842 resultados para Southwestern Montana


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黔西南地区是我国最重要的卡林型金矿床集中区,在该区卡林型金矿床具有断裂型和层控型两大类。断裂型金矿床产于高角度压扭性断裂中,赋矿层位一般为中、下三叠统地层,容矿岩石主要是泥质粉砂岩和粉砂质泥岩。层控型金矿床主要产于上二叠统地层中,容矿岩石主要是不纯的生物碎屑灰岩,背斜控矿明显。由于目前断裂型金矿一研究程度高,而层控型金矿研究程度低.近年来在层控型金矿床中一些大型和特大型矿床以及富矿体和高拮位矿石的新发现,使层控型金矿床成为黔西南卡林型金矿床的重要和具有特征的类型。因此,作者选择了水银洞金矿床这个大型较富的一卜林型金矿床进行系统研究,对其成矿特征和金的超常富集机制获得以下认识:1.金矿床受构造与有利岩性组合的双重控制。金矿床位于灰家堡背斜核部,矿体产在粘土岩叶灰岩一粘土岩组合之灰岩中,以层状·似层状为主。一些低角度的断层控制了少量的断裂型金矿体。2.金矿床具有低温成矿特征,主成矿期流体包裹体的均一温度2约℃士,出现硅化、白云右化、黄铁矿化和粘土化等围岩蚀变,特征的Au-As-11g-Tl元素组合。矿石中Au主要不均匀分布在富砷环带中。纳米金可能是水银洞金矿床金的主要存在形式,并且快速沉淀在几个微米宽的细小黄铁矿中的砷黄铁矿环带和几一卜微米小的热液毒砂中。成矿条件的骤变和黄铁矿的吸附是重要因素。3.成矿流体具有低温低盐度和较高压力和富挥发份的特点,均一温度在220 ℃士,盐度在6士W七%NoCI、,压力为1.6士0.4Kbal"s,在Vc,I4+限川j』包裹体中Cll。含量高达63mole%、N:为18nlole%、C0;为19mole%。高压和富挥发份促使成矿流体从深部迁移至控矿背斜核部,并由于断层的作用挥发份的快速逃逸,压力骤降,促使流体快速卸载,一形成金的快速沉淀,形成微细浸染壮的原生金矿石:4.成矿物质主要来自深部。系卿勺岩矿地球化学研究和同位素示踪显示断,成矿一物质可能是燕山期构造岩浆活动形成的成矿流体(慢源铅)上升溶解地壳铅和混入地壳淋滤错大而形成的壳物质的混合;容矿地层均为正常沉积作用形成,. 没有发现具有特殊意义的沉积层(矿源层);成矿特征元素Au、As、51。、Tl和伴生的其他热液活动元素来自热液的带入,没有证据显示出地层岩石中有大规模的成矿元素迁出。5.区域_日也壳的活动性,长时期的热状态,有利于大范围内形成超压成矿流体。而地壳的伸展拉张促使了基底早己有的断裂再度复活,并与成矿期断裂一起切穿地壳,为深部超压成矿流体涌入成矿体系提供了必要的通道和热动力条件,使断裂系统就象抽水泵一样,汇聚成矿流体进入地壳上部成矿体系。由于本地区浅层构造的复杂性,导致成矿现象复杂多样,常形成而状矿化,大区域上呈“金三角”。不象羊国西部地区卡林型金矿产出区,金矿在区域上呈线形分布,众多超大型金矿被发现。


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Background: Despite being the third largest tobacco producer in the world, Brazil has developed a comprehensive tobacco control policy that includes a broad restriction on both advertising and smoking in indoor public places, compulsory pictorial warning labels, and a menthol cigarette ban. However, tax and pricing policies have been developed slowly and only very recently were stronger measures implemented. This study investigated the expected responses of smokers to hypothetical price increases in Brazil.Methods: We analyzed smokers' responses to hypothetical future price increases according to sociodemographic characteristics and smoking conditions in a multistage sample of Brazilian current cigarette smokers aged >= 14 years (n = 500). Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between possible responses and different predictors.Results: in most subgroups investigated, smokers most frequently said they would react to a hypothetical price increase by taking up alternatives that might have a positive impact on health, i.e., they would try to stop smoking (52.3%) or smoke fewer cigarettes (46.8%). However, a considerable percentage responded that they would use alternatives that would reduce the effect of price increases, such as the same brand with lower cost (48.1%). After controlling for sex age group (14-19, 20-39, 40-59, and >= 60 years), schooling level (>= 9 versus <= 9 years), number of cigarettes per day (>20 versus <= 20), and stage of change for smoking cessation (precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation), lower levels of dependence were positively associated with the response I would try to stop smoking (odds ratio [OR], 2.19). Young age was associated with I would decrease the number of cigarettes (OR, 3.44). A low schooling level was strongly associated with all responses.Conclusions: Taxes and prices increases have great potential to stimulate cessation or reduction of cigarette consumption further among two important vulnerable populations of smokers in Brazil: young smokers and those of low educational level. the results from the present study also suggest that seeking illegal products may reduce the impact of increased taxes, but does not eliminate it.


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Grattan, J. Huxley, S. Pyatt, B. Modern Bedouin exposures to copper contamination: an imperial legacy? Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. 2003. 55 pp 108-115


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The crescent shaped Mascarene Plateau (southwestern Indian Ocean), some 2200 km in length, forms a partial barrier to the (predominantly westward) flow of the South Equatorial Current. Shallow areas of the Mascarene Plateau effectively form a large shelf sea without an associated coastline. Zooplankton sampling transects were made across the plateau and also the basin to the west, to investigate the role the partial interruption of flow has on zooplankton biomass and community structure over the region. Biomass data from Optical Plankton Counter (OPC) analysis, and variability in community structure from taxonomic analysis, appear to indicate that the obstruction by the plateau causes upwelling, nutrient enrichment and enhanced chlorophyll and secondary production levels downstream. The Mascarene Basin is clearly distinguishable from the ridge itself, and from the waters to the south and north, both in terms of size-distributed zooplankton biomass and community structure. Satellite remote sensing data, particularly remotely-sensed ocean colour imagery and the sea surface height anomaly (SSHA), indicate support for this hypothesis. A correlation was found between OPC biovolume and SSHA and sea surface temperature (SST), which may indicate the physical processes driving mesozooplankton variability in this area. Biomass values away from the influence of the ridge averaged 24 mg m-3, but downstream if the ridge biomass averaged 263 mg m-3. Copepods comprised 60% of the mean total organisms. Calanoid copepods varied considerably between regions, being lowest away from the influence of the plateau, where higher numbers of the cyclopoid copepods Oithona spp., Corycaeus spp. and Oncaea spp., and the harpacticoid Microsetella spp. were found.


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A number of chlorinated and brominated low molecular weight hydrocarbons (halocarbons) have been measured in and adjacent to the North Sea estuaries of the Humber and the Rhine. The measurements have been carried out using a newly constructed purge-and-trap sample work-up system coupled to megabore gas chromatography with electron capture detection. The results show that whereas the Humber is a pronounced source of the anthropogenic halocarbons carbon tetrachloride and perchloroethylene, the input from the Rhine into the North Sea of these compounds is more modest. Some halocarbons normally considered as mainly or even exclusively of natural origin are released from the two investigated estuaries into the North Sea. A distinct patch of high concentrations of the naturally produced compound bromoform was observed in the southwestern North Sea. The results have also been used to examine some of the halocarbons for common sources.


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We investigated a 100 × 100 km high-salinity region of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre during the Sub-Tropical Atlantic Surface Salinity Experiment/Salinity Processes in the Upper-ocean Regional Study (STRASSE/SPURS) cruise from August 21, 2012, to September 9, 2012. Results showed great variability in sea surface salinity (SSS; over 0.3 psu) in the mesoscale, over 7 cm of total evaporation, and little diapycnal mixing below 36 m depth, the deepest mixed layers encountered. Strong currents in the southwestern part of the domain, and the penetration of freshwater, suggest that advection contributed greatly to salinity evolution. However, it was further observed that a smaller cyclonic structure tucked between the high SSS band and the strongest currents contributed to the transport of high SSS water along a narrow front. Cross-frontal transport by mixing is also a possible cause of summertime reduction of SSS. The observed structure was also responsible for significant southward salt transport over more than 200 km.


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The new class, the Tamaricetea arceuthoidis, is described covering riparian and intermittent shrubby vegetation of the Irano-Turanian Region in the southwestern and Central Asia and the Lower Volga valley. The dominating species are species of the genus Tamarix that refer high water table in arid and semi-arid habitats with high to moderate salinity. This new class is an ecological analogon of the Nerio-Tamaricetea occurring in the Mediterranean Basin.


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We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor on siliceous bedrocks at altitudes characterized by the submediterranean climate of central-southern Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio vallis-demoni-Nardion (acidophilous grasslands on siliceous substrates of the Southern Italy). Nomenclatural issues (validity, legitimacy, synonymy, formal corrections) have been discussed and clarified for the following names: Brachypodio-Brometalia, Bromo pannonici-Festucion csikhegyensis, Corynephoro-Plantaginion radicatae, Heleochloion, Hieracio-Plantaginion radicatae, Nardetea strictae, Nardetalia strictae, Nardo-Callunetea, Nardo-Galion saxatilis, Oligo-Bromion, Paspalo-Heleochloetalia, Plantagini-Corynephorion and Scorzoneret alia villosae. 


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Despite over seven decades of speciation research and 25 years of phylogeographic studies, a comprehensive understanding of mechanisms that generate biological species remains elusive. In temperate zones, the pervasiveness of range fragmentation and subsequent range expansions suggests that secondary contact between diverging lineages may be important in the evolution of species. Thus, such contact zones provide compelling opportunities to investigate evolutionary processes, particularly the roles of geographical isolation in initiating, and indirect selection against hybrids in completing (reinforcement), the evolution of reproductive isolation and speciation. The spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) has six well-supported mitochondrial lineages many of which are now in secondary contact. Here I investigate the evolutionary consequences of secondary contact of two such lineages (Eastern and Interior) in Southwestern Ontario using genetic, morphological, acoustical, experimental, and behavioural evidence to show accentuated divergence of the mate recognition system in sympatry. Mitochondrial and microsatellite data distinguish these two lineages but also show ongoing hybridization. Bayesian assignment tests and cline analysis imply asymmetrical introgression of Eastern lineage nuclear markers into Interior populations. Male calls are divergent between Eastern and Interior allopatric populations and show asymmetrical reproductive character displacement in sympatry. Female preference of pure lineage individuals is also exaggerated in sympatry, with hybrids showing intermediate traits and preference. I suggest that these patterns are most consistent with secondary reinforcement. I assessed levels of post-zygotic isolation between the Eastern and Interior lineages using a laboratory hybridization experiment. Hybrid tadpoles showed equal to or greater fitness than their pure lineage counterparts, but this may be countered through competition. More deformities and developmental anomalies in hybrid tadpoles further suggest post-zygotic isolation. Despite evidence for pre-mating isolation between the two lineages, isolation appears incomplete (i.e. hybridization is ongoing). I hypothesize that potentially less attractive hybrids may circumvent female choice by adopting satellite behaviour. Although mating tactics are related to body size, genetic status may play a role. I show that pure Eastern males almost always engage in calling, while hybrids adopt a satellite tactic. An absence of assortative mating, despite evidence of female preference, suggests successful satellite interception possibly facilitating introgression.


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In order to calibrate radiocarbon ages based on samples with a marine carbon component it is important to know the marine carbon reservoir correction or Delta R value. This study measured the Delta R on both known-age pre-bomb marine shells and paired marine and terrestrial samples from two regions on the west coast of South Africa: the southwestern Cape and Namaqualand. Pooling the data by region produces Delta R values that are similar enough to use a west coast weighted mean Delta R of 146 +/- 85 C-14 years to correctly calibrate marine shell or mixed marine and terrestrial C-14 ages. There are however temporal differences in Delta R throughout the Holocene, which we compare with proxy data for upwelling and sea surface temperatures.