1000 resultados para Sujet national
Même si Alison Fairlie, Tzvetan Todorov, Han Verhoeff et Simone Balayé ont reconnu l'importance de la parole dans les récits littéraires de Benjamin Constant (Amélie et Germaine, Cécile, Ma vie et Adolphe), dans leurs commentaires ces critiques ont surtout mis en évidence les échecs et les malentendus inhérents à toute communication verbale. Au-delà de ces constatations, il restait à montrer que les récits constantiens donnent à voir et à comprendre l'intérêt que cet écrivain nourrissait pour la parole, tout particulièrement pour la parole privée -celle qu'il a choisi de mettre en scène dans ces quatre oeuvres, qui acquièrent, grâce à cette spécificité, une manière d'unité. Cette parole intime, aux antipodes de la parole publique, s'offre comme un champ d'investigation illimité tant le locuteur est alors impliqué dans sa pratique verbale. Les introspections des narrateurs-personnages constantiens font naître la peinture d'un sujet moderne, fragilisé dans sa vie personnelle et peu engagé dans la vie sociale, mais elles offrent surtout un vaste panorama des situations d'interlocution et présentent en creux les nombreuses ressources de la parole. Ces récits, qui accordent une attention tout à fait signifiante à l'écriture de la parole, mais échappent parfois à toute classification générique, parviennent à mimer les incertitudes de leur narrateur-personnage tout en révélant que c'est par la parole, originale et singulière, que le sujet s'individualise expérience rendue souvent difficile à cause de la langue conventionnelle dont usent ceux que l'on rencontre dans les lieux de sociabilité, en ce XIXe siècle naissant.
Approximately 1 million people in the United States and over 30 million worldwide are living with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). While mortality from untreated infection approaches 100%, survival improves markedly with use of contemporary antiretroviral therapies (ART). In the United States, 25 drugs are approved for treating HIV-1, and increasing numbers are available in resource-limited countries. Safe and effective ART is a cornerstone in the global struggle against the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Variable responses to ART are due at least in part to human genetic variants that affect drug metabolism, drug disposition, and off-site drug targets. Defining effects of human genetic variants on HIV treatment toxicity, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics has far-reaching implications. In 2010, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases sponsored a workshop entitled, Pharmacogenomics A Path Towards Personalized HIV Care. This article summarizes workshop objectives, presentations, discussions, and recommendations derived from this meeting.
One of the limitations of cross-country health expenditure analysis refers to the fact that the financing, the internal organization and political restraints of health care decision-making are country-specific and heterogeneous. Yet, a potential solution is to examine the influence of such effects in those countries that have undertaken decentralization processes. In such a setting, it is possible to examine potential expenditure spillovers across the geography of a country as well as the influence of the political ideology of regional incumbents on public health expenditure. This paper examines the determinants of public health expenditure within Spanish region-states (Autonomous Communities, ACs), most of them subject to similar financing structures although exhibiting significant heterogeneity as a result of the increasing decentralization, region-specific political factors along with different use of health care inputs, economic dimension and spatial interactions
We argue that preferences for secession are the expression of a common unobserved mechanisms determining national identity. This paper examines the hypothesis of independence of both preferences for secession (independent Euskadi) and Basque national identity in the light of Akerloff and Kranton (2000). We deal with psychological determinants of individuals' national identity formation as well as those that influence the propensity of individuals to support the secession of their perceived ¿imagined community¿ or nation.. We undertake econometric survey analysis for the Basque Country using a bivariate probit model and publicly available data from the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research. Our results provide robust evidence of a common determination of national identity and political preferences for the secession of the Basque Country consistently with Akerloff and Kranton model.
Audit report on America’s Agricultural Industrial Heritage Landscape, Inc., d/b/a Silos and Smokestacks National Heritage Area, in Waterloo, Iowa for the years ended December 31, 2010 and 2009