904 resultados para Soft-tissue profile
Malignant otitis externa (MOE) is an aggressive but benign entity which evolves into skull base osteomyelitis. An 81-year-old female patient was admitted for left hemiparesis and homonymous hemianopia. She complained of headache radiating to the right cervical area. A recent history of recurrent otitis media was present. Head and neck imaging showed an ischemic infarction (right temporo-occipital) and a parapharyngeal soft tissue mass originating in an external and medial ear infection. Culture samples revealed Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection leading to the diagnosis of Malignant otitis externa (MOE). Parenteral antibacterial therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy resulted in improvement.
There are various tools for monitoring the concentration of pollutants on aquatic ecosystems. Today these studies are based on biological monitoring and biomarkers. The aim of this study was to measure the concentration of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE), glutathione S-transferase and catalase as biomarkers of heavy metal contamination in pearl oyster Pinctada radiata and their mechanism in aquatic ecosystems. Heavy metals lead, cadmium and nickel were measured in soft tissue and studied stations in four seasons. Samples were collected seasonally in Lavan stations, Hendurabi and Nakhilo (in the northern Persian Gulf) from spring 2013 to winter of that year by scuba diving. Pearl oysters are divided according to their shells size; shells separated from soft tissues and were transferred to the laboratory for analysis of heavy metals and enzymes. Moopam standard method for were used for measuring the concentration of heavy metals and for analyzing tissue concentrations of glutathione S-transferase in Clam the method recommended by Habig et al in 1974 were used. For measuring acetylcholinesterase Ellman method were used. Catalase contamination in pearl oyster in the supernatant obtained from the study based on the method homogeate soft tissue of mussels (Abei, 1974) was evaluated. The results showed that the concentration of lead has significant difference in sediments station, the concentration of lead in Lavan is significantly higher than the other two stations, This could be due to the movement of tanker, boats and floating refueling and with a considerable amount of wastewater containing oil and Petroleum into the water, and also due to precipitation and industrial discharges the lead in the region is increasing, land-disposed sewage sludge, has large concentrations of lead. Compare the results of this study with standards related and other similar studies at the regional and international level showed that pollutant concentration of heavy metals in all cases significantly less than all the standards and guide values associated. And also compared to other world research results have been far less than others, Being Less of the conclusion given in this research according that nickel is one of the indicators of oil pollution in the study area and emissions have been relatively low of oil. The concentration of acetylcholinesterase at several stations, in large and small sizes and in the seasons had no significant difference. Variations of catalase, and glutathione S-transferase were almost similar to each other and parameters, station and seasons were significantly different in the concentrations of these enzymes. The effects and interaction between various parameters indicate that following parameters has impact on the concentration of catalase and glutathione S-transferase. Stations; Seasonal changes in antioxidant enzymes related to (assuming a constant in salinity and oxygen) to age, reproductive cycle, availability of food and water temperature. With increasing temperature at warm season, antioxidant enzymes were increase, with increasing temperature and abundance of food in the environment the amount of antioxidant enzymes may increase. The presence of the enzyme concentration may indicate that the higher levels of the enzyme to eliminate ROS activities to be any healthier situation. At the time of gonads maturation and spawning season catalase activity increases. This study also indicates that catalase was significantly higher in the warm season. Due to low pollutants of heavy metals in the study area, a lower level of contaminants were observed in shellfish tissue incidents of international standards and strong correlation between the amount of heavy metal contamination in pearl oyster tissue and enzymes was not observed. Therefore, we can say that the pearl oyster remains in a healthy condition and the amount of enzyme is normal.
La demanda de una producción de alimentos cada vez mayor a nivel mundial sumado a la tecnificación y al ritmo acelerado del progreso de las explotaciones agropecuarias actuales hacen que el ganado deba soportar elevadas presiones de producción aumentando los requerimientos de nutrientes. Este es el caso de los minerales considerados actualmente elementos esenciales para los animales, aunque tradicionalmente fueron definidos como los nutrientes pobres de la nutrición y alimentación animal. Actualmente se ha demostrado con evidencia clínica y productiva, el importante rol metabólico de los minerales en el animal sano y productivo, como también se ha definido qué elemento mineral y porcentaje del mismo es requerido para el normal funcionamiento del organismo. Los macro-minerales (calcio, magnesio, fósforo, sodio, potasio, cloro y azufre) y los oligo-minerales (cobre, zinc, hierro, selenio, cobalto, iodo, manganeso, molibdeno y cromo) son elementos esenciales y necesarios para transformar la proteína y la energía de los alimentos en componentes del organismo o en productos animales como leche, carne, crías, piel, lana. Además, ayudan al organismo a combatir las enfermedades, manteniendo al animal en buen estado de salud. Se ha considerado a los minerales como el tercer grupo limitante en la nutrición animal, siendo a su vez, el que mayor potencial y menor costo tiene para incrementar la producción del ganado. Los minerales desempeñan funciones tan importantes como ser constituyentes de la estructura ósea y dental, de tejidos blandos y líquidos corporales. Están involucrados en el funcionamiento celular, siendo activadores de más de trescientas enzimas, constituyentes esenciales de vitaminas, hormonas y pigmentos respiratorios y facilitando la actividad de los microorganismos del rumen. Cuando el aporte de minerales en la ración no es el adecuado en calidad y/o cantidad se originan las deficiencias minerales, encuadradas dentro de las enfermedades metabólicas o enfermedades de la producción. Estas han sido informadas en casi todo el mundo y son responsables de importantes pérdidas económicas en los rodeos de bovinos para carne. Las deficiencias y/o desequilibrios minerales pueden causar los siguientes trastornos en los animales: bajo porcentaje de parición, mayor número de servicios por concepción, abortos, retenciones placentarias, incremento del intervalo entre partos, baja producción de leche, menor peso al nacimiento y al destete, menor porcentaje de destete, menor ganancia de peso, mayor incidencia de enfermedades infecciosas, fracturas espontáneas, diarrea, deformación de huesos y mortandad. Así cobra importancia el diagnóstico mediante el análisis de la sangre de los animales, del pasto y el agua que consumen y la caracterización de estas deficiencias en primarias o secundarias con el objetivo de poder realizar un control de las mismas mediante un adecuado plan de suplementación mineral acorde a las necesidades de los distintos establecimientos agropecuarios.
Le byssus est un amas de fibres que les moules produisent afin de s’ancrer aux surfaces immergées sous l’eau. Ces fibres sont pourvues de propriétés mécaniques impressionnantes combinant rigidité, élasticité et ténacité élevées. De plus, elles possèdent un comportement d’auto-guérison de leurs propriétés mécaniques en fonction du temps lorsque la contrainte initialement appliquée est retirée. Les propriétés mécaniques de ces fibres sont le résultat de l’agencement hiérarchique de protéines de type copolymère blocs riches en collagène et de la présence de métaux formant des liens sacrificiels réversibles avec certains acides aminés comme les DOPA et les histidines. Bien que cette fibre soit très intéressante pour la production de matériaux grâce à son contenu élevé en collagène potentiellement biocompatible, cette ressource naturelle est traitée comme un déchet par les mytiliculteurs. L’objectif de cette thèse était de valoriser cette fibre en extrayant les protéines pour générer une nouvelle classe de matériaux biomimétiques. Un hydrolysat de protéines de byssus (BPH) riche en acides aminés chargés, i.e. ~30 % mol, et permettant de former des films a pu être généré. Lorsque solubilisé à pH 10.5, le BPH forme un hydrogel contenant des structures en triple hélice de collagène et des feuillets β anti-parallèles intra- et inter-moléculaires. Suite à l’évaporation de l’eau, le film de BPH résultant est insoluble en milieu aqueux à cause des structures secondaires très stables agissant comme points de réticulation effectifs. Les propriétés mécaniques des films de BPH sont modulables en fonction du pH. Au point isoélectrique (pI = 4.5), les interactions électrostatiques entre les charges opposées agissent comme points de réticulation et augmentent la rigidité des films et leur contrainte à la rupture sans affecter la déformation à la rupture. À pH plus élevé ou plus bas que le pI, les performances mécaniques des films sont plus faibles à cause de la répulsion entre les groupements fonctionnels de même charge qui interagissent plutôt avec les molécules d’eau et causent le gonflement de la matrice protéique des films. Le BPH contenant un nombre élevé d’acides aminés chargés et réactifs, nous avons pu réticuler les films de manière covalente à l’aide d’EDC ou de glutaraldéhyde. Les propriétés mécaniques des films sont modulables en fonction de la concentration d’EDC utilisée lors de la réticulation ou en employant du glutaraldéhyde comme agent réticulant. Les films sont à la fois plus rigides et plus forts avec un degré de réticulation élevé, mais perdent leur extensibilité à mesure que les segments libres de s’étirer lors d’une traction deviennent entravés par les points de réticulation. La réticulation augmente également la résistance à la dégradation enzymatique par la collagénase, les films les plus fortement réticulés lui étant pratiquement insensibles. La spectroscopie infrarouge montre enfin que la réticulation entraîne une transition de feuillets β anti-parallèles inter-moléculaires vers des structures de type hélices de collagène/PPII hydratées. Des liens sacrificiels ont été formés dans les films de BPH par traitement au pI et/ou avec différents métaux, i.e. Na+, Ca2+, Fe3+, afin de moduler les propriétés mécaniques statiques et d’évaluer le rôle de ces traitements sur le comportement d’auto-guérison lors de tests mécaniques cycliques avec différents temps de repos. Plus la valence des ions métalliques ajoutés augmente, plus les propriétés mécaniques statiques affichent un module, une contrainte à la rupture et une ténacité élevés sans toutefois affecter la déformation à la rupture, confirmant la formation de liens sacrificiels. Les tests mécaniques cycliques montrent que les traitements au pI ou avec Ca2+ créent des liens sacrificiels ioniques réversibles qui mènent à un processus d’auto-guérison des performances mécaniques dépendant du pH. L’ajout de Fe3+ à différentes concentrations module les performances mécaniques sur un plus large intervalle et la nature plus covalente de son interaction avec les acides aminés permet d’atteindre des valeurs nettement plus élevées que les autres traitements étudiés. Le Fe3+ permet aussi la formation de liens sacrificiels réversibles menant à l’auto-guérison des propriétés mécaniques. Les spectroscopies Raman et infrarouge confirment que le fer crée des liaisons avec plusieurs acides aminés, dont les histidines et les DOPA. Les résultats dans leur ensemble démontrent que les films de BPH sont des hydrogels biomimétiques du byssus qui peuvent être traités ou réticulés de différentes façons afin de moduler leurs performances mécaniques. Ils pourraient ainsi servir de matrices pour des applications potentielles dans le domaine pharmaceutique ou en ingénierie tissulaire.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
A Diabetes Mellitus é conhecida por uma doença metabólica caracterizada por um défice na ação ou secreção da insulina, na qual a consequência direta é o aparecimento de hiperglicemia, isto é, o nível de glicose apresentar valores elevados (Kidambi, 2008; Silva-Sousa, 2003). A DM1, especificamente, é apresentada como uma doença que é resultado da destruição das células beta do pâncreas, desenvolvendo assim, um défice na produção de insulina (Raymond et al., 2001). As complicações orais da DM1 incluem xerostomia, doença periodontal (gengivite e periodontite), abcessos dentários, perda de dentes, lesões de tecidos moles e síndrome de ardência oral. A complicação oral mais frequente da DM1 nas crianças é o aumento da sensibilidade à doença periodontal. A doença periodontal é caracterizada como uma reação inflamatória infecciosa dos tecidos gengivais (gengivite) ou do suporte dos dentes, ou seja, ligamento periodontal, cemento e osso alveolar (periodontite), podendo induzir um certo grau de resistência à insulina. Ambas as doenças resultam da interação entre microorganismos periodontais patogénicos. A avaliação e influência do controlo da doença é expressa pelos valores médios de hemoglobina glicosada (Hba1c) na saúde oral nas crianças e adolescentes com DM1. Vários estudos demonstraram que o controlo glicémico teve uma influencia sobre a saúde oral de crianças e adolescentes com DM1. Assim uma avaliação oral, deve fazer parte de procedimentos de rotina no atendimento de crianças e adolescentes com DM1. O dentista deve ser parte da equipa multidisciplinar que auxilia os indivíduos com DM1. O tratamento precoce numa população infantil com DM1, pode diminuir a severidade da doença periodontal. O presente trabalho tem por objectivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a importância do estudo em crianças e adolescentes portadores de DM1 e doenças da cavidade oral, nomeadamente, a periodontite, e respetivas implicações.
O uso para fins ou meios festivos de lazer da droga ilícita MDMA, também chamado de Ecstasy ou Moly, tem vindo a aumentar drasticamente em Portugal e no Mundo. Esta situação desafia os profissionais de saúde para vários parâmetros na saúde oral e geral. O objetivo desta dissertação visa avaliar e descrever as lesões e patologias na cavidade oral que estão relacionadas com o consumo da substância ilícita MDMA. As consequências para a cavidade oral podem ser a xerostomia, o bruxismo, as cáries rampantes, a doença periodontal, o desgaste e a erosão dentária, e as lesões dos tecidos moles. Os indivíduos consumidores podem apresentar carências nutricionais e um estímulo aumentado à dor. A gestão do prognóstico e o tratamento realizado aos consumidores de MDMA, pois afeta vários órgãos e sistemas no corpo humano, requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar que inclui educação, prevenção e tratamento integrados. Esta revisão bibliográfica teve com base artigos publicados em revistas científicos e monografias disponíveis em vários motores de busca. As palavras-chave usadas foram: “ecstasy”, “MDMA”, “oral manifestations”, “oral health”, “substance abuse”, ”overdose treatment”, “xerostomia” e “methamenfetamine” e a sua conjugação. As situações orais, perante as mais prevalentes comorbidades patogénicas relacionadas com o MDMA e outras dependências ilícitas, necessitam de mais atenção e reforço em relação à prática clínica e aos serviços de saúde. Uma das dificuldades para o tratamento correto destes indivíduos é a falta de informação sobre o assunto referente à prática na clínica dentária. A omissão sobre o consumo por parte do paciente bem como de uma recaída no uso, apresentam dúvidas sobre o fator em causa ou até mesmo no diagnóstico. São, muitas vezes, os Médicos Dentistas os primeiros a terem a oportunidade de diagnosticar o aparecimento de possíveis alterações surgidas em virtude do consumo de MDMA.
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de los trastornos músculoesqueléticos y la asociación con factores sociodemográficos y hábitos de vida en trabajadores de las áreas administrativa y operativa de dos empresas de servicio de la ciudad de Bogotá 2015. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, con información secundaria, procedente de bases de datos suministrada por las dos empresas con 696 registros de trabajadores de servicios generales, y 943 registros de trabajadores del área administrativa, para un total de 1639 registros, en los cuales se evaluó la presencia de síntomas osteomusculares clasificados por segmento. Adicionalmente se contaba con información de características sociodemográficas y estilos de vida de estos trabajadores. Se obtuvieron las distribuciones de frecuencias absolutas y relativas para las variables cualitativas, y las medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para las variables cuantitativas. Para establecer la asociación entre factores sociodemográficos con las variables dependientes se utilizó la prueba chi2 de asociación. Resultados: La prevalencia de molestia o dolor en los diferentes segmentos corporales fue de 21.5 % (n = 203) en cuello para la población administrativa y de 17.5% (n = 148) en mano y muñeca derecha para la población de servicios generales. Vale la pena aclarar que el diagnóstico médico más frecuente referido por la población en estudio fue traumas en musculo, bursa tendón y/o ligamento con 10.5% en la población administrativa y con el 12.4% en la población de servicios generales. De las asociaciones significativas entre diagnósticos presentes y hábitos de vida y sueño se encontró que sueño no reparador se asoció significativamente con enfermedad general de músculos y huesos (p = 0.001), enfermedad o trauma activo de tejidos blandos (p = 0,000) y antecedente o enfermedad actual de columna vertebral (p = 0,000). De manera similar, el consumo de medicamentos para conciliar el sueño se asoció con enfermedad de tejidos blandos (p = 0,000) y enfermedad actual de columna vertebral (p = 0,000). El consumo de café (p = 0.001) y el sedentarismo (p = 0.031) están asociados con la enfermedad general de músculos y huesos. Conclusiones: Los TME son un factor de alta prevalencia en la población trabajadora de Colombia, y como se demostró en este estudio, afectan a la población de las empresas de servicio. Se evidencia cada vez más que los segmentos corporales más afectados en la población administrativa, son cabeza y cuello, debido a las posturas mantenidas por largos periodos de tiempo, y en la población de servicios se encontró molestia y dolor en muñecas y manos debido a los movimientos repetitivos que deben de realizar durante la jornada laboral. Se hace necesario profundizar más en la asociación significativa de los trastornos del sueño y la presencia de los TME, ya que se encontró una relación importante entre estos dos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Tissue engineering and cell implantation therapies are gaining popularity because of their potential to repair and regenerate tissues and organs. To investigate the role of inflammatory cytokines in new tissue development in engineered tissues, we have characterized the nature and timing of cell populations forming new adipose tissue in a mouse tissue engineering chamber (TEC) and characterized the gene and protein expression of cytokines in the newly developing tissues. EGFP-labeled bone marrow transplant mice and MacGreen mice were implanted with TEC for periods ranging from 0.5 days to 6 weeks. Tissues were collected at various time points and assessed for cytokine expression through ELISA and mRNA analysis or labeled for specific cell populations in the TEC. Macrophage-derived factors, such as monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), appear to induce adipogenesis by recruiting macrophages and bone marrow-derived precursor cells to the TEC at early time points, with a second wave of nonbone marrow-derived progenitors. Gene expression analysis suggests that TNFα, LCN-2, and Interleukin 1β are important in early stages of neo-adipogenesis. Increasing platelet-derived growth factor and vascular endothelial cell growth factor expression at early time points correlates with preadipocyte proliferation and induction of angiogenesis. This study provides new information about key elements that are involved in early development of new adipose tissue.
Transglutaminase can catalyze the cross-linking reaction between soluble clotting protein molecules from the plasma for prevention of excess blood loss from a wound and obstructing micro-organisms from invading the wound in crustaceans. A novel transglutaminase (FcTG) gene was cloned from hemocytes of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis by 3' and 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) PCR. The full-length cDNA consists of 2972 bp, encoding 757 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 84.96 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 5.61. FcTG contains a typical transglutaminase-like homologue (TGc domain: E-value = 1.94e-38). Three catalytic sites (Cys-324, His-391 and Asp-414) are present in this domain. The deduced amino acid sequence of FcTG showed high identity with black tiger shrimp TG, kuruma shrimp TG and crayfish TG. Transcripts of FcTG mRNA were mainly detected in gill, lymphoid organ and hemocytes by RT-PCR. RNA in situ hybridization further confirmed that FcTG was constitutively expressed in hemocytes both in the circulatory system and lymphoid organ. The variation of mRNA transcription level in hemocytes and lymphoid organ following injection of killed bacteria or infection with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) was quantified by RT-PCR. The up-regulated expression of FcTG in shrimp lymphoid organ following injection of bacteria indicates that it is inducible and might be associated with bacterial challenge. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tese dout., Engenharia electrónica e computação - Processamento de sinal, Universidade do Algarve, 2008
Microarray data analysis is one of data mining tool which is used to extract meaningful information hidden in biological data. One of the major focuses on microarray data analysis is the reconstruction of gene regulatory network that may be used to provide a broader understanding on the functioning of complex cellular systems. Since cancer is a genetic disease arising from the abnormal gene function, the identification of cancerous genes and the regulatory pathways they control will provide a better platform for understanding the tumor formation and development. The major focus of this thesis is to understand the regulation of genes responsible for the development of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer by analyzing the microarray expression data. In this thesis, four computational algorithms namely fuzzy logic algorithm, modified genetic algorithm, dynamic neural fuzzy network and Takagi Sugeno Kang-type recurrent neural fuzzy network are used to extract cancer specific gene regulatory network from plasma RNA dataset of colorectal cancer patients. Plasma RNA is highly attractive for cancer analysis since it requires a collection of small amount of blood and it can be obtained at any time in repetitive fashion allowing the analysis of disease progression and treatment response.
Insect oocytes grow in close association with the ovarian follicular epithelium (OFE), which escorts the oocyte during oogenesis and is responsible for synthesis and secretion of the eggshell. We describe a transcriptome of OFE of the triatomine bug Rhodnius prolixus, a vector of Chagas disease, to increase our knowledge of the role of FE in egg development. Random clones were sequenced from a cDNA library of different stages of follicle development. The transcriptome showed high commitment to transcription, protein synthesis, and secretion. The most abundant cDNA was a secreted (S) small, proline-rich protein with maximal expression in the vitellogenic follicle, suggesting a role in oocyte maturation. We also found Rp45, a chorion protein already described, and a putative chitin-associated cuticle protein that was an eggshell component candidate. Six transcripts coding for proteins related to the unfolded-protein response (UPR) by were chosen and their expression analyzed. Surprisingly, transcripts related to UPR showed higher expression during early stages of development and downregulation during late stages, when transcripts coding for S proteins participating in chorion formation were highly expressed. Several transcripts with potential roles in oogenesis and embryo development are also discussed. We propose that intense protein synthesis at the FE results in reticulum stress (RS) and that lowering expression of a set of genes related to cell survival should lead to degeneration of follicular cells at oocyte maturation. This paradoxical suppression of UPR suggests that ovarian follicles may represent an interesting model for studying control of RS and cell survival in professional S cell types. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.