956 resultados para Space group
Electron-microprobe analysis, single-crystal X-ray diffraction with an area detector, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy show that minerals related to wagnerite, triplite and triploidite, which are monoclinic Mg, Fe and Mn phosphates with the formula Me2+ 2PO4(F,OH), constitute a modulated series based on the average triplite structure. Modulation occurs along b and may be commensurate with (2b periodicity) or incommensurate but generally close to integer values (∼3b, ∼5b, ∼7b, ∼9b), i.e. close to polytypic behaviour. As a result, the Mg- and F-dominant minerals magniotriplite and wagnerite can no longer be considered polymorphs of Mg2PO4F, i.e., there is no basis for recognizing them as distinct species. Given that wagnerite has priority (1821 vs. 1951), the name magniotriplite should be discarded in favour of wagnerite. Hydroxylwagnerite, end-member Mg2PO4OH, occurs in pyrope megablasts along with talc, clinochlore, kyanite, rutile and secondary apatite in two samples from lenses of pyrope–kyanite–phengite–quartz-schist within metagranite in the coesite-bearing ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic unit of the Dora-Maira Massif, western Alps, Vallone di Gilba, Val Varaita, Piemonte, Italy. Electron microprobe analyses of holotype hydroxylwagnerite and of the crystal with the lowest F content gave in wt%: P2O5 44.14, 43.99; SiO2 0.28, 0.02; SO3 –, 0.01; TiO2 0.20, 0.16; Al2O3 0.06, 0.03; MgO 48.82, 49.12; FeO 0.33, 0.48; MnO 0.01, 0.02; CaO 0.12, 0.10; Na2O 0.01, –; F 5.58, 4.67; H2O (calc) 2.94, 3.36; –O = F 2.35, 1.97; Sum 100.14, 99.98, corresponding to (Mg1.954Fe0.007Ca0.003Ti0.004Al0.002Na0.001)Σ=1.971(P1.003Si0.008)Σ=1.011O4(OH0.526F0.474)Σ=1 and (Mg1.971Fe0.011Ca0.003Ti0.003Al0.001)Σ=1.989(P1.002Si0.001)Σ=1.003O4(OH0.603F0.397)Σ=1, respectively. Due to the paucity of material, H2O could not be measured, so OH was calculated from the deficit in F assuming stoichiometry, i.e., by assuming F + OH = 1 per formula unit. Holotype hydroxylwagnerite is optically biaxial (+), α 1.584(1), β 1.586(1), γ 1.587(1) (589 nm); 2V Z(meas.) = 43(2)°; orientation Y = b. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction gives monoclinic symmetry, space group P21/c, a = 9.646(3) Å, b = 12.7314(16) Å, c = 11.980(4) Å, β = 108.38(4) , V = 1396.2(8) Å3, Z = 16, i.e., hydroxylwagnerite is the OH-dominant analogue of wagnerite [β-Mg2PO4(OH)] and a high-pressure polymorph of althausite, holtedahlite, and α- and ε-Mg2PO4(OH). We suggest that the group of minerals related to wagnerite, triplite and triploidite constitutes a triplite–triploidite super-group that can be divided into F-dominant phosphates (triplite group), OH-dominant phosphates (triploidite group), O-dominant phosphates (staněkite group) and an OH-dominant arsenate (sarkinite). The distinction among the three groups and a potential fourth group is based only on chemical features, i.e., occupancy of anion or cation sites. The structures of these minerals are all based on the average triplite structure, with a modulation controlled by the ratio of Mg, Fe2+, Fe3+ and Mn2+ ionic radii to (O,OH,F) ionic radii.
This study reports the first crystal chemical database resulting from a detailed structural investigation of trioctahedral micas found in xenolithic ejecta produced during the AD 1631, 1872 and 1944 eruptions, three explosive episodes of recent volcanic period of Vesuvius volcano (Southern Italy). Three xenolith types were selected: metamorphic/metasomatic skarns, pyrometamorphic/hydrothermally altered nodules and mafic cumulates. They are related to different magma chemistry and effusive styles: from sub-plinian and most evolved (AD 1631 eruption) to violent strombolian with medium evolution degree (AD 1872 eruption) to vulcanian-effusive, least evolved (AD 1944 eruption) event, respectively. Both xenoliths and micas were investigated employing multiple techniques: the xenoliths were characterized by X-ray fluorescence, inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and quantitative energy-dispersive microanalysis; the micas were studied by electron probe microanalysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The mica-bearing xenoliths show variable texture and mineralogical assemblage, clearly related to their different origin. Based on the major oxide chemistry, only one xenolithic sample falls in the skarn compositional field from the Somma-Vesuvius literature, some fall close to the skarns and cumulate fields, others plot close to the syenite/foidolite/essexite field. A subgroup of the selected ejecta does not fall or approach any of the compositional fields. Trace and rare earth element patterns show some petrological affinity between studied xenoliths and erupted magmas with typical Eu, Ta and Nb negative anomalies. Strongly depleted patterns were detected for the 1631 metamorphic/metasomatic skarns xenoliths. Three distinct mica groups were distinguished: 1) Mg-, Al-rich, low Ti-bearing, low to moderate F-bearing varieties (1631 xenolith), 2) Al-moderate, F- and Mg-rich, Ti-, Fe-poor varieties (1872 xenolith), and 3) Al-, Ti- and Fe-rich, F-poor phases (1944 xenolith). All the analysed mica crystals are 1M polytypes with the expected space group C2/m. Micas from xenoliths of the 1631 Vesuvius eruption are phlogopites characterized by a combination of low extent of oxy-type and variable extent OH-F-substitutions, as testified by the range of F concentration (from ~ 0.20 to 0.80 apfu). Micas from xenoliths of the 1872 Vesuvius eruption exhibit structural peculiarities typical of fluorophlogopites, i.e. OH-F-substitution is predominant. Micas from the xenolith of the 1944 Vesuvius eruption display features typical of oxy-substituted micas. The variability of the crystal chemical features of the studied micas are consistent with the remarkable variation of their host rocks. Micas from 1631 nodules are related to metasomatic, skarn-type environment, deriving from the metamorphosed wall-rocks hosting the magma reservoir. The fluorophlogopites from the 1872 xenoliths testify for strongly dehydrated environmental conditions compared to those of the 1631 and 1944 hosts. Finally, magma storage condition at depth, associated to a decreasing aH2O may have promoted major oxy-type substitutions in 1944 biotites.
Las plantas son organismos sésiles que han desarrollado la capacidad para detectar variaciones sutiles en su ambiente y producir respuestas adaptativas mediante rutas de señalización. Los estímulos causados por el estrés biótico y abiótico son numerosos y dependiendo del tiempo de exposición y su intensidad, pueden reducir la tasa de crecimiento de las plantas y la producción. Los cambios en la concentración del calcio citosólico libre constituyen una de las primeras reacciones intracelulares a las situaciones de estrés abiótico. En esta situación, el calcio actúa como segundo mensajero y las variaciones en su concentración son descodificadas por proteínas de unión a calcio. Las más conocidas son las manos-EF y los dominios C2. Los dominios C2 han sido descritos como dominios de unión a lípidos dependientes de calcio. Estos dominios se consideran proteínas periféricas solubles en agua que se asocian de manera reversible a los lípidos de la membrana mediante una o dos regiones funcionales: el sitio de unión a calcio y el sitio polibásico. A pesar de que se conoce la estructura molecular de algunos dominios C2, se desconocen aspectos relacionados como las reglas que dirigen su forma de interaccionar con los diferentes fosfolípidos y proteínas, la posición que ocupan en la bicapa lipídica y su papel en la transmisión de señales. En esta tesis se ha estudiado una proteína de Arabidopsis thaliana (At3g17980) representativa de una nueva familia de proteínas con dominios C2, que consiste únicamente de un dominio C2. Esta proteína, llamada AtC2.1, ha sido clonada en el vector pETM11, expresada en E. coli y purificada a homogeneidad en dos pasos cromatográficos. Se obtuvieron cristales de AtC2.1 de buena calidad mediante técnicas de difusión de vapor. La proteína fue co-cristalizada con calcio, fosfocolina (POC) y el fosfolípido 1,2-dihexanoil-sn-glicero-3-fosfo-L-serina (PSF). Se recogieron ocho conjuntos de datos de difracción de rayos X empleando radiación sincrotrón. Los cristales difractaron hasta 1.6 Å de resolución. Siete de ellos pertenecían al grupo ortorrómbico P212121, con las dimensiones de la celdilla unidad a = 35.3, b = 88.9, c = 110.6 Å, y un cristal pertenecía al grupo espacial monoclínico C2, con a = 124.84, b = 35.27, c = 92.32 Å y = 121.70º. La estructura se resolvió mediante la técnica MR-SAD utilizando el cinc como dispersor anómalo. La estructura cristalina mostró que la molécula forma un dímero en el que cada protómero se pliega como un dominio C2 típico, con la topología tipo II y presenta una inserción de 43 aminoácidos que la diferencia de los dominios C2 conocidos. El mapa de densidad electrónica mostró dos átomos de calcio por protómero. Se resolvieron las estructuras de AtC2.1 en complejo con POC o PSF. En ambos complejos, el análisis cristalográfico detectó máximos de densidad electrónica en la región correspondiente al sitio polibásico formado por las hebras 2, 3 5 y el lazo 3. Éstos se interpretaron correctamente como dos moléculas de POC y un átomo de cinc, en un complejo, y como la cabeza polar del PSF en el otro. AtC2.1 define un sitio de interacción con lípidos dependiente de cinc. En conclusión, en este trabajo se presenta la estructura tridimensional de AtC2.1, miembro representativo de una familia de proteínas de Arabidopsis thaliana, identificadas como proteínas que interaccionan con los receptores de ABA. Estas proteínas están constituidas únicamente por un dominio C2. El análisis conjunto de los datos biofísicos y cristalográficos muestra que AtC2.1 es un sensor de calcio que une lípidos usando dos sitios funcionales. Estos datos sugieren un mecanismo de inserción en membrana dependiente de calcio que trae consigo la disociación de la estructura dimérica y, por consiguiente, un cambio en las propiedades de superficie de la molécula. Este mecanismo proporciona las bases del reconocimiento y transporte de los receptores de ABA y/o otras moléculas a la membrana celular. Plants are sessile organisms that have developed the capacity to detect slight variations of their environment. They are able to perceive biotic and abiotic stress signals and to transduce them by signaling pathways in order to trigger adaptative responses. Stress factors are numerous and, depending on their exposition time and their concentration, can reduce plant growth rate, limiting the productivity of crop plants. Changes in the cytosolic free calcium concentration are observed as one of the earliest intracellular reactions to abiotic stress signals. Calcium plays a key role as a second messenger, and calcium concentration signatures, called calcium signals, are decodified by calcium binding proteins. The main calcium binding structures are the EF-hand motif and the C2 domains. C2 domain is a calcium dependent lipid-binding domain of approximately 130 amino acids. C2 domain displays two functional regions: the Ca-binding region and the polybasic cluster. Both of them can interact with the membrane phospholipids. Despite the number of C2 domain 3D structures currently available, questions about how they interact with the different target phospholipids, their precise spatial position in the lipid bilayer, interactions with other proteins and their role in transmitting signals downstream, have not yet been explored. In this work we have studied an uncharacterized protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (At3g17980) consisting of only a single C2 domain, as member of a new protein C2-domain family. This protein called AtC2.1 was cloned into the pETM11 vector and expressed in E. coli, allowing the purification to homogeneity in two chromatographic steps. Good quality diffracting crystals were obtained using vapor-diffusion techniques. Crystals were co-crystalized with calcium; phosphocholine (POC) and/or the phospholipid 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (PSF). Eight data set were collected with synchrotron radiation. Crystals diffracted up to 1.6 Å resolution and seven of them belong to the orthorhombic space group P212121, with unit-cell parameters a = 35.3, b = 88.9, c = 110.6 Å. Another crystal was monoclinic, space group C2, with a = 124.84, b = 35.27, c = 92.32 Å and = 121.70º. The structural model was solved by MR-SAD using Zn2+ as anomalous scatterer. The crystal structure shows that the molecule is a dimer. Each monomer was folded as a canonical C2 domain with the topology II with a 43 residues insertion. The electron density map reveals two calcium ions per molecule. Structures of AtC2.1, complexed with POC and PSF, have been solved. Well-defined extra electron densities were found, in both complexes, within the concave surface formed by strands 2, 3, 5 and loop 3 of AtC2.1. These densities were clearly explained by the presence of the two POC molecules, one zinc atom and head groups of PSF, occupying the cavity of the polybasic site. AtC2.1 defines a new metal dependent lipid-binding site into the polybasic site. In conclusion, in this thesis it is presented the molecular structure of AtC2.1, a representative member of a family of Arabidopsis thaliana C2 domain proteins, of unknown function, but identified as a molecular interacting unit of the ABA receptors. The joint analyses of the biophysical and crystallographic data show that AtC2.1 is a calcium sensor that binds lipids in two sites and suggest a model of calcium-dependent membrane insertion mechanism that will involve either dimer dissociation or a strong rearrangement of the dimeric structure. This mechanism may be the basis for the recognition and delivery of ABA receptors or other protein molecules to cell membranes.
Neutron diffraction data of DyCrO4 oxide, prepared at 4 GPa and 833 K from the ambient pressure zircon-type, reveal that crystallize with the scheelite-type structure, space group I41/a. Accompanying this structural phase transition induced by pressure the magnetic properties change dramatically from ferromagnetism in the case of zircon to antiferromagnetism for the scheelite polymorph with a T N= 19 K. The analysis of the neutron diffraction data obtained at 1.2 K has been used to determine the magnetic structure of this DyCrO4-scheelite oxide which can be described with a k = [0, 0, 0] as propagation vector, where the Dy and Cr moments are lying in the ab-plane of the scheelite structure. The ordered magnetic moments are 10 µB and 1 µB for Dy+3 and Cr+5 respectively
Killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIR) protect class I HLAs expressing target cells from natural killer (NK) cell-mediated lysis. To understand the molecular basis of this receptor-ligand recognition, we have crystallized the extracellular ligand-binding domains of KIR2DL2, a member of the Ig superfamily receptors that recognize HLA-Cw1, 3, 7, and 8 allotypes. The structure was determined in two different crystal forms, an orthorhombic P212121 and a trigonal P3221 space group, to resolutions of 3.0 and 2.9 Å, respectively. The overall fold of this structure, like KIR2DL1, exhibits K-type Ig topology with cis-proline residues in both domains that define β-strand switching, which sets KIR apart from the C2-type hematopoietic growth hormone receptor fold. The hinge angle of KIR2DL2 is approximately 80°, 14° larger than that observed in KIR2DL1 despite the existence of conserved hydrophobic residues near the hinge region. There is also a 5° difference in the observed hinge angles in two crystal forms of 2DL2, suggesting that the interdomain hinge angle is not fixed. The putative ligand-binding site is formed by residues from several variable loops with charge distribution apparently complementary to that of HLA-C. The packing of the receptors in the orthorhombic crystal form offers an intriguing model for receptor aggregation on the cell surface.
Intragenic complementation has been observed at the argininosuccinate lyase (ASL) locus. Intragenic complementation is a phenomenon that occurs when a multimeric protein is formed from subunits produced by different mutant alleles of a gene. The resulting hybrid protein exhibits enzymatic activity that is greater than that found in the oligomeric proteins produced by each mutant allele alone. The mutations involved in the most successful complementation event observed in ASL deficiency were found to be an aspartate to glycine mutation at codon 87 of one allele (D87G) coupled with a glutamine to arginine mutation at codon 286 of the other (Q286R). To understand the structural basis of the Q286R:D87G intragenic complementation event at the ASL locus, we have determined the x-ray crystal structure of recombinant human ASL at 4.0 Å resolution. The structure has been refined to an R factor of 18.8%. Two monomers related by a noncrystallographic 2-fold axis comprise the asymmetric unit, and a crystallographic 2-fold axis of space group P3121 completes the tetramer. Each of the four active sites is composed of residues from three monomers. Structural mapping of the Q286R and D87G mutations indicate that both are near the active site and each is contributed by a different monomer. Thus when mutant monomers combine randomly such that one active site contains both mutations, it is required by molecular symmetry that another active site exists with no mutations. These “native” active sites give rise to the observed partial recovery of enzymatic activity.
The aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase consisting of the core subunits I and II only was isolated from the soil bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans and crystallized as complex with a monoclonal antibody Fv fragment. Crystals could be grown in the presence of a number of different nonionic detergents. However, only undecyl-β-d-maltoside and cyclohexyl-hexyl-β-d-maltoside yielded well-ordered crystals suitable for high resolution x-ray crystallographic studies. The crystals belong to space group P212121 and diffract x-rays to at least 2.5 Å (1 Å = 0.1 nm) resolution using synchrotron radiation. The structure was determined to a resolution of 2.7 Å using molecular replacement and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 20.5% (Rfree = 25.9%). The refined model includes subunits I and II and the 2 chains of the Fv fragment, 2 heme A molecules, 3 copper atoms, and 1 Mg/Mn atom, a new metal (Ca) binding site, 52 tentatively identified water molecules, and 9 detergent molecules. Only four of the water molecules are located in the cytoplasmic half of cytochrome c oxidase. Most of them are near the interface of subunits I and II. Several waters form a hydrogen-bonded cluster, including the heme propionates and the Mg/Mn binding site. The Fv fragment binds to the periplasmic polar domain of subunit II and is critically involved in the formation of the crystal lattice. The crystallization procedure is well reproducible and will allow for the analysis of the structures of mechanistically interesting mutant cytochrome c oxidases.
The crystal structure of raite was solved and refined from data collected at Beamline Insertion Device 13 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, using a 3 × 3 × 65 μm single crystal. The refined lattice constants of the monoclinic unit cell are a = 15.1(1) Å; b = 17.6(1) Å; c = 5.290(4) Å; β = 100.5(2)°; space group C2/m. The structure, including all reflections, refined to a final R = 0.07. Raite occurs in hyperalkaline rocks from the Kola peninsula, Russia. The structure consists of alternating layers of a hexagonal chicken-wire pattern of 6-membered SiO4 rings. Tetrahedral apices of a chain of Si six-rings, parallel to the c-axis, alternate in pointing up and down. Two six-ring Si layers are connected by edge-sharing octahedral bands of Na+ and Mn3+ also parallel to c. The band consists of the alternation of finite Mn–Mn and Na–Mn–Na chains. As a consequence of the misfit between octahedral and tetrahedral elements, regions of the Si–O layers are arched and form one-dimensional channels bounded by 12 Si tetrahedra and 2 Na octahedra. The channels along the short c-axis in raite are filled by isolated Na(OH,H2O)6 octahedra. The distorted octahedrally coordinated Ti4+ also resides in the channel and provides the weak linkage of these isolated Na octahedra and the mixed octahedral tetrahedral framework. Raite is structurally related to intersilite, palygorskite, sepiolite, and amphibole.
Understanding the mechanisms of action of membrane proteins requires the elucidation of their structures to high resolution. The critical step in accomplishing this by x-ray crystallography is the routine availability of well-ordered three-dimensional crystals. We have devised a novel, rational approach to meet this goal using quasisolid lipidic cubic phases. This membrane system, consisting of lipid, water, and protein in appropriate proportions, forms a structured, transparent, and complex three-dimensional lipidic array, which is pervaded by an intercommunicating aqueous channel system. Such matrices provide nucleation sites (“seeding”) and support growth by lateral diffusion of protein molecules in the membrane (“feeding”). Bacteriorhodopsin crystals were obtained from bicontinuous cubic phases, but not from micellar systems, implying a critical role of the continuity of the diffusion space (the bilayer) on crystal growth. Hexagonal bacteriorhodopsin crystals diffracted to 3.7 Å resolution, with a space group P63, and unit cell dimensions of a = b = 62 Å, c = 108 Å; α = β = 90° and γ = 120°.
A β-hairpin conformation has been characterized in crystals of the decapeptide t-butoxycarbonyl-Leu-Val-βPhe-Val-DPro-Gly-Leu-βPhe-Val-Val-methyl ester [βPhe; (S)-β3 homophenylalanine] by x-ray diffraction. The polypeptide chain reversal is nucleated by the centrally positioned DPro-Gly segment, which adopts a type-I′ β-turn conformation. Four intramolecular cross-strand hydrogen bonds stabilize the peptide fold. The βPhe(3) and βPhe(8) residues occupy facing positions on the hairpin, with the side chains projecting on opposite faces of the β-sheet. At the site of insertion of β-residues, the polarity of the peptide units along each strand reverses, as compared with the α-peptide segments. In this analog, a small segment of a polar sheet is observed, where adjacent CO and NH groups line up in opposite directions in each strand. In the crystal, an extended β-sheet is formed by hydrogen bonding between strands of antiparallel pairs of β-hairpins. The crystallographic parameters for C65H102N10O13⋅ 3H2O are: space group P212121; a = 19.059(8) Å, b = 19.470(2) Å, c = 21.077(2) Å; Z = 4; agreement factor R1 = 9.12% for 3,984 data observed >4σ(F) and a resolution of 0.90 Å.
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy at 94 GHz is used to study the dark-stable tyrosine radical Y\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{D}^{{\bullet}}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} in single crystals of photosystem II core complexes (cc) isolated from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. These complexes contain at least 17 subunits, including the water-oxidizing complex (WOC), and 32 chlorophyll a molecules/PS II; they are active in light-induced electron transfer and water oxidation. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P212121, with four PS II dimers per unit cell. High-frequency EPR is used for enhancing the sensitivity of experiments performed on small single crystals as well as for increasing the spectral resolution of the g tensor components and of the different crystal sites. Magnitude and orientation of the g tensor of Y\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{D}^{{\bullet}}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} and related information on several proton hyperfine tensors are deduced from analysis of angular-dependent EPR spectra. The precise orientation of tyrosine Y\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{D}^{{\bullet}}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} in PS II is obtained as a first step in the EPR characterization of paramagnetic species in these single crystals.
The x-ray structure of carbon monoxide (CO)-ligated myoglobin illuminated during data collection by a laser diode at the wavelength lambda = 690 nm has been determined to a resolution of 1.7 A at T = 36 K. For comparison, we also measured data sets of deoxymyoglobin and CO-ligated myoglobin. In the photon-induced structure the electron density associated with the CO ligand can be described by a tube extending from the iron into the heme pocket over more than 4 A. This density can be interpreted by two discrete positions of the CO molecule. One is close to the heme iron and can be identified to be bound CO. In the second, the CO is dissociated from the heme iron and lies on top of pyrrole ring C. At our experimental conditions the overall structure of myoglobin in the metastable state is close to the structure of a CO-ligated molecule. However, the iron has essentially relaxed into the position of deoxymyoglobin. We compare our results with those of Schlichting el al. [Schlichting, I., Berendzen, J., Phillips, G. N., Jr., & Sweet, R. M. (1994) Nature 317, 808-812], who worked with the myoglobin mutant (D122N) that crystallizes in the space group P6 and Teng et al. [Teng, T. Y., Srajer, V. & Moffat, K. (1994) Nat. Struct. Biol. 1, 701-705], who used native myoglobin crystals of the space group P2(1). Possible reasons for the structural differences are discussed.
NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR; NADPH:ferrihemoprotein reductase, EC catalyzes the transfer of electrons to all known microsomal cytochromes P450. CPR is unique in that it is one of only two mammalian enzymes known to contain both flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), the other being the various isoforms of nitric oxide synthase. Similarities in amino acid sequence and in functional domain arrangement with other key flavoproteins, including nitric oxide synthase, make CPR an excellent prototype for studies of interactions between two flavin cofactors. We have obtained diffraction-quality crystals of rat liver CPR, expressed in Escherichia coli and solubilized by limited proteolysis with trypsin. The crystals were grown in Hepes buffer (pH 7.0), containing polyethylene glycol 4500 and NaCl. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit cell dimensions a = 103.3 A, b = 116.1 A, and c = 120.4 A. If we assume that there are two molecules of the 72-kDa CPR polypeptide per asymmetric unit, the calculated value of Vm is 2.54 A3/Da.
The PhD activity described in this Thesis was focused on the study of metal-oxide wide-bandgap materials, aiming at fabricating new optoelectronic devices such as solar-blind UV photodetectors, high power electronics, and gas sensors. Photocurrent spectroscopy and DC photocurrent time evolution were used to investigate the performance of prototypes under different atmospheres, temperatures and excitation wavelengths (or dark conditions). Cathodoluminescence, absorption spectroscopy, XRD and SEM were used to assess structural, morphologic, electrical and optical properties of materials. This thesis is divided into two main sections, each describing the work done on a different metal-oxide semiconductor. 1) MOVPE-grown Ga2O3 thin films for UV solar-blind photodetectors and high power devices The semiconducting oxides, among them Ga2O3, have been employed for several decades as transparent conducting oxide (TCO) electrodes for fabrication of solar cells, displays, electronic, and opto-electronic devices. The interest was mainly confined to such applications, as these materials tend to grow intrinsically n-type, and attempts to get an effective p-type doping has consistently failed. The key requirements of TCO electrodes are indeed high electrical conductivity and good transparency, while crystallographic perfection is a minor issue. Furthermore, for a long period no high-quality substrates and epi-layers were available, which in turn impeded the development of a truly full-oxide electronics. Recently, Ga2O3 has attracted renewed interest, as large single crystals and high-quality homo- and hetero-epitaxial layers became available, which paved the way to novel application areas. Our research group spent the last two years in developing a low temperature (500-700°C) MOVPE growth procedure to obtain thin films of Ga2O3 on different substrates (Dept. of Physics and IMEM-CNR at UNIPR). We obtained a significant result growing on oriented sapphire epitaxial films of high crystalline, undoped, pure phase -Ga2O3 (hexagonal). The crystallographic properties of this phase were investigated by XRD, in order to clarify the lattice parameters of the hexagonal cell. First design and development of solar blind UV photodetectors based on -phase was carried out and the optoelectronic performance is evaluated by means of photocurrent spectroscopy. The UV-response is adequately fast and reliable to render this unusual phase a subject of great interest for future applications. The availability of a hexagonal phase of Ga2O3 stable up to 700°C, belonging to the same space group of gallium nitride, with high crystallinity and tunable electrical properties, is intriguing in view of the development of nitride-based devices, by taking advantage of the more favorable symmetry and epitaxial relationships with respect to the monoclinic β-phase. In addition, annealing at temperatures higher than 700°C demonstrate that the hexagonal phase converts totally in the monoclinic one. 2) ZnO nano-tetrapods: charge transport mechanisms and time-response in optoelectronic devices and sensors Size and morphology of ZnO at the nanometer scale play a key role in tailoring its physical and chemical properties. Thanks to the possibility of growing zinc oxide in a variety of different nanostructures, there is a great variety of applications, among which gas sensors, light emitting diodes, transparent conducting oxides, solar cells. Even if the operation of ZnO nanostructure-based devices has been recently demonstrated, the mechanisms of charge transport in these assembly is still under debate. The candidate performed an accurate investigation by photocurrent spectroscopy and DC-photocurrent time evolution of electrical response of both single-tetrapod and tetrapod-assembly devices. During the research done for this thesis, a thermal activation energy enables the performance of samples at high temperatures (above about 300°C). The energy barrier is related to the leg-to-leg interconnection in the assembly of nanotetrapods. Percolation mechanisms are responsible for both the very slow photo-response (minutes to hours or days) and the significant persistent photocurrent. Below the bandgap energy, electronic states were investigated but their contribution to the photocurrent are two-three order of magnitude lower than the band edge. Such devices are suitable for employ in photodetectors as well as in gas sensors, provided that the mechanism by which the photo-current is generated and gas adsorption on the surface modify the conductivity of the material are known.
Polímeros de coordenação têm atraído a atenção de pesquisadores na última década por conta de sua incrível versatilidade e virtualmente infinito número de possibilidades de combinação de ligantes orgânicos e centros metálicos. Estes compostos normalmente herdam as características magnéticas, eletrônicas e espectroscópicas de seus componentes base. Entretanto, apesar do crescente número de trabalhos na área, ainda são raros os polímeros de coordenação que apresentem condutividade elétrica. Para este fim, utilizou-se a N,N\'-bis(4-piridil)-1,4,5,8-naftaleno diimida, ou NDI-py, que pertence a uma classe de compostos rígidos, planares, quimicamente e termicamente estáveis e que já foram extensamente estudados por suas propriedades fotoeletroquímicas e semicondução do tipo n. O primeiro polímero de coordenação sintetizado, MOF-CoNDI-py-1, indicou ser um polímero linear, de estrutura 1D. O segundo, MOF-CoNDI-py-2, que conta com ácido tereftálico como ligante suporte, é um sólido cristalino com cela unitária monoclínica pertencente ao grupo espacial C2/c, determinado por difração de raios-X de monocristal. A rede apresenta um arranjo trinuclear de íons Co(II) alto spin com coordenados em uma geometria de octaedro distorcido, enquanto os ligantes NDI-py se encontram em um arranjo paralelo na estrutura, em distâncias apropriadas para transferência eletrônica. Com o auxílio de cálculo teóricos a nível de DFT, foi realizado um estudo aprofundado dos espectros eletrônicos e vibracionais, com atribuição das transições observadas, tanto para o MOF-CoNDI-py-2 quanto para o ligante NDI-py livre. A rede de coordenação absorve em toda a região do espectro eletrônico analisada, de 200 nm a 2500 nm, além de apresentar luminescência com característica do ligante. Dispositivos eletrônicos fabricados com um cristal do MOF-CoNDI-py-2 revelaram condutividades da ordem de 7,9 10-3 S cm -1, a maior já observada para um MOF. Além de elevada, a condutividade elétrica dos cristais demonstrou-se altamente anisotrópica, sendo significativamente menos condutor em algumas direções. Os perfis de corrente versus voltagem foram analisados em termos de mecanismos de condutividade, sendo melhores descritos por um mecanismo limitado pelo eletrodo to tipo Space-Charge Limited Current, concordando com a proposta de condutividade através dos planos de NDI-py na rede. A condutividade dos cristais também é fortemente dependente de luz, apresentando fotocondução quando irradiado por um laser vermelho, de 632 nm, enquanto apresenta um comportamento fotorresistivo frente a uma fonte de luz branca. Estes resultados, combinados, trazem um MOF em uma estrutura incomum e com elevada condutividade elétrica, modulada por luz, em medidas diretas de corrente. Não existem exemplos conhecidos de MOFs na literatura com estas características.