862 resultados para Subjective


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La anorexia nerviosa es un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria que se caracteriza por unapérdida de peso superior al saludablemente recomendado, conductas para perder peso y evitarel aumento de peso, miedo a la obesidad y distorsión de la imagen corporal. Tanto la incidenciacomo la prevalencia de este tipo de trastornos ha aumentado considerablemente en las últimasdécadas, son varios los estudios que afirman que hay una estrecha relación entre la influencia delos factores socioculturales y el grado de distorsión de la imagen corporal en este tipo depacientes.El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la influencia que ejercen los medios de comunicación ylos grupos sociales en la distorsión de la imagen corporal de pacientes con anorexia nerviosa.Para lograr este objetivo se realizará un estudio fenomenológico con pacientes de 16 a 21 añosque se visiten en un hospital de día de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. Los datos serecogerán mediante de una entrevista semiestructurada basada en los ítems del cuestionario deinfluencia de los modelos estéticos corporales (CIMEC). El análisis de los datos obtenidos serápor edición, transcribiendo la entrevista, identificando los segmentos significativos paraposteriormente poderlos analizar.En relación con las consideraciones finales, es un estudio que dentro de la subjetividad podríaser realmente útil para conocer desde el punto de vista del paciente cómo influyen los medios decomunicación y las relaciones sociales en la anorexia nerviosa, permitiendo la propuesta deacciones futuras que ayuden a estos adolescentes y adultos jóvenes a hacer frente a la presiónque ejerce la sociedad.


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The treatment of writer's cramp, a task-specific focal hand dystonia, needs new approaches. A deficiency of inhibition in the motor cortex might cause writer's cramp. Transcranial direct current stimulation modulates cortical excitability and may provide a therapeutic alternative. In this randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study, we investigated the efficacy of cathodal stimulation of the contralateral motor cortex in 3 sessions in 1 week. Assessment over a 2-week period included clinical scales, subjective ratings, kinematic handwriting analysis, and neurophysiological evaluation. Twelve patients with unilateral dystonic writer's cramp were investigated; 6 received transcranial direct current and 6 sham stimulation. Cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation had no favorable effects on clinical scales and failed to restore normal handwriting kinematics and cortical inhibition. Subjective worsening remained unexplained, leading to premature study termination. Repeated sessions of cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the motor cortex yielded no favorable results supporting a therapeutic potential in writer's cramp.


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This paper examines the existence of a habituation effect to unemployment: Do theunemployed suffer less from job loss if unemployment is more widespread, if their ownunemployment lasts longer and if unemployment is a recurrent experience? Theunderlying idea is that unemployment hysteresis may operate through a sociologicalchannel: if many people in the community lose their job and remain unemployed over anextended period, the psychological cost of being unemployed diminishes and the pressureto accept a new job declines. We analyze this question with individual-level data from theGerman Socio-Economic Panel (1984-2009) and the Swiss Household Panel (2000-2009). We find no evidence for a mitigating effect of high surrounding unemployment onunemployed individuals' subjective well-being: Becoming unemployed hurts as muchwhen regional unemployment is high as when it is low. Likewise, the strongly harmfulimpact of being unemployed on well-being does not wear off over time, nor do repeatedepisodes of unemployment make it any better. It thus appears doubtful that anunemployment shock becomes persistent because the unemployed become used to, andhence reasonably content with, being without a job.


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Objectius: Establir l’eficàcia del tractament, en quant a la millora de la qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut (CVRS) que podem obtenir, efectuant nebulitzacions amb aigua de mar isotònica versus el sèrum fisiològic, en pacients crònics respiratoris amb MPOC. Secundàriament vol determinar si hi ha una millora subjectiva de la tolerància a l’exercici físic, una reducció significativa dels símptomes, de les aguditzacions amb els conseqüents ingressos hospitalaris i una reducció de la despesa farmacèutica. - Metodologia: Assaig clínic aleatoritzat a doble cec sobre 3 grups (aigua de mar, sèrum fisiològic i placebo) de 60 pacients d’atenció primària diagnosticats de MPOC moderada segons els criteris GOLD que hagin superat els criteris d’inclusió i exclusió. Les teràpies s’autoadministraran al propi domicili. Els resultats seran avaluats mitjançant els següents instruments: el CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire), l’escala de dispnea del British Medical Research Council (MRC), la prova de la marxa de 6 minuts, espirometria, analítica, gasometria arterial i pulsioximetria. - Limitacions de l’estudi: Manca de participació, incompliment terapèutic, abandonament de l’hàbit tabàquic durant el tractament i pèrdues per temporalitat.


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L'any 2011 la malaltia d'Alzheimer es situava com la quarta causa de mort més freqüent amb un augment de fins a 11.907, més del doble de morts que l'any 2000 (INE). Aquestes dades demostren l'augment del número de persones que pateixen una demència a mesura que envelleixen i una de les explicacions és l'augment de l'esperança de vida. Per aquest motiu l'estudi de la qualitat de vida ha adquirit una gran importància des de la dècada dels 90. La qualitat de vida és un concepte especialment subjectiu pel fet que cada persona la viu segons la pròpia percepció de salut i benestar i el grau d'adaptació a l'entorn que l'envolta. Per aquest motiu es planteja un programa de psicoestimulació integral (PPI) centrat en les individualitats de cada persona: valors, interessos, història ocupacional..., des de la filosofia de la Teràpia Ocupacional. El projecte està elaborat mitjançant la metodologia qualitativa utilitzant l'enquesta en profunditat semi-estructurada per a realitzar les entrevistes i obtenir la informació principal a l'inici i al final del programa juntament amb tota la informació que s'obtingui de l'observació participant del dia a dia de cada un dels professionals per tal d'estudiar fins a quin punt aquesta atenció centrada en la persona contribueix a millorar la qualitat de vida de les persones afectades de Malaltia d'Alzheimer que reben tractaments no farmacològics com el proposat en aquest projecte. Com a tot estudi es poden trobar alguns factors condicionants com pot ser l'evolució pròpia de la malaltia amb les conseqüències negatives que això comporta i/o el número de participants que formen la mostra.


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This study is based on the analysis of the use of supplementary materials to teach vocabulary by second language teachers in Primary Education. The study consists of two analyses: the first one is a quantitative analysis based on 33 questionnaires answered by different second language teachers of Primary Education. The other, is a qualitative analysis in which the teacher’s subjective opinion on vocabulary learning techniques is presented. The study covers these main aspects: material use, effectiveness, children’s motivation, main criteria to teach vocabulary and the children’s role in their vocabulary learning.


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Intellectual disability has long been associated with deficits in socio-emotional processing. However, studies investigating brain dynamics of maladaptive socio-emotional skills associated with intellectual disability are scarce. Here, we compared differences in brain activity between low intelligence quotient (I.Q.<75, N=13) and normal controls (N=15) while evaluating their subjective emotions. Positive (P) and negative (N) valenced pictures were presented one at a time to participants of both groups, at a rate of ¾. The task required that each participant evaluate their subjective emotion and press a predefined push-button when done, alternatively P and N. Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals were continuously recorded, and the 1000ms time window following each picture was analyzed offline for power in frequency domain. Alpha low (8-10Hz) and upper (10-13Hz) frequency bands were then compared for both groups and for both P and N emotions in 12 distributed scalp electrodes. The qualitative evaluation of emotions was similar between both groups, with constant longer reaction times for the low IQ participants. The EEG signal comparison shows marked power decrease in upper alpha frequency range for N emotions in low intelligence group. Otherwise no significant difference was noticed between low and normal IQ. Main findings of the present study are (1) results do not support the hypothesis that impairment in developmental intelligence roots in maladaptive emotional processing; (2) the strong alpha power suppression during negative-induced emotions suggests the involvement of an extended neural network and more effortful inhibition processes than positive ones. We call for further studies with a larger sample.


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A prominent categorization of Indian classical music is the Hindustani and Carnatic traditions, the two styleshaving evolved under distinctly different historical andcultural influences. Both styles are grounded in the melodicand rhythmic framework of raga and tala. The styles differ along dimensions such as instrumentation,aesthetics and voice production. In particular, Carnatic music is perceived as being more ornamented. The hypothesisthat style distinctions are embedded in the melodic contour is validated via subjective classification tests. Melodic features representing the distinctive characteristicsare extracted from the audio. Previous work based on the extent of stable pitch regions is supported by measurements of musicians’ annotations of stable notes. Further, a new feature is introduced that captures thepresence of specific pitch modulations characteristic ofornamentation in Indian classical music. The combined features show high classification accuracy on a database of vocal music of prominent artistes. The misclassifications are seen to match actual listener confusions.


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OBJECTIVE: (1) To quantify wear of two different denture tooth materials in vivo with two study designs, (2) to relate tooth variables to vertical loss. METHODS: Two different denture tooth materials had been used (experimental material=test; DCL=control). In study 1 (split-mouth, 6 test centers) 60 subjects received complete dentures, in study 2 (two-arm, 1 test center) 29 subjects. In study 1 the mandibular dentures were supported by implants in 33% of the subjects, in study 2 only in 3% of the subjects. Impressions of the dentures were taken and poured with improved stone at baseline and after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Each operator evaluated the wear subjectively. Wear analysis was carried out with a laser scanning device. Maximal vertical loss of the attrition zones was calculated for each tooth cusp and tooth. A mixed linear model was used to statistically analyse the logarithmically transformed wear data. RESULTS: Due to drop-outs and unmatchable casts, only 47 subjects of study 1 and 14 of study 2 completed the 2-year recall. Overall, 75% of all teeth present could be analysed. There was no statistically difference in the overall wear between the test and control material for either study 1 or study 2. The relative increase in wear over time was similar in both study designs. However, a strong subject effect and center effect were observed. The fixed factors included in the model (time, tooth, center, etc.) accounted for 43% of the variability, whereas the random subject effect accounted for another 30% of the variability, leaving about 28% of unexplained variability. More wear was consistently recorded in the maxillary teeth compared to the mandibular teeth and in the first molar teeth compared to the premolar teeth and the second molars. Likewise, the supporting cusps showed more wear than the non-supporting cusps. The amount of wear did not depend on whether or not the lower dentures were supported by implants. The subjective wear was correct in about 67% of the cases if it is postulated that a wear difference of 100μm should be subjectively detectable. SIGNIFICANCE: The clinical wear of denture teeth is highly variable with a strong patient effect. More wear can be expected in maxillary denture teeth compared to mandibular teeth, first molars compared to premolars and supported cusps compared to non-supported cusps. Laboratory data on the wear of denture tooth materials may not be confirmed in well-structured clinical trials probably due to the large inter-individual variability.


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Purpose. We describe an atypical case of a patient with Coats disease that re-emerged after 30 years, illustrating a previously poorly understood long-term evolution of the disease. Methods. A 20-year-old man consulted for visual acuity (VA) decrease in the left eye (LE) to 0.3. Fundus examination revealed an exudative lesion with telangiectasias in the superior peripheral retina compatible with the diagnosis of Coats disease. Results. The patient was treated with cryotherapy and argon laser. Visual acuity improved to 0.5 and remained stable during a 1-year follow-up. The patient did not seek further clinical follow-up. Thirty years later, he returned complaining of a progressive VA decrease in the LE. Snellen VA was measured to counting fingers. Fundus examination revealed stage 3A Coats disease with macular exudation and a serous retinal detachment in the inferior quadrants requiring the placement of an encircling band, external drainage, and cryotherapy of the vascular lesions. After 10 additional sessions of argon laser on the vascular malformations, exudation regressed further and best-corrected VA increased to 0.1 at the end of the follow-up period. Conclusions. Coats disease must be considered as a chronic disease, which necessitates a very long-term follow-up even in the absence of subjective visual loss. The disease can reawaken and recur with force in previously unaffected areas of the retina several decades later. The gold standard treatment consists of cryotherapy and argon laser. However, in cases of very important retinal exudation, surgical management with subretinal drainage may be necessary.


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La sténose du canal médullaire lombaire peut aujourd'hui se traiter de deux façons différentes à savoir le traitement non- chirurgical (physiothérapie, AINS, infiltrations de corticostéroïdes) pour les patients souffrant de symptômes modérés et le traitement chirurgical (décompression canalaire) pour les patients avec des symptômes graves et des déficits fonctionnels. Plusieurs études ont tenté de comparer ces deux approches thérapeutiques. Pour ce faire, on se servit de questionnaires d'évaluation subjective des capacités fonctionnelles (Oswestry Disability Index) souvent associés à des mesures des capacités de marche en laboratoire.¦Notre étude utilise des capteurs gyroscopiques placés sur le corps des sujets afin de mesurer des paramètres de positions, de transferts de position et de la marche pendant 5 jours consécutifs. Cette méthode nous permet d'effectuer ces mesures objectives dans le cadre de vie des patients, dans leurs activités quotidiennes. Nous espérons ainsi obtenir des résultats qui soient plus représentatifs de leur mobilité.¦Dans le cadre de mon travail de master, je me suis concentré sur la phase pilote d'une étude du Dr Schizas. Cette phase ne regroupe qu'un nombre limité de sujets (14) répartis en deux groupes de 7 suivant le traitement reçu (chir. contre non-chir). Nous avons alors émis trois hypothèses. La première dit que, avant traitement, les patients non-opérés marchent mieux que les patients destinés à la chirurgie (symptômes moins intenses). La deuxième postule que le traitement chirurgical permet d'atténuer suffisamment les symptômes pour que les capacités de marche se rapprochent de celles des patients non opérés avant traitement (efficacité de la chirurgie). Pour finir, notre dernière hypothèse prétend que, après la chirurgie, les patients opérés voient une amélioration de leur capacité de marche par rapport à celles qu'ils avaient avant l'intervention. 4 paramètres ont été retenus afin de caractériser la marche: la longueur des pas, la vitesse, la cadence des pas et la distance parcourue. C'est à partir des moyennes et des coefficients de variabilité de ces paramètres que nous avons effectué nos comparaisons.¦Après l'analyse de nos résultats, il s'avère que nos valeurs tendent à valider nos trois hypothèses à quelques exceptions près. Hypothèse n°1: avant traitement, les patients non destinés à la chirurgie marchent plus vite (2.96 contre 2.87 P 0.84) et avec une cadence des pas plus importante (101.78 contre 94.59 P 0.047). Seule la longueur des pas est plus importante chez les futurs opérés (1.01 contre 0.96 P 0.72). Les coefficients de variabilité (CV) sont tous plus faibles chez les non-opérés (marche plus homogène). Concernant notre 2ème hypothèse, nous sommes plutôt satisfaits des résultats. A 3 mois après la chirurgie, les patients opérés, comparés aux non-opérés avant traitement ont une longueur de pas similaire (1.02 contre 0.96 P 0.70) et une vitesse plus importante (3.08 contre 2.96 P 0.83). Seule la cadence des pas est plus élevée chez les non-opérés (101.78 contre 100.23 P 0.72). Les CV confirment également un rapprochement des capacités de marche de nos patients opérés de celles des non-opérés. Pour la troisième hypothèse, nous sommes heureux de constater que les moyennes et les CV sont tous en accord avec l'idée de base. A trois mois post-traitement les patients opérés font des pas de longueur similaire (1.02 contre 1.01 P 0.93), marchent plus vite (3.08 contre 2.89 P 0.52) et à une cadence plus importante (100.23 contre 94.59 P 0.19).¦Avec seulement 14 patients, il est bien clair que ces résultats n'ont que peu de valeur statistique. Cependant, ces résultats nous encouragent à poursuivre cette étude sur un collectif de patients plus important dans le but de mieux comprendre les troubles de la mobilité des personnes atteintes de canal lombaire étroit.


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This article introduces EsPal: a Web-accessible repository containing a comprehensive set of properties of Spanish words. EsPal is based on an extensible set of data sources, beginning with a 300 million token written database and a 460 million token subtitle database. Properties available include word frequency, orthographic structure and neighborhoods, phonological structure and neighborhoods, and subjective ratings such as imageability. Subword structure properties are also available in terms of bigrams and trigrams, bi-phones, and bi-syllables. Lemma and part-of-speech information and their corresponding frequencies are also indexed. The website enables users to either upload a set of words to receive their properties, or to receive a set of words matching constraints on the properties. The properties themselves are easily extensible and will be added over time as they become available. It is freely available from the following website: http://www.bcbl.eu/databases/espal


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The research reported in this series of article aimed at (1) automating the search of questioned ink specimens in ink reference collections and (2) at evaluating the strength of ink evidence in a transparent and balanced manner. These aims require that ink samples are analysed in an accurate and reproducible way and that they are compared in an objective and automated way. This latter requirement is due to the large number of comparisons that are necessary in both scenarios. A research programme was designed to (a) develop a standard methodology for analysing ink samples in a reproducible way, (b) comparing automatically and objectively ink samples and (c) evaluate the proposed methodology in forensic contexts. This report focuses on the last of the three stages of the research programme. The calibration and acquisition process and the mathematical comparison algorithms were described in previous papers [C. Neumann, P. Margot, New perspectives in the use of ink evidence in forensic science-Part I: Development of a quality assurance process for forensic ink analysis by HPTLC, Forensic Sci. Int. 185 (2009) 29-37; C. Neumann, P. Margot, New perspectives in the use of ink evidence in forensic science-Part II: Development and testing of mathematical algorithms for the automatic comparison of ink samples analysed by HPTLC, Forensic Sci. Int. 185 (2009) 38-50]. In this paper, the benefits and challenges of the proposed concepts are tested in two forensic contexts: (1) ink identification and (2) ink evidential value assessment. The results show that different algorithms are better suited for different tasks. This research shows that it is possible to build digital ink libraries using the most commonly used ink analytical technique, i.e. high-performance thin layer chromatography, despite its reputation of lacking reproducibility. More importantly, it is possible to assign evidential value to ink evidence in a transparent way using a probabilistic model. It is therefore possible to move away from the traditional subjective approach, which is entirely based on experts' opinion, and which is usually not very informative. While there is room for the improvement, this report demonstrates the significant gains obtained over the traditional subjective approach for the search of ink specimens in ink databases, and the interpretation of their evidential value.


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PURPOSE: To compare volume-targeted and whole-heart coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) after the administration of an intravascular contrast agent. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six healthy adult subjects underwent a navigator-gated and -corrected (NAV) free breathing volume-targeted cardiac-triggered inversion recovery (IR) 3D steady-state free precession (SSFP) coronary MRA sequence (t-CMRA) (spatial resolution = 1 x 1 x 3 mm(3)) and high spatial resolution IR 3D SSFP whole-heart coronary MRA (WH-CMRA) (spatial resolution = 1 x 1 x 2 mm(3)) after the administration of an intravascular contrast agent B-22956. Subjective and objective image quality parameters including maximal visible vessel length, vessel sharpness, and visibility of coronary side branches were evaluated for both t-CMRA and WH-CMRA. RESULTS: No significant differences (P = NS) in image quality were observed between contrast-enhanced t-CMRA and WH-CMRA. However, using an intravascular contrast agent, significantly longer vessel segments were measured on WH-CMRA vs. t-CMRA (right coronary artery [RCA] 13.5 +/- 0.7 cm vs. 12.5 +/- 0.2 cm; P < 0.05; and left circumflex coronary artery [LCX] 11.9 +/- 2.2 cm vs. 6.9 +/- 2.4 cm; P < 0.05). Significantly more side branches (13.3 +/- 1.2 vs. 8.7 +/- 1.2; P < 0.05) were visible for the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) on WH-CMRA vs. t-CMRA. Scanning time and navigator efficiency were similar for both techniques (t-CMRA: 6.05 min; 49% vs. WH-CMRA: 5.51 min; 54%, both P = NS). CONCLUSION: Both WH-CMRA and t-CMRA using SSFP are useful techniques for coronary MRA after the injection of an intravascular blood-pool agent. However, the vessel conspicuity for high spatial resolution WH-CMRA is not inferior to t-CMRA, while visible vessel length and the number of visible smaller-diameter vessels and side-branches are improved.


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Sufficient evidence was not discovered in this brief search to alter the general opinion that the Serviceability (Present Serviceability Index-PSI) - Performance Concepts developed by the AASHO Road Test provides the optimum engineering basis for pavement management. Use of these concepts in Iowa has the additional advantage in that we have a reasonable quantity of historical data over a period of time on the change in pavement condition as measured by PSI's. Some additional benefits would be the ability to better assess our needs with respect to those being recommended to Congress by AASHTO Committees. These concepts have been the basis used for developing policies on dimensions and weight of vehicles and highway needs which the AASHTO Transport Committees have recommended to the United States House Committee on Ways and Means. The first recommendation based on these concepts was made in the mid 1960's. Iowa's participation in the evaluation for this recommendation was under the direction of our present Director of Transportation, Mr. Raymond Kassel. PSI Indexes had to be derived from subjective surface ratings at that time. The most recent recommendation to Congress was made in November of 1977. Based on the rationale expressed above, a pilot study of the major part of the rural interstate system was conducted. The Objective of the study was to measure pavement performance through the use of the Present Serviceability Index (PSI) - Pavement Performance concepts as developed by the AASHO Road Test and to explore the usefulness of this type of data as a pavement management tool. Projects in the vicinity of the major urban centers were not included in this study due to the extra time that would be required to isolate accurate traffic data in these areas. Projects consisting of asphalt surface courses on crushed stone base sections were not included.