991 resultados para Stimulation [beta]3-adrénergique


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(1) Neuropeptid Y (NPY), einer der häufigsten peptidergen Neurotransmitter im zentralen und peripheren Nervensystem der Säuger, ist an der Steuerung zahlreicher physiologischer Prozesse beteiligt. Auch Amphibien weisen eine verstärkte NPY-Immunreaktivität im Zentralnervensystem auf. Im Hinblick auf bereits gewonnene Erkenntnisse sollte in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine Modulierbarkeit retino-tectaler Aktivität durch Neuropeptid Y an der chinesischen Rotbauchunke (Bombina orientalis) überprüft und erstmals mit Hilfe der 14[C]-2-Desoxiglukose-Methode (14C-2DG) (Sokoloff et al. 1977) quantitativ analysiert werden. Als Vergleichstier diente die Agakröte (Bufo marinus). Zur Darstellung eines möglichen Effektes auf das Tectum opticum wurde NPY lokal auf die tectale Oberfläche visuell stimulierter Rotbauchunken appliziert. Mit Hilfe der 14C-2DG-Methode und den daraus autoradiographisch ermittelten Daten konnten die zerebralen Aktivitäten visualisiert, quantitativ ausgewertet und miteinander verglichen werden. In einer weiteren Versuchsreihe wurde hinterfragt, welche inhibitorische Wirkung NPY entwickeln kann, wenn zuvor der retinale Input pharmakologisch durch systemische Gabe von Apomorphin (APO) signifikant erhöht wurde. (2) Die 14C-2DG-Methode erlaubt einen Blick in die funktionale Aktivität des Gehirns und ermöglicht es, regional ablaufende physiologische und biochemische Energiestoffwechselprozesse innerhalb des Gehirns quantitativ zu erfassen. Mit Hilfe der 14C-2DG-Methode werden die neuromodulatorischen Wirkungen von NPY kartiert und analysiert. (3) Versuchstiergruppe 1 – Bombina orientalis – unbehandelt Zur Beurteilung pharmakologischer Effekte durch NPY bzw. APO auf den Hirnmetabolismus war es zunächst erforderlich, die Gehirnaktivitäten pharmakologisch unbeeinflusster Tiere nach visueller Reizgabe zu untersuchen. Im Bereich des medialen Mesencephalon wurden die tectalen 14C-2DG-Konzentrationen über zehn Messreihen pro Einzeltier sowohl an der rechten als auch an der linken tectalen Hälfte auf Höhe des ventrolateralen Tectum opticum ermittelt. Beim rechts-links Vergleich zeigen sich gleich verteilte Strahlungsintensitäten. Basierend auf dieser Aussage konnte NPY unilateral auf die tectale Oberfläche aufgebracht und auf seine Wirkung geprüft werden. (4) Versuchstiergruppe 2 – Bombina orientalis – NPY-Applikation Der unilaterale Einsatz von NPY auf die tectale Oberfläche des Versuchstieres bewirkt, dass die unter dem Einfluss von NPY stehende tectale Hälfte, im Gegensatz zur unbehandelten tectalen Hälfte, einen deutlich niedrigeren 14C-2DG-Gebrauch aufweist. Besonders in den oberen Schichten des Tectum opticum (Layer 9) zeigt die 14C-2DG-Methode qualitativ und quantitativ auswertbare Aktivitätsminderungen an. (5) Verhalten unter NPY: Durchschnittlich nach 10 min Versuchsdauer zeigt Bombina orientalis eine deutliche Abnahme in der Beutefangaktivität, die sich gegen Ende der Versuchszeit noch weiter reduziert. (6) Versuchstiergruppe 3 – Bombina orientalis – APO-Applikation Systemisch verabreichtes APO führt bei Bombina orientalis zu einer Verstärkung des retinalen Ausganges in die retino-tectalen Projektionsfelder. Die neuronalen Aktivitäten im Tectum opticum erhöhen sich unter dem Einfluss von APO im Durchschnitt um 40% im Vergleich zu APO-unbehandelten Tieren. (7) Verhalten unter APO: Bombina orientalis zeigt nach systemischer Applikation von APO keine verstärkten stereotypen Schnappreaktionen. Die Tiere reagieren ausschließlich mit Akinese, d.h. einem Ausfall gerichteter Lokomotionen und Orientierungsbewegungen. (8) Versuchstiergruppe 4 – Bombina orientalis – APO/NPY-Applikation Die durch systemisch verabreichtes APO erhöhten retino-tectalen Aktivitäten im Tectum opticum werden unter dem unilateralen Einsatz von NPY deutlich abgeschwächt. Eindeutig niedrigere 14C-2DG-Aufnahmen sind in den oberen Schichten des Tectum opticum messbar, was die starke Wirkung von NPY quantitativ belegt. (9) Versuchstiergruppe 2 – Bufo marinus – NPY-Applikation Der unilaterale Einsatz von NPY auf die tectale Oberfläche von Bufo marinus zeigt ebenfalls, dass die unter dem Einfluss von NPY stehende tectale Hälfte, im Gegensatz zur unbehandelten tectalen Hälfte, einen deutlich niedrigeren 14C-2DG-Gebrauch aufweist. Bufo marinus zeigt aber aufgrund erweiterter Versuchsbedingungen (On-Off-Beleuchtungswechsel) anders verteilte Strahlungsintensitäten über dem Tectum-Querschnitt als Bombina orientalis. Stärkere [14C]-Akkumulationen zeigen sich in den tieferen zentralen Schichten des Tectum opticum. (10) Versuchstiergruppe 4 – Bufo marinus – APO/NPY-Applikation Auch die durch systemisch verabreichtes APO erhöhten retino-tectalen Aktivitäten im Tectum opticum von Bufo marinus werden unter dem unilateralen Einsatz von NPY deutlich abgeschwächt. (11) Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit leisten einen Beitrag zum Einfluss von NPY auf den retino-tectalen Informationstransfer bei Anuren im Sinne einer praetecto-tectalen inhibitorischen Modulation. Im Einklang mit früheren neuroanatomischen, immuncytochemischen und elektro-physiologischen Befunden liefern diese Ergebnisse erstmals ein biochemisches Korrelat auf der Basis des tectalen Energiestoffwechsels. (12) Es ist hervorzuheben, dass NPY-vermittelte inhibitorische Modulationen visuellen Informationstransfers in der vorliegenden Arbeit an Bombina orientalis nachgewiesen wurden, die phylogenetisch zu den ältesten Anuren (Anamnioten) gehört. Vergleichbares ist an verschiedenen Amnioten – einschließlich Primaten – beschrieben worden, was darauf hinweist, dass solche NPY-vermittelten Prozesse sich innerhalb der Tetrapoden relativ früh herausgebildet haben und in der Evolution konserviert worden sind.


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El neurofeedback es una técnica no invasiva en la que se pretende corregir, mediante condicionamiento operante, ondas cerebrales que se encuentren alteradas en el electroencefalograma. Desde 1967, se han conducido numerosas investigaciones relacionadas con los efectos de la técnica en el tratamiento de alteraciones psicológicas. Sin embargo, a la fecha no existen revisiones sistemáticas que reúnan los temas que serán aquí tratados. El aporte de este trabajo es la revisión de 56 artículos, publicados entre los años 1995 y 2013 y la evaluación metodológica de 29 estudios incluidos en la revisión. La búsqueda fue acotada a la efectividad del neurofeedback en el tratamiento de depresión, ansiedad, trastorno obsesivo compulsivo (TOC), ira y fibromialgia. Los hallazgos demuestran que el neurofeedback ha tenido resultados positivos en el tratamiento de estos trastornos, sin embargo, es una técnica que aún está en desarrollo, con unas bases teóricas no muy bien establecidas y cuyos resultados necesitan de diseños metodológicamente más sólidos que ratifiquen su validez.


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Este trabajo demuestra que los genes que codifican para los enzimas beta-galactosido alfa-2,3-sialiltransferasa 3 (ST3Gal III), y en menor medida beta-galactosido alfa-2,3-sialiltransferasa 4 (ST3Gal IV), están directamente implicados en etapas clave de la progresión tumoral como la adhesión, la migración y la formación de metástasis en las líneas de adenocarcinoma pancreático humano Capan-1 y MDAPanc-28. También, que las Especies Reactivas del Oxígeno (ROS) generadas durante los procesos de proliferación y diferenciación celular o debido a estímulos oxidantes externos, desempeñan un importante papel en el control de la síntesis de ST3Gal III y SLex, y por lo tanto en la regulación del fenotipo metastático. Además, junto al papel pro-adhesivo de la E-Selectina, este trabajo ha descrito efectos prometastáticos adicionales para esta molécula como inductora de la migración y de la secreción de VEGF a través de un mecanismo E-Selectina-SLex dependiente.


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QUAGMIRE is a quasi-geostrophic numerical model for performing fast, high-resolution simulations of multi-layer rotating annulus laboratory experiments on a desktop personal computer. The model uses a hybrid finite-difference/spectral approach to numerically integrate the coupled nonlinear partial differential equations of motion in cylindrical geometry in each layer. Version 1.3 implements the special case of two fluid layers of equal resting depths. The flow is forced either by a differentially rotating lid, or by relaxation to specified streamfunction or potential vorticity fields, or both. Dissipation is achieved through Ekman layer pumping and suction at the horizontal boundaries, including the internal interface. The effects of weak interfacial tension are included, as well as the linear topographic beta-effect and the quadratic centripetal beta-effect. Stochastic forcing may optionally be activated, to represent approximately the effects of random unresolved features. A leapfrog time stepping scheme is used, with a Robert filter. Flows simulated by the model agree well with those observed in the corresponding laboratory experiments.


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The lattice parameters extracted from Lebail analysis of neutron powder diffraction data collected between 2 and 300 K have been used to calculate the temperature evolution of the thermal expansion tensor for hopeite, Zn-3(PO4)(2)center dot 2H(2)O, Pnma,Z=4with a= 10.6065(4) angstrom, b = 18.2977(4) angstrom, c= 5.0257(2) A at 275 K. The a lattice parameter shows a negative thermal expansion, the b lattice parameter appears to saturate at 275 K while the c lattice parameter has a more typical positive thermal expansion. At 275 K, the magnitudes of the thermal expansion coefficients are alpha(a) = -1. 1(4) x 10(-5) K-1, alpha(b) = 2.4(9) x 10(-6) K-1 and alpha(c) = 3.6(2) x 10(-1) K-1. Under the conditions of these experiments, hopeite begins to dehydrate to the dihydrate between 300 and 325 K, and between 480 and 500 K the monohydrate is formed. The thermal expansion of the dihydrate has been calculated between 335 and 480 and at 480 K the magnitudes of the thermal expansion coefficients are alpha(a) = 1(2) x 10(-5) K-1, alpha(b) = 4(l) x 10(-6) K-1, alpha(c) = 4(2) x 10(-5) K-1, alpha(beta) = 1 (1) x 10(-1) K-1, and alpha(v) = 2(2) x 10(-1) K-1. The thermal expansion of hopeite is described in terms of its crystal structure and possible dehydration mechanisms for the alpha and beta modifications of hopeite are discussed.


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Increasing recognition of the importance of the long-chain n-3 PUFA, EPA and DHA, to cardiovascular health, and in the case of DHA to normal neurological development in the fetus and the newborn, has focused greater attention on the dietary supply of these fatty acids. The reason for low intakes of EPA and DHA in most developed countries (0 center dot 1-0 center dot 5hairspg/d) is the low consumption of oily fish, the richest dietary source of these fatty acids. An important question is whether dietary intake of the precursor n-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (alpha LNA), can provide sufficient amounts of tissue EPA and DHA by conversion through the n-3 PUFA elongation-desaturation pathway. alpha LNA is present in marked amounts in plant sources, including green leafy vegetables and commonly-consumed oils such as rape-seed and soyabean oils, so that increased intake of this fatty acid would be easier to achieve than via increased fish consumption. However, alpha LNA-feeding studies and stable-isotope studies using alpha LNA, which have addressed the question of bioconversion of alpha LNA to EPA and DHA, have concluded that in adult men conversion to EPA is limited (approximately 8%) and conversion to DHA is extremely low (< 0 center dot 1%). In women fractional conversion to DHA appears to be greater (9%), which may partly be a result of a lower rate of utilisation of alpha LNA for beta-oxidation in women. However, up-regulation of the conversion of EPA to DHA has also been suggested, as a result of the actions of oestrogen on Delta 6-desaturase, and may be of particular importance in maintaining adequate provision of DHA in pregnancy. The effect of oestrogen on DHA concentration in pregnant and lactating women awaits confirmation.


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The 70kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) plays important roles in the regulation of protein synthesis, cell growth and metabolism. S6K1 is activated by the phosphorylation of multiple serine and threonine residues in response to stimulation by a variety of growth factors and cytokines. In addition to phosphorylation, we have recently shown that S6K1 is also targeted by lysine acetylation. Here, using tandem mass spectrometry we have mapped acetylation of S6K1 to lysine 516, a site close to the C-terminus of the kinase that is highly conserved amongst vertebrate S6K1 orthologues. Using acetyl-specific K516 antibodies, we show that acetylation of endogenous S6K1 at this site is potently induced upon growth factor stimulation. Although S6K1 acetylation and phosphorylation are both induced by growth factor stimulation, these events appear to be functionally independent. Indeed, experiments using inhibitors of S6K1 activation and exposure of cells to various stresses indicate that S6K1 acetylation can occur in the absence of phosphorylation and vice versa. We propose that K516 acetylation may serve to modulate important kinase-independent functions of S6K1 in response to growth factor signalling.


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Benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate and butylphenylmethylpropional (Lilial) are added to bodycare cosmetics used around the human breast. We report here that all three compounds possess oestrogenic activity in assays using the oestrogen-responsive MCF7 human breast cancer cell line. At 3 000 000-fold molar excess, they were able to partially displace [H-3]oestradiol from recombinant human oestrogen receptors ER alpha and ER beta, and from cytosolic ER of MCF7 cells. At concentrations in the range of 5 x 10(-5) to 5 x 10(-4) M, they were able to increase the expression of a stably integrated oestrogen-responsive reporter gene (ERE-CAT) and of the endogenous oestrogen-responsive pS2 gene in MCF7 cells, albeit to a lesser extent than with 10(-8) M 17 beta-oestradiol. They increased the proliferation of oestrogen-dependent MCF7 cells over 7 days, which could be inhibited by the antioestrogen fulvestrant, suggesting an ER-mediated mechanism. Although the extent of stimulation of proliferation over 7 days was lower with these compounds than with 10(-8) M 17 beta-oestradiol, given a longer time period of 35 days the extent of proliferation with 10(-4) M benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate or butylphenylmethylpropional increased to the same magnitude as observed with 10(-8) M 17 beta-oestradiol over 14 days. This demonstrates that benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate and butylphenylmethylpropional are further chemical components of cosmetic products which give oestrogenic responses in a human breast cancer cell line in culture. Further research is now needed to investigate whether oestrogenic responses are detectable using in vivo models and the extent to which these compounds might be absorbed through human skin and might enter human breast tissues. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The management of straw residue can be a concern in non-inversion tillage systems where straw tends to be incorporated at shallow depths or left on the soil surface. This can lead to poor crop establishment because straw residue can impede or hinder crop emergence and growth. Small container-based experiments were undertaken using varying amounts of wheat straw residue either incorporated or placed oil the soil surface. The effects on (lays to seedling emergence, percentage emergence, seedling dry-weight and soil temperature using sugar beet and oilseed rape were investigated because these crops often follow wheat in a cropping sequence. The position of the straw residue was found to be the primary factor in reducing crop emergence and growth. Increasing the amount of straw residue (from 3.3 t ha(-1) to 6.7 t ha(-1)) did not show any consistent trends in reducing crop emergence or growth. However, in some instances, results indicated that an interaction between the position and the amount of straw residue Occurred particularly when the straw and seed was placed on the soil surface. Straw placed on the soil surface significantly reduced mean day-time soil temperature by approximately 2.5 degrees C compared to no residue. When the seed and straw was placed on the soil Surface a lack of seed-to-soil contact caused a reduction in emergence by approximately 30% because of the restriction in available moisture that limited the ability for seed imbibition. This trend was reversed when the seed was placed in the soil, but with straw residue still on the soil surface, because the surface straw was likely to reduce moisture evaporation and improved seed-to-soil contact that led to rapid emergence. In general, when straw was mixed in or placed on the soil surface along with the seed, sugar beet and oilseed rape emergence and early growth biomass was significantly restricted by approximately 50% compared to no residue. The consequences of placing seed with or near to straw residue have been shown to cause a restriction in crop establishment. In both oilseed tape and sugar beet, this could lead to a reduction in final crop densities, poor, uneven growth and potentially lower yields that could lower financial margins. Therefore, if farmers are planning to use non-inversion tillage methods for crop establishment, the management and removal of straw residue from near or above the seed is considered important for successful crop establishment. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure of a globular domain of residues 1071 to 1178 within the previously annotated nucleic acid-binding region (NAB) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nonstructural protein 3 (nsp3) has been determined, and N- and C-terminally adjoining polypeptide segments of 37 and 25 residues, respectively, have been shown to form flexibly extended linkers to the preceding globular domain and to the following, as yet uncharacterized domain. This extension of the structural coverage of nsp3 was obtained from NMR studies with an nsp3 construct comprising residues 1066 to 1181 [ nsp3(1066-1181)] and the constructs nsp3(1066-1203) and nsp3(1035-1181). A search of the protein structure database indicates that the globular domain of the NAB represents a new fold, with a parallel four-strand beta-sheet holding two alpha-helices of three and four turns that are oriented antiparallel to the beta-strands. Two antiparallel two-strand beta-sheets and two 3(10)-helices are anchored against the surface of this barrel-like molecular core. Chemical shift changes upon the addition of single-stranded RNAs (ssRNAs) identified a group of residues that form a positively charged patch on the protein surface as the binding site responsible for the previously reported affinity for nucleic acids. This binding site is similar to the ssRNA-binding site of the sterile alpha motif domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Vts1p protein, although the two proteins do not share a common globular fold.


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As a consequence of its widespread use as an antimicrobial agent in consumer goods, triclosan has become distributed ubiquitously across the ecosystem, and recent reports that it can cause endocrine disruption in aquatic species has increased concern. It is reported here that triclosan possesses intrinsic oestrogenic and androgenic activity in a range of assays in vitro which could provide some explanation for the endocrine disrupting properties described in aquatic populations. In terms of oestrogenic activity, triclosan displaced [H-3]oestradiol from oestrogen receptors (ER) of MCF7 human breast cancer cells and from recombinant human ER alpha/ER beta. Triclosan at 10(-5) M completely inhibited the induction of the oestrogen-responsive ERE-CAT reporter gene in MCF7 cells by 10(-10) M 17 beta-oestradiol and the stimulation of growth of MCF7 human breast cancer cells by 10(-10) M 17 beta-oestradiol. On its own, 1 mu M triclosan increased the growth of MCF7 cells over 21 days. Triclosan also had androgenic activity. It displaced [H-3]testosterone from binding to the ligand binding domain of the rat androgen receptor (AR). Triclosan was able to inhibit the induction of the androgen-responsive LTR-CAT reporter gene in S115 mouse mammary tumour cells by 10(-9) M testosterone and in T47D human breast cancer cells by 10(-8) M testosterone at concentrations of 10(-7) M and 10(-6) M, respectively. Triclosan at 2 x 10(-5) M antagonized the stimulation of the growth of S115+A mouse mammary tumour cells by 10(-9) M testosterone. The finding that triclosan has oestrogenic and androgenic activity warrants further investigation in relation to both endocrine disruption of aquatic wildlife and any possible impact on human health. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper describes the structure determination of nsp3a, the N-terminal domain of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nonstructural protein 3. nsp3a exhibits a ubiquitin-like globular fold of residues 1 to 112 and a flexibly extended glutamic acid-rich domain of residues 113 to 183. In addition to the four beta-strands and two alpha-helices that are common to ubiquitin-like folds, the globular domain of nsp3a contains two short helices representing a feature that has not previously been observed in these proteins. Nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift perturbations showed that these unique structural elements are involved in interactions with single-stranded RNA. Structural similarities with proteins involved in various cell-signaling pathways indicate possible roles of nsp3a in viral infection and persistence.


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We investigated the ability of a selection of human influenza A viruses, including recent clinical isolates, to induce IFN-beta production in cultured cell lines. In contrast to the well-characterized laboratory strain A/PR/8/34, several, but not all, recent isolates of H3N2 viruses resulted in moderate IFN-beta stimulation. Through the generation of recombinant viruses, we were able to show that this is not due to a loss of the ability of the NS1 genes to suppress IFN-beta induction; indeed, the NS1 genes behaved similarly with respect to their abilities to block dsRNA signaling. Interestingly, replication of A/Sydney/5/97 virus was less Susceptible to pre-treatment with IFN-alpha than the other viruses. In contrast to the universal effect on dsRNA signaling, we noted differences in the effect of NS1 proteins on expression of interferon stimulated genes and also genes induced by a distinct pathway. The majority of NS1 proteins blocked expression From both IFN-dependent and TNF-dependent promoters by an apparent post-transcriptional mechanism. The NS1 gene of A/PR/8/34 NS1 did not confer these blocks. We noted striking differences in the Cellular localization of different influenza A virus NS1 proteins during infection, which might explain differences in biological activity. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The lipid products of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) are involved in many cellular responses such as proliferation, migration, and survival. Disregulation of PI3K-activated pathways is implicated in different diseases including cancer and diabetes. Among the three classes of PI3Ks, class I is the best characterized, whereas class II has received increasing attention only recently and the precise role of these isoforms is unclear. Similarly, the role of phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PtdIns-3-P) as an intracellular second messenger is only just beginning to be appreciated. Here, we show that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) stimulates the production of PtdIns-3-P through activation of a class II PI3K (PI3K-C2β). Both PtdIns-3-P and PI3K-C2β are involved in LPA-mediated cell migration. This study is the first identification of PtdIns-3-P and PI3K-C2β as downstream effectors in LPA signaling and demonstration of an intracellular role for a class II PI3K. Defining this novel PI3K-C2β- PtdIns-3-P signaling pathway may help clarify the process of cell migration and may shed new light on PI3K-mediated intracellular events.


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Previous studies have compared the oestrogenic properties of phytoestrogens in a wide variety of disparate assays. Since not all phytoestrogens have been tested in each assay, this makes inter-study comparisons and ranking oestrogenic potency difficult. In this report, we have compared the oestrogen agonist and antagonist activity of eight phytoestrogens (genistein, daidzein, equol, miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, 8-prenylnaringenin, coumestrol and resveratrol) in a range of assays all based within the same receptor and cellular context of the MCF7 human breast cancer cell line. The relative binding of each phytoestrogen to oestrogen receptor (ER) of MCF7 cytosol was calculated from the molar excess needed for 50 % inhibition of [H-3]oestradiol binding (IC50), and was in the order coumestrol (35x)/8-prenylnaringenin (45 x)/deoxymiroestrol (50 x) > miroestrol (260x) > genistein (1000x) > equol (4000x) > daidzein (not achieved: 40 % inhibition at 10(4)-fold molar excess) > resveratrol (not achieved: 10 % inhibition at 10(5)-fold molar excess). For cell-based assays, the rank order of potency (estimated in terms of the concentration needed to achieve a response equivalent to 50 % of that found with 17 beta-oestradiol (IC50)) remained very similar for all the assays whether measuring ligand ability to induce a stably transfected oestrogen-responsive ERE-CAT reporter gene, cell growth in terms of proliferation rate after 7 days or cell growth in terms of saturation density after 14 days. The IC50 values for these three assays in order were for 17 beta-oestradiol (1 x 10-(11) M, 1 x 10-(11) M, 2 x 10(-11) M), and in rank order of potency for the phytoestrogens, deoxymiroestrol (1 x 10(-10) M, 3 x 10(-11) M, 2 x 10(-11) M) > miroestrol (3 x 10(-10) M, 2 x 10(-11) M, 8 x 10(-11) M) > 8-prenylnaringenin (1 x 10(-9) M, 3 x 10(-10) M, 3 x 10(-10) M) > cournestrol (3 x 10(-8) M, 2 x 10(-8) M, 3 x 10(-8) M) > genistein (4 x 10(-8) M, 2 x 10(-8) M, 1 x 10(-8) M)/equol (1 x 10(-7) M, 3 x 10(-8) M, 2 x 10(-8) M) > daidzein (3 x 10(-7) M, 2 x 10(-7) M, 4 x 10(-8) M) > resveratrol (4 x 10(-6) M, not achieved, not achieved). Despite using the same receptor context of the MCF7 cells, this rank order differed from that determined from receptor binding. The most marked difference was for cournestrol and 8-prenylnaringenin which both displayed a relatively potent ability to displace [3H]oestradiol from cytosolic ER compared with their much lower activity in the cell-based assays. Albeit at varying concentrations, seven of the eight phytoestrogens (all except resveratrol) gave similar maximal responses to that given by 17 beta-oestradiol in cell-based assays which makes them full oestrogen agonists. We found no evidence for any oestrogen antagonist action of any of these phytoestrogens at concentrations of up to 10(-6) M on either reporter gene induction or on stimulation of cell growth. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.