988 resultados para Sholem AleykhemSholem Aleykhemasn13.05.1916
The 2004-2005 Board of Trustees. Pictured here from left to right are: Front Row - Val Fleming; Dr. Patricia Teal; Wendy Staff; Dr. Norris Walker, Chair; Dr. David Atkinson, President and Vice Chancellor; Dr. Val Jaeger; Donna Scott; and Steven Lalinovich. Middle Row - Mike Farrell, Secretary to the University; Rudi Kroeker; Brandon Larry, President, Brock University Students' Union; Dr. Terry Boak, Vice-President, Academic and Provost; Mitzi Banders; Geeta Powell; Dr. Sid Segalowitz; Tom Gauld; Karin Jahnke-Haslam; and Dr. Mohammed Dore. Back Row - David Edwards, Immediate Past Chair; Bruce Wormald; Willy Heldbuechel, Vice-Chair; Brad Clarke; David Howes, Vice-Chair; Mark Steinman; Peter Partridge; Michael Sidenberg; Angelo Nitsopoulos; Steven Pillar, Vice President, Finance and Administration; Ron Dubien, Chief Information Officer. Absent from photo - Dr. Raymond Moriyama, Chancellor; Eleanor Ross; Jagoda Pike; Dr. Mary Frances Richardson; and Nick Brown.
Report year irregular.
Printed portrait of Charles C. Chapman in 1916, by Hollinger & Co., 662 Fifth Avenue, New York.
Printed by Order of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
George Arthur Chapman, Sr. in his graduation from University of Southern California portrait photograph, Los Angeles, California, 1916.
Henry Hope & Sons of Canada Ltd. were located at 45 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. at the writing of this letter in 1916. The company specialized in “weathertight casements in iron steel or gun-metal, unbreakable steel windows, fanlight opening-gear, leaded lights and stained glass, patent glass roofing, locks and door furniture, rainwater goods in cast lead and cast iron”. The letter is addressed to Mr. H.Y. [Harry Young] Grant, c/o Fenwick Farm, Lundy’s Lane, Niagara Falls, Ont. from R.W. Smith. The letter is in reply to a query about casement windows. Harry Young Grant (1860-1934), son of Sir James Alexander Grant and Maria Malloch of Ottawa, Ont. was a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of the eye, ear, nose and throat. After his retirement he became a member of the Niagara Parks Commission. He was married to Grace A. Smith, daughter of James R. Smith of Buffalo.