im residues do not distinguish G,C from A,T but bind all four base pairs with high affinity. Py and β residues exhibit ≥10-fold preference for A,T over G,C base pairs. The Hp residue displays a unique preference for a single A⋅T base pair with an energetic penalty.
The ability to predict macromolecular conformations from sequence and thermodynamic principles has long been coveted but generally has not been achieved. We show that differences in the hydration of DNA surfaces can be used to distinguish between sequences that form A- and B-DNA. From this, a "triplet code" of A-DNA propensities was derived as energetic rules for predicting A-DNA formation. This code correctly predicted > 90% of A- and B-DNA sequences in crystals and correlates with A-DNA formation in solution. Thus, with our previous studies on Z-DNA, we now have a single method to predict the relative stability of sequences in the three standard DNA duplex conformations.
The aggregation operator have been considered from a computable point of view. The important condition that the computation is friendly when portions of data are inserted o deleted to the list of values to aggregate is considered.
As culturas do milho e da soja respondem pela maior parte da produção nacional de grãos, predominando o sistema de plantio direto. Para uma semeadura direta de qualidade, o bom aterramento do sulco é indispensável, pois garante um ambiente adequado às sementes. Neste sentido, é importante estimar a mobilização de solo promovida por uma haste sulcadora estreita durante esta operação. O modelo analítico existente visa representar a mobilização do solo no sistema de plantio convencional. Como consequência, há situações em que este não pode se aplicado, como no caso de hastes sulcadoras estreitas utilizadas em semeadoras de plantio direto. Nestas situações, o mecanismo de falha do solo pode se alterar, assumindo um comportamento não modelado na literatura. Essa pesquisa propõe um modelo fuzzy capaz de representar estas situações, aproveitando conhecimento da teoria de mecânica dos solos e da análise de resultados experimentais. No modelo proposto, parte das regras descrevem situações não abrangidas pelo modelo analítico, as quais foram formuladas a partir da estimativa das prováveis áreas de solo mobilizado. O modelo fuzzy foi testado com dados de experimentos conduzidos durante a pesquisa, em duas condições de granulometria de solo (arenoso e argiloso). O modelo proposto reproduziu as tendências observadas nos dados experimentais, mas superestimou os valores de área observados, sendo esse efeito bem mais intenso para os dados do experimento em solo arenoso. A superestimativa ocorreu devido à soma de diversos fatores. Um deles é a diferença entre as leituras experimentais, as quais consideram apenas o solo realmente movimentado, e a premissa do modelo analítico, que considera toda a área de solo incluindo aquela cisalhada, porém não mobilizada. Outro fator foi devido ao efeito do disco de corte da palha, que pré-cisalha o solo à frente da ferramenta. No ensaio em solo arenoso os valores observados de área de solo mobilizado foram menores que os esperados, intensificando o efeito de superestimativa do modelo fuzzy, sendo que este efeito não representa uma deficiência deste modelo.