752 resultados para Sepulchral monuments.
A fotogrametria é uma técnica que utiliza a fotografia como ponto de partida, tendo várias aplicações, como por exemplo, o levantamento topográfico de terrenos, edifícios e monumentos. Nesta dissertação foi aplicada a técnica ao levantamento de edifícios e monumentos, em alternativa aos levantamentos tradicionais, onde todas as medições são obtidas manualmente. Foram escolhidos uma fachada de um edifício e um monumento histórico da cidade de Viseu, cujos levantamentos foram realizados utilizando recursos correntes e disponíveis no Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu. Utilizou-se, também, um programa informático desenvolvido especificamente para a fotogrametria. Os levantamentos realizados geraram modelos 3D em wireframe (estrutura de arame) e com texturas. Após a retificação dos modelos, cotaram-se os desenhos, sendo possível efetuar medições dos elementos constituintes da fachada do edifício e do monumento.
The stone masonry walls are present in many buildings and historical monuments, with undeniable asset value, but also in old buildings housing both in Portugal and in Europe. Most of these buildings in masonry are in certain cases in a high state of degradation needing urgent intervention. This requires the identification of deficiencies and the application of appropriate intervention techniques. One of the possible techniques for structural consolidation works of stone masonry walls is the injection of fluid mortars currently called grouts. The choice of grouts is very important with regard in particular to their chemical and physical properties. In this study, carried out under the Master of Chemical Engineering, two types of lime-based grouts were used, in order to evaluate and compare their chemical resistance due to the crystallization of soluble salts. One of the grouts is a pre-dosed blend commercially available, Mape-Antique I from company Mapei (CA), and the second grout is a mixture prepared in the laboratory (LB), comprising metakaolin, cement, hydrated lime, water and superplasticizer. With the purpose of evaluating the action of sulphates on these grouts, a series of samples underwent several wetting-drying cycles using two different temperatures, 20 °C and 50 °C. During the experiment it was determined the change of weight and compressive strength in the analyzed grouts, as well as the sulphate ion concentration and pH of the solution in which the samples were dipped. The commercial grout (CA) apparently has a greater chemical resistance to sulphates. However grout LB showed to have positive results in some parameters.
L'art mégalithique identifié dans le sud du Portugal est présent dans deux types de monuments: les menhirs (simples ou regroupés en enceintes mégalithiques) et les dolmens. Ces différents aux niveaux des monu-ments se reflètent aussi sur les motifs représentés, qui sont beaucoup plus abondants et variés dans les menhirs. Dans ces monuments mégalithiques funéraires, l’art était, par manque de preuves, apparemment rare, voire nul, dans cette région. Ce scénario semble maintenant commencer à changer. En fait, grâce à l'un des projets en cours, nous avons identifié les premiers monuments funéraires avec des gravures. Aucuns des motifs identifiés sont typiques des menhirs de l` Alentejo, mais étaient pratiquement inconnus dans les dolmens.
When 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal in 2015, many monuments, temples and houses turned into rubbles killing more than 8,000 people and injuring above 21,000. This unfortunate and tragic natural disaster brought international attention to Nepal. But in this time of despair and pain there was a sign of hope that should be acknowledged well, the spirit of community facing the disaster. This paper is about the indigenous community of Kathmandu on how they organized an important traditional festival just four months after the disaster when most the people were still living in the makeshifts, along with the smaller aftershock continuing almost everyday. In the country like Nepal with numerous intangible heritages, which is, still living is not taken seriously by the concerned authorities and mostly been neglected. It is the indigenous community who has been carrying out those heritages, as they are inseparable aspect of the social life. With this paper it tries look at the community involvement and intangible heritage of Kathmandu Valley, which is a part of my PhD research thesis.
This article focuses on the connections between built heritage-making and socioeconomic renewal in declining rural areas. Drawing on fieldwork in twelve rural villages in eastern Portugal, it sheds light on the outcomes of a State-led programme, the objectives of which were to renovate the historic built fabric and generate tourism revenue for a region with declining population levels. Overall, the programme was successful in terms of preservation / conservation of monuments and the built fabric, but failed to stimulate the anticipated social and economic development. The conclusion is that the making of heritage spaces is not the remedy for the economic and demographic ills of rural areas, notwithstanding the positive effect that such measures may have in certain cases.
O objectivo deste trabalho é criar acervo documental correspondente às catorze estelas funerárias da Idade do Bronze Final encontradas em território português, e, contribuir para o estudo das comunidades humanas que as criaram, tendo em conta que estas manifestações devem reflectir questões de índole social, económica e ideológica. A iconografia presente nestes monumentos e a sua distribuição, revelaram um núcleo de características predominantemente atlânticas, em estelas de sub-tipos mais recuados, localizadas nas regiões de Vila Real em Trás-os-Montes e Beira Interior que, por sua vez, se prolonga na Extremadura Espanhola. A concentração de monumentos de tipologia mais tardia e com influências do Mediterrâneo Oriental, verifica-se em zonas a sul, no Alentejo e Algarve e ao longo da bacia fluvial do rio Guadalquivir, em território espanhol. Estes factos corroboram assim, aspectos propostos nos anos setenta do século XX, por M. V. Gomes e J. P. Monteiro, que valorizaram as origens diferenciadas para os elementos iconográficos das estelas decoradas da Idade do Bronze Final, da Península Ibérica e ofereceram evolução cronológica de tais monumentos.
In today’s world heritage worldwide are at the risk not only because of natural process of decay and destruction but also by social change like urbanization, globalization and homogenization of cultures. With these emerging problems, the heritage conservation discourse also has reached to a new dimension including broader range of concepts like tangible heritage, intangible heritage, community participation, indigenous knowledge and many more. Even with the changing scenario in the international context about the heritage conservation, Nepal’s heritage conservation still focus on monuments, sites and buildings. In add to that the conservation practices are still top-down approach and community involvements are limited only in plans. While numerous intangible heritages like masking dances chariot processions, festivals and rituals, which form an integral part of the daily social life of people are still being continued and managed by the community and its people, without with out serious attention form the government. In Kathmandu Valley these heritages has been maintained with the traditional social association of people known as “Guthi” which has been continuing since 5th Century. Most of the tangible and intangible heritages have survived for centuries because of this unique association of people. Among the numerous festivals of the Kathmandu Valley, the festival Yenya Punhi was chosen as a case for this study, which is also a major festival of Kathmandu. This festival is the perfect example for the study as its celebrated in the city that is the most urbanized city of Nepal with the challenges of the every modern city like social changes and urbanization. Despite modern challenges Guthi still plays a major role in the heritage conservation in Kathmandu Valley. Now there are some interventions of the various formal institutions. So this study will be focusing on the management, continuity and problems of the festival along with Nepal’s position in terms of intangible heritage conservation. The problem of Kathmandu and Yenya Punhi festival is the problem of every country in the similar situation so with this case study it can be a good example for finding solutions of the similar problem not only the other festivals within Nepal but also elsewhere in the world; Resumo: Conexão de Património: Festival Yenya Punhi um caminho de fortalecimento de identidade: A experiência de Catmandu Nos dias de hoje, os patrimónios mundiais encontram-se em risco, não só devido ao processo natural de degradação e destruição, mas também pelas mudanças sociais, tais como a urbanização, globalização e homogeneização de culturas. Com o emergir destes problemas, o discurso de conservação de Património atingiu também uma nova dimensão, incluíndo uma área mais abrangente de conceitos, como por exemplo, património material, património imaterial, participação da comunidade, conhecimento indígena, entre outros. Mesmo com este cenário de mudança no contexto mundial de conservação do património, a preservação do património do Nepal continua a focar-se em monumentos, sítios e edíficios. A acrescentar a isso, as práticas de conservação ainda têm uma abordagem descendente e os envolvimentos da comunidade são limitados por planificações. Enquanto que os numerosos patrimónios imateriais como danças com máscaras, procissões, festivais e rituais, os quais formam uma parte integral da vida diária social das pessoas que as continuam e as gerem em comunidade, sem uma atenção séria por parte do governo. No Vale de Catmandu, este património tem sido mantido pela associação tradicional de pessoas conhecidas como ''Guthi'' desde o século V. A maior parte destes patrimónios materiais e imateriais tem sobrevivido durante séculos graças a esta associação única de pessoas. Entre os numerosos festivais do Vale de Catmandu, o festival Yenya Puhni foi escolhido para este estudo, pois é também um grande festival em Catmandu. Este festival é o exemplo perfeito para este estudo, pois é celebrado na cidade mais urbanizada do Nepal, com os desafios das cidades modernas tais como mudanças sociais e urbanização. Apesar dos desafios da modernização, os ''Guthi'' ainda desempenham um papel importante na preservação do património do Vale de Catmandu. Agora, existem algumas intervenções de várias instituições formais Então, este estudo irá focar-se na gestão, continuidade e problemas do festival, juntamente com a posição do Nepal em termos de conservação de património imaterial. O problema de Catmandu e do festival Yenya Punhi é o problema de todos os países em situação semelhante então, este estudo pode ser um bom exemplo para encontrar soluções de problemas parecidos, não só em outros festivais no Nepal mas também para qualquer parte do mundo.
This paper reviews current research works at the authors’ Institutions to illustrate how mobile robotics and related technologies can be used to enhance economical fruition, control, protection and social impact of the cultural heritage. Robots allow experiencing on-line, from remote locations, tours at museums, archaeological areas and monuments. These solutions avoid travelling costs, increase beyond actual limits the number of simultaneous visitors, and prevent possible damages that can arise by over-exploitation of fragile environments. The same tools can be used for exploration and monitoring of cultural artifacts located in difficult to reach or dangerous areas. Examples are provided by the use of underwater robots in the exploration of deeply submerged archaeological areas. Besides, technologies commonly employed in robotics can be used to help exploring, monitoring and preserving cultural artifacts. Examples are provided by the development of procedures for data acquisition and mapping and by object recognition and monitoring algorithms.
Esta dissertação pretende contribuir no âmbito da gestão e valorização do Património Histórico-Cultural, para o estabelecimento de uma estratégia de valorização e enriquecimento dos currículos escolares portugueses do Ensino Básico, como forma de divulgar, preservar e educar para o Património de um país. Neste contexto emergiu um design de investigação que se afigura pertinente e centrado na prática docente ao fazer um estudo de caso, baseado na opinião recolhida junto dos alunos do 1º ciclo do ensino básico de um agrupamento de escolas sobre a noção que os mesmos têm de Património. A compreensão e valorização da Educação Patrimonial num processo contínuo de descoberta e aprendizagem são tarefas que só a "Escola" pode fazer, formando os indivíduos tomando-os competentes nesta área do conhecimento. Os objectos patrimoniais, monumentos, sítios e centros históricos, ou o património imaterial e natural, são recursos educacionais importantes, permitem a aquisição de competências motivacionais, para qualquer área do currículo ou aproximam áreas aparentemente distantes no processo de ensino e cidadania. ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to contribute in the management and enhancement of Cultural - Heritage for the establishment of a strategy for recovery and enrichment of school curricula elementary Portuguese as a means to educate, preserve and disclose to the heritage of a country. ln this context emerged a research design that seem relevant and focused on teaching to make a case study, based on the feedback gathered from pupils of 1 primary school, a grouping of schools on the notion that their balance sheets. Understanding and appreciation of Heritage Education in a continuous process of discovery and learning are tasks that only the “School” can do, forming the individuals making them competent in this field of knowledge. Heritage objects, monuments, sites and historical centres, or intangible and natural heritage, are important educational resources, enable the motivational skills acquisition, to any area of the curriculum or assemble seemingly distant areas in education and citizenship.
Natural stone has been a popular and reliable building material throughout history appearing in many historic monuments and in more recent buildings. Research into the intrinsic properties of specific stones is important because it gives us a greater understanding of the factors that limit and act on them. This can help prevent serious problems from occurring in our buildings bringing both esthetic benefits and financial savings. To this end, the main objective of this research has been to study the influence of the fabric and the mineral composition of two types of sandstone on their durability. The first is a red continental sandstone from the Buntsandstein Age called “Molinaza Roja”, which is quarried in Montoro (Cordoba). The second is quarried in Ronda (Malaga) and is sold under the trade name of “Arenisca Ronda”. It is a light pink-whitish calcarenite deposited during the Late Tortonian to Late Messinian. We characterized their petrological and petrophysical properties by studying their rock fabrics, porous systems and mechanical properties. In order to obtain a complete vision of the behavior of their rock fabrics, we also carried out two decay tests, the salt crystallization and the freeze–thaw tests. We then measured the effects on the textures of the altered samples during and after the decay tests and we evaluated the changes in the porous system. By comparing the results between intact and altered samples, we found that Arenisca Ronda is less durable because it has a high quantity of expandable clays (smectites) and a high percentage of pores in the 0.1–1 μm range, in which the pressure produced by salt crystallization is strongest. In Molinaza Roja the decay agents caused significant sanding due to loss of cohesion between the clasts, especially during the salt crystallization test. In both stones, the anisotropies (oriented textures) have an important role in their hydric and dynamic behavior and also affect their mechanical properties (especially in the compression resistance). No changes in color were detected.
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À la fin du 19e siècle, l’Iran commence à se transformer radicalement. Ce changement est le résultat d’un processus de métamorphose socioculturelle, avec le désir d’effacer les méthodes du passé et de recommencer ; une ambition de faire un renouvellement fondamental dans la société, en bénéficiant des grandes idées progressistes de l'Occident moderne. Cette volonté s’est renforcée à la suite des premières visites en Europe d’étudiants et de Nassereddin Shah, le roi de l'Iran, dans les années 1870. Dans ce contexte, les Iraniens et leurs gouvernants, considérant leurs infériorités politico-économiques, ont décidé de remplacer les frustrations internationales par des idées nationalistes et une propagande de suprématie raciale ou religieuse, notamment concertant « l'identité culturelle ». Suivant ces tentatives pour réformer les infrastructures sociopolitiques de l'Iran, tous les domaines culturels du pays, incluant l’architecture, ont été modifiés, selon les idéologies des dirigeants de l’Iran pendant trois périodes historiques du pays : l'époque Qadjar (dès le règne de Nassereddin Shah en 1848), l'époque Pahlavi (1925-1979) et l'époque Post-révolution islamique (1979- jusqu'à présent). L'idée générale de notre mémoire est d'étudier le processus de modernisation de l'architecture de l'Iran, de même que les influences majeures de tous ces changements, concrétisés par des fusions éclectiques et des idées pluralistes – souvent basées sur la politique. De là, en usant des approches de l’histoire sociale et culturelle de l’art, nous analysons des exemples de monuments de l'architecture publique de l'Iran depuis l'entrée de l'Iran dans la modernité, pour chacune des trois périodes mentionnées. Cela, afin de comprendre si les architectes iraniens ont trouvé de nouvelles conceptions pour opérer un déploiement créatif des principes traditionnels et pour trouver de nouvelles orientations dans le processus général de leur évolution architecturale. Autrement dit, nous cherchons à savoir si l'architecture iranienne, avec tous les changements stylistiques dans le processus de conceptualisation, a pu trouver - depuis l'intervention de la modernité occidentale et de l'architecture moderne - son propre langage de la modernité en architecture.
À la fin du 19e siècle, l’Iran commence à se transformer radicalement. Ce changement est le résultat d’un processus de métamorphose socioculturelle, avec le désir d’effacer les méthodes du passé et de recommencer ; une ambition de faire un renouvellement fondamental dans la société, en bénéficiant des grandes idées progressistes de l'Occident moderne. Cette volonté s’est renforcée à la suite des premières visites en Europe d’étudiants et de Nassereddin Shah, le roi de l'Iran, dans les années 1870. Dans ce contexte, les Iraniens et leurs gouvernants, considérant leurs infériorités politico-économiques, ont décidé de remplacer les frustrations internationales par des idées nationalistes et une propagande de suprématie raciale ou religieuse, notamment concertant « l'identité culturelle ». Suivant ces tentatives pour réformer les infrastructures sociopolitiques de l'Iran, tous les domaines culturels du pays, incluant l’architecture, ont été modifiés, selon les idéologies des dirigeants de l’Iran pendant trois périodes historiques du pays : l'époque Qadjar (dès le règne de Nassereddin Shah en 1848), l'époque Pahlavi (1925-1979) et l'époque Post-révolution islamique (1979- jusqu'à présent). L'idée générale de notre mémoire est d'étudier le processus de modernisation de l'architecture de l'Iran, de même que les influences majeures de tous ces changements, concrétisés par des fusions éclectiques et des idées pluralistes – souvent basées sur la politique. De là, en usant des approches de l’histoire sociale et culturelle de l’art, nous analysons des exemples de monuments de l'architecture publique de l'Iran depuis l'entrée de l'Iran dans la modernité, pour chacune des trois périodes mentionnées. Cela, afin de comprendre si les architectes iraniens ont trouvé de nouvelles conceptions pour opérer un déploiement créatif des principes traditionnels et pour trouver de nouvelles orientations dans le processus général de leur évolution architecturale. Autrement dit, nous cherchons à savoir si l'architecture iranienne, avec tous les changements stylistiques dans le processus de conceptualisation, a pu trouver - depuis l'intervention de la modernité occidentale et de l'architecture moderne - son propre langage de la modernité en architecture.
El conflicto armado en Guatemala se originó por el abuso de poder, la desigualdad, la exclusión y la profunda discriminación, sobre todo hacia la población indígena, a la que se le han desconocido históricamente sus derechos y que fue la más afligida durante el conflicto. Lo que desembocó en el nacimiento de grupos al margen de la ley, cuyo propósito fue reivindicar los derechos de la población, así como la equidad y justicia social. El conflicto se caracterizó por la formación de grupos paramilitares, la violación al Derecho Internacional Humanitario, el elevado número de víctimas del conflicto, mayoritariamente indígenas y porque más del 85% de las violaciones a los derechos humanos fueron perpetradas por el Estado. Gracias a la voluntad política, al respaldo de la comunidad internacional, especialmente de la Organización de Naciones Unidas -ONU, y a los buenos oficios de la Comisión Nacional de Reconciliación – CNR, se lograron firmar los Acuerdos de Paz y dar fin a este cruento conflicto de más de 36 años. Las partes firmantes vieron la necesidad de que un ente autónomo e imparcial de Naciones Unidas, verificara el cumplimiento de La Misión de Naciones Unidas en Guatemala - MINUGUA contribuyó a la promoción, defensa y garantía de los derechos de la población indígena guatemalteca. Específicamente, incidió en el cumplimiento de los compromisos contenidos en el Acuerdo sobre Identidad y Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas guatemaltecos –AIDPI, que fue suscrito el 31 de marzo de 1995, asimismo, contribuyó a la garantía del derecho a la justicia de la población indígena, lo que se evidenció en las acciones y el papel que desempeñó en los componentes de verdad, justicia y reparación.
In this paper we will present the latest results chronometric and their contexts of the main menhirs northern Alentejo in Portugal. The date now obtained for the Menhir of Patalou, located in Nisa municipality, (Cal BC 4340-4235) confirms that for more than two decades, in a similar context, we obtained the Menhir of the Meada, located in the Castelo de Vide municipality, (Cal BC 4810-5010) and so many doubts and controversies raised in view of its great antiquity. They position themselves in this way and safely in the old Neolithic the erection of these great phallic monuments.