976 resultados para Støre, Jonas Gahr


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El interés de este trabajo de investigación es explicar el tema del control geopolítico de los recursos naturales en Colombia en el periodo 2002-2011. Se analiza y explica cómo a partir del control territorial y el régimen de extracción desarrollados por la Drummond Company Inc. en el Departamento del Cesar se puede establecer su índice de poder geopolítico. Siguiendo los postulados de Michael Klare, respecto al desarrollo de una carrera internacional por los recursos energéticos mundiales, y los postulados de Kepa Sodupe, respecto a la posibilidad de reconfigurar los métodos de cálculo del poder, se avanza hacia los resultados de la investigación. Estos resultados permiten identificar de forma documentada el índice de poder geopolítico de una multinacional extranjera en el territorio colombiano.


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Revisión sistemática de la literatura tomando ensayos clínicos aleatorizados sobre el uso de la inyección intraprostática de la toxina botulínica en los pacientes con hiperplasia prostática benigna evaluando una escala validada de síntomas del tracto urinario bajo como desenlace primario


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Angola vivia em guerra civil de 1989 a 2002, arco temporal que esta tese abrange. A minha investigação propôs-se estudar o impacto político das intervenções da Igreja Católica na pacificação do país. O papel que a Igreja desempenha na Paz deriva dos seus compromissos na luta a favor da Justiça. Para a fundamentação teórica aprofundei conceitos de Justiça, Paz, Política e Conflito, Cultura Banto, Teologias Africanas e Igreja Colonial, elementos que estão encadeados. O trabalho de campo incidiu sobre as Mensagens dos Bispos de Angola, Depoimentos e Eventos, Movimentos e Instituições, confirmando que as intervenções da Igreja Católica tiveram impacto político e foram decisivas para o fim da guerra civil, abrindo caminhos à reconciliação dos angolanos e à reconstrução das estruturas num país marcado por 27 anos de guerra civil. A Igreja Católica interveio a favor da Justiça e da Paz, sendo este trabalho legitimado pela coerência das suas posições e pelo reconhecimento, confiança e apoio por parte das populações. Este dado é confirmado por figuras independentes como é o caso do Presidente Eduardo dos Santos, do Dr. Jonas Savimbi e jornalistas e académicos citados. Num contexto de desequilíbrio total, as práticas da Igreja são reequilibradoras da Paz à custa da Justiça.


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Angola viveu largos séculos sob o peso do colonialismo a que se sucedeu uma longa guerra civil. Em 1989, cai o Muro de Berlim e começam as primeiras negociações em ordem ao cessar-fogo. A crueldade da guerra acentua-se e este país lusófono só conhece o fim dos combates em 2002, com a assinatura do Memorando de Luena, após a morte do Dr. Jonas Savimbi. Este trabalho estuda as numerosas Mensagens publicadas pelos Bispos Católicos. Há uma ideia de fundo que passa por todas elas: a da urgência da paz. Sempre se propõe um calar de armas, um sentar-se para negociar, um olhar para o povo mártir, um ler melhor a declaração universal dos direitos humanos. Como caminhos para a paz, a Conferência dos Bispos sempre apontou a democratização do país, o multipartidarismo e as eleições livres. Estas foram,durante anos a fio, ideias proibidas em Angola. Estes textos, além de ricos em conteúdo, são revolucionários nas dinâmicas que geraram e nos caminhos que abriram. Além do mais, não se situavam no simples âmbito de teorias, uma vez que a Igreja escrevia e agia. As intervenções humanitárias no terreno, sobretudo através da Caritas e das Missões, foram decisivas para salvar milhares de pessoas da fome e da morte por doenças.


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This paper analyses the interplay between shale gas and the EU internal gas market. Drawing on data presented in the 2012 International Energy Agency’s report on unconventional gas and additional scenario analyses performed by the Joint Research Centre, the paper is based on the assumption that shale gas will not fundamentally change the EU’s dependence on foreign gas supplies. It argues that attention should be shifted away from hyping shale gas to completing the internal gas market. Two main reasons are given for this. First, the internal gas market is needed to enable shale gas development in countries where there is political support for shale gas extraction. And second, a well-functioning internal gas market would, arguably, contribute much more to Europe’s security of supply than domestic shale gas exploitation. This has important implications for the shale gas industry. As it is hard to see how subsidies or exemptions from environmental legislation could be justified, shale gas development in Europe will only go ahead if it proves to be both economically and environmentally viable. It is thus up to the energy industry to demonstrate that this is the case.


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This CEPS Task Force Report focuses on how to improve water efficiency in Europe, notably in public supply, households, agriculture, energy and manufacturing as well as across sectors. It presents a number of recommendations on how to make better use of economic policy instruments to sustainably manage the EU’s water resources. Published in the run-up to the European Commission’s “Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Waters”, the report contributes to the policy deliberations in two ways. First, by assessing the viability of economic policy instruments, it addresses a major shortcoming that has so far prevented the 2000 EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) from becoming fully effective in practice: the lack of appropriate, coherent and effective instruments in (some) member states. Second, as the Task Force report is the result of an interactive process involving a variety of stakeholders, it is able to point to the key differences in interpreting and applying WFD principles that have led to a lack of policy coherence across the EU and to offer some pragmatic advice on moving forward.


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Thirty‐three snowpack models of varying complexity and purpose were evaluated across a wide range of hydrometeorological and forest canopy conditions at five Northern Hemisphere locations, for up to two winter snow seasons. Modeled estimates of snow water equivalent (SWE) or depth were compared to observations at forest and open sites at each location. Precipitation phase and duration of above‐freezing air temperatures are shown to be major influences on divergence and convergence of modeled estimates of the subcanopy snowpack. When models are considered collectively at all locations, comparisons with observations show that it is harder to model SWE at forested sites than open sites. There is no universal “best” model for all sites or locations, but comparison of the consistency of individual model performances relative to one another at different sites shows that there is less consistency at forest sites than open sites, and even less consistency between forest and open sites in the same year. A good performance by a model at a forest site is therefore unlikely to mean a good model performance by the same model at an open site (and vice versa). Calibration of models at forest sites provides lower errors than uncalibrated models at three out of four locations. However, benefits of calibration do not translate to subsequent years, and benefits gained by models calibrated for forest snow processes are not translated to open conditions.


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Variation calculations of the vibration–rotation energy levels of many isotopomers of HCN are reported, for J=0, 1, and 2, extending up to approximately 8 quanta of each of the stretching vibrations and 14 quanta of the bending mode. The force field, which is represented as a polynomial expansion in Morse coordinates for the bond stretches and even powers of the angle bend, has been refined by least squares to fit simultaneously all observed data on the Σ and Π state vibrational energies, and the Σ state rotational constants, for both HCN and DCN. The observed vibrational energies are fitted to roughly ±0.5 cm−1, and the rotational constants to roughly ±0.0001 cm−1. The force field has been used to predict the vibration rotation spectra of many isotopomers of HCN up to 25 000 cm−1. The results are consistent with the axis‐switching assignments of some weak overtone bands reported recently by Jonas, Yang, and Wodtke, and they also fit and provide the assignment for recent observations by Romanini and Lehmann of very weak absorption bands above 20 000 cm−1.


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Core-level photoelectron spectra, in excellent agreement with ab initio calculations, confirm that the stable wetting layer of water on Ru{0001} contains O-H and H2O in roughly 3:5 proportion, for OHx coverages between 0.25 and 0.7 ML, and T<170 K. Proton disorder explains why the wetting structure looks to low energy electron diffraction (LEED) to be an ordered p(root3xroot3)R30degrees adlayer, even though approximate to3/8 of its molecules are dissociated. Complete dissociation to atomic oxygen starts near 190 K. Low photon flux in the synchrotron experiments ensured that the diagnosis of the nature of the wetting structure quantified by LEED is free of beam-induced damage.


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Carsberg (2002) suggested that the periodic valuation accuracy studies undertaken by, amongst others, IPD/Drivers Jonas (2003) should be undertaken every year and be sponsored by the RICS, which acts as the self-regulating body for valuations in the UK. This paper does not address the wider issues concerning the nature of properties which are sold and whether the sale prices are influenced by prior valuations, but considers solely the technical issues concerning the timing of the valuation and sales data. This study uses valuations and sales data from the Investment Property Databank UK Monthly Index to attempt to identify the date that sale data is divulged to valuers. This information will inform accuracy studies that use a cut-off date as to the closeness of valuations to sales completion date as a yardstick for excluding data from the analysis. It will also, assuming valuers are informed quickly of any agreed sales, help to determine the actual sale agreed date rather than the completion date, which includes a period of due diligence between when the sale is agreed and its completion. Valuations should be updated to this date, rather than the formal completion date, if a reliable measure of valuation accuracy is to be determined. An accuracy study is then undertaken using a variety of updating periods and the differences between the results are examined. The paper concludes that the sale only becomes known to valuers in the month prior to the sale taking place and that this assumes either that sales due diligence procedures are shortening or valuers are not told quickly of agreed sale prices. Studies that adopt a four-month cut-off date for any valuations compared to sales completion dates are over cautious, and this could be reduced to two months without compromising the data.


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Despite decades of research, the roles of climate and humans in driving the dramatic extinctions of large-bodied mammals during the Late Quaternary period remain contentious. Here we use ancient DNA, species distribution models and the human fossil record to elucidate how climate and humans shaped the demographic history of woolly rhinoceros, woolly mammoth, wild horse, reindeer, bison and musk ox. We show that climate has been a major driver of population change over the past 50,000 years. However, each species responds differently to the effects of climatic shifts, habitat redistribution and human encroachment. Although climate change alone can explain the extinction of some species, such as Eurasian musk ox and woolly rhinoceros, a combination of climatic and anthropogenic effects appears to be responsible for the extinction of others, including Eurasian steppe bison and wild horse. We find no genetic signature or any distinctive range dynamics distinguishing extinct from surviving species, emphasizing the challenges associated with predicting future responses of extant mammals to climate and human-mediated habitat change.


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Ships and wind turbines generate noise, which can have a negative impact on marine mammal populations by scaring animals away. Effective modelling of how this affects the populations has to take account of the location and timing of disturbances. Here we construct an individual-based model of harbour porpoises in the Inner Danish Waters. Individuals have their own energy budgets constructed using established principles of physiological ecology. Data are lacking on the spatial distribution of food which is instead inferred from knowledge of time-varying porpoise distributions. The model produces plausible patterns of population dynamics and matches well the age distribution of porpoises caught in by-catch. It estimates the effect of existing wind farms as a 10% reduction in population size when food recovers fast (after two days). Proposed new wind farms and ships do not result in further population declines. The population is however sensitive to variations in mortality resulting from by-catch and to the speed at which food recovers after being depleted. If food recovers slowly the effect of wind turbines becomes negligible, whereas ships are estimated to have a significant negative impact on the population. Annual by-catch rates ≥10% lead to monotonously decreasing populations and to extinction, and even the estimated by-catch rate from the adjacent area (approximately 4.1%) has a strong impact on the population. This suggests that conservation efforts should be more focused on reducing by-catch in commercial gillnet fisheries than on limiting the amount of anthropogenic noise. Individual-based models are unique in their ability to take account of the location and timing of disturbances and to show their likely effects on populations. The models also identify deficiencies in the existing database and can be used to set priorities for future field research.


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A realistic representation of the North Atlantic tropical cyclone tracks is crucial as it allows, for example, explaining potential changes in US landfalling systems. Here we present a tentative study, which examines the ability of recent climate models to represent North Atlantic tropical cyclone tracks. Tracks from two types of climate models are evaluated: explicit tracks are obtained from tropical cyclones simulated in regional or global climate models with moderate to high horizontal resolution (1° to 0.25°), and downscaled tracks are obtained using a downscaling technique with large-scale environmental fields from a subset of these models. For both configurations, tracks are objectively separated into four groups using a cluster technique, leading to a zonal and a meridional separation of the tracks. The meridional separation largely captures the separation between deep tropical and sub-tropical, hybrid or baroclinic cyclones, while the zonal separation segregates Gulf of Mexico and Cape Verde storms. The properties of the tracks’ seasonality, intensity and power dissipation index in each cluster are documented for both configurations. Our results show that except for the seasonality, the downscaled tracks better capture the observed characteristics of the clusters. We also use three different idealized scenarios to examine the possible future changes of tropical cyclone tracks under 1) warming sea surface temperature, 2) increasing carbon dioxide, and 3) a combination of the two. The response to each scenario is highly variable depending on the simulation considered. Finally, we examine the role of each cluster in these future changes and find no preponderant contribution of any single cluster over the others.


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The global characteristics of tropical cyclones (TCs) simulated by several climate models are analyzed and compared with observations. The global climate models were forced by the same sea surface temperature (SST) fields in two types of experiments, using climatological SST and interannually varying SST. TC tracks and intensities are derived from each model's output fields by the group who ran that model, using their own preferred tracking scheme; the study considers the combination of model and tracking scheme as a single modeling system, and compares the properties derived from the different systems. Overall, the observed geographic distribution of global TC frequency was reasonably well reproduced. As expected, with the exception of one model, intensities of the simulated TC were lower than in observations, to a degree that varies considerably across models.