946 resultados para Sewage Effluent
Hydrogeological research usually includes some statistical studies devised to elucidate mean background state, characterise relationships among different hydrochemical parameters, and show the influence of human activities. These goals are achieved either by means of a statistical approach or by mixing modelsbetween end-members. Compositional data analysis has proved to be effective with the first approach, but there is no commonly accepted solution to the end-member problem in a compositional framework.We present here a possible solution based on factor analysis of compositions illustrated with a case study.We find two factors on the compositional bi-plot fitting two non-centered orthogonal axes to the most representative variables. Each one of these axes defines a subcomposition, grouping those variables thatlay nearest to it. With each subcomposition a log-contrast is computed and rewritten as an equilibrium equation. These two factors can be interpreted as the isometric log-ratio coordinates (ilr) of three hiddencomponents, that can be plotted in a ternary diagram. These hidden components might be interpreted as end-members.We have analysed 14 molarities in 31 sampling stations all along the Llobregat River and its tributaries, with a monthly measure during two years. We have obtained a bi-plot with a 57% of explained totalvariance, from which we have extracted two factors: factor G, reflecting geological background enhanced by potash mining; and factor A, essentially controlled by urban and/or farming wastewater. Graphicalrepresentation of these two factors allows us to identify three extreme samples, corresponding to pristine waters, potash mining influence and urban sewage influence. To confirm this, we have available analysisof diffused and widespread point sources identified in the area: springs, potash mining lixiviates, sewage, and fertilisers. Each one of these sources shows a clear link with one of the extreme samples, exceptfertilisers due to the heterogeneity of their composition.This approach is a useful tool to distinguish end-members, and characterise them, an issue generally difficult to solve. It is worth note that the end-member composition cannot be fully estimated but only characterised through log-ratio relationships among components. Moreover, the influence of each endmember in a given sample must be evaluated in relative terms of the other samples. These limitations areintrinsic to the relative nature of compositional data
L’objectiu principal és presentar un nou prototipus d’eina per al disseny de les plantes de tractament d’aigües residuals utilitzant models mecànics dinàmics quantificant la incertesa
Per tal de poder recollir part de les aigües residuals de la població de Llafranc i fer-les arribar a la depuradora d’aigües residuals (EDAR) de Palamós, és necessari impulsarla. Amb aquesta millora, s’aconseguirà assegurar la impulsióde les aigües residuals de Llafranc tenint en compte les necessitats actuals i futures.S’evitarà l’abocament d’aigües residuals a la riera i mar tal i com està passantactualment amb l’EBAR original ja que no es correspon el cabal de disseny inicial ambel cabal actual. També es garanteix la impulsió de la majoria d’aigües pluvials degut aque no està separada la xarxa d’aigües residuals de la xarxa d’aigües pluvials.A més es garanteix un millor funcionament en els equips degut a la instal•laciód’equips adequats a les tecnologies actuals, poden controlar tot el sistemacorrectament.L’automatització de l’EBAR permetrà reduir el temps de manteniment i neteja de lesinstal•lacions, i reduir el nombre d’avaries de les instal•lacions.A més es reduirà el risc d’abocaments incontrolats per la instal•lació d’un sistema detelecontrol que permetrà assabentar automàticament de qualsevol anomalia a lapersona responsable de mantenir i garantir el funcionament de les instal•lacions.En cas de fallada del subministrament elèctric, es pot garantir durant un cert temps elfuncionament de l’EBAR degut a la instal•lació d’un grup electrogen, tenint més margede maniobra en cas d’una incidència
Aquest projecte s’ha desenvolupat en el grup d'investigació d'Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel•ligents (eXiT). El treball realitzat ha consistit en la implementació d’una Toolbox per Matlab. La finalitat d’aquesta Toolbox és aconseguir unificar tot el codi existent al grup en una única Toolbox, auto continguda (que no necessiti d’altres Toolboxes de Matlab), d’aquesta manera es permetrà que el codi resultant sigui fàcilment reutilitzable d’ara en endavant. També s’ha aconseguit que les futures ampliacions tinguin un punt de partida estable i fàcil de modificar. El fet que el codi sigui auto-contingut (que no depengui de Toolboxes externes al grup) també facilita la reutilització i exportació dels codis del grup al no dependre de llicències d’altres Toolboxes
Estudi del camp de golf PGA Catalunya de Caldes de Malavella, l’aigua de reg, ús de models nòrdics poc adequats al clima mediterrani, tipus de gespa i integració del camp al medi. Es proposen una sèrie de mesures per tal de millorar l’eficiència dels diferents processos i obtenir així un benefici ambiental i econòmic
L'elevada quantitat d'aigües residuals generades per la societat actual i el posterior procés de depuració per tal d'eliminar els contaminants de l'aigua, provoca un gran volum de fangs que tradicionalment es duien en un abocador controlat o, pitjor encara, a les zones litorals on es dipositaven directament al mar. La reutilització dels fangs, obtinguts com a subproducte del tractament de les aigües residuals en les EDAR, com a adob biològic en camps agrícoles, és una de les opcions més utilitzades per a la seva gestió. Aquesta, pot ser una bona opció sempre i quan no suposi un risc per la salut, donat que el contingut al fang d'alguns contaminants pot ser elevat i l'acumulació excessiva per exemple d'elements potencialment tòxics (PTE) pot suposar un risc pels sòls i les plantes amb els problemes que això pot ocasionar. Encara que els fangs normalment presenten continguts en PTE inferiors als valors límit establerts per la normativa europea, la seva aplicació reiterada pot suposar un risc d'acumulació dels metalls en el sòl i, depenent de la seva mobilitat, també en les plantes. En aquest projecte, ens centrem en l'estudi de la mobilitat i biodisponibilitat dels metalls en els sòls on s'han cultivat cereals d'hivern, concretament ordi. Els fangs aportats en aquesta experiència són procedents de l'EDAR de Palamós, on reben un tractament de digestió anaeròbia. S'avalua tan el contingut pseudototal de PTE en el sòl, amb l'ajuda d'una digestió al microones, com el contingut de metall biodisponible. A continuació, es determinarà la concentració dels PTE en els extractes mitjançant l'ICP-AES o ICP-MS, depenent de la concentració d'aquests.El projecte es centra en l'avaluació del possible impacte de l'aplicació continuada de biosòlids en sòls agrícoles. Des d'un punt de vista operacional, l'estudi es portarà a terme en parcel•les experimentals situades a l'Estació Experimental Mas Badia, on es porten aplicant fangs de depuradora de manera reiterada durant 12 anys, amb l'objectiu de valorar l'interès agrícola i la incidència agronòmica de l’aplicació de fangs de depuradora en diferents cultius, a mig i a llarg termini
L’objectiu del projecte és dissenyar, descriure i calcular les obres bàsiques d’instal•lacions necessàries per poder efectuar una urbanització d’una zona residencial de 30 hectàrees situada al terme municipal de Bescanó, la qual en l’actualitat no disposa del serveis bàsics
This study characterized the fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), including Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Enteroccocus (ENT), disseminated over time in the Bay of Vidy, which is the most contaminated area of Lake Geneva. Sediments were collected from a site located at similar to 500 m from the present waste water treatment plant (WWTP) outlet pipe, in front of the former WWTP outlet pipe, which was located at only 300 m from the coastal recreational area (before 2001). E. coil and ENT were enumerated in sediment suspension using the membrane filter method. The FIB characterization was performed for human Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) and Enterococcus faecium (E. faecium) and human specific bacteroides by PCR using specific primers and a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Bacterial cultures revealed that maximum values of 35.2 x 10(8) and 6.6 x 10(6) CFU g(-1) dry sediment for E. coil and ENT, respectively, were found in the sediments deposited following eutrophication of Lake Geneva in the 1970s. whereas the WWTP started operating in 1964. The same tendency was observed for the presence of human fecal pollution: the percentage of PCR amplification with primers ESP-1/ESP-2 for E. faecalis and E. faecium indicated that more than 90% of these bacteria were from human origin. Interestingly, the PCR assays for specific-human bacteroides HF183/HF134 were positive for DNA extracted from all isolated strains of sediment surrounding WWPT outlet pipe discharge. The MALDI-TOF MS confirmed the presence of general E. coli and predominance E. faecium in isolated strains. Our results demonstrated that human fecal bacteria highly increased in the sediments contaminated with WWTP effluent following the eutrophication of Lake Geneva. Additionally, other FIB cultivable strains from animals or adapted environmental strains were detected in the sediment of the bay. The approaches used in this research are valuable to assess the temporal distribution and the source of the human fecal pollution in aquatic environments. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Newsletter for Department of Natural Resources, Waste Management Division
Newsletter produced by Department Natural Resources, Waste Managment Division
Newsletter prdouced by Department of Natural Resources, Waste Matters Division
Newsletter produced by Department of Natural Resources, Waste Management Division
Doxorubicin is an antineoplasic agent active against sarcoma pulmonary metastasis, but its clinical use is hampered by its myelotoxicity and its cumulative cardiotoxicity, when administered systemically. This limitation may be circumvented using the isolated lung perfusion (ILP) approach, wherein a therapeutic agent is infused locoregionally after vascular isolation of the lung. The influence of the mode of infusion (anterograde (AG): through the pulmonary artery (PA); retrograde (RG): through the pulmonary vein (PV)) on doxorubicin pharmacokinetics and lung distribution was unknown. Therefore, a simple, rapid and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method has been developed to quantify doxorubicin in four different biological matrices (infusion effluent, serum, tissues with low or high levels of doxorubicin). The related compound daunorubicin was used as internal standard (I.S.). Following a single-step protein precipitation of 500 microl samples with 250 microl acetone and 50 microl zinc sulfate 70% aqueous solution, the obtained supernatant was evaporated to dryness at 60 degrees C for exactly 45 min under a stream of nitrogen and the solid residue was solubilized in 200 microl of purified water. A 100 microl-volume was subjected to HPLC analysis onto a Nucleosil 100-5 microm C18 AB column equipped with a guard column (Nucleosil 100-5 microm C(6)H(5) (phenyl) end-capped) using a gradient elution of acetonitrile and 1-heptanesulfonic acid 0.2% pH 4: 15/85 at 0 min-->50/50 at 20 min-->100/0 at 22 min-->15/85 at 24 min-->15/85 at 26 min, delivered at 1 ml/min. The analytes were detected by fluorescence detection with excitation and emission wavelength set at 480 and 550 nm, respectively. The calibration curves were linear over the range of 2-1000 ng/ml for effluent and plasma matrices, and 0.1 microg/g-750 microg/g for tissues matrices. The method is precise with inter-day and intra-day relative standard deviation within 0.5 and 6.7% and accurate with inter-day and intra-day deviations between -5.4 and +7.7%. The in vitro stability in all matrices and in processed samples has been studied at -80 degrees C for 1 month, and at 4 degrees C for 48 h, respectively. During initial studies, heparin used as anticoagulant was found to profoundly influence the measurements of doxorubicin in effluents collected from animals under ILP. Moreover, the strong matrix effect observed with tissues samples indicate that it is mandatory to prepare doxorubicin calibration standard samples in biological matrices which would reflect at best the composition of samples to be analyzed. This method was successfully applied in animal studies for the analysis of effluent, serum and tissue samples collected from pigs and rats undergoing ILP.
The adult and immature stages of two new species of Goeldichironomus are described and figured. Larvae of G. luridus sp. nov., reared in the laboratory from egg masses, are abundant on organically enriched sediments of a chicken slaughter-house effluent treatment lagoon. Larvae of G. petiolicola sp. nov., live inside petioles of aquatic macrophytes such as Eichhornia azurea and Pontederia lanceolata.
Pterotaenia fasciata is commonly recorded in rural areas in Argentina, but during a Diptera survey study developed in a reservoir which retains storm water from polluted canals in an urban area of Taboão da Serra municipality, SP, Brazil, we could capture P. fasciata adults. Enteric bacteria Escherichia coli T. Escherich, 1885 and Proteus sp. were isolated from P. fasciata collected in traps inside the reservoir and around it. Fecal coliforms and E. coli were found in the water of the reservoir. These records suggest that a high abundance of this species at urban areas with inadequate sewage canals should reveal these muscoid dipterans as mechanical vectors of enteric bacteria.