961 resultados para Set covering theory


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A década de 1980 trouxe uma visão alternativa à corrente positivista predominante no campo de pesquisa do consumidor: a Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), que assume uma orientação epistemológica baseada no interpretativismo e na pesquisa qualitativa. Diante do destaque alcançado pela CCT, levantou-se a seguinte questão: a CCT já pode ser considerada uma escola de pensamento em marketing autônoma? Pautados em três critérios fundamentais para a qualificação de uma escola de pensamento (reconhecimento acadêmico, corpo de conhecimento e contribuições), foi realizada uma desk research, baseada em periódicos e artigos da área e na construção de um corpus de pesquisa construído com base nas referências contidas no texto seminal Consumer Culture Theory (CCT): twenty years of research. A conclusão é de que a CCT atende aos critérios adotados na presente pesquisa, podendo ser considerada uma escola de pensamento a utônoma dentro do campo de pesquisa do consumo.


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The importance of interaction between Operations Management (OM) and Human Behavior has been recently re-addressed. This paper introduced the Reasoned Action Theory suggested by Froehle and Roth (2004) to analyze Operational Capabilities exploring the suitability of this model in the context of OM. It also seeks to discuss the behavioral aspects of operational capabilities from the perspective of organizational routines. This theory was operationalized using Fishbein and Ajzen (F/A) behavioral model and a multi-case strategy was employed to analyze the Continuous Improvement (CI) capability. The results posit that the model explains partially the CI behavior in an operational context and some contingency variables might influence the general relations among the variables involved in the F/A model. Thus intention might not be the determinant variable of behavior in this context.


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The main purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of articulating Political Discourse Theory (PDT) together with Organizational Studies (OS), while using the opportunity to introduce PDT to those OS scholars who have not yet come across it. The bulk of this paper introduces the main concepts of PDT, discussing how they have been applied to concrete, empirical studies of resistance movements. In recent years, PDT has been increasingly appropriated by OS scholars to problematize and analyze resistances and other forms of social antagonisms within organizational settings, taking the relational and contingent aspects of struggles into consideration. While the paper supports the idea of a joint articulation of PDT and OS, it raises a number of critical questions of how PDT concepts have been empirically used to explain the organization of resistance movements. The paper sets out a research agenda for how both PDT and OS can together contribute to our understanding of new, emerging organizational forms of resistance movements.


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The disposition effect predicts that investors tend to sell winning stocks too soon and ride losing stocks too long. Despite the wide range of research evidence about this issue, the reasons that lead investors to act this way are still subject to much controversy between rational and behavioral explanations. In this article, the main goal was to test two competing behavioral motivations to justify the disposition effect: prospect theory and mean reversion bias. To achieve it, an analysis of monthly transactions for a sample of 51 Brazilian equity funds from 2002 to 2008 was conducted and regression models with qualitative dependent variables were estimated in order to set the probability of a manager to realize a capital gain or loss as a function of the stock return. The results brought evidence that prospect theory seems to guide the decision-making process of the managers, but the hypothesis that the disposition effect is due to mean reversion bias could not be confirmed.


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LUDA is a research project of Key Action 4 "City of Tomorrow & Cultural Heritage" of the programme "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission


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São aqui analisados os discursos sobre as tendências gerais na teoria de Serviço Social. Estes discursos sobre o papel do Serviço Social são tratados no contexto da sociedade, bem como do cliente -assistente sócial -agência. A teoria da prática representa um discurso entre as perspectivas de Serviço Social nos seus aspectos transformacionais, terapêuticos e de ordem social. São também abordadas as suas várias combinações e interacções em todo o tipo de prática e organização de Serviço Social. O discurso sobre a eficácia baseia¬se em estudos comprovados da construção social, potenciação (empowerment), e realismo crítico ainda polémico. A prática reflectiva e crítica constitui os modelos actuais que interligam a teoria e a prática.


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RESUMO: Esta dissertação teve como objetivo central replicar o estudo realizado por Piaget sobre aquisição do conceito de regras em crianças, a fim de procurarmos saber se passados 78 anos da obra “O Juízo Moral na Criança”, os dados que o mesmo encontrou sobre a aquisição do princípio da moral se mantêm em nossa atualidade. Para atingir esse objetivo realizamos uma breve revisão bibliográfica, abrangendo alguns autores, teóricos e pesquisadores que enfatizaram estudos sobre o princípio da ética e a fundamentação da moral, entre os quais constam: Platão, Aristóteles, Nietzsche, Kant, Durkheim. Baseamo-nos igualmente em alguns autores mais recentes como Vázquez, Lourenço, Cortina e Martinez, Biaggio, dentre outros. Ao analisarmos a origem psicológica do desenvolvimento moral da criança, buscamos suporte na teoria de Kolhberg e principalmente de Jean Piaget, autor principal para esta pesquisa. A pesquisa guiou-se por uma dimensão descritiva e qualitativa, centrada na observação direta e indireta, baseada no modelo clínico introduzido por Piaget. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que os dados obtidos por Piaget há 78 anos, são compatíveis com os dias de hoje, pois as crianças apresentaram dados equivalentes em média com as idades estipuladas para a aquisição da moral heterônoma e da moral autônoma. Constatámos que a aquisição do princípio da reversibilidade leva as crianças a adquirirem capacidades cognitivas para uma moral autônoma. A concepção de regras transmitidas pelas crianças, emergiram em uma concepção de respeito a uma norma pré estabelecida, e que, gradualmente se transforma em consciência da importância das mesmas para o princípio da boa convivência. ABSTRACT: This dissertation aimed to replicate the study worked out by Piaget on acquisition of concept rules in children, in order to know if, 78 years passed from "The Moral Judgment in Child", data about acquisition of morality principle remain current. To achieve this goal we conducted a brief bibliographic review, covering some authors, theorists and researchers who emphasized studies on ethics principle and moral fundamentation, such as: Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Kant, Durkheim. We were also based on some latest authors as Vázquez, Lourenço, Cortina and Martinez, Biaggio, and others. Considering the psychological origin of moral development of children, we sought support in Kolhberg´s theory and, especially, Jean Piaget, the main author for this search. The research was led by a descriptive and qualitative dimension, focused on direct and indirect observation, based on clinical model introduced by Piaget. The survey results showed that data obtained by Piaget 78 years ago are still compatible with the present day, because children have, on average, equivalent data through all ages stipulated for the acquisition of heteronomic and autonomous moral. We found that the acquisition of the reversibility principle leads children to acquire cognitive skills for an autonomous moral. The conception of rules provided by children, emerged to a conception of respect to a pre-established standard, that gradually becomes aware of its importance to the principle of coexistence.


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The minimal supersymmetric standard model involves a rather restrictive Higgs potential with two Higgs fields. Recently, the full set of classes of symmetries allowed in the most general two-Higgs-doublet model was identified; these classes do not include the supersymmetric limit as a particular class. Thus, a physically meaningful definition of the supersymmetric limit must involve the interaction of the Higgs sector with other sectors of the theory. Here we show how one can construct basis invariant probes of supersymmetry involving both the Higgs sector and the gaugino-Higgsino-Higgs interactions.