1000 resultados para Sensors.


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Anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) magnetic sensors are often chosen as the magnetic transducer for magnetic field sensing in applications with low to moderate magnetic field resolution because of the relative low mass of the sensor and their ease of use. They measure magnetic fields in the order of the Earth magnetic field (with typical sensitivities of 1‰/G or 10−2‰/μT), have typical minimum detectable fields in order of nT and even 0.1 nT but they are seriously limited by the thermal drifts due to the variation of the resistivity with temperature (∼2.5‰/°C) and the variation of the magnetoresistive effect with temperature (which affects both the sensitivity of the sensors: ∼2.7‰/°C, and the offset: ±0.5‰/°C). Therefore, for lower magnetic fields, fluxgate vector sensors are generally preferred. In the present work these limitations of AMR sensors are outlined and studied. Three methods based on lock-in amplifiers are proposed as low noise techniques. Their performance has been simulated, experimentally tested and comparatively discussed. The developed model has been also used to derive a technique for temperature compensation of AMR response. The final goal to implement these techniques in a space qualified applied specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for Mars in situ exploration with compact miniaturized magnetometers.


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Los sistemas micro electro mecánicos (MEMS) han demostrado ser una exitosa familia de dispositivos que pueden usarse como plataforma para el desarrollo de dispositivos con aplicaciones en óptica, comunicaciones, procesado de señal y sensorización. Los dispositivos MEMS estándar suelen estar fabricados usando tecnología de silicio. Sin embargo, el rendimiento de estos MEMS se puede mejorar si se usan otros materiales. Por ejemplo, el diamante nanocristalino (NCD) ofrece unas excelentes propiedades mecánicas, transparencia y una superficie fácil de funcionalizar. Por otro lado, el sistema de materiales (In; Ga; Al)N, los materiales IIIN, se pueden usar para producir estructuras monocristalinas con alta sensibilidad mecánica y química. Además, el AlN se puede depositar por pulverización catódica reactiva sobre varios substratos, incluyendo NCD, para formar capas policristalinas orientadas con alta respuesta piezoeléctrica. Adicionalmente, tanto el NCD como los materiales III-N muestran una gran estabilidad térmica y química, lo que los hace una elección idónea para desarrollar dispositivos para aplicaciones para alta temperatura, ambientes agresivos e incluso para aplicaciones biocompatibles. En esta tesis se han usado estos materiales para el diseño y medición de demostradores tecnológicos. Se han perseguido tres objetivos principales: _ Desarrollo de unos procesos de fabricación apropiados. _ Medición de las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales y de los factores que limitan el rendimiento de los dispositivos. _ Usar los datos medidos para desarrollar dispositivos demostradores complejos. En la primera parte de esta tesis se han estudiado varias técnicas de fabricación. La estabilidad de estos materiales impide el ataque y dificulta la producción de estructuras suspendidas. Los primeros capítulos de esta disertación se dedican al desarrollo de unos procesos de transferencia de patrones por ataque seco y a la optimización del ataque húmedo sacrificial de varios substratos propuestos. Los resultados de los procedimientos de ataque se presentan y se describe la optimización de las técnicas para la fabricación de estructuras suspendidas de NCD y materiales III-N. En un capítulo posterior se estudia el crecimiento de AlN por pulverización catódica. Como se ha calculado en esta disertación para obtener una actuación eficiente de MEMS, las capas de AlN han de ser finas, típicamente d < 200 nm, lo que supone serias dificultades para la obtención de capas orientadas con respuesta piezoeléctrica. Las condiciones de depósito se han mapeado para identificar las fronteras que proporcionan el crecimiento de material orientado desde los primeros pasos del proceso. Además, durante la optimización de los procesos de ataque se estudió un procedimiento para fabricar películas de GaN nanoporoso. Estas capas porosas pueden servir como capas sacrificiales para la fabricación de estructuras suspendidas de GaN con baja tensión residual o como capas para mejorar la funcionalización superficial de sensores químicos o biológicos. El proceso de inducción de poros se discutirá y también se presentarán experimentos de ataque y funcionalización. En segundo lugar, se han determinado las propiedades mecánicas del NCD y de los materiales III-N. Se han fabricado varias estructuras suspendidas para la medición del módulo de Young y de la tensión residual. Además, las estructuras de NCD se midieron en resonancia para calcular el rendimiento de los dispositivos en términos de frecuencia y factor de calidad. Se identificaron los factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos que limitan ambas figuras de mérito y se han desarrollado modelos para considerar estas imperfecciones en las etapas de diseño de los dispositivos. Por otra parte, los materiales III-N normalmente presentan grandes gradientes de deformación residual que causan la deformación de las estructuras al ser liberadas. Se han medido y modelado estos efectos para los tres materiales binarios del sistema para proporcionar puntos de interpolación que permitan predecir las características de las aleaciones del sistema III-N. Por último, los datos recabados se han usado para desarrollar modelos analíticos y numéricos para el diseño de varios dispositivos. Se han estudiado las propiedades de transducción y se proporcionan topologías optimizadas. En el último capítulo de esta disertación se presentan diseños optimizados de los siguientes dispositivos: _ Traviesas y voladizos de AlN=NCD con actuación piezoeléctrica aplicados a nanoconmutadores de RF para señales de alta potencia. _ Membranas circulares de AlN=NCD con actuación piezoeléctrica aplicadas a lentes sintonizables. _ Filtros ópticos Fabry-Pérot basados en cavidades aéreas y membranas de GaN actuadas electrostáticamente. En resumen, se han desarrollado unos nuevos procedimientos optimizados para la fabricación de estructuras de NCD y materiales III-N. Estas técnicas se han usado para producir estructuras que llevaron a la determinación de las principales propiedades mecánicas y de los parámetros de los dispositivos necesarios para el diseño de MEMS. Finalmente, los datos obtenidos se han usado para el diseño optimizado de varios dispositivos demostradores. ABSTRACT Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have proven to be a successful family of devices that can be used as a platform for the development of devices with applications in optics, communications, signal processing and sensorics. Standard MEMS devices are usually fabricated using silicon based materials. However, the performance of these MEMS can be improved if other material systems are used. For instance, nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) offers excellent mechanical properties, optical transparency and ease of surface functionalization. On the other hand, the (In; Ga; Al)N material system, the III-N materials, can be used to produce single crystal structures with high mechanical and chemical sensitivity. Also, AlN can be deposited by reactive sputtering on various substrates, including NCD, to form oriented polycrystalline layers with high piezoelectric response. In addition, both NCD and III-N materials exhibit high thermal and chemical stability, which makes these material the perfect choice for the development of devices for high temperatures, harsh environments and even biocompatible applications. In this thesis these materials have been used for the design and measurement of technological demonstrators. Three main objectives have been pursued: _ Development of suitable fabrication processes. _ Measurement of the material mechanical properties and device performance limiting factors. _ Use the gathered data to design complex demonstrator devices. In a first part of the thesis several fabrication processes have been addressed. The stability of these materials hinders the etching of the layers and hampers the production of free standing structures. The first chapters of this dissertation are devoted to the development of a dry patterning etching process and to sacrificial etching optimization of several proposed substrates. The results of the etching processes are presented and the optimization of the technique for the manufacturing of NCD and III-N free standing structures is described. In a later chapter, sputtering growth of thin AlN layers is studied. As calculated in this dissertation, for efficient MEMS piezoelectric actuation the AlN layers have to be very thin, typically d < 200 nm, which poses serious difficulties to the production of c-axis oriented material with piezoelectric response. The deposition conditions have been mapped in order to identify the boundaries that give rise to the growth of c-axis oriented material from the first deposition stages. Additionally, during the etching optimization a procedure for fabricating nanoporous GaN layers was also studied. Such porous layers can serve as a sacrificial layer for the release of low stressed GaN devices or as a functionalization enhancement layer for chemical and biological sensors. The pore induction process will be discussed and etching and functionalization trials are presented. Secondly, the mechanical properties of NCD and III-N materials have been determined. Several free standing structures were fabricated for the measurement of the material Young’s modulus and residual stress. In addition, NCD structures were measured under resonance in order to calculate the device performance in terms of frequency and quality factor. Intrinsic and extrinsic limiting factors for both figures were identified and models have been developed in order to take into account these imperfections in the device design stages. On the other hand, III-N materials usually present large strain gradients that lead to device deformation after release. These effects have been measured and modeled for the three binary materials of the system in order to provide the interpolation points for predicting the behavior of the III-N alloys. Finally, the gathered data has been used for developing analytic and numeric models for the design of various devices. The transduction properties are studied and optimized topologies are provided. Optimized design of the following devices is presented at the last chapter of this dissertation: _ AlN=NCD piezoelectrically actuated beams applied to RF nanoswitches for large power signals. _ AlN=NCD piezoelectrically actuated circular membranes applied to tunable lenses. _ GaN based air gap tunable optical Fabry-Pérot filters with electrostatic actuation. On the whole, new optimized fabrication processes has been developed for the fabrication of NCD and III-N MEMS structures. These processing techniques was used to produce structures that led to the determination of the main mechanical properties and device parameters needed for MEMS design. Lastly, the gathered data was used for the design of various optimized demonstrator devices.


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In this work is addressed the topic of estimation of velocity and acceleration from digital position data. It is presented a review of several classic methods and implemented with real position data from a low cost digital sensor of a hydraulic linear actuator. The results are analyzed and compared. It is shown that static methods have a limited bandwidth application, and that the performance of some methods may be enhanced by adapting its parameters according to the current state.


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The emergence of new horizons in the field of travel assistant management leads to the development of cutting-edge systems focused on improving the existing ones. Moreover, new opportunities are being also presented since systems trend to be more reliable and autonomous. In this paper, a self-learning embedded system for object identification based on adaptive-cooperative dynamic approaches is presented for intelligent sensor’s infrastructures. The proposed system is able to detect and identify moving objects using a dynamic decision tree. Consequently, it combines machine learning algorithms and cooperative strategies in order to make the system more adaptive to changing environments. Therefore, the proposed system may be very useful for many applications like shadow tolls since several types of vehicles may be distinguished, parking optimization systems, improved traffic conditions systems, etc.


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The fluorescence of a polyanionic conjugated polymer can be quenched by extremely low concentrations of cationic electron acceptors in aqueous solutions. We report a greater than million-fold amplification of the sensitivity to fluorescence quenching compared with corresponding “molecular excited states.” Using a combination of steady-state and ultrafast spectroscopy, we have established that the dramatic quenching results from weak complex formation [polymer(−)/quencher(+)], followed by ultrafast electron transfer from excitations on the entire polymer chain to the quencher, with a time constant of 650 fs. Because of the weak complex formation, the quenching can be selectively reversed by using a quencher-recognition diad. We have constructed such a diad and demonstrate that the fluorescence is fully recovered on binding between the recognition site and a specific analyte protein. In both solutions and thin films, this reversible fluorescence quenching provides the basis for a new class of highly sensitive biological and chemical sensors.


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The synthesis of novel fluorogenic retro-aldol substrates for aldolase antibody 38C2 is described. These substrates are efficiently and specifically processed by antibody aldolases but not by natural cellular enzymes. Together, the fluorogenic substrates and antibody aldolases provide reporter gene systems that are compatible with living cells. The broad scope of the antibody aldolase allows for the processing of a range of substrates that can be designed to allow fluorescence monitoring at a variety of wavelengths. We also have developed the following concept in fluorescent protein tags. β-Diketones bearing a fluorescent tag are bound covalently by the aldolase antibody and not other proteins. We anticipate that proteins fused with the antibody can be tagged specifically and covalently within living cells with fluorophores of virtually any color, thereby providing an alternative to green fluorescent protein fusions.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe stress-activated Sty1p/Spc1p mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase regulates gene expression through the Atf1p and Pap1p transcription factors, homologs of human ATF2 and c-Jun, respectively. Mcs4p, a response regulator protein, acts upstream of Sty1p by binding the Wak1p/Wis4p MAP kinase kinase kinase. We show that phosphorylation of Mcs4p on a conserved aspartic acid residue is required for activation of Sty1p only in response to peroxide stress. Mcs4p acts in a conserved phospho-relay system initiated by two PAS/PAC domain-containing histidine kinases, Mak2p and Mak3p. In the absence of Mak2p or Mak3p, Sty1p fails to phosphorylate the Atf1p transcription factor or induce Atf1p-dependent gene expression. As a consequence, cells lacking Mak2p and Mak3p are sensitive to peroxide attack in the absence of Prr1p, a distinct response regulator protein that functions in association with Pap1p. The Mak1p histidine kinase, which also contains PAS/PAC repeats, does not regulate Sty1p or Atf1p but is partially required for Pap1p- and Prr1p-dependent transcription. We conclude that the transcriptional response to free radical attack is initiated by at least two distinct phospho-relay pathways in fission yeast.


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Glucose is the preferred carbon source for most eukaryotic cells and has profound effects on many cellular functions. How cells sense glucose and transduce a signal into the cell is a fundamental, unanswered question. Here we describe evidence that two unusual glucose transporters in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae serve as glucose sensors that generate an intracellular glucose signal. The Snf3p high-affinity glucose transporter appears to function as a low glucose sensor, since it is required for induction of expression of several hexose transporter (HXT) genes, encoding glucose transporters, by low levels of glucose. We have identified another apparent glucose transporter, Rgt2p, that is strikingly similar to Snf3p and is required for maximal induction of gene expression in response to high levels of glucose. This suggests that Rgt2p is a high glucose-sensing counterpart to Snf3p. We identified a dominant mutation in RGT2 that causes constitutive expression of several HXT genes, even in the absence of the inducer glucose. This same mutation introduced into SNF3 also causes glucose-independent expression of HXT genes. Thus, the Rgt2p and Snf3p glucose transporters appear to act as glucose receptors that generate an intracellular glucose signal, suggesting that glucose signaling in yeast is a receptor-mediated process.


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Early visual processing analyses fine and coarse image features separately. Here we show that motion signals derived from fine and coarse analyses are combined in rather a surprising way: Coarse and fine motion sensors representing the same direction of motion inhibit one another and an imbalance can reverse the motion perceived. Observers judged the direction of motion of patches of filtered two-dimensional noise, centered on 1 and 3 cycles/deg. When both sets of noise were present and only the 3 cycles/deg noise moved, judgments were reversed at short durations. When both sets of noise moved, judgments were correct but sensitivity was impaired. Reversals and impairments occurred both with isotropic noise and with orientation-filtered noise. The reversals and impairments could be simulated in a model of motion sensing by adding a stage in which the outputs of motion sensors tuned to 1 and 3 cycles/deg and the same direction of motion were subtracted from one another. The subtraction model predicted and we confirmed in experiments with orientation-filtered noise that if the 1 cycle/deg noise flickered and the 3 cycles/deg noise moved, the 1 cycle/deg noise appeared to move in the opposite direction to the 3 cycles/deg noise even at long durations.


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In this research, strain-sensing and damage-sensing functional properties of cement composites have been studied on a conventional reinforced concrete (RC) beam. Carbon nanofiber (CNFCC) and fiber (CFCC) cement composites were used as sensors on a 4 m long RC beam. Different casting conditions (in situ or attached), service location (under tension or compression) and electrical contacts (embedded or superficial) were compared. Both CNFCC and CFCC were suitable as strain sensors in reversible (elastic) sensing condition testing. CNFCC showed higher sensitivities (gage factor up to 191.8), while CFCC only reached gage factors values of 178.9 (tension) or 49.5 (compression). Furthermore, damage-sensing tests were run, increasing the applied load progressively up to the RC beam failure. In these conditions, CNFCC sensors were also strain sensitive, but no damage sensing mechanism was detected for the strain levels achieved during the tests. Hence, these cement composites could act as strain sensors, even for severe damaged structures near to their collapse.


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Tactile sensors play an important role in robotics manipulation to perform dexterous and complex tasks. This paper presents a novel control framework to perform dexterous manipulation with multi-fingered robotic hands using feedback data from tactile and visual sensors. This control framework permits the definition of new visual controllers which allow the path tracking of the object motion taking into account both the dynamics model of the robot hand and the grasping force of the fingertips under a hybrid control scheme. In addition, the proposed general method employs optimal control to obtain the desired behaviour in the joint space of the fingers based on an indicated cost function which determines how the control effort is distributed over the joints of the robotic hand. Finally, authors show experimental verifications on a real robotic manipulation system for some of the controllers derived from the control framework.


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The current trend in the evolution of sensor systems seeks ways to provide more accuracy and resolution, while at the same time decreasing the size and power consumption. The use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provides specific reprogrammable hardware technology that can be properly exploited to obtain a reconfigurable sensor system. This adaptation capability enables the implementation of complex applications using the partial reconfigurability at a very low-power consumption. For highly demanding tasks FPGAs have been favored due to the high efficiency provided by their architectural flexibility (parallelism, on-chip memory, etc.), reconfigurability and superb performance in the development of algorithms. FPGAs have improved the performance of sensor systems and have triggered a clear increase in their use in new fields of application. A new generation of smarter, reconfigurable and lower power consumption sensors is being developed in Spain based on FPGAs. In this paper, a review of these developments is presented, describing as well the FPGA technologies employed by the different research groups and providing an overview of future research within this field.


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SLAM is a popular task used by robots and autonomous vehicles to build a map of an unknown environment and, at the same time, to determine their location within the map. This paper describes a SLAM-based, probabilistic robotic system able to learn the essential features of different parts of its environment. Some previous SLAM implementations had computational complexities ranging from O(Nlog(N)) to O(N2), where N is the number of map features. Unlike these methods, our approach reduces the computational complexity to O(N) by using a model to fuse the information from the sensors after applying the Bayesian paradigm. Once the training process is completed, the robot identifies and locates those areas that potentially match the sections that have been previously learned. After the training, the robot navigates and extracts a three-dimensional map of the environment using a single laser sensor. Thus, it perceives different sections of its world. In addition, in order to make our system able to be used in a low-cost robot, low-complexity algorithms that can be easily implemented on embedded processors or microcontrollers are used.


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Information Technology and Communications (ICT) is presented as the main element in order to achieve more efficient and sustainable city resource management, while making sure that the needs of the citizens to improve their quality of life are satisfied. A key element will be the creation of new systems that allow the acquisition of context information, automatically and transparently, in order to provide it to decision support systems. In this paper, we present a novel distributed system for obtaining, representing and providing the flow and movement of people in densely populated geographical areas. In order to accomplish these tasks, we propose the design of a smart sensor network based on RFID communication technologies, reliability patterns and integration techniques. Contrary to other proposals, this system represents a comprehensive solution that permits the acquisition of user information in a transparent and reliable way in a non-controlled and heterogeneous environment. This knowledge will be useful in moving towards the design of smart cities in which decision support on transport strategies, business evaluation or initiatives in the tourism sector will be supported by real relevant information. As a final result, a case study will be presented which will allow the validation of the proposal.