938 resultados para Setor privado - Santos (SP)


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As matas ciliares representam importante ecossistema na natureza, formando um ecótono entre o ambiente aquático e o ambiente terrestre apresenta elevada diversidade tanto da flora quanto da fauna sendo importantes corredores ecológicos para diversas espécies. Além da sua importância ecológica as matas ciliares apresentam importante papel na manutenção da quantidade e qualidade da água, essenciais para nossa sobrevivência. Para que projetos de conservação e recuperação das florestas ciliares ocorram com sucesso, trabalhos envolvendo a população através da educação ambiental são de grande importância, principalmente quanto se trata de corpos d’agua que atravessam a cidade como é o caso do Ribeirão Lavapés


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A Geografia da Saúde é um eixo temático dentro da ciência geográfica preocupada com as questões pertinentes à saúde ambiental e a saúde do coletivo. As contribuições dos geógrafos para o estudo da Saúde tem sido de grande valia, indo para além da análise espacial das práticas em saúde como também investigando e analisando os fatores determinantes ao risco a saúde e, inversamente, ao bem estar-estar do social e ambiental. Dentro deste contexto, esta monografia se propõe a uma investigação confirmatória a cerca de uma contaminação ao meio ambiente por metais pesados, neste caso, a contaminação por chumbo por uma extinta fábrica de lingotes de chumbo situada no município de Caçapava, SP. O chumbo é um metal que não possui função fisiológica conhecida ao corpo humano. Devido a características físicas e químicas favoráveis, esse metal foi largamente explorado pelo setor industrial e hoje, no mundo todo, temos exemplos de casos de contaminação tanto da população e do ambientel, por ser altamente tóxico. Caçapava possui mais um infeliz exemplo de contaminação ambiental por metais pesados, decorrente de uma fábrica que produzia o chumbo secundário e que atualmente está fechada por ordem judicial, abandonada e com toneladas de escória de chumbo armazenada de modo irregular, fato que está colaborando para uma contaminação residual naquele ambiente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The water resources scarceness in world become more evident and worried everyday, because the occurrence of water waste, without consider context of potable water deficit, period of long dryness, resource distribution and population density, urban concentration, industrial and rural areas, pollution process, contamination, beyond aspect related to sanitation and public health affect an entire population. At Itu city, this problem is already real, the population face the lack of water risk in dryness period, damaging their life quality and the city economic development, because Itu is a touristic city that has a mixed economy with activities in business dealing, agriculture and industrial department, all conect to water consumption.


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The coffee crisis in the 1980s reached deeply municipality of Dracena, considering that the coffee had significant social and economic importance to the area. In this context, the research aimed to analyze the socioeconomic consequences that this crisis has provided small rural proprietors of the county. To achieve this goal we seek to articulate the theoretical reference, with data from secondary sources, interviews with the main responsible for the agricultural sector and an application questionnaire to 21 small rural proprietors of the county. It was found that, due to the dependence relationship with the coffee, the economy of the city suffered from the attack of said culture during the 1980s. Rural producers who cultivated such crops as the main, had to readjust productively to remain in the countryside, but the economic and social development that coffee was brought in earlier times was not rescued. As a consequence, there has been an intensification of evasion demographic of rural municipality, a process that had begun in the 1970s and was strongly reinforced by the crisis of the coffee culture. We note that from the 2000s, the situation became better for small rural proprietors in order that public policies implemented now serve, in part, the needs of those with greater efficiency. This situation can be evidenced by a slight reduction in the number of rural people dracenense. Despite improvements recorded since the 2000s, the situation is still not ideal, given that many small proprietors surveyed expressed dissatisfaction. In this context, we note that the performance and joint of federal, state and municipal government are essential so that public policies are efficient, thus providing decent conditions for social reproduction of small rural proprietors and their dependents in the countryside


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The Santos Basin is located in the Brazilian continental margin and includes the coast of Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states. Its northern limit is the Campos Basin through the High of Cabo Frio and the southern one with the Pelotas Basin through the Platform of Florianópolis, totaling an area of approximately 350,000 square kilometers in a water depth of 3,000 m. The Paranapanema Lineament has WNW / ESE direction, and extends from the area filled by the Paraná Basin, on the border between the states of Sao Paulo and Parana, lasting up to near the ocean floor along with the fracture zone of Rio de Janeiro. The Capricorn Lineament is a feature inherited from the separation between the continents of Africa and South America, and is the main structural feature NW / SE of the Santos Basin center-south region. These two structures together with other ones with continental origin may be associated with structural features in the sediments from the Santos Basin. This work aims to characterize the structures operating in the central portion of the Santos Basin based on subsurface data in the offshore area (2D seismic) together with data from the surface of the continental basement in a way to correlate the Santos Basin structures with the continental regional traits. This data interpolation showed that the structural features of the continent operates on the submerged zone, the seismic sections show these structural trends for the Paranapanema Lineament / Fracture Zone of Rio de Janeiro, Capricorn Lineament and two fault zones that exhibit structures typical of a transfer zone


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Pipelines are linear engineering works, designed mostly for transporting oil and its derivatives for long distances, furnishing even the farthermost zones of the country. Due to oil sector needs to ensure for the safety and conservation of its properties, several geotechnical studies are being held at the pipelines field, in order to preserve this important transportation, and also to prevent accidents, which might seriously compromise the environment and the population who lives around it. The OSBRA pipeline, who connects the city of Paulínia to the capital Brasília, is one of these engineering works that deserves to be pointed out. This research, performed at the Ribeirão da Prata Basin, was a pilot study conducted with the main objective of testing the current methodology efficiency, for future applications in the closest watersheds to the OSBRA pipeline. The objective of this research is to analyze flood wave and debris flow processes in a non-fictional watershed, by comparing two different kinds of methods: the first one based on simulation models (software ‘ABC 6’), and the other one by flood wave and debris flow susceptibility mapping. The results from the hydrological modeling were both hydrographs and ietographs that estimated values of outputs and infiltration. To construct the susceptibility maps were necessary three other maps: ground use and occupation maps, divided according to the different protection degrees that were offered to the ground; maps of dam locations in the area and physiographic compartimentation maps, divided according to the local geology. To complete the methodology, the results were collected from both methods for comparison. The obtained product for this methodology was series of data whose different susceptibility degrees to flood wave and debris flow could define the safest route for a pipeline crossing in this watershed...


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Given the intense expansion of the industries in Brazil and the discovery of hydrocarbons in the pre-salt layer of the Santos and Campos Basin, there is a need to expand the distribution of oil and gas network in the country. The present work aims to present the development of susceptibility map by two distinct methods of two events (debris flows and full wave), applied to the establishment of pipelines on Ribeirão da Prata Basin. The research area covers two municipalities: São João da Boa Vista and Águas da Prata, in total 145 km2. In the paper was used the methodology proposed by Zaine (2011) for the physiographic subdivision method, which uses geological maps, geomorphological maps, digital terrain models and aerial photographs, used to extract the main elements of the physical environment, as rivers, lines, ridges, tops forms and valley forms and historical processes. Thus, the basin was divided into 11 physiographic zones, considering the following elements: thickness of soil, rock type, geomorphology, amplitude, ridges orientation, erosion occurences and mass movements. Were subsequently performed location maps of dams, that had as main purpose to localize major dams in the study area along with their area and perimeter of the reservoir, and land use map that subdivided the area in woody vegetation, permanent culture, temporary culture and urban area. Along with the preparation of the auxiliar maps was conducted a field campaign with three days and approximately 2 points per km2, which aimed to better understand the physical environment and check the main peculiarities of the study area. Criteria have been established for susceptibility maps physiographic subdivision and land use, and a survey of criteria weights used in each map for both processes under study. For the preparation of susceptibility maps were adopted two different methods, which treat the weighted average and the multiplicand. The weighted average method it is...


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Mirandópolis/SP appeared in 1934 from the railroad “the Brazil Northwest”, that there it served one of the points of its stretch that had as main function to drain the agricultural production northwestern native of São Paulo of that time. The installation of the town happened absent of concerns with initial urbanístico planning, thus modifying its natural landscape and modifying characteristic ambient without compensatory measures aiming at a future expansion of the urban mesh. Fact this that still causes today consequences the quality of life of the people and also the observed thermal comfort later. Ahead of this, the present work had for objective to identify through measurements of temperature and relative humidity of the city of Mirandópolis/SP the differences that in the fabric urban they corroborate for a comfort situation or thermal discomfort to the outdoors in accordance with the Diagram Bioclimático de Olgyay the collection of data was made throughout the month of July of 2011 involving the attainment of information of Temperature and relative humidity of air and questionnaire applied to the passer-bys in the act of the measurements. Also approaching the different thermal dynamic of the zones of housing in relation to the Urban Cannyon that develops the commerce as predominant activity. This research sample that, although a city to be small, the quality of life of its inhabitants is not only guaranteed by the transport or that its thermal comfort reveals inside homogeneous of the urban perimeter, but that it has yes heterogeneidade in the scope of the urban climate in these spaces


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A parameter commonly used in investigations of environmental magnetism is the magnetic susceptibility (MS), which is the quantitative measure of the ability of magnetization of a specific material in the presence of an induced magnetic field. The present study aimed to determine the magnetic susceptibility of sediments collected on the continental shelf near the Santos Basin, southeast of the São Sebastião island (25°57.97’S 45°07.81'W), seeking to identify the possible source area of terrigenous sediments and the flow patterns of siliciclastic sediment yield in the area. It was used particle size analysis and contents of organic matter and calcium carbonate to characterize the sediments, besides paleomagnetism parameters. The analyzed material - core NAP61-1 - was collected using the piston corer sampler in 60 meters water depth, recovering 3.98 meters of sediment core. As from experiments, cyclicity was observed in relative abundance between sand and silt, most likely due to rapid and cyclical variations in the depositional environment. In general, the MS values are low, and show that the sand supply (terrigenous material) has a certain consistency, probably having the same origin. More absolute age is still necessary to establish clearly the events marked here


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Este trabalho, financiado pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp), identifica, caracteriza e analisa, no conjunto dos municípios paulistas de 100.000 a 500.000 habitantes, os diferentes arranjos institucionais firmados entre o Poder Público Municipal e instituições privadas para a oferta educacional em creches, bem como verificar as implicações do FUNDEB - Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação - na performance das matrículas na educação infantil da rede pública e privada. O período considerado para o presente estudo foi entre 2000 e 2009. O início do período em 2000 se justifica pelo prazo final estabelecido pela LDB 9394/96 para integração das creches aos respectivos sistemas de ensino ser dezembro de 1999. Já o término do período em 2009 possibilita identificar alterações nas matrículas em creches após a instituição do FUNDEB. Desta forma utilizamos como procedimento teórico-metodológico o levantamento e análise bibliográfica, contatos telefônicos diretos com os gestores municipais para coletar informações sobre as parcerias, dados disponibilizados no Banco de Dados do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Política Educacional (GREPPE), sites oficiais dos municípios e sites governamentais. Constitui-se este trabalho como parte integrante da pesquisa “Oferta Educacional nas creches: Arranjos Institucionais entre o Público e o Privado” financiada pelo CNPq e coordenada pela Profª Drª Raquel Fontes Borghi. O estudo realizado nos permitiu observar diferentes arranjos institucionais entre o Poder Público Municipal com instituições privadas, sendo visível a expansão de parcerias com instituições privadas com fins lucrativos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The Services Sector stands out increasingly as an important element of support to various sectors of the economy. The interactions between the Industrial Sector and Services Sector show a process of decentralization of certain functions of the industries at the expense of the specialization of strategic and critical sectors to the production of goods in specialized industries. Thus, this paper aims to address what is the importance of industrial services for industries in the industrial district of Rio Claro (SP), verifying the characteristics of services, demand and supply of these services and the industries they serve


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The mechanical garages do varied types to activities related to the reparation from vehicles such as change from Motor oil, change and cleaning from car pieces, motor rectification, among others. These activities generate different kinds of waste and wastewater that when disposed in an inappropriate way can pollute the environmentand cause risks to the public health. Despite the environmental issues that involves these enterprises, they aren´t object of environmental licensing and there are any rules that regularizes their activities with the goal of these possible environmental impacts mitigation. The environmental diagnosis proposed by the present work has as goal the knowledge of the possible environmental aspects and their effects in the environment, for establishing control measures and from that to generate subsidy for environmental normatization of the sector in the municipal level. Furthermore, it should also define practices as waste production reduction, separation of them at the generator source and convenient final disposal, as well as wastewater production reduction and treatment of them before its launching in the wastewater network. The environmental diagnosis was based on a survey realized in garages from the city of São Carlos – SP, in order to define the more important characteristics of this activity that are related to the environment and public health. From the obtained information from the survey and the interpretation of the data, subsidy for the municipal environment management of the mechanical garages were generated.


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The development of the sugar and alcohol sector and its sugar cane cultivation has been given in an accelerated way in Pontal do Paranapanema, mainly from the last decade, and with this has taken quick changes in the dynamic socio-economic and environmental of the region, further accentuating some conflicts and dilemmas social and environmental legacy. This work was done in order that these issues are further explored, that of moving towards a greater theoretical-scientific maturity, and even has a better apparatus to support measures (corrective or preventive) that show required anti such conflicts. For this purpose, we used the environmental licensing as a means of doing this analysis, since it is one of the main instruments of control/ regulation of the State against the development of activities of the sugar and alcohol sector. We also used a little of the vast potential of information that is contained in the environmental agencies. In this case, we used six Environmental Impact Study / Environmental Impact Report (EIS /EIR), six Preliminary Environmental Reports(PER), five Characterization of Enterprise Memorials (CEM), among other documents /studies present there. Some of the information, organized and made available in this work, has even greater potential to be exploited. It was also made an essential literature survey and of the laws related to licensing and alcohol and sugar sector


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In Brazil , the construction industry is on an upward trend, mainly by the housing shortage , and yet there are few builders that take a Quality Management System ( QMS ) to improve the quality of its services and processes . The ISO 9001 standards are guidelines for an effective QMS and this certificate is recognized worldwide as a seal of quality standard. This paper will describe and analyze the implementation of a QMS in a small construction company of Guaratinguetá - SP, identifying best practices and major difficulties , besides proposing preparatory recommendations for other companies that seek the ISO 9000 certification. Access to company’s data made the nonconformities and the customer satisfaction research analysis possible, and a questionnaire and unstructured interviews allowed a deeper understanding of the situation. Despite this ISO 9000 QMS not being fully implemented, the company has already conquered some improvements in document control, project planning, process traceability and established focus on customer