857 resultados para Selling.


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A pesquisa identifica as características do discurso da propaganda de medicamentos de venda livre, analisando a relação entre o seu conteúdo, as questões éticas e as normas legais que orientam a comercialização desses medicamentos. O corpus de análise é constituído de 31 peças publicitárias de mídia impressa, de merchandising em pontos de venda PDVs, em campanhas de divulgação/comercialização de medicamentos de venda livre por um laboratório nacional EMS Sigma Pharma, e um multinacional Aventis Pharma. A metodologia de investigação é a Análise do Discurso subjacente às mensagens veiculadas nas peças de PDV, tendo como orientação os pressupostos dos teóricos de linha francesa, além dos fundamentos da propaganda e a legislação que a rege bem como os direitos do consumidor. A investigação mostra que a propaganda de medicamentos de venda livre, com seus argumentos altamente persuasivos a fim de seduzir o consumidor, não evidencia uma preocupação responsável com o consumidor e trata os medicamentos como quaisquer outros produtos, restringindo-se ao cumprimento das determinações legais em seus aspectos mínimos. Os princípios éticos e os valores sociais são ignorados, na maioria das peças, o que vale dizer que os emissores pecam por omissão na construção de seu discurso.


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Este trabalho, cujo tema é A comunicação e o mercado editorial infantil brasileiro na década de 1990 , descreveu e analisou o panorama editorial infantil do país no período indicado sob a perspectiva da comunicação. O problema de pesquisa proposto, tendo em vista a conjuntura política, social e econômica da época, tem o intuito de responder se houve, de fato, um desenvolvimento substantivo no mercado editorial infantil na década de 1990 ou, se este desenvolvimento foi apenas aparente. Correlatamente, constatar quais as estratégias de comunicação mercadológicas utilizadas no período e de que maneira elas contribuíram para o fomento desse mercado. Para garantir o caráter sistemático e científico deste trabalho, foi utilizado o método qualitativo. Muito embora, a presença do método quantitativo também tenha sido necessária, sobretudo no que tange ao comportamento de vendas do mercado editorial brasileiro na década de 1990. Como tipo de pesquisa, o estudo descritivo analítico foi o que melhor se enquadrou com os objetivos pretendidos, assim, além de um apurado levantamento bibliográfica, foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo por meio de questionários semi-estruturados e entrevistas. Dessa forma, pôde-se, a partir desses dados, traçar o cenário do mercado editorial infantil da época relacionando-o à sua cadeia produtiva.(AU)


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O fluxo internacional da telenovela brasileira na América Latina sempre enfrentou a concorrência daqueles tradicionais países produtores, México e Venezuela. Entretanto, na Bolívia, país de tradição cultural hispânica e indígena, as telenovelas da Rede Globo alcançam altos índices de audiência. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi descobrir como essa telenovela é vista pelos telespectadores bolivianos e o motivo dessa preferência. A partir da teoria dos Usos e Gratificações, de Elihu Katz, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa em Santa Cruz de la Sierra, com a aplicação de questionários e a realização de entrevistas, buscando compreender a recepção da telenovela nessa cidade. Foram analisadas, também, as grades de programação das principais emissoras deste país e seus índices de audiência. As principais conclusões foram: o sucesso das telenovelas brasileiras na Bolívia deve-se às temáticas abordadas, ao reconhecimento da qualidade de sua produção e das imagens veiculadas, assim como às estratégias de venda da emissora brasileira. Os telespectadores desse país utilizam o conteúdo das telenovelas como instrumento de informação e de aprendizagem e o gênero satisfaz a necessidade de evasão da realidade e as necessidades afetivas.(AU)


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A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar o segmento editorial evangélico no Brasil, buscando identificar a práxis da sua produção, comercialização e marketing, comparando-a ao segmento editorial secular. Comparar o perfil do leitor evangélico com o perfil do leitor brasileiro em geral e, ainda, a produção e venda do segmento editorial evangélico com a produção e venda do segmento editorial secular também fazem parte dos objetivos da pesquisa. A metodologia incluiu pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e um estudo de casos múltiplos holísticos, envolvendo as editoras Mundo Cristão e Ediouro-Agir. Verificou-se que a práxis da produção do livro evangélico é semelhante ao do livro secular e que o mercado editorial evangélico cresce mais que o mercado secular. Outro resultado relevante desta pesquisa de dissertação foi a verificação de que o leitor evangélico lê mais que o brasileiro em geral, dados estes, obtidos utilizando-se da mesma metodologia e base de dados dos índices oficiais.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar e discutir a ambientação como elemento de comunicação aplicado ao ponto-de-venda livraria e observar e analisar como as atuais lojas se adaptaram a uma realidade de mercado, que visa envolver o cliente em uma experiência prazerosa, tendo em vista a concorrência do comércio virtual e a crescente venda de livros em supermercados. Pretende-se, neste trabalho, compreender a utilização dos diversos elementos sensoriais que envolvem: tato, olfato, paladar, visão e audição no ponto-de-venda físico. O objeto de estudo é a Livraria Cultura do Conjunto Nacional, sua relevância ocorre pelo fato da livraria ser a maior loja em metros quadrados do país. Por tratar-se de um fenômeno contemporâneo inserido no contexto da vida real, a metodologia utilizada é o Estudo de Caso Único e os procedimentos metodológicos são observação direta do consumidor no ponto-de-venda, pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas com freqüentadores da loja e com profissionais do setor. Pode-se concluir que as características hedônicas do consumidor contemporâneo que busca experiências prazerosas associada a sinergia da comunicação integrada de marketing favorecem para os resultados positivos apresentados pela livraria.(AU)


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A proposta de pesquisa se baseia no tema comunicação integrada de marketing pela abordagem da atuação da competência comunicacional, promoção de vendas, na internet e do surgimento do e-promotion, como extensão da mensagem do ponto-de-venda. O objetivo é verificar como estas novas tecnologias de comunicação, especificamente a internet, estão modificando a forma de fazer promoção de vendas. A metodologia a ser aplicada no projeto consiste em uma pesquisa qualitativa com caráter exploratório através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica concisa que pretende investigar as muitas obras referentes aos temas de comunicação, promoção de vendas, marketing digital e e-commerce, no estudo de caso múltiplo de empresas que utilizam as promoções offline e o e-promotion como ferramenta comunicacional. A conclusão apontou para ações híbridas e aparente ausência de promoções que atuam em sua totalidade no ambiente offline.(AU)


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Esta tese resgata a história das agências de notícias que atuam em escala internacional (Reuters Television e Associated Press Television News), delimitando suas características operacionais dentro do fluxo informacional do telejornalismo mundial. Por meio dos estudos de caso da Reuters TV e da APTN, a tese mostra o funcionamento do ecossistema noticioso global, voltado para as emissoras de televisão, explorando o entendimento de como ele se comporta a partir da irrupção das novas mídias advindas com a internet. Aponta como o desenvolvimento das tecnologias digitais em rede provocou mudanças editoriais e logísticas na rotina produtiva das agências, vistas neste trabalho como importantes atores sociais da globalização. Ao mapear a dinâmica comercial e estrutural das agências, é sustentada a hipótese de que as reportagens transmitidas por essas empresas são, em sua maioria, determinadas pelos interesses políticos e econômicos de seus maiores clientes. Isso nos leva a ratificar que, ainda hoje, após 30 anos da publicação do Relatório McBride, da UNESCO, há uma assimetria no noticiário internacional, no qual alguns países, regiões e assuntos são negligenciados e excluídos. A tese revela, entre outros pontos, que as agências agora difundem um número expressivo de vídeos relacionados à Ásia e que a maior parte de suas reportagens tem imbricações com os Estados Unidos e/ou a Europa. Durante a cobertura midiática de eventos de grande impacto, as agências renovam seu capital simbólico vendendo a ideia de isenção, credibilidade e multiplicidade de vozes. Reforçam também papéis específicos: a organização do noticiário, a viabilização das imagens e a alimentação contínua, segura e veloz do fluxo informativo.


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Commerce is essentially the exchange of goods and services in various forms between sellers and buyers, together with associated financial transactions. Electronic Commerce (EC) is the process of conducing commerce through electronic means, including any electronic commercial activity supported by IT (information technology) (Adam and Yesha, 1996; Kambil, 1997; Yen, 1998). In this sense, EC is not totally new. Industries have used various EC platforms such as advertising on TV and ordering by telephone or fax. Internet Commerce (IC), or Web Commerce, is a specific type of EC (Maddox, 1998; Minoli D. and Minoli E., 1997). While some traditional EC platforms such as TV and telephone have been used to build “TV-gambling” and “telephone-betting” systems for conducting lottery business, Internet Lottery Commerce (ILC) has been assessed as the most promising type of EC in the foreseeable future. There are many social and moral issues relating to the conduct of lottery business on-line. However, this chapter does not debate these but deals only with business and technology issues. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a structured guide to senior executives and strategic planners who are planning on, or interested in, ILC deployment and operation. The guide consists of several stages: (1) an explanation of the industry segment’s traits, value chain, and current status; (2) an analysis of the competition and business issues in the Internet era and an evaluation of the strategic resources; (3) a planning framework that addresses major infrastructure issues; and (4) recommendations comprising the construction of an ILC model, suggested principles, and an approach to strategic deployment. The chapter demonstrates the case for applying the proposed guideline within the lottery business. Faced with a quickly changing technological context, it pays special attention to constructing a conceptual framework that addresses the key components of an ILC model. ILC fulfils the major activities in a lottery commerce value chain—advertising, selling and delivering products, collecting payments for tickets, and paying prizes. Although the guideline has been devised for lottery businesses, it can be applied to many other industry sectors.


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The success of recruitment efforts can have a major impact on sales force effectiveness. Students have long been considered a good source of potential sales recruits, but research has found students have generally negative perceptions of selling as a career. One reason for such perceptions may be negative stereotypes of salespeople held by students. However information on the content of UK sales stereotypes remains anecdotal at best. This study empirically examines UK business students' stereotypes of salespeople using a two-stage approach. Findings suggest that these stereotypes are generally negative. However, we create profiles of salespeople using our findings, and consequently uncover some positive aspects to the stereotype. The study provides instruction on how to use stereotypes in subsequent work, as well as how to utilise the profiles in recruitment efforts.


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Jill Poole's best-selling Casebook on Contract Law provides a clear and well-structured explanation of the principles and rules of contract law through a comprehensive selection of case law, addressing all aspects encountered on undergraduate courses. The coverage in this new edition has been revised to incorporate all recent significant decisions and judgments made by the House of Lords and the Court of Appeal. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes of the court and how legal principles are developed, thus enabling cases to be analysed and discussed independently while, taken as a whole, the chapters provide a sound understanding of the modern law of contract. Succinct author commentary focuses the reader on the key elements within the extracts, while thought-provoking questions are posed throughout to develop a more in-depth appreciation of the subject. Online resource centre Student resources - Updates - Guidance on answering questions - Guidance on reading cases - Questions and answers.


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Jill Poole's best-selling "Casebook on Contract Law" provides a clear and well-structured exposition of the principles and rules through a comprehensive selection of case law, addressing all aspects encountered on undergraduate courses. Extracts have been chosen from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the reasoning processes of the court, why decisions are made and how legal principles are developed - enabling cases to be analyzed and discussed independently while, taken as a whole, the chapters provide a sound understanding of the modern law of contract. Succinct author commentary focuses the reader on the key elements within the extracts, while thought-provoking questions are posed throughout to develop more in-depth analysis. This book is accompanied by a specifically designed companion web site which provides: Questions in contract law; Guidance on answering questions; Guidance on reading cases; Questions and answers; and Updates.


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Jill Poole's best-selling Casebook on Contract Law provides a clear and well-structured explanation of contractual principles through a comprehensive selection of case law, addressing all aspects encountered on undergraduate courses. The coverage in this new edition has been revised to incorporate all recent significant decisions and judgments made by the House of Lords and the Court of Appeal. The extracts have been selected from a wide range of historical and contemporary cases and illustrate the reasoning processes of the court, the grounds justifying the decisions, and how legal principles are developed. Readers can discuss and analyse individual cases while, taken as a whole, the chapters provide a sound appreciation of the modern law of contract. Succinct author commentary focuses the reader on the key elements within the extracts, while thought-provoking questions are posed throughout to develop more in-depth analysis. Online Resource Centre Student resources - Updates - Guidance on answering questions - Guidance on reading cases - Questions and answers.


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Purpose – Developing countries are heavily dependent on the resources and commitment of foreign providers to ensure successful adoption of advanced manufacturing technology (AMT). The purpose of this paper is to describe the important role of buyer-supplier relationships (BSRs) in the process of technology selection, acquisition and implementation. Design/methodology/approach – A survey of 147 Malaysian manufacturing firms is the main instrument used in the research investigations and data analysis is carried out by the structured equation modelling (SEM) technique. In particular, the authors examine the impact on performance of different patterns of relationship between technology buyers and suppliers. Findings – Although the majority of the firms reported improvements in their performance since the acquisition of AMT, closer investigation reveals that those demonstrating a closer relationship with their suppliers are more likely to achieve higher levels of technology and implementation performance (IP) than those that do not. Research limitations/implications – The paper only assesses the strength of BSR from the buyers' perspective and they may have limited experience of acquisition, whereas suppliers may have more experience of selling AMT. Also, the research is undertaken in Malaysia and the findings may be different in other countries, especially where the technology being acquired is not imported but sourced locally. Practical implications – The findings relating to BSR, technology acquisition and IP have important implications both for customers and supplier firms as well as for industrial policy makers in developing countries. Originality/value – The result of the research provides useful insights that are especially pertinent to an improved understanding of BSRs in the procurement of capital equipment, about which the current research literature is limited.


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The objective of this study has been to enable a greater understanding of the biomass gasification process through the development and use of process and economic models. A new theoretical equilibrium model of gasification is described using the operating condition called the adiabatic carbon boundary. This represents an ideal gasifier working at the point where the carbon in the feedstock is completely gasified. The model can be used as a `target' against which the results of real gasifiers can be compared, but it does not simulate the results of real gasifiers. A second model has been developed which uses a stagewise approach in order to model fluid bed gasification, and its results have indicated that pyrolysis and the reactions of pyrolysis products play an important part in fluid bed gasifiers. Both models have been used in sensitivity analyses: the biomass moisture content and gasifying agent composition were found to have the largest effects on performance, whilst pressure and heat loss had lesser effects. Correlations have been produced to estimate the total installed capital cost of gasification systems and have been used in an economic model of gasification. This has been used in a sensitivity analysis to determine the factors which most affect the profitability of gasification. The most important influences on gasifier profitability have been found to be feedstock cost, product selling price and throughput. Given the economic conditions of late 1985, refuse gasification for the production of producer gas was found to be viable at throughputs of about 2.5 tonnes/h dry basis and above, in the metropolitan counties of the United Kingdom. At this throughput and above, the largest element of product gas cost is the feedstock cost, the cost element which is most variable.


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This study aims to investigate to what extent the views of the managers of the enterprises to be privatized are a barrier to smooth implementation of privatization as opposed to other problems. Accordingly, the research tackles two main issues: Identification and analysis of the major problems encountered in the implementation of the Egyptian privatization programme and at which level these problems exist while proposing different approaches to tackle them; and views of public sector top and middle-level managers regarding the main issues of privatization. The study relies upon a literature survey, interviews with stakeholders, a survey of managers' attitudes and several illustrative case studies. A model of "good practice" for the smooth and effective implementation of privatization has been designed. Practice in Egypt has then been studied and compared with the "good practice" model. Lack of strictness and firmness in implementing the announced privatization programme has been found to be a characteristic of Egyptian practice. This is partly attributable to the inadequacy of the programme and partly to the different obstacles to implementation. The main obstacles are doubtful desirability of privatization on the part of the managers at different implementation levels, resistance of stakeholders, in adequately of the legal framework governing privatization, redundant labour, lack of an efficient monitoring system allowing for accountability, inefficient marketing of privatization, ineffective communication, insufficient information at different levels and problems related to valuation and selling procedures. A large part of the thesis is concerned with SOE (State Owned Enterprise) managers' attitudes on and understanding of the privatization (appraised through surveys). Although most managers have stated their acceptance of privatization, many of their responses show that they do not accept selling SOEs. They understand privatization to include enterprise reform and restructuring, changing procedures and giving more authority to company executives, but not necessarily as selling SOEs. The majority of managers still see many issues that have to be addressed for smooth implementation of privatization e.g. insufficiency of information, incompleteness of legal framework, restructuring and labour problems. The main contribution to knowledge of this thesis is the study of problems of implementing privatization in developing countries especially managers' resistance to privatization as a major change, partly because of the threat it poses and partly because of the lack of understanding of privatization and implications of operating private businesses. A programme of persuading managers and offsetting the unfavourable effects is recommended as an outcome of the study. Five different phrases and words for the national Index to theses are: Egypt, privatization, implementation of privatization, problems of implementing privatization and managers' attitudes towards privatization.