893 resultados para Singlet Oxygen


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the utility of nasotracheal tubes in postoperative oxygen supplementation in dogs following corrective surgery for brachycephalic syndrome. DESIGN: Retrospective study 2003-2007. SETTING: University teaching hospital. ANIMALS: Thirty-six client-owned dogs that underwent corrective surgery for brachycephalic syndrome. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Medical records were reviewed for animals that underwent surgical interventions for brachycephalic syndrome including palatoplasty, ventriculectomy, and rhinoplasty. Data collected included signalment, presenting complaints, analgesic and surgical interventions, type of supplemental oxygen therapy, complications and mortality occurring during hospitalization. A nasotracheal tube (NTT) was placed in 20 dogs at the end of surgery; 16 dogs received other forms of oxygen supplementation (8) or no oxygen supplementation (8) during recovery. The total number of postoperative complications was similar in both groups (8/20 dogs with NTTs and 7/16 in those without NTTs). However, respiratory distress was observed in 5 dogs without NTTs but was not observed in any dog while an NTT was in place. One dog in each group died postoperatively. CONCLUSION: Placement of an NTT was found to be easy and may offer benefit in dogs with brachycephalic syndrome as a noninvasive means of delivering oxygen. The use of NTT may minimize severe postoperative morbidity, in particular by reducing postoperative respiratory distress.


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Recent case reports have alerted the medical community of fatality in children receiving codeine after tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.


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Macrophage-mediated chronic inflammation is mechanistically linked to insulin resistance and atherosclerosis. Although arginase I is considered antiinflammatory, the role of arginase II (Arg-II) in macrophage function remains elusive. This study characterizes the role of Arg-II in macrophage inflammatory responses and its impact on obesity-linked type II diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.


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Through the use of Transient Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS), the rate coefficient for the vibrational relaxation of N2O (ν2) by O(3P) at room temperature (32 ºC)) was determined to be (1.51 ± 0.11)x10-12 cm3molecule-1sec-1. A Q-switched, frequency quadrupled (266 nm) Nd:YAG laser pulse was used as the pump for this experiment. This pulse caused the photodissociation of O3 into O2 and O atoms.Excited oxygen (O(1D)) was collisionally quenched to ground state (O(3P)) by Ar and/or Xe. Photodissociation also caused a temperature jump within the system, exciting the ν2 state of N2O molecules. Population in the ν2 state was monitored through a TDLASobservation of a ν3 transition. Data were fit using a Visual Fortran 6.0 Global Fitting program. Analysis of room temperature data taken using only Ar to quench O atoms to the ground state gave the same rate coefficient as analysis of data taken using an Ar/Xe mixture, suggesting Ar alone is a sufficient bath gas. Experimentation was alsoperformed at -27 ºC and -82 ºC for a temperature dependence analysis. A linear regression analysis gave a rate coefficient dependence on temperature of ... for the rate coefficient of the vibrational relaxation of N2O (ν2) by atomic oxygen.


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Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been of recent interest due to the issue of greenhouse cooling in the upper atmosphere by species such as CO2 and NO. In the Earth’s upper atmosphere, between altitudes of 75 and 110 km, a collisional energy exchange occurs between CO2 and atomic oxygen, which promotes a population of ground state CO2 to the bend excited state. The relaxation of CO2 following this excitation is characterized by spontaneous emission of 15-μm. Most of this energy is emitted away from Earth. Due to the low density in the upper atmosphere, most of this energy is not reabsorbed and thus escapes into space, leading to a local cooling effect in the upper atmosphere. To determine the efficiency of the CO2- O atom collisional energy exchange, transient diode laser absorption spectroscopy was used to monitor the population of the first vibrationally excited state, 13CO2(0110) or ν2, as a function of time. The rate coefficient, kO(ν2), for the vibrational relaxation 13CO2 (ν2)-O was determined by fitting laboratory measurements using a home-written linear least squares algorithm. The rate coefficient, kO(ν2), of the vibrational relaxation of 13CO2(ν2), by atomic oxygen at room temperature was determined to be (1.6 ± 0.3 x 10-12 cm3 s-1), which is within the uncertainty of the rate coefficient previously found in this group for 12CO2(ν2) relaxation. The cold temperature kO(ν2) values were determined to be: (2.1 ± 0.8) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 274 K, (1.8 ± 0.3) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 239 K, (2 ± 1) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 208 K, and (1.7 ± 0.3) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 at Tfinal = 186 K. These data did not show a definitive negative temperature dependence comparable to that found for 12CO2 previously.


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During sepsis, liver dysfunction is common, and failure of mitochondria to effectively couple oxygen consumption with energy production has been described. In addition to sepsis, pharmacological agents used to treat septic patients may contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction. This study addressed the hypothesis that remifentanil interacts with hepatic mitochondrial oxygen consumption. The human hepatoma cell line HepG2 and their isolated mitochondria were exposed to remifentanil, with or without further exposure to tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). Mitochondrial oxygen consumption was measured by high-resolution respirometry, Caspase-3 protein levels by Western blotting, and cytokine levels by ELISA. Inhibitory κBα (IκBα) phosphorylation, measurement of the cellular ATP content and mitochondrial membrane potential in intact cells were analysed using commercial ELISA kits. Maximal cellular respiration increased after one hour of incubation with remifentanil, and phosphorylation of IκBα occurred, denoting stimulation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB). The effect on cellular respiration was not present at 2, 4, 8 or 16 hours of incubation. Remifentanil increased the isolated mitochondrial respiratory control ratio of complex-I-dependent respiration without interfering with maximal respiration. Preincubation with the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone prevented a remifentanil-induced increase in cellular respiration. Remifentanil at 10× higher concentrations than therapeutic reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP content without uncoupling oxygen consumption and basal respiration levels. TNF-α exposure reduced respiration of complex-I, -II and -IV, an effect which was prevented by prior remifentanil incubation. Furthermore, prior remifentanil incubation prevented TNF-α-induced IL-6 release of HepG2 cells, and attenuated fragmentation of pro-caspase-3 into cleaved active caspase 3 (an early marker of apoptosis). Our data suggest that remifentanil increases cellular respiration of human hepatocytes and prevents TNF-α-induced mitochondrial dysfunction. The results were not explained by uncoupling of mitochondrial respiration.


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OBJECTIVE: Failure of energy metabolism after traumatic brain injury may be a major factor limiting outcome. Although glucose is the primary metabolic substrate in the healthy brain, the well documented surge in tissue lactate after traumatic brain injury suggests that lactate may provide an energy need that cannot be met by glucose. We hypothesized, therefore, that administration of lactate or the combination of lactate and supraphysiological oxygen may improve mitochondrial oxidative respiration in the brain after rat fluid percussion injury. We measured oxygen consumption (VO2) to determine what effects glucose, lactate, oxygen, and the combination of lactate and oxygen have on mitochondrial respiration in both injured and uninjured rat brain tissue. METHODS: Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were intubated and ventilated with either 0.21 or 1.0 fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2). Brain tissue from acute sham animals was subjected in vitro to 1.1 mM, 12 mM and 100 mM concentrations of glucose and L-lactate. In another group, injury (fluid percussion injury of 2.5 +/- 0.02 atmospheres) was induced over the left hemisphere. The VO2 of mug amounts of brain tissues were measured in a microrespirometry system (Cartesian diver). RESULTS: The VO2 was found to be independent of glucose concentrations, but dose-dependent for lactate. Moreover, the lactate dependent VO2s were all significantly higher than those generated by glucose. Injured rats on FIO2 0.21 had brain tissue VO2 rates that were significantly lower than those of shams or preinjury levels. In injured rats treated with FIO2 1.0, the reduction in VO2 levels was prevented. Injured rats that received an intravenous infusion of 100 mM lactate had VO2 rates that were significantly higher than those obtained with FIO2 1.0. Combined treatment further boosted the lactate generated VO2 rates by approximately 15%. CONCLUSION: Glucose sustains mitochondrial respiration at a low level "fixed" rate because, despite increasing its concentration nearly 100-fold, it cannot up-regulate VO2 after fluid percussion injury. Lactate produces a dose-dependent VO2 response, possibly enabling mitochondria to meet the increased energy needs of the injured brain.