969 resultados para Semimajor axis
OBJECTIVES: We compared androgen and gonadotropin values in HIV-infected men who did and did not develop lipoatrophy on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). METHODS: From a population of 136 treatment-naïve male Caucasians under successful zidovudine/lamivudine-based cART, the 10 patients developing lipoatrophy (cases) were compared with 87 randomly chosen controls. Plasma levels of free testosterone (fT), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured at baseline and after 2 years of cART. RESULTS: At baseline, 60% of the cases and 71% of the controls showed abnormally low fT values. LH levels were normal or low in 67 and 94% of the patients, respectively, indicating a disturbance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. fT levels did not significantly change after 2 years of cART. Cases showed a significant increase in LH levels, while controls showed a significant increase in DHEA levels. In a multivariate logistic regression model, lipoatrophy was associated with higher baseline DHEA levels (P=0.04), an increase in LH levels during cART (P=0.001), a lower body mass index and greater age. CONCLUSIONS: Hypogonadism is present in the majority of HIV-infected patients. The development of cART-related lipoatrophy is associated with an increase in LH and a lack of increase in DHEA levels.
A new plastic self-expanding Smartcanula (Smartcanula LLC, Lausanne, Switzerland) is designed for central insertion and prevention of caval collapse. The objective of our work is to assess the influence of the new design on atrial chatter. Caval collapse over the entire caval axis, right atrial, hepatic, renal vein, and iliac vein is realized in drainage tubes with holes at 5 cm distance intervals. Smartcanulas with various lengths (26 cm [= right atrial], 34 cm [= hepatic], 43 cm [= renal], and 53 cm [= iliac]) versus two-stage cannulas are compared. Pressure drop (ΔP) is measured using Millar pressure-transducers. Flow rate (Q) is measured using an ultrasonic flow meter. Cannula resistance is defined as the ΔP/Q ratio. Data display and recording are controlled using LabView virtual instruments. At an 88 cm height differential, Q values are 8.69 and 6.8 l/min, and ΔP/Q ratios are 0.63 and 1.28 for the 26-cm Smartcanula and the reference cannula, respectively. The 34-cm Smartcanula showed 8.89 l/min and 0.6 ΔP/Q ratio vs. 7.59 l/min and 0.9 for the control cannula (P < 0.05). The 43-cm and 53-cm Smartcanulas showed Q values of 9.04 and 8.81 l/min, respectively, and ΔP/Q2 ratio of 0.6. The Smartcanula outperforms the two-stage cannula, and direct cannula insertion without guide wire is effective.
Biological traits that are advantageous under specific ecological conditions should be present in a large proportion of the species within an ecosystem, where those specific conditions prevail. As climatic conditions change, the frequency of certain traits in plant communities is expected to change with increasing altitude. We examined patterns of change for 13 traits in 120 exhaustive inventories of plants along five altitudinal transects (520-3100 m a.s.l.) in grasslands and in forests in western Switzerland. The traits selected for study represented the occupation of space, photosynthesis, reproduction and dispersal. For each plot, the mean trait values or the proportions of the trait states were weighted by species cover and examined in relation to the first axis of a PCA based on local climatic conditions. With increasing altitude in grasslands, we observed a decrease in anemophily and an increase in entomophily complemented by possible selfing; a decrease in diaspores with appendages adapted to ectozoochory, linked to a decrease in achenes and an increase in capsules. In lowlands, pollination and dispersal are ensured by wind and animals. However, with increasing altitude, insects are mostly responsible for pollination, and wind becomes the main natural dispersal vector. Some traits showed a particularly marked change in the alpine belt (e.g., the increase of capsules and the decrease of achenes), confirming that this belt concentrates particularly stressful conditions to plant growth and reproduction (e.g. cold, short growing season) that constrain plants to a limited number of strategies. One adaptation to this stress is to limit investment in dispersal by producing capsules with numerous, tiny seeds that have appendages limited to narrow wings. Forests displayed many of the trends observed in grasslands but with a reduced variability that is likely due to a shorter altitudinal gradient.
Objectives: Neuropeptides are important signal initiators in advanced prostate cancer, partially acting through activation of nuclear factor kappa B. Central to nuclear factor kappa B regulation is the ubiquitin-proteasome system, pharmacological inhibition of which has been proposed as an anticancer strategy. We investigated the putative role of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib in neuropeptides signaling effects on prostate cancer cells. Methods: Human prostate cancer cell lines, LNCaP and PC-3, were used to examine cell proliferation, levels of proapoptotic (caspase-3, Bad) and cell cycle regulatory proteins (p53, p27, p21), as well as total and phosphorylated Akt and p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase proteins. Furthermore, 20S proteasome activity, subcellular localization of nuclear factor kappa B and transcription of nuclear factor kappa B target genes, interleukin-8 and vascular endothelial growth factor, were assessed. Results: Neuropeptides (endothelin-1, bombesin) increased cell proliferation, whereas bortezomib decreased proliferation and induced apoptosis, an effect maintained after cotreatment with neuropeptides. Bad, p53, p21 and p27 were downregulated by neuropeptides in PC-3, and these effects were reversed with the addition of bortezomib. Neuropeptides increased proteasomal activity and nuclear factor kappa B levels in PC-3, and these effects were prevented by bortezomib. Interleukin-8 and vascular endothelial growth factor transcripts were induced after neuropeptides treatment, but downregulated by bortezomib. These results coincided with the ability of bortezomib to reduce mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in both cell lines. Conclusions: These findings are consistent with bortezomib-mediated abrogation of neuropeptides-induced proliferative and antiapoptotic signaling. Thus, the effect of the drug on the neuropeptides axis needs to be further investigated, as neuropeptide action in prostate cancer might entail involvement of the proteasome.
Extensional detachment systems separate hot footwalls from cool hanging walls, but the degree to which this thermal gradient is the product of ductile or brittle deformation or a preserved original transient geotherm is unclear. Oxygen isotope thermometry using recrystallized quartz-muscovite pairs indicates a smooth thermal gradient (140 degrees C/100 m) across the gently dipping, quartzite-dominated detachment zone that bounds the Raft River core complex in northwest Utah (United States). Hydrogen isotope values of muscovite (delta D-Ms similar to-100 parts per thousand) and fluid inclusions in quartz (delta D-Fluid similar to-85 parts per thousand) indicate the presence of meteoric fluids during detachment dynamics. Recrystallized grain-shape fabrics and quartz c-axis fabric patterns reveal a large component of coaxial strain (pure shear), consistent with thinning of the detachment section. Therefore, the high thermal gradient preserved in the Raft River detachment reflects the transient geotherm that developed owing to shearing, thinning, and the potentially prominent role of convective flow of surface fluids.
Aim The spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe), a plant native to south-east and central Europe, is highly invasive in North America. We investigated the spatio-temporal climatic niche dynamics of the spotted knapweed in North America along two putative eastern and western invasion routes. We then considered the patterns observed in the light of historical, ecological and evolutionary factors. Location Europe and North America. Methods The niche characteristics of the east and west invasive populations of spotted knapweed in North America were determined from documented occurrences over 120 consecutive years (1890-2010). The 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of values along temperature and precipitation gradients, as given by the two first axes of a principal component axis (PCA), were then calculated. We additionally measured the climatic dissimilarity between invaded and native niches using a multivariate environmental similarity surface (MESS) analysis. Results Along both invasion routes, the species established in regions with climatic conditions that were similar to those in the native range in Europe. An initial spread in ruderal habitats always preceded spread in (semi-)natural habitats. In the east, the niche gradually increased over time until it reached limits similar to the native niche. Conversely, in the west the niche abruptly expanded after an extended time lag into climates not occupied in the native range; only the native cold niche limit was conserved. Main conclusions Our study reveals that different niche dynamics have taken place during the eastern and western invasions. This pattern indicates different combinations of historical, ecological and evolutionary factors in the two ranges. We hypothesize that the lack of a well-developed transportation network in the west at the time of the introduction of spotted knapweed confined the species to a geographically and climatically isolated region. The invasion of dry rangelands may have been favoured during the agricultural transition in the 1930s by release from natural enemies, local adaptation and less competitive vegetation, but further experimental and molecular studies are needed to explain these contrasting niche patterns fully. Our study illustrates the need and benefit of applying large-scale, temporally explicit approaches to understanding biological invasions.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Paul Drude Institut für Festkörperelektronik of the Stanford University, USA, from 2010 to 2012. The objective of this project is the transport and control of electronic charge and spin along GaAs-based semiconductor heterostructures. The electronic transport has been achieved by taking advantage of the piezolectric field induced by surface acoustic waves in non-centrosymmetric materials like GaAs. This piezolectric field separates photogenerated electrons and holes at different positions along the acoustic wave, where they acummulate and are transported at the same velocity as the wave. Two different kinds of structures have been studied: quantum wells grown along the (110) direction, both intrinsic and n-doped, as well as GaAs nanowires. The analysis of the charge acoustic transport was performed by micro-photoluminescence, whereas the detection of the spin transport was done either by analyzing the polarization state of the emitted photoluminescence or by Kerr reflectometry. Our results in GaAs quantum wells show that charge and spin transport is clearly observed at the non-doped structures,obtaining spin lifetimes of the order of several nanoseconds, whereas no acoutically induced spin transport was detected for the n-doped quantum wells. In the GaAs nanowires, we were able of transporting successfully both electrons and holes along the nanowire axis, but no conservation of the spin polarization has been observed until now. The photoluminescence emitted by these structures after acoustic transport, however, shows anti-bunching characteristics, making this system a very good candidate for its use as single photon emitters.
Aquesta recerca, amb l’objectiu general de conèixer i analitzar els processos d’inserció al mercat laboral, les estratègies i pràctiques d’inserció, i els àmbits d’ocupació de les dones immigrades en la societat de recepció, es va plantejar com a finalitat proposar línies d'actuació i pràctiques d'atenció vers aquest col•lectiu. Sota l’eix 1 del Pacte Nacional, apunta a garantir la igualtat de drets i l’accés al mercat laboral de les persones, des de la tranversalitat del gènere. Mitjançant l’aplicació d'entrevistes semiestructurades per tal de construir "trajectòries d’immigració" de dones, i obtenir una mirada sociohistòrica i dinàmica del procés de d’inserció laboral a la societat de recepció, es va portar a terme la recerca amb la participació de 17 dones immigrades al territori català. Entre els resultats, cal destacar que: en quant als relats d’origen destaca la diversitat de motius de la immigració, posant en qüestió les tesis purament economicistes, i en relació amb les polítiques i pràctiques d’inserció laboral, podem confirmar que els esforços dels recursos d’atenció tendeixen a encertar a les dones en els nínxols laborals més precaritzats, i sobre tot generitzats. Per altre banda, l’estudi ens ha permet apropar-nos a les estratègies que fan servir les dones per a sortejar les limitacions, sobre tot legals, que es troben a la societat de recepció. Aquestes accions ens permeten analitzar l’agència de les dones immigrades i la importància de les xarxes socials i de la participació, per a una inserció sociolaboral més plena. A més de les conclusions i recomanacions contingudes en aquest document, s'ha elaborat un material didàctic que es composa de: 1. Documental "Per compte aliè" en el qual hi ha les històries d'inserció de 5 dones i; 2. Guia de 12 tallers de treball com a proposta d’intervenció, destinats als col•lectius i serveis que treballen per a la inserció.
The distribution of the fibronectin-rich extracellular matrix (ECM) in the chick embryo during formation of the blastula has been evaluated semiquantitatively using an electron microscopical immunogold staining technique. During the first 10 h of postlaying development, fibronectin was found in both embryonic area pellucida and extra-embryonic area opaca of the blastoderm. In the area pellucida, the fibronectin was (1) associated with the basal lamina of the epiblast, (2) present between epiblastic and hypoblastic cells and (3) occasionally internalized in hypoblastic cells. Along the embryonic axis, a transient and high density of ECM was associated with the front of the anteriorly and rapidly expanding hypoblast. Very high density of fibronectin was observed in the marginal zone of the area pellucida, where the epiblastic and deeper cell layers show contacts and intense re-arrangements. In the area opaca, fibronectin was at first found only sporadically between contacting cells, but its density increased steadily and markedly during the first day of development. These rapid and significant changes in the regional distribution of fibronectin-rich ECM are discussed with respect to the early morphogenesis of the chick embryo.
Background: Despite the fact that labour market flexibility has resulted in an expansion of precarious employment in industrialized countries, to date there is limited empirical evidence about its health consequences. The Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES) is a newly developed, theory-based, multidimensional questionnaire specifically devised for epidemiological studies among waged and salaried workers. Objective: To assess acceptability, reliability and construct validity of EPRES in a sample of waged and salaried workers in Spain. Methods: Cross-sectional study, using a sub-sample of 6.968 temporary and permanent workers from a population-based survey carried out in 2004-2005. The survey questionnaire was interviewer administered and included the six EPRES subscales, measures of the psychosocial work environment (COPSOQ ISTAS21), and perceived general and mental health (SF-36). Results: A high response rate to all EPRES items indicated good acceptability; Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, over 0.70 for all subscales and the global score, demonstrated good internal consistency reliability; exploratory factor analysis using principal axis analysis and varimax rotation confirmed the six-subscale structure and the theoretical allocation of all items. Patterns across known groups and correlation coefficients with psychosocial work environment measures and perceived health demonstrated the expected relations, providing evidence of construct validity. Conclusions: Our results provide evidence in support of the psychometric properties of EPRES, which appears to be a promising tool for the measurement of employment precariousness in public health research.
Background: During early steps of embryonic development the hindbrain undergoes a regionalization process along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis that leads to a metameric organization in a series of rhombomeres (r). Refinement of the AP identities within the hindbrain requires the establishment of local signaling centers, which emit signals that pattern territories in their vicinity. Previous results demonstrated that the transcription factor vHnf1 confers caudal identity to the hindbrain inducing Krox20 in r5 and MafB/Kreisler in r5 and r6, through FGF signaling [1].Results: We show that in the chick hindbrain, Fgf3 is transcriptionally activated as early as 30 min after mvHnf1 electroporation, suggesting that it is a direct target of this transcription factor. We also analyzed the expression profiles of FGF activity readouts, such as MKP3 and Pea3, and showed that both are expressed within the hindbrain at early stages of embryonic development. In addition, MKP3 is induced upon overexpression of mFgf3 or mvHnf1 in the hindbrain, confirming vHnf1 is upstream FGF signaling. Finally, we addressed the question of which of the FGF-responding intracellular pathways were active and involved in the regulation of Krox20 and MafB in the hindbrain. While Ras-ERK1/2 activity is necessary for MKP3, Krox20 and MafB induction, PI3K-Akt is not involved in that process.Conclusion: Based on these observations we propose that vHnf1 acts directly through FGF3, and promotes caudal hindbrain identity by activating MafB and Krox20 via the Ras-ERK1/2 intracellular pathway.
This article originates from a panel with the above title, held at IEEE VTC Spring 2009, in which the authors took part. The enthusiastic response it received prompted us to discuss for a wider audience whether research at the physical layer (PHY) is still relevant to the field of wireless communications. Using cellular systems as the axis of our exposition, we exemplify areas where PHY research has indeed hit a performance wall and where any improvements are expected to be marginal. We then discuss whether the research directions taken in the past have always been the right choice and how lessons learned could influence future policy decisions. Several of the raised issues are subsequently discussed in greater details, e.g., the growing divergence between academia and industry. With this argumentation at hand, we identify areas that are either under-developed or likely to be of impact in coming years - hence corroborating the relevance and importance of PHY research.
Introduction: The interhemispheric asymmetries that originate from connectivity-related structuring of the cerebral cortex are compromised in schizophrenia (SZ). Recently, we have revealed the whole-head topography of EEG synchronization in SZ (Jalili et al. 2007; Knyazeva et al. 2008). Here we extended the analysis to assess the abnormality in the asymmetry of synchronization, which is further motivated by the evidence that the interhemispheric asymmetries suspected to be abnormal in SZ originate from the connectivity-related structuring of the cortex. Methods: Thirteen right-handed SZ patients and thirteen matched controls, participated in this study and the multichannel (128) EEGs were recorded for 3-5 minutes at rest. Then, Laplacian EEG (LEEG) were calculated using a 2-D spline. The LEEGs were analysis through calculating the power spectral density using Welch's average periodogram method. Furthermore, using a state-space based multivariate synchronization measure, S-estimator, we analyzed the correlate of the functional cortico-cortical connectivity in SZ patients compared to the controls. The values of S-estimator were obtained at three different special scales: first-order neighbors for each sensor location, second-order neighbors, and the whole hemisphere. The synchronization measures based on LEEG of alpha and beta bands were applied and tuned to various spatial scales including local, intraregional, and long-distance levels. To assess the between-group differences, we used a permutation version of Hotelling's T2 test. For correlation analysis, Spearman Rank Correlation was calculated. Results: Compared to the controls, who had rightward asymmetry at a local level (LEEG power), rightward anterior and leftward posterior asymmetries at an intraregional level (first- and second-order S-estimator), and rightward global asymmetry (hemispheric S-estimator), SZ patients showed generally attenuated asymmetry, the effect being strongest for intraregional synchronization. This deviation in asymmetry across the anterior-to-posterior axis is consistent with the cerebral form of the so-called Yakovlevian or anticlockwise cerebral torque. Moreover, the negative occipital and positive frontal asymmetry values suggest higher regional synchronization among the left occipital and the right frontal locations relative to their symmetrical counterparts. Correlation analysis linked the posterior intraregional and hemispheric abnormalities to the negative SZ symptoms, whereas the asymmetry of LEEG power appeared to be weakly coupled to clinical ratings. The posterior intraregional abnormalities of asymmetry were shown to increase with the duration of the disease. The tentative links between these findings and gross anatomical asymmetries, including the cerebral torque and gyrification pattern in normal subjects and SZ patients, are discussed. Conclusions: Overall, our findings reveal the abnormalities in the synchronization asymmetry in SZ patients and heavy involvement of the right hemisphere in these abnormalities. These results indicate that anomalous asymmetry of cortico-cortical connections in schizophrenia is amenable to electrophysiological analysis.
Abstact : Pollinic contribution to a Pleistocene study of the Lake Geneva region (Switzerland) Palaeoenvironment of the last 800,000 years. Although the "Plateau Romand" (tableland of French-speaking Switzerland) has been marked by the repetitive action of different Quaternary glacial thrusts, numerous preserved outcrops here and there, thanks to favourable topographical conditions, provide sufficient pollinic content to reconstitute the significant botanical fluctuations and allow bio- and chrono-stratigraphical correlations with the long European sequences. The present study examines around ten Pleistocene deposits rich in pollens, whose presumed ages cover a range of 800,000 years. - The Early and Early-Middle Pleistocene are examined at Ecoteaux (VD), undeniably the oldest site in this study. The "Lower Formation of Ecoteaux", whose low pollinic content reveals an environment of the cold desert type, shows an inverse palaeomagnetic remanence. An age earlier than 780,000 years BP (Matuyama period or earlier) is proposed. The "Upper Formation of Ecoteaux" contains over eight major fluctuations in the vegetal covering, of which at least four temporal phases and one climatic optimum. The presence of botanical genera, relics of the Tertiary in particular Pterocarya and Carya, associated with the vegetal dynamic made up of short oscillations, contrives to link this formation to the Cromerian Complex. The thermomeres recorded could correspond to one or several interglacial periods from Middle Pleistocene. Possible correlations with marine isotopic stages 15, 17 and 19 are discussed. - The Middle and Late Pleistocene is approached through the sediments of Onnens (VD), Creux d'Enfer (FR), Port-Valais (VS), La Dénériaz (VD) and Cortaillod (NE). Each site provides a temperate interglacial flora, whose pollinic content is evaluated according to the different conceivable bio-stratigraphic correlations. - Finally the Würm is studied thanks to the outcrop of Marly (FR), together with the excavations at Villars-sous-Yens (VD), Versoix (GE) and Ollon (VD). Together, these observations tend to show that the west of the Swiss Plateau is a zone of transition between the meridian vegetation of the lower Rhone valley and that of beyond the Jura. At the outlet of the Rhone glacier, and on the borders of the prealpine and Jurassian glaciers, the region is situated at the crossroads of post-glacial botanical migrations, between the major axis of the Rhone valley and the Eastern refuge zones; this situation confers particular importance on it. Although believed to be deeply scraped by ice, one notices today that the "Plateau Romand" harbours overtwenty interglacial and interstadial sites. The abrasive action of the Rhone glacier has thus been more modest than previously estimated. The effective extension of glacial tongues, together with atmospheric circulation, are doubtless varying from one interglacial to another. Finally, the speeds of glacial movements, and the unbelievable vegetal vitality, are important parameters, capable of leading to deposits, very early enriched in pollens. RÉSUMÉS : Contribution pollinique à l'étude du Pléistocène de la région lémanique (Suisse) - Paléoenvironnement des derniers 800'000 ans Bien que le Plateau romand soit marqué par l'action répétitive des différentes poussées glaciaires quaternaires, de nombreux affleurements préservés ça et là, à la faveur de conditions topographiques favorables, livrent un contenu pollinique suffisant pour reconstituer des fluctuations botaniques significatives et autoriser des corrélations bioet chronostratigraphiques avec les longues séquences européennes. Le présent travail étudie une dizaine de dépôts pléistocènes riches en pollens, dont les âges présumés balaient un éventail de plus de 800'000 ans. - Le Pléistocène Ancien et Moyen inférieur, sont examinés à Ecoteaux (VD); indéniablement le site le plus ancien de cette étude. La "Formation inférieure d'Ecoteaux", dont le maigre contenu pollinique traduit un environnement de type désertique froid, présente une rémanence magnétique inverse. Un âge antérieur à 780'000 ans BP (période de Matuyama ou antérieure) est proposé. La "Formation supérieure d'Ecoteaux" comprend plus de huit fluctuations majeures du couvert végétal, parmi lesquelles on compte au moins quatre épisodes tempérés et un optimum climatique. La présence de genres botaniques reliques du Tertiaire, en particulier Pterocarya et Carya, associée à la dynamique végétale faite de courtes oscillations, concourent à lier cette formation au Complexe Cromérien. Les thermomères enregistrées pourraient correspondre à un- ou plusieurs interglaciaires du Pléistocène moyen. Les corrélations possibles avec les stades isotopiques marins, MIS 15, 17 et 19 sont discutées. - Le Pléistocène Moyen et Récent est abordé à travers les sédiments d'Onnens (VD), du Creux d'Enfer (FR), de Port-Valais (VS), de La Dénériaz (VD) et de Cortaillod (NE). Chaque site livre une flore tempérée interglaciaire, dont le contenu pollinique est évalué en fonction des différentes corrélations bio-stratigraphiques envisageables. - Enfin le Würm est étudié grâce à l'affleurement de Marly (FR), accompagné des forages de Villars-sous-Yens (VD), Versoix (GE) et Ollon (VD). L'ensemble de ces observations tend à montrer que l'ouest du Plateau suisse est une zone charnière entre la végétation méridionale de la basse vallée du Rhône et celle d'au-delà du Jura. Au débouché du glacier du Rhône et aux confins des glaciers préalpins et jurassiens, cette région est située au carrefour des migrations botaniques post-glaciaires, entre l'axe majeur de la vallée du Rhône et les zones refuges de l'Est. Cette situation lui confère une importance toute particulière. Alors qu'on pensait le Plateau romand profondément raboté par les glaces, on constate aujourd'hui qu'il recèle plus d'une vingtaine de sites interglaciaires et interstadiaires. L'action abrasive du glacier rhodanien a donc été plus modeste qu'envisagée jusqu'ici. L'extension effective des langues glaciaires, tout comme la circulation atmosphérique, diffèrent sans doute d'un interglaciaire à l'autre. Enfin la vitesse des mouvements glaciaires et l'incroyable vitalité végétale sont des paramètres importants, susceptibles d'avoir entraîné des dépôts, très précocement enrichis en pollens.
Total knee arthroplasty - a clinical and numerical study of the micromovements of the tibial implant
Introduction The importance of the micromovements in the mechanism of aseptic loosening is clinically difficult to evaluate. To complete the analysis of a series of total knee arthroplasties (TKA), we used a tridimensional numerical model to study the micromovements of the tibial implant.Material and Methods Fifty one patients (with 57 cemented Porous Coated Anatomic TKAs) were reviewed (mean follow-up 4.5 year). Radiolucency at the tibial bone-cement interface was sought on the AP radiographs and divided in 7 areas. The distribution of the radiolucency was then correlated with the axis of the lower limb as measured on the orthoradiograms.The tridimensional numerical model is based on the finite element method. It allowed the measurement of the cemented prosthetic tibial implant's displacements and the microvements generated at bone-ciment interface. A total load (2000 Newton) was applied at first vertically and asymetrically on the tibial plateau, thereby simulating an axial deviation of the lower limbs. The vector's posterior inclination then permitted the addition of a tangential component to the axial load. This type of effort is generated by complex biomechanical phenomena such as knee flexion.Results 81 per cent of the 57 knees had a radiolucent line of at least 1 mm, at one or more of the tibial cement-epiphysis jonctional areas. The distribution of these lucent lines showed that they came out more frequently at the periphery of the implant. The lucent lines appeared most often under the unloaded margin of the tibial plateau, when axial deviation of lower limbs was present.Numerical simulations showed that asymetrical loading on the tibial plateau induced a subsidence of the loaded margin (0-100 microns) and lifting off at the opposite border (0-70 microns). The postero-anterior tangential component induced an anterior displacement of the tibial implant (160-220 microns), and horizontal micromovements with non homogenous distribution at the bone-ciment interface (28-54 microns).Discussion Comparison of clinical and numerical results showed a relation between the development of radiolucent lines and the unloading of the tibial implant's margin. The deleterious effect of lower limbs' axial deviation is thereby proven. The irregular distribution of lucent lines under the tibial plateau was similar of the micromovements' repartition at the bone-cement interface when tangential forces were present. A causative relation between the two phenomenaes could not however be established.Numerical simulation is a truly useful method of study; it permits to calculate micromovements which are relative, non homogenous and of very low amplitude. However, comparative clinical studies remain as essential to ensure the credibility of results.