942 resultados para Sub-saharan Africa
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup L2 originated in Western Africa but is nowadays spread across the entire continent. L2 movements were previously postulated to be related to the Bantu expansion, but L2 expansions eastwards probably occurred much earlier. By reconstructing the phylogeny of L2 (44 new complete sequences) we provide insights on the complex net of within-African migrations in the last 60 thousand years (ka). Results show that lineages in Southern Africa cluster with Western/Central African lineages at a recent time scale, whereas, eastern lineages seem to be substantially more ancient. Three moments of expansion from a Central African source are associated to L2: (1) one migration at 70-50 ka into Eastern or Southern Africa, (2) postglacial movements (15-10 ka) into Eastern Africa; and (3) the southward Bantu Expansion in the last 5 ka. The complementary population and L0a phylogeography analyses indicate no strong evidence of mtDNA gene flow between eastern and southern populations during the later movement, suggesting low admixture between Eastern African populations and the Bantu migrants. This implies that, at least in the early stages, the Bantu expansion was mainly a demic diffusion with little incorporation of local populations.
Introdução: informação, conteúdos, saberes: Os conteúdos digitais; Projeto 1: A vida quotidiana dos infonautas; Netiquette; Produção e consumo cultural na sociedade da informação; Cibercultura e vida académica; Media studies e new media studies; Diversas áreas de pesquisa; Proliferação de questões; Reflexividade dos especialistas do saber prático; A falência das antigas certezas. Estética digital: Sean Cubbit: Digital Aesthetics; Computação estética; Natureza da arte digital; Interfaces; o iPhone e iPad; o Windows 8; Design da interação digital; Luvas de realidade virtual; Inputs diretos da eletricidade cerebral; o Sistema de interação com múltiplas interfaces.
Fição científica digital. Cyberpunk: Bruce Betjke; William Gibson; Movimento cyberpunk; Bruce Sterling; Projetos em Cyberpunk; Filosofia do pós-humanismo; Tecnologia quotidiana; Pós-humanismo; Cyborgs; Direitos pós-humanos; Sub-espécies; Novos tempos e espaços.
v. 1 1868 - Ranuncul-Connar
v. 2 1871 - Leguminosae-Ficoideae
v. 3 1877 - Umbelliferae-Eben
v. 4 (1-4) 1902-04 - Ola-Gentianeae
v. 4 (1-3) 1905-06 - Hydrophyll-Pedalineae
v. 5 (1-3) 1899-1900 - Acanth-Plantagineae
v. 6 (1-6) 1909-13 - Nyctagineae-Euphorbi
v. 6 (1-2) 1916-17 - Ulm-Cycad
v. 7 (1-3) 1897-98
v. 8 (1-3) 1901-02 - Pontederi-Cyper