914 resultados para Stabilizer subgroup


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Introduction: Based on randomised controlled trials, evidence exists that early supported discharge (ESD) from the hospital with continued rehabilitation at home has beneficial effects after stroke; however, the effects of ESD service in regular clinical practice have not been investigated. The purpose of the current study was to compare ESD service with conventional rehabilitation in terms of patient outcomes, caregiver burden at 3 and 12 months and the use and costs of healthcare during the first year after stroke. Material and methods: This study was a subgroup analysis of a longitudinal observational study of patients who received care in the stroke unit at Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden. Patients who met the inclusion criteria for ESD in previous experimental studies were included. The patients were referred to available rehabilitation services at discharge, and comparisons between those who received ESD service (the ESD group, n = 40) and those who received conventional rehabilitation (the NoESD group, n = 110) were performed with regard to independence in activities of daily living (ADL), the frequency of social activities, life satisfaction, and caregiver burden and the use and costs of healthcare during the first year after stroke. Results: At 3 and 12 months, no differences were observed with regard to patient outcomes; however, ESD was associated with a lower caregiver burden (p = 0.01) at 12 months. The initial length of stay (LOS) at the hospital was 8 days for the ESD group and 15 days for the NoESD group (p = 0.02). The median number of outpatient rehabilitation contacts was 20.5 for the ESD group (81% constituting ESD service) and 3 for the NoESD group (p<0.001). There was no difference between the groups with regard to overall healthcare costs. Conclusions: ESD service in usual clinical practice renders similar health benefits as conventional rehabilitation but a different pattern of resource use and with released capacity in acute stroke care.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo estudar e aprimorar métodos de projetos de controladores para sistemas de potência, sendo que esse trabalho trata da estabilidade dinâmica de sistemas de potência e, portanto, do projeto de controladores amortecedores de oscilações eletromecânicas para esses sistemas. A escolha dos métodos aqui estudados foi orientada pelos requisitos que um estabilizador de sistemas de potência (ESP) deve ter, que são robustez, descentralização e coordenação. Sendo que alguns deles tiveram suas características aprimoradas para atender a esses requisitos. A abordagem dos métodos estudados foi restringida à análise no domínio tempo, pois a abordagem temporal facilita a modelagem das incertezas paramétricas, para atender ao requisito da robustez, e também permite a formulação do controle descentralizado de maneira simples. Além disso, a abordagem temporal permite a formulação do problema de projeto utilizando desigualdades matriciais lineares (LMI’s), as quais possuem como vantagem o fato do conjunto solução ser sempre convexo e a existência de algoritmos eficientes para o cálculo de sua solução. De fato, existem diversos pacotes computacionais desenvolvidos no mercado para o cálculo da solução de um problema de inequações matriciais lineares. Por esse motivo, os métodos de projeto para controladores de saída buscam sempre colocar o problema na forma de LMI’s, tendo em vista que ela garante a obtenção de solução, caso essa solução exista.


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D. Hoffman, R. Osserman e R. Schoen mostraram que se a aplicação de Gauss de uma superfície orientada completa de curvatura média constante M imersa em R³ está contida em um hemisfério fechado de S² (equivalentemente, a função não muda de sinal em M, onde n é um vetor unitário normal de M e v algum vetor não nulo de R³), então M é invariante por um subgrupo a um parâmetro de translações de R³ (aquele determinado por v). Neste trabalho obtemos uma extensão deste resultado para o caso em que o espaço ambiente é uma variedade riemanniana e M uma hipersuperfície em N requerendo que a função não mude de sinal em M, onde V é um campo de Killing em N. Na parte final deste trabalho consideramos uma variedade riemanniana Killing paralelizável N para definir uma translação Y: M -> Rn de uma hipersuperfície M de N que é uma extensão natural da aplicação de Gauss de uma hipersuperfície de Rn. Considerando as mesmas hipóteses para a imagem de y obtemos uma extensão do resultado original de Hoffman-Osserman-Schoen.


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Introdução: A cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio em pacientes com disfunção ventricular esquerda grave, criteriosamente selecionados, pode levar a um incremento na fração de ejeção e/ou melhora da classe functional da New York Heart Association (NYHA) de insuficiência cardíaca. Neste estudo, buscamos variáveis histopatológicas que pudessem estar associadas com a melhora da fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda e/ou melhora na classe funcional de insuficiência cardíaca seis meses após a cirurgia. Métodos: Vinte e quatro pacientes com indicação de cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio, fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda < 35%, classe funcional de insuficiência cardíaca variando de NYHA II a IV e idade média de 59±9 anos, foram selecionados. Foram realizadas biópsias endomiocárdicas no transoperatório e repetidas seis meses depois através de punção venosa. Extensão de fibrose (% da área do miocárdio do espécime avaliado), miocitólise (número de células encontradas com miocitólise por campo) e hipertrofia da fibra miocárdica (medida através do menor diâmetro celular) foram quantificados utilizando um sistema analizador de imagem (Leica - Image Analysis System). As medidas de fração de ejeção, por ventriculografia radioisotópica, e avaliação da classe funcional de insuficiência cardíaca (NYHA), também foram repetidas após seis meses. Resultados: Dos 24 pacientes inicialmente selecionados, sete foram a óbito antes dos seis meses e um recusou-se a repetir a segunda biópsia. Houve uma melhora significativa na classe funcional NYHA de insuficiência cardíaca nos sobreviventes seis meses após a cirurgia (2,8±0,7 vs. 1,7±0,6; p<0,001), enquanto que a fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda não se alterou (25±6% vs. 26±10%; p = NS). O grau de hipertrofia da fibra muscular permaneceu estável entre o pré e o pós operatório (21 ± 4 vs.22 ± 4μm), porém a extensão de fibrose (8±8 vs. 21±15% de área) e a quantidade de células apresentando miocitólise (9±11 vs. 21±15%/células) aumentaram. significativamente. Uma composição de escore histológico, combinando as três variáveis histopatológicas, indicando um menor grau de remodelamento no pré operatório, identificou um subgrupo de pacientes que apresentaram um incremento na fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda após a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. Conclusão: Em pacientes portadores de cardiopatia isquêmica e grave disfunção ventricular esquerda, a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio foi associada com um incremento na função ventricular em um subgrupo de pacientes que apresentavam, no pré operatório, um menor grau de remodelamento ventricular adverso, estimado pela composição de um escore histológico. Apesar da melhora na classe funcional de insuficiência cardíaca na maioria dos pacientes, e incremento na fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda em um subgrupo, alterações histológicas favoráveis, indicativos de reversão do remodelamento ventricular esquerdo, não devem ser esperados após a revascularização, ao menos num período de seis meses após a cirurgia.


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Introdução: O uso da pressão expiratória positiva na via aérea (EPAP) não é sugerido como técnica de desmame. O EPAP pode previnir o colapso das vias aéreas durante a expiração. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se a utilização da pressão expiratória positiva na via aérea (EPAP) apresenta benefícios na redução da hiperinsuflação dinâmica com redução do trabalho respiratório e melhora da oxigenação em pacientes submetidos ao processo de desmame da ventilação mecânica. Material e Métodos: Quarenta pacientes submetidos à ventilação mecânica por um período maior que 48 horas em 2 unidades de terapia intensiva foram avaliados prospectivamente em um estudo randomizado controlado cruzado. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos métodos de ventilação de pressão de suporte (PSV), tubo-t e EPAP, durante 30 minutos, com um período de descanso de 30 minutos entre cada método. Os pacientes foram monitorizados pelo VenTrack (Novametrix, EUA). As variáveis estudadas, mensuradas no minuto 1, 15 e 30, foram: PEEP intínseca (PEEPi), trabalho respiratório (WOBtotal), frequência respiratória (f), volume de ar corrente (Vt) e saturação periférica de oxigênio (SaO2). A amostra geral foi analisada e dividida em subgrupos DPOC (n= 14) e não-DPOC (n=26), traqueostomizados (n=15) e não-traqueostomizados (n=25). As comparações foram feitas pela Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e teste-t. O nível de significância foi de 95%. Resultados: PEEPi DPOC e não-DPOC minuto 1 (0,014 + 0,03 versus 0,17 + 0,38 cmH2O) e minuto 15 (0,042 + 0,13 versus 0,41 + 0,78 cmH2O) (p<0,05). No subgrupo não-traqueo, nos métodos de PSV15 (0,26 + 0,5 cm H2O) e EPAP15 (0,02 + 0,07 cm H2O), assim como PSV 30 (0,21 + 0,4 cm H2O) e EPAP 30 (0,02 + 0,1 cm H2O) (p<0,05). Para traqueo vs não-traqueo, no método EPAP minuto 1 (PEEPi traqueo 0,58 + 0,94 cm H2O; PEEPi não-traqueo 0,08 + 0,28 cmH2O) e minuto 15 (PEEPi traqueo 0,91 + 2,06 cm H2O; PEEPi não-traqueo 0,02 + 0,07 cmH2O) (p<0,05). Em relação ao WOBtotal houve um aumento significativo no método EPAP em relação ao tubo-t na análise geral da amostra (p<0,05). A f mostrou-se maior no método EPAP para o subgrupo não-DPOC e não-traqueo (minutos 1, 15 e 30). A SaO2 foi maior no subgrupo PSV quando comparada com tubo-t na análise geral da amostra, (p<0,05) Conclusões: A EPAP não demonstrou redução na PEEPi na análise geral da amostra, subgrupo DPOC, não-DPOC e traqueostomizados. Houve redução na PEEPi no grupo não-traqueostomizados. Houve aumento do WOBtotal com o uso da EPAP. Neste estudo a EPAP não demonstrou vantagens em relação aos outros métodos.


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The broader objective of this study undertaking can briefly be articulated in particulate aims as follows: to measure the attitudes of consumers regarding the brand displayed by this strategy as well as to highlight recall, recognition and purchase intentions generated by product placement on consumers. In addition, check the differences and similarities between the behavior of Brazilian and American consumers caused by the influence of product placements. The study was undertaken targeting consumer audience in Brazil and the U.S. A rang3 modeling set ups were performed in order to realign study instruments and hypothesis towards the research objectives. This study gave focus on the following hypothesized models. H1: Consumers / Participants who viewed the brands / products in the movie have a higher brand / product recall compared to the consumers / participants who did not view the brands / products in the movie. H2: US Consumers / Participants are able to recognize and recall brands / products which appear in the background of the movie than Brazil. H3: Consumers / participants from USA are more accepting of product placements compared to their counterparts in Brazil. H4: There are discernible similarities in consumer / participant brand attitudes and purchase intentions in consumers / participants from USA and Brazil in spite of the fact that their country of origin is different. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient ensured the reliability of survey instruments. The study involved the use of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for the hypothesis testing. This study used the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to assess both the convergent and discriminant validities instead of using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) or the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This reinforced for the use of the regression Chi Square and T statistical tests in further. Only hypothesis H3 was rejected, the rest were not. T test provided insight findings on specific subgroup significant differences. In the SEM testing, the error variance for product placement attitudes was negative for both the groups. On this The Heywood Case came in handy to fix negative values. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative approach where closed ended questionnaires and interviews respectively were used to collect primary data. The results were additionally provided with tabulations. It can be concluded that, product placement varies markedly in the U.S. from Brazil based on the influence a range of factors provided in the study. However, there are elements of convergence probably driven by the convergence in technology. In order, product placement to become more competitive in the promotional marketing, there will be the need for researchers to extend focus from the traditional variables and add knowledge on the conventional marketplace factors that is the sell-ability of the product placement technologies and strategies.


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Essa tese é composta por três artigos na área de Economia da Educação que buscam investigar a questão do ensino médio técnico no Brasil. O primeiro e segundo artigos se inserem na literatura de avaliação de impacto dos tipos de ensino médio realizado, o de formação geral ou técnica, sobre os resultados do mercado de trabalho. Esse é um tema cada vez mais explorado em estudos empíricos internacionais, mas que ainda merece atenção dos pesquisadores no Brasil, seja para preencher lacunas no que se refere à identificação do efeito causal dessa política, seja porque o ensino técnico profissionalizante tenha se tornado alvo de maiores investimentos públicos nos últimos anos. Dessa forma, os dois artigos têm o propósito de estimar o efeito causal das habilidades técnicas adquiridas nos cursos técnicos de nível médio sobre os salários dos trabalhadores, no entanto se diferem pela fonte de dados utilizada. No primeiro artigo são utilizados os dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (IBGE) de 2007 e nossa contribuição está na estratégia de identificação do efeito causal, ao resolver o problema de auto seleção com o método de duplas diferenças (DD). Diversos testes de robustez foram realizados para dar suporte ao impacto positivo e estatisticamente significante que encontramos das habilidades técnicas sobre os salários, embora este seja restrito ao subgrupo de trabalhadores com no máximo o ensino médio completo. No segundo artigo foram utilizadas duas fontes de dados ainda não exploradas para esse fim, os microdados do ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio) entre os anos de 2004 e 2006 e os dados da RAIS (Relação Anual de Informações Sociais) de 2009 a 2012 identificados por indivíduo (CPF). Por ser possível observar as notas dos jovens ao final do ensino médio, conseguimos separar os impactos do ensino médio técnico nos salários relacionados às habilidades técnicas específicas obtidas nos cursos técnicos, daqueles relacionados às habilidades gerais dos indivíduos (cognitivas ou não). Implementamos a estratégia de duplas diferenças e mais uma vez encontramos impacto positivo sobre os salários anuais dos jovens que concluíram o ensino médio técnico. Dessa vez nossos resultados são positivos tanto para os jovens que pararam seus estudos no ensino médio como para aqueles que concluíram o ensino superior. Verificamos a existência de heterogeneidade do efeito por região do país e nos quartis de distribuição de notas médias por escola no ENEM, indicando que os efeitos são crescentes com a qualidade oferecida pelas escolas. O terceiro artigo tem por objetivo estudar o mercado de trabalho no que diz respeito às ocupações tipicamente preenchidas por profissionais com nível médio técnico e analisar os diferenciais de salários dessas ocupações. A partir das ideias desenvolvidas no estudo, almejamos que ele seja orientador de políticas que relacionem educação técnica com demandas do mercado, com a finalidade de melhorar o matching entre formação e emprego. Entre as contribuições deste artigo estão a identificação e classificação das ocupações típicas de nível médio técnico pelo diferencial de salários, a correspondência entre as ocupações e as formações técnicas, a análise da atual oferta de vagas nos cursos correspondentes e o destaque para os cursos que parecem necessitar de maiores investimentos para o suprir as necessidades de mais profissionais.


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PURPOSE: The infection is one of the main factors that affect the physiological evolution of the surgical wounds. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of fibroblast growth factor (FGFâ) and anti-FGFâ in the healing, synthesis and maturation of collagen when topically used on infected skin wounds of rats. METHODS: An experimental study was perfomed in 60 male Wistar rats. All animals were divided in two groups (A and B). Each group was divided in three subgroups A1, B1; A2, B2 and A3, B3. After anesthesia with pentobarbital, two open squared wounds (1cm2), 4cm distant to each other, were done in the dorsal skin of all the rats. In group A (n=30) the wounds were contaminated with multibacterial standard solution, and in group B(n=30) the wounds were maintained sterile. These wounds were named F1 (for inflammation analysis) and F2 (for collagen study). The open wounds of A1 and B1 rats were topically treated with saline solution, A2 and B2 were treated with FGFâ and subgroups A3 and B3 were treated with FGFâ and anti-FGFâ. The rats were observed until complete epitelization of F2 wounds for determination of healing time and the expression of types I and III collagen, using Picro Sirius Red staining. Inflammatory reaction in F1 wounds was studied using hematoxilineosin staining. The three variable was measured by the Image Pro-Plus Média Cybernetics software. The statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA and Tukey test, considering p<0.05 as significant. RESULTS: It was observed that infection retarded significantly (p<0.05) the time of wound scarring and the topical application of FCFb reverted the inhibition of healing caused by bacteria. The inflammatory reaction was greater in the subgroup B2 than in B1 and A3, and the difference was significant (p<0.05). It was observed greater expression of type I collagen in all the subgroups treated with FCFb, when compared with the untreated subgroups. Type III collagen was significantly decreased in wounds of B3 rats, comparing to the other subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: The FCFb accelerated the healing of open infected wounds and contributed with maturation of collagen, enhancing the type I collagen density. The anti-FCFb antibody was able to attenuate the production of both type I and III collagen


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To investigate whether the alterations of the diverted colon segment mucosa, evidenced in fecal colitis, would be able to alter Bacterial Translocation (BT). Methods: Sixty-two Wistar male rats ranging from 220 to 320 grams of weight, were divided in two groups: A (Colostomy) and B (Control), with 31 animals each one. In group A, all animals underwent end colostomy, one stoma, in ascending colon; and in the 70th POD was injected in five rats, by rectal route – diverted segment - 2ml of a 0.9% saline solution in animals (A1 subgroup); in eight it was inoculated, by rectal route, 2ml of a solution containing Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 (American Type Culture Collection), in a concentration of 108 Colony Forming Unit for milliliters (CFU/ml) - A2 Subgroup; in ten animals the same solution of E. coli was inoculated, in a concentration of 1011 CFU/ml (A3 Subgroup); and in eight it was collected part of the mucus found in the diverted distal colonic segment for neutral sugars and total proteins dosage (A4 subgroup). The animals from the group B underwent the same procedures of group A, but with differences in the colostomy confection. In rats from subgroups A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, and B3 2ml of blood were aspirated from the heart, and fragments from mesenteric lymphatic nodule, liver, spleen, lung and kidney taken for microbiological analysis, after their death. This analysis consisted of evidencing the presence of E. coli ATCC 25922 CFU. Mann-Whitney and ANOVA Tests were applied as analytic techniques for association of variables. Results: The occurrence of BT was evidenced only in those animals in which inoculated concentration of E. coli ATCC 25922, reached levels of 1011CFU/ml, i.e. in Subgroups A3 and B3, although, being significantly greater (80%) in those animals without colostomy (subgroup B3) when compared to the ones with colostomy (20%) from the subgroup A3 (P <0.05). Lung, liver and mesenteric lymphatic nodules were the tissues with larger percentile of bacterial recovery, so much in subgroup A3, as in B3. Blood culture was considered positive in 60% of the animals from subgroup B3 and in 10% of those from subgroup A3 (p <0.05). There was greater concentration of neutral sugars, in subgroup A4 - mean 27.3mg/ml -, than in subgroup B4 - mean 8.4mg/ml - (P <0.05). Conclusion: The modifications in the architecture of intestinal mucosa in colitis following fecal diversion can cause alterations in the intestinal barrier, but it does not necessarily lead to an increased frequency of BT


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Nutritional status is an important determinant to the response against Leishmania infection, although few studies have characterized the molecular basis for the association found between malnutrition and the disease. Vitamin A supplementation has long been used in developing countries to prevent mortality by diarrheal and respiratory diseases, but there are no studies on the role of vitamin A in Leishmania infection, although we and others have found vitamin A deficiency in visceral Leishmaniasis (VL). Regulatory T cells are induced in vitro by vitamin A metabolites and are considered important cells implicated T CD4+ cell suppression in human VL. This work aimed to examine the correlation of nutritional status and the effect of vitamin A in the response against Leishmania infantum infection. A total of 179 children were studied: 31 had active VL, 33 VL history, 44 were DTH+ and 71 were DTH- and had negative antibody to Leishmania (DTH-/Ac-). Peripheral blood monuclear cells were isolated in a subgroup of 10 active VL and 16 DTH-/Ac- children and cultivated for 20h under 5 different conditions: 1) Medium, 2) Soluble promastigote L. infantum antigens (SLA), 3) All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), 4) SLA + ATRA and 5) Concanavalin A. T CD4+CD25highFoxp3+, T CD4+CD25-Foxp3- and CD14+ monocytes were stained and studied by flow cytometry for IL-10, TGF-β and IL-17 production. Nutritional status was compromised in VL children, which presented lower BMI/Age and retinol concentrations when compared to healthy controls. We found a negative correlation between nutritional status (measured by BMI/Age and serum retinol) and anti-Leishmania antibodies and acute phase proteins. There was no correlation between nutritional status and parasite load. ATRA presented a dual effect in Treg cells and monocytes: In healthy children (DTH-/Ac-), it induced a regulatory response, increasing IL-10 and TGF-β production; in VL children it modulated the immune response, preventing increased IL-10 production after SLA stimulation. Furthermore, we found a positive correlation between BMI/Age and IL-17 production and negative correlation between serum retinol and IL-10 and TGF-β production in T CD4+CD25highFoxp3+ cells after SLA stimulus. Our results show a potential dual role of vitamin A in the immune system: improvement of regulatory profile during homeostasis and down modulation of IL-10 in Treg cells and monocytes during symptomatic VL. Therefore, the use of vitamin A concomitant to VL therapy might improve recovery from disease status in Leishmania infantum infection


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The Vale do Ribeira, SP, main agricultural activity is the banana crop, which accounts for most of this fruit production in the State of São Paulo. The nutritional balance of the plant is one of the most important factors for the banana plant can complete the cycle and achieve high productivity. Aiming to evaluate the seasonal variation of leaf nutrient concentration in banana plants in Vale do Ribeira-SP, we used the results of 252 chemical analyses of plant tissue, collected from August 2009 to September 2010, in the 18 representative properties for the region, ten cultivated with subgroup Cavendish banana plant and eight of subgroup Prata banana plant. The largest variation between the macronutrient occurred for K and S, and among the micronutrients, especially for Fe and B. In some dates of evaluation, there was a higher leaf concentration of P, K, Ca and Zn, in subgroup Cavendish banana plants, while the subgroup Prata banana plants showed higher leaf concentration, especially of Mn, B and N. Climatic conditions, especially rain, influenced the leaf nutrient content, especially for K, N, S, B and Fe.


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The preeclampsia is a disease that evolves to high death rate for the mother and for the fetus. The incidence of this disease in the world is variable and there are no data of this disturb in the Brazilian population. This paper had the objective to determine the incidence and risk factors for development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in a neighborhood in Natal, RN, Brazil, taking place a prospective study, cohort type, with the objective of evaluating the entire pregnancy of 242 women that got pregnant between 2004-2007. The incidence of hypertensive disorders was of 17%, while the incidence of preeclampsia was of 13.8%. The age average of women that developed the hypertensive disorders was of 27.4 years (SD±.9), whilst those that developed preeclampsia was of 26.6 (SD ±7.8) years and the normotensive was of 23.9 (SD±5.8) (p=0.002). It is noted a significant increase of the hypertensive disorder with age (p=0.0265). The gestational age for those who developed preeclampsia was lower than the women that developed normotensive pregnancy (p=0.0002). The body mass index (BMI) of the group of women that developed the hypertensive disorder was of 25.8 (SD±3.9), significantly higher than the group of normotensive women with 23.5 (SD±3.7) (p=0.02). The levels of triglycerides and cholesterol tended to be higher on women with preeclampsia than on normotensive, p=0.0502 and p=0.0566, respectively. Six (6) women presented with severe preeclampsia and one (1) developed HELLP Syndrome. The resolution of the pregnancy was performed by cesarean section in 70% of women that developed hypertensive disorders, whilst the normotensive was of 23.6% (p<0.0001). A subgroup of the studied subjects was reassessed one year after labor, revealing that 50% of the patients were still hypertensive. There were no larger complications nor mother death during labor. The incidence of hypertensive disorders are above the levels noted in other studies and 30% of the women were within the poles of greater risk for the hypertensive disorders; the elevated BMI in the beginning of the pregnancy is a risk factor for hypertensive disorder. The risk of severe complication in preeclampsia is high, with imminence of eclampsia occurring in 20.1% of women who developed hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. The adequate prenatal care and the opportune labor assistance may minimize the complications of the pregnancy hypertension and avoid mother death, although the risk of women remaining hypertensive is elevated


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Physical therapy has suffered of a mechanistic influence, with the superspecialization and fragmentation of learning, which interfers directly in the professional s understanding of the body, besides affecting his therapeutic performance. Worried about this reality, this research analyzed perceptions of Physical therapy students from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte and Universidade Potiguar about the human body. This is a descriptive study where 167 students were evaluated through objective and subjective responses to questionnaires designited QUEB Questionnare of understanding body evaluation. Searching the complement of the datas the QUEB open-ended was created, which gives freedom to students to answer freely. This questionnnaire was applicated on a subgroup composed by 21 students of the Health Sociology subject of the Physical therapy course. The validation process of these questionnaires included strategies of a panel of experts and face validity. The theorical reference analyzed based on the studies which favor the rejoining of knowledge represented by transdisciplinary support. The analysis of the results were performed quantitativavely and qualitatively through categorization of the responses selectioning key-words and the most expressive discourses , besides using descritive statistics interpretation. According to the responses, the body thought only thought biologically, ignoring the understanding of man as a cultural and social construction, confirming the presence of the reductionist model, with overvalorization of early specialization, technical training and purely biological and mechanical considerations of the body and its mobility. Probably, the dialogic knowledge of the body human inside Physical Therapist s learning can promote a growth of health s concept and a true activeness of Physical therapy on it, being the body a link with social environment. So, through understanding of the body as a complex form, the physical therapy will be able to attend your patients considerating their biological characteristics, but so the religious, political, social and ethics. Finally, this reflection suggests a search for a less technical vision, which allows the professional to discern more than segments of the body and which will contribute to a wider understanding of the patient and his social context, leading to greater humanization of the body , improvement in services and consequently, in the quality of life of these patients


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nowadays the discussion about providing a quality education for all students is more and more recurrent, including for those who have special educational necessities. The discussion increases regarding that it is not enough to include these students in the regular school, but also to provide conditions of learning and development. This requirement implies changes in the educational system, as well as in the teachers‟ everyday; and these changes manifest themselves through the complexity of the functions which are assigned to the teachers and the school. The news that are generated from the perspective of the inclusive education asks for new formative models for teacher‟s performance, once he tries to (re)build knowledge, knowings and doings among troubles and conflicts as a way to decrease the impact caused by the necessary transformations. This research approached this context in order to understand the social representation about the inclusive education from teachers who work in the regular public school system in the Municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul, State of Acre. To approach the symbolic content, we elected the Multiple Classification Procedure (MCP) as the methodological approach. For that, it was necessary to apply the Technique of Free-Association of Words (TFAW) to 60 participants what provided data to the first step of the chosen methodological procedure. The criterion of choice of the participants took into account if they dealt with student who has special educational necessities and with public schools. Later, we applied MCP to 50 teachers from specialized course in inclusive education subgroup 01 and 30 teachers who has no specialized formation subgroup 02. The collected data from this step was examined through multidimensional and content analysis for a better understanding of their symbolic dimensions. The results from the multidimensional analysis showed that the subject inclusive education‟ for subgroup 01 involved the following facets: circulating discourses that meant the naming of the characteristics that teachers think indispensable to inclusive education; teachers in relation to the inclusive practice that was focused on the relation between teaching and included student, and repercussion to the student that showed the advantages that the inclusive education provided to the student who has special educational necessities. Subgroup 02 dealt with the following facets: characteristics of the included student that approached teachers‟ view on this student; negative aspects that regarded the naming of the obstacles in the achievement of inclusive education; and teacher‟s relations to the inclusive education that approach professional, affective, and formative elements. The content analysis revealed four categories: disagreeing concepts; conception of inclusive education; dimension of the teacher‟s inclusive doing, and difficulties and resistance to carry out the inclusion of a student who has special educational necessities in the regularschool. Both analyses multidimensional and content one showed that the constitution of elements in a social representation of inclusive education was a mixture formed by the characteristics of this sort of education and the school integration, materialized on the figure of the different‟ student. The representational field of the subject inclusive education‟ was associated to the social representation of the student who has special educational necessities, making clear the deficiency/ difference, and causing the difficulty of the teachers in achieving what they say about the phenomenon