991 resultados para Seed-coat


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Palm species native to Brazil such as Syagrus picrophylla and S. schizophylla have great ornamental value and for this reason are much demanded for use in landscape. Its propagation is by seeds and often presents considerable problems to nursery managers because their seed has a hard and impermeable shell. Temperature is one of the factors that influence the seed germination process; however, the information for these species is scarce. Thus, this work aimed to study the effects of temperature regimes on the germination of S. picrophylla and S. schizophylla seeds and develop some recommendations in which temperature will obtain high rates of seed germination. The experimental design was entirely randomized with six temperatures and four replications of 25 seeds for each species. Germination and germination rate were evaluated. Higher and faster germination of S. picrophylla and S. schizophylla seeds were verified at constant temperature of 30°C and 35°C; and alternated temperature at 25-35°C.


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Antirrhinum majus L. and Senecio douglasii DC. are herbaceous perennial ornamental plants used in landscaping. The multiplication of these plants is by seed; however, there are still doubts about the temperature that can provide higher rates and speed of germination. Thus the aim was to study the effect of temperature on seed germination of A. majus and S. douglasii. The study was conducted separately for each species. The experimental design was entirely randomized with six temperature conditions (temperature controlled constant of 20, 25, 30, 35°C and alternating temperatures of 20-30 and 25-35°C with a photoperiod of 12 hours) with four replications of 100 seeds each. Total germination percentage and germination rate were determined. The means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. For A majus the highest germination percentage was observed at 20°C that did not differ statistically from other temperatures. The highest germination rate was obtained at the temperature of 20 and 25°C. For S. douglasii seeds it was observed that the highest germination percentage and germination rate occurred at 20°C. The lower temperature showed the better percentage and germination rate for these species.


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The invasive behavior of melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia) plants in wetlands is due to its aggressive regeneration strategy, which is based on its seeds germination performance. Understanding of the eco-physiological aspects of the seed germination in melaleuca plants may significantly contribute for the development of management strategies. The objective of this research was to learn how the germination of M. quinquenervia seeds are affected by light and temperature. Melaleuca seeds were placed on filter paper moistened with 12 ml of distilled water at temperatures between 10 and 45°C. Germination was evaluated in dark and light conditions. Seed germination, first count of seed germination (seven days), germination speed index and germination mean time were determined up to 40 days after seeding, when germination had ceased in most of the treatments. After that period, the seeds were transferred to conditions of 30°C and light, which was found to be ideal in the previous phase. Seed germination was daily evaluated up to 63 days when it was again observed no longer to occur. The treatment repetitions were distributed in the growth-chamber according to a completely randomized design in a factorial scheme (eight temperatures x two light conditions) and four repetitions. The data were submitted to analysis of variance with the F test and the means were adjusted to polynomial and non linear regression models. The highest seed germination performance was observed to take place under conditions of 27.3°C with light. The temperatures of 35 and 40°C in the dark induced thermal inhibition of seed germination. The temperature of 45°C was lethal to the seeds.


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This study aimed to assess the nutritional composition of the fruit and the physicochemical and bioactive properties of jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril L.) pulp and seed oils. The lipid content of both fractions was below 6%. There was a significant presence of minerals, especially, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. The main macronutrient in pulp and seed was crude fiber, and considerable amounts of Vitamin C, 51.87 and 121.45. mg/100. g respectively, were found. The physicochemical properties demonstrated the good quality of the oils. The oxidative stability index was influenced by the composition of fatty acids reaching a value of 45.97. h for the jatoba pulp oil. The most abundant bioactive compounds were α-tocopherol (886.37 and 993.63. mg/kg) and β-sitosterol (61.83 and 91.09. mg/kg) for pulp and seed oils, respectively. Among the unsaturated fatty acids in the pulp, the oleic (46.09%) and linolenic acid (14.54%) stood out. The pulp and seed oils can be considered a valuable source for new industrial, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The movement patterns of males, females and juveniles of lekking species often differ due to differences in the commitment to lek activities, which may lead to differences in the spatial distribution and dispersal distances of seeds they eat. By sampling seeds in three lek and non-lek areas of the white-bearded manakin (Manacus manacus), we tested whether this lekking species increased the abundance and species richness of seeds in lek areas and, at a finer scale, in 21 displaying courts within lek areas. Combining data on seed defecation or regurgitation rates by free-ranging individuals, the number of seeds in droppings or regurgitations of mist-netted birds, and the distances travelled by birds equipped with radio-transmitters, we estimated the potential spatial distribution of seeds generated by six resident males and six females or juveniles during the morning peak of lek activity and when lek activity decreased in the afternoon. There was no difference in the species richness (46 and 44 morphospecies, respectively) and abundance of seeds (15.4 ± 7.3 seeds and 14.0 ± 1.1 seeds, respectively) between lek and non-lek areas. Within leks both parameters increased in courts (45 spp., 17.6 ± 14 seeds) compared with non-court sites (22 spp., 1.9 ± 1.8 seeds), likely as a consequence of the longer time spent by resident males in perches in or near display courts. Distances moved by juveniles and females per 60-min period (183 ± 272 m) were greater than resident males (42.6 ± 22.0 m) in the mornings, while the opposite happened in the afternoons (55.2 ± 40.7 m and 157 ± 105 m, respectively). We conclude that the spatial aggregation of seeds in lek areas of M. manacus occurs at the court level, and the spatial distribution of deposited seeds varies with manakin lekking status and the daily period of foraging. © Cambridge University Press 2013.


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Physico-chemical characteristics, fatty acid and tocopherol compositions, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of crude oil extracted from guava (Psidium guajava var. pomifera) seeds were investigated. Oil yield from the seeds was 14.0%. Data obtained for the analytical indexes compared well with those of others edible oils. The oil showed high levels of unsaturated fatty acids (88.1%), mainly linoleic acid (78.4%). The tocopherol and total phenolic contents in the oil amounted to 29.2 and 92.3 mg/100 g, respectively. The guava seed oil exhibited a great DPPH · scavenging activity showing EC50 of 12.9 g oil/g [DPPH · ] -1 and antiradical efficiency of 7.9×10 -2 . Therefore, the potential utilization of the guava seed oil as a raw material of food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries appears to be favourable and provides the use of a renewable resource, adding value to agricultural products.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Crambe is an important biofuel crop and its oil has unique traits such as high erucic acid content which can be used as industrial lubricant, corrosion inhibitor as well as ingredient in synthetic rubber manufacturing. Genetic diversity among 70 progenies of Crambe abyssinica Hochst selected from a population of FMS Brilhante cultivar was quantified by multivariate analysis for traits related to germination, thousand grain weight and oil content. There were significant differences among progenies for all traits studied. Estimation of genetic variance and heritability coefficients showed that the variability found in the progeny is more genetic than environmental which enables genetic gains with selection. Heritability coefficient varied from 68 to 79%, except for oil content and number of dead seedlings. Simple correlation analysis showed that germination and vigor were positively correlated, and thousand grain weight and oil content were not correlated with any of the seed traits. Based on multivariate analysis, the progenies could be grouped into 26 clusters. Clusters 1, 2 and 3 had the highest number of progeny with 7, 8 and 6 lineages, respectively. Clusters 21-26 had higher dissimilarity within the cluster with one in each progeny. The trait that most contributed to the cluster was the germination (36.2%) and less contributed was the number of seedlings killed (1.1%). The progenies indicate genetic diversity for seed traits and the selection of superior progenies is possible considering the studied traits. © 2013.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A biodiversidade Amazônica pode ser uma fonte de substâncias capazes de serem utilizadas no controle de plantas daninhas. Neste estudo relatamos o isolamento e a identificação de cinco estilbenos a partir das folhas do "timbó vermelho" (Deguelia rufescens var. urucu): 4-metoxilonchocarpeno (1); 3,5-dimetoxi-4´-hidroxi-3´-prenil-trans-estilbeno (2), lonchocarpeno (3), 3,5-dimetoxi-4´-O-prenil-trans-estilbeno (4) e pteroestilbeno (5). As substâncias 2 e 4 são novos produtos naturais, porém 2 já havia sido citada como produto de síntese. Foi avaliada a potencial atividade alelopática de 1, 2 e 4 sobre a germinação de sementes e o crescimento da planta daninha Mimosa pudica. Os efeitos observados sobre a germinação das sementes de M. pudica não variaram significantemente (p > 0,05) quando a análise da fitotoxidade foi realizada com as substâncias isoladamente, cuja inibição máxima não ultrapassou 20%. A inibição mais intensa, quanto ao desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo, foi encontrada para o composto 4 (p < 0,05). Isoladamente, 4 causou efeito inibitório significativamente maior (p < 0,05) no desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo, do que 1 e 2. Quando testados aos pares, apresentaram antagonismo para a germinação de sementes e sinergismo para o desenvolvimento da radícula e hipocótilo.


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ABSTRACT: Hydrogenation of passion fruit (passiflora edulis) seed oil was carried out with a commercial nickel/silica catalyst under different experimental conditions. The influence of reaction parameters (reaction temperature, hydrogen pressure, amount of catalyst, agitation rate and reaction time) on the response variable (iodine value) was studied using a central composite rotatable design and six center points for replication. Under the experimental conditions used, the model response equations for the iodine value showed good agreement with the experimental results.


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O coatá-de-testa-branca, Ateles marginatus, é uma espécie de primata ameaçada de extinção segundo a UICN. Endêmica da Amazônia brasileira, este status deve-se a uma combinação de uma distribuição geográfica relativamente restrita e às crescentes pressões antrópicas dentro desta área. O presente estudo compreendeu a margem direita do baixo Rio Tapajós, centrado na rodovia BR-163 (Santarém-Cuiabá), região de intensa e antiga ocupação humana. O objetivo principal do estudo foi uma avaliação da distribuição e abundância de A. marginatus dentro desta área, e a análise dos fatores determinantes destas variáveis. Foram visitados 16 sítios, onde moradores foram entrevistados informalmente para a confirmação da presença ou ausência da espécie. Levantamentos populacionais de transecção linear foram realizados em oito sítios, representativos de diferentes graus de fragmentação de hábitat, com um percurso total de 697,6 km. Em dois sítios, agrupamentos de A. marginatus foram monitorados para a obtenção de dados sobre seu comportamento e ecologia. Os resultados indicam que a espécie é ausente de algumas áreas, incluindo lacunas naturais em sua distribuição e uma zona de extinção local, que parece estender até pelo menos 60 km a sul da cidade de Santarém. Um total de 23 espécies de mamíferos não-voadores foram registradas nos levantamentos populacionais, mas a presença de A. marginatus foi confirmada em apenas três sítios. O estudo indica que fragmentos isolados de floresta com menos de cem hectares não suportam populações de A. marginatus. No caso de fragmentos maiores, a presença e abundância da espécie parecem ser influenciadas mais diretamente por fatores antrópicos (caça e extração de madeira). Mesmo em floresta contínua, a espécie parece ser relativamente pouco abundante, mas semelhante a outras populações de Ateles na Amazônia brasileira. Dois grupos, um com oito membros e o outro com pelo menos vinte, foram identificados durante o monitoramento. Como em outros membros do gênero, a formação de subagrupamentos (fissão-fusão), uma proporção relativamente alta de fêmeas na população e uma dieta frugívora são observadas também em A. marginatus. O estudo deixa clara a situação crítica da espécie na região, frente à ocupação humana, e a necessidade urgente tanto de deter o processo de fragmentação de hábitat como de implantar novas unidades de conservação.


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Em estudos anteriores descrevemos o isolamento de nove substâncias, a partir das folhas de Derris urucu, uma espécie encontrada amplamente na floresta Amazônica, as quais foram identificadas como cinco estilbenos e quatro diidroflavonóis. Neste trabalho, três desses diidroflavonóis [urucuol A (1), urucuol B (2) e isotirumalina (3)] foram avaliados para identificar seus potenciais como aleloquímicos. Estamos relatando também, o isolamento e a determinação estrutural de um novo flavonóide [5,3′-diidroxi-4′-metoxi-(7,6:5″,6″)-2″,2″-dimetilpiranoflavanona (4)]. Investigamos os efeitos dos diidroflavonóis 1-3 sobre a germinação de sementes e desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo da planta daninha Mimosa pudica, usando soluções a 150 mg.L–1. Urucuol B, isoladamente, foi quem apresentou o maior potencial para inibir a germinação de sementes (26%), por sua vez, isotirulamina exibiu maior capacidade para reduzir o desenvolvimento do hipocótilo (25%), porém nenhuma das três substâncias mostrou potencial para inibir o desenvolvimento da radícula. Quando combinadas aos pares, as substâncias mostraram sinergismo ao desenvolvimento da radícula e do hipocótilo e efeitos, na germinação de sementes, que poderiam ser atribuídos a antagonismo. Quando testadas separadamente, as substâncias apresentaram maior tendência para inibir a germinação de sementes, enquanto que, quando testadas aos pares, observou-se aumento no efeito de inibição do desenvolvimento da planta daninha.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FCAV