916 resultados para Second Order Damped Response System


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A first-order Lagrangian L ∇ variationally equivalent to the second-order Einstein- Hilbert Lagrangian is introduced. Such a Lagrangian depends on a symmetric linear connection, but the dependence is covariant under diffeomorphisms. The variational problem defined by L ∇ is proved to be regular and its Hamiltonian formulation is studied, including its covariant Hamiltonian attached to ∇ .


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La presente tesis doctoral aborda el estudio de un nuevo material mineral, compuesto principalmente por una matriz de yeso (proveniente de un conglomerante industrial basado en sulfato de calcio multifase) y partículas de aerogel de sílice hidrófugo mesoporoso, compatibilizadas mediante un surfactante polimérico, debido a su alto carácter hidrófugo. La investigación se centra en conocer los factores que influyen en las propiedades mecánicas y conductividad térmica del material compuesto generado. Este estudio pretende contribuir al conocimiento sobre el desarrollo de nuevos morteros de elevado aislamiento térmico que puedan ser utilizados en la rehabilitación energética de edificios de viviendas existentes, debido a que estos representan gran parte del consumo energético del parque de viviendas de España, aunque también a nivel internacional. De los materiales utilizados para desarrollar los morteros estudiados, el yeso, además de ser un material muy abundante, especialmente en España, requiere una menor cantidad de energía para la fabricación de un conglomerante (debido a una menor temperatura de fabricación), en comparación con el cemento o la cal, por lo que presenta una menor huella de carbono que estos últimos. Por otro lado, el aerogel de sílice hidrófugo mesoporoso es, de acuerdo con la documentación disponible, el material que posee actualmente la mayor capacidad de aislamiento térmico en el mercado. El desarrollo de nuevos morteros minerales con una capacidad de aislamiento térmico mayor que los materiales aislantes utilizados tradicionalmente, tiene una aplicación relevante en los casos de rehabilitación energética de edificios históricos y patrimoniales, en los que se requiere la aplicación del aislamiento por el interior de la fachada, ya que este tipo de soluciones tienen el inconveniente de reducir el espacio habitable de las áreas involucradas, especialmente en zonas climáticas en las que el aislamiento térmico puede suponer un espesor considerable, por lo que es ideal utilizar materiales de altas prestaciones de aislamiento térmico capaces de aportar el mismo nivel de aislamiento (o incluso mayor), pero en un espesor considerablemente menor. La investigación se desarrolla en tres etapas: bibliográfica, experimental y de simulación. La primera etapa, parte del estudio de la bibliografía existente, relacionada con materiales aislantes, incluyendo soluciones basadas, tanto en morteros aislantes, como en paneles de aislamiento térmico. La segunda, de carácter experimental, se centra en estudiar la influencia de la microestrucrura y macroestructura, del nuevo material mineral, en las propiedades físicas elementales, mecánicas y conductividad térmica del compuesto. La tercera etapa, mediante una simulación del consumo energético, consiste en cuantificar teóricamente el potencial ahorro energético que puede aportar este material en un caso de rehabilitación energética en particular. La investigación experimental se centró principalmente en conocer los factores principales que influyen en las propiedades mecánicas y conductividad térmica de los materiales compuestos minerales desarrollados en esta tesis. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una caracterización de los materiales de estudio, así como el desarrollo de distintas muestras de ensayo, de tal forma que se pudo estudiar, tanto la hidratación del yeso en los compuestos, como su posterior microestructura y macroestructura, aspectos fundamentales para el entendimiento de las propiedades mecánicas y conductividad térmica del compuesto aislante. De este modo, se pudieron conocer y cuantificar, los factores que influyen en las propiedades estudiadas, aportando una base de conocimiento y entendimiento de este tipo de compuestos minerales con aerogel de sílice hidrófugo, no existiendo estudios publicados hasta el momento de finalización de esta tesis, con la aproximación al material propuesta en este estudio, ni con yeso (basado en sulfato de calcio multifase), ni con otro tipo de conglomerantes. Particularmente, se determinó la influencia que tiene la incorporación de partículas de aerogel de sílice hidrófugo, en grandes proporciones en volumen, en un compuesto mineral basado en distintas fases de sulfato de calcio. No obstante, para llevar a cabo las mezclas, fue necesario utilizar un surfactante para compatibilizar este tipo de partículas, con el conglomerante basado en agua. El uso de este tipo de aditivos tiene una influencia, no solo en el aerogel, sino en las propiedades del compuesto en general, dependiendo de su concentración, por lo que se establecieron dos porcentajes de adición: la primera, determinada a partir de la cantidad mínima necesaria para compatibilizar las mezclas (0,1% del agua de amasado), y la segunda, como límite superior, la concentración utilizada habitualmente a nivel industrial para estabilizar burbujas de aire en hormigones espumados (5%). El surfactante utilizado mostró la capacidad de modificar la superficie del aerogel, cambiando el comportamiento de las partículas frente al agua, permitiendo una invasión parcial de su estructura porosa, por parte del agua de amasado. Este comportamiento supone un aumento muy importante en la relación agua/yeso, afectando el hábito cristalino e influenciando negativamente las propiedades mecánicas de la matriz de yeso, presentando un efecto aún notable a mayor concentración de surfactante (5%). En cuanto a las propiedades finales alcanzadas, fue posible lograr un compuesto mineral ultraligero (200 kg/m3), con alrededor de un 60% de aerogel en volumen y de alta capacidad aislante (0,028 W/m•K), presentando una conductividad térmica notablemente menor que los morteros aislantes del mercado, e incluso también menor que la de los aislantes tradicionales basado en las lanas minerales o EPS; no obstante, con la limitante de presentar bajas propiedades mecánicas, condicionando su posible aplicación futura. Entre los factores principales relacionados con las propiedades mecánicas, se encontró que estas dependen exponencialmente del volumen de yeso en el compuesto; no obstante, factores de segundo orden, como el grado de hidratación, o una mejor distribución del conglomerante entre las partículas de aerogel, debido al aumento de la superficie específica del polvo mineral, pueden aumentar las propiedades mecánicas entre el doble y el triple, dependiendo del volumen de aerogel en cuestión. Además, se encontró que el aerogel, en conjunto con el surfactante, es capaz de introducir una gran cantidad de aire (0,70 m3 por cada m3 de aerogel), que unido al agua evaporada (no consumida por el conglomerante durante la hidratación), el volumen de aire total alcanza, generalmente, un 40%, independientemente de la cantidad de aerogel en la mezcla. De este modo, el aire introducido en la matriz desplaza las proporciones en volumen del aerogel y del yeso, disminuyendo, tanto las propiedades mecánicas, como la capacidad aislante de compuesto mineral. Por otro lado, la conductividad térmica mostró tener una dependencia directa de la contribución de las tres fases principales en el compuesto: yeso, aerogel y aire ocluido. De este modo, se pudo desarrollar un modelo matemático, adaptado de uno existente, capaz de calcular, con bastante precisión, la relación de los tres componentes mencionados, en la conductividad térmica de los compuestos, para el rango de volúmenes y materiales utilizados en esta tesis. Finalmente, la simulación del consumo energético realizada a una vivienda típica de España, de los años 1900 a 1959 (basada en muros de ladrillo macizo), para las zonas climáticas estudiadas (A, D y E), permitió observar el potencial ahorro energético que puede aportar este material, dependiendo de su espesor, como aislamiento interior de los muros de fachada. Particularmente, para la zona A, se determinó un espesor óptimo de 1 cm, mientras que para la zona D y E, 3,5 y 3,9 cm respectivamente. En este sentido, el nuevo material estudiado es capaz de disminuir, entre un 35% y un 80%, el espesor de la capa aislante, en comparación con paneles de lana de roca o los morteros minerales de mayor capacidad aislante del mercado español respectivamente. ABSTRACT The present doctoral thesis studies a new mineral-based composite material, composed by a gypsum matrix (based on an industrial multiphase gypsum binder) and mesoporous hydrophobic silica aerogel particles, compatibilized with a polymeric surfactant due to the high hydrophobic character of the insulating particles. This study pretends to contribute to the development of new composite insulating materials that could be used in energy renovation of existing dwellings, in order to reduce their high energy consumption, as they represent a great part of the total energy consumed in Spain, but also internationally. Between the materials used to develop de studied insulating mortars, gypsum, besides being an abundant material, especially in Spain, requires less energy for the manufacture of a mineral binder (due to lower manufacturing temperatures), compared to lime or cement, thus presenting lower carbon footprint. In other hand, the hydrophobic mesoporous silica aerogel, is, according to the existing references, the material with the highest know insulating capacity in the market. The development of new mineral mortars with higher thermal insulation capacity than traditional insulating materials, presents a relevant application in energy retrofitting of historic and cultural heritage buildings, in which implies that the insulating material should be installed as an internal layer, rather than as an external insulating system. This type of solution involves a reduced internal useful area, especially in climatic zones where the demand for thermal insulation is higher, and so the insulating layer thickness, being idealistic to use materials with very high insulating properties, in order to reach same insulating level (or higher), but in lower thickness than the provided by traditional insulating materials. This research is developed in three main stages: bibliographic, experimental and simulation. The first stage starts by studying the existing references regarding thermally insulating materials, including existing insulating mortars and insulating panels. The second stage, mainly experimental, is centered in the study of the the influence of the microstructure and macrostructure in the physical and mechanical properties, and also in the thermal conductivity of the new mineral-based material. The thirds stage, through energy simulation, consists in theoretically quantifying the energy savings potential that can provide this type of insulating material, in a particular energy retrofitting case study. The experimental research is mainly focused in the study of the factors that influence the mechanical properties and the thermal conductivity of the thermal insulating mineral composites developed in this thesis. For this, the characterization of the studied materials has been performed, as well as the development of several experimental samples, in order to study the hydration of the mineral binder within the composites, but also the final microstructure and macrostructure, fundamental aspects for the understanding of the composite’s mechanical and insulating properties. Thus, is was possible to determine and quantify the factors that influence the studied material properties, providing a knowledge base and understanding of mineral composites that comprises mesoporous hydrophobic silica aerogel particles, being the first study up to date regarding the specific approach of the present study, regarding not just multiphase calcium sulfate plaster, but also other mineral binders. Particularly, the influence of the incorporation of hydrophobic silica aerogel particles, in high volume ratios into a mineral compound, based on different phases of calcium sulfate has been determined. However, to perform mixing, it is necessary to use a surfactant in order to compatibilize these particles with the water-based mineral binder. The use of such additives has an influence, not only in the aerogel, but the overall properties of the compound, so two different surfactant concentration has been studied: the first, the minimum amount of surfactant (used in this thesis) in order to develop the slurries (0.1% concentration of the mixing water), and the second, as the upper limit, the concentration usually used industrially to stabilize air bubbles in foamed concrete (5%). One of the side effects of using such additive, was the modification of the aerogel particles, by changing their behavior in respect to water, generating a partial invasion of the aerogel’s porous structure, by the mixing water. This behavior produces a very important increase in water/binder ratios, affecting the crystal habit and negatively influencing the mechanical properties of the gypsum matrix. This effect further increased when a higher concentration of surfactant (5%) is used. Regarding final materials properties, it was possible to achieve an ultra-lightweight mineral composite (200 kg/m3), with around 60% by volume of aerogel, presenting a very high insulating capacity (0.028 W/m•K), a noticeable lower thermal conductivity compared to the insulating mortars and traditional thermal insulating panels on the market, such as mineral wool or EPS; however, the limiting factor for future’s material application in buildings, is related to the very low mechanical properties achieved. Among the main factors related to the mechanical properties, it has been found an exponential correlation to the volume of gypsum in the composite. However, second-order factors such as the degree of hydration, or a better distribution of the binder between the aerogel particles, due to the increased surface area of the mineral powder, can increase the mechanical properties between two to three times, depending aerogel volume involved. In addition, it was found that the aerogel, together with the surfactant, is able to entrain a large amount of air volume (around 0.70 m3 per m3 of aerogel), which together with the evaporated water (not consumed by the binder during hydration), can reach generally around 40% of entrained air within the gypsum matrix, regardless of the amount of aerogel in the mixture. Thus, the entrained air into the matrix displaces the volume proportions of the aerogel and gypsum, reducing both mechanical and insulating properties of the mineral composite. On the other hand, it has been observed a direct contribution of three main phases into the thermal conductivity of the composite: gypsum, aerogel and entrained air. Thus, it was possible to develop a mathematical model (adapted from an existing one), capable of calculating quite accurate the thermal conductivity of such mineral composites, from the ratio these three components and for the range of volumes and materials used in this thesis. Finally, the energy simulation performed to a typical Spanish dwelling, from the years 1900 to 1959 (mainly constructed with massive clay bricks), within three climatic zones of Spain (A, D and E), showed the energy savings potential that can provide this type of insulating material, depending on the thickness of the applied layer. Particularly, for the climatic A zone, it has been found an optimal layer thickness of 1 cm, while for zone D and E, 3.5 and 3.9 cm respectively. In this manner, the new studied materials is capable of decreasing the thickness of the insulating layer by 35% and 80%, compared with rock wool panels or mineral mortars with the highest insulating performance of the Spanish market respectively.


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Averaged event-related potential (ERP) data recorded from the human scalp reveal electroencephalographic (EEG) activity that is reliably time-locked and phase-locked to experimental events. We report here the application of a method based on information theory that decomposes one or more ERPs recorded at multiple scalp sensors into a sum of components with fixed scalp distributions and sparsely activated, maximally independent time courses. Independent component analysis (ICA) decomposes ERP data into a number of components equal to the number of sensors. The derived components have distinct but not necessarily orthogonal scalp projections. Unlike dipole-fitting methods, the algorithm does not model the locations of their generators in the head. Unlike methods that remove second-order correlations, such as principal component analysis (PCA), ICA also minimizes higher-order dependencies. Applied to detected—and undetected—target ERPs from an auditory vigilance experiment, the algorithm derived ten components that decomposed each of the major response peaks into one or more ICA components with relatively simple scalp distributions. Three of these components were active only when the subject detected the targets, three other components only when the target went undetected, and one in both cases. Three additional components accounted for the steady-state brain response to a 39-Hz background click train. Major features of the decomposition proved robust across sessions and changes in sensor number and placement. This method of ERP analysis can be used to compare responses from multiple stimuli, task conditions, and subject states.


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The human cone visual system maintains contrast sensitivity over a wide range of ambient illumination, a property known as light adaptation. The first stage in light adaptation is believed to take place at the first neural step in vision, within the long, middle, and short wavelength sensitive cone photoreceptors. To determine the properties of adaptation in primate outer retina, we measured cone signals in second-order interneurons, the horizontal cells, of the macaque monkey. Horizontal cells provide a unique site for studying early adaptational mechanisms; they are but one synapse away from the photoreceptors, and each horizontal cell receives excitatory inputs from many cones. Light adaptation occurred over the entire range of light levels evaluated, a luminance range of 15–1,850 trolands. Adaptation was demonstrated to be independent in each cone type and to be spatially restricted. Thus, in primates, a major source of sensitivity regulation occurs before summation of cone signals in the horizontal cell.


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Graphs of second harmonic generation coefficients and electro-optic coefficients (measured by ellipsometry, attenuated total reflection, and two-slit interference modulation) as a function of chromophore number density (chromophore loading) are experimentally observed to exhibit maxima for polymers containing chromophores characterized by large dipole moments and polarizabilities. Modified London theory is used to demonstrated that this behavior can be attributed to the competition of chromophore-applied electric field and chromophore–chromophore electrostatic interactions. The comparison of theoretical and experimental data explains why the promise of exceptional macroscopic second-order optical nonlinearity predicted for organic materials has not been realized and suggests routes for circumventing current limitations to large optical nonlinearity. The results also suggest extensions of measurement and theoretical methods to achieve an improved understanding of intermolecular interactions in condensed phase materials including materials prepared by sequential synthesis and block copolymer methods.


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In motion standstill, a quickly moving object appears to stand still, and its details are clearly visible. It is proposed that motion standstill can occur when the spatiotemporal resolution of the shape and color systems exceeds that of the motion systems. For moving red-green gratings, the first- and second-order motion systems fail when the grating is isoluminant. The third-order motion system fails when the green/red saturation ratio produces isosalience (equal distinctiveness of red and green). When a variety of high-contrast red-green gratings, with different spatial frequencies and speeds, were made isoluminant and isosalient, the perception of motion standstill was so complete that motion direction judgments were at chance levels. Speed ratings also indicated that, within a narrow range of luminance contrasts and green/red saturation ratios, moving stimuli were perceived as absolutely motionless. The results provide further evidence that isoluminant color motion is perceived only by the third-order motion system, and they have profound implications for the nature of shape and color perception.


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Bacterial mutation rates can increase and produce genetic novelty, as shown by in vitro and in silico experiments. Despite the cost due to a heavy deleterious mutation load, mutator alleles, which increase the mutation rate, can spread in asexual populations during adaptation because they remain associated with the rare favorable mutations they generate. This indirect selection for a genetic system generating diversity (second-order selection) is expected to be highly sensitive to changes in the dynamics of adaptation. Here we show by a simulation approach that even rare genetic exchanges, such as bacterial conjugation or transformation, can dramatically reduce the selection of mutators. Moreover, drift or competition between the processes of mutation and recombination in the course of adaptation reveal how second-order selection is unable to optimize the rate of generation of novelty.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD52 gene plays a pivotal role in genetic recombination. Here we demonstrate that yeast Rad52 is a DNA binding protein. To show that the interaction between Rad52 and DNA is direct and not mediated by other yeast proteins and to facilitate protein purification, a recombinant expression system was developed. The recombinant protein can bind both single- and double-stranded DNA and the addition of either Mg2+ or ATP does not enhance the binding of single-stranded DNA. Furthermore, a DNA binding domain was found in the evolutionary conserved N terminus of the protein. More importantly, we show that the protein stimulates DNA annealing even in the presence of a large excess of nonhomologous DNA. Rad52-promoted annealing follows second-order kinetics and the rate is 3500-fold faster than that of the spontaneous reaction. How this annealing activity relates to the genetic phenotype associated with rad52 mutant cells is discussed.


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In this work we prensent an analysis of non-slanted reflection gratings by using exact solution of the second order differential equation derived from Maxwell equations, in terms of Mathieu functions. The results obtained by using this method will be compared to those obtained by using the well known Kogelnik's Coupled Wave Theory which predicts with great accuracy the response of the efficieny of the zero and first order for volume phase gratings, for both reflection and transmission gratings.


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We propose cotunneling as the microscopic mechanism that makes possible inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy of magnetic atoms in surfaces for a wide range of systems, including single magnetic adatoms, molecules, and molecular stacks. We describe electronic transport between the scanning tip and the conducting surface through the magnetic system (MS) with a generalized Anderson model, without making use of effective spin models. Transport and spin dynamics are described with an effective cotunneling Hamiltonian in which the correlations in the magnetic system are calculated exactly and the coupling to the electrodes is included up to second order in the tip MS and MS substrate. In the adequate limit our approach is equivalent to the phenomenological Kondo exchange model that successfully describes the experiments. We apply our method to study in detail inelastic transport in two systems, stacks of cobalt phthalocyanines and a single Mn atom on Cu2N. Our method accounts for both the large contribution of the inelastic spin exchange events to the conductance and the observed conductance asymmetry.


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Las funciones de segundo orden son cada vez más empleadas en el análisis de procesos ecológicos. En este trabajo presentamos dos funciones de 2º orden desarrolladas recientemente que permiten analizar la interacción espacio-temporal entre dos especies o tipos funcionales de individuos. Estas funciones han sido desarrolladas para el estudio de interacciones entre especies en masas forestales a partir de la actual distribución diamétrica de los árboles. La primera de ellas es la función bivariante para procesos de puntos con marca Krsmm, que permite analizar la correlación espacial de una variable entre los individuos pertenecientes a dos especies en función de la distancia. La segunda es la función de reemplazo , que permite analizar la asociación entre los individuos pertenecientes a dos especies en función de la diferencia entre sus diámetros u otra variable asociada a dichos individuos. Para mostrar el comportamiento de ambas funciones en el análisis de sistemas forestales en los que operan diferentes procesos ecológicos se presentan tres casos de estudio: una masa mixta de Pinus pinea L. y Pinus pinaster Ait. en la Meseta Norte, un bosque de niebla de la Región Tropical Andina y el ecotono entre las masas de Quercus pyrenaica Willd. y Pinus sylvestris L. en el Sistema Central, en los que tanto la función Krsmm como la función r se utilizan para analizar la dinámica forestal a partir de parcelas experimentales con todos los árboles localizados y de parcelas de inventario.


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Este estudio ofrece una revisión de la teoría tridimensional propuesta por Lang (1968), quien mantiene que la ansiedad se manifiesta según un triple sistema de respuesta (cognitivo, fisiológico y motor o conductual) que pueden ser discordantes. Estos tres sistemas, regulados por normas diferentes, dan lugar a perfiles de respuesta diferenciales, los cuales será necesario evaluar por separado para, posteriormente, elegir el método de tratamiento más adecuado. En esta línea, el presente estudio ofrece una revisión de investigaciones que, hasta el día de hoy, han apoyado la teoría propuesta por Lang. Finalmente, este estudio revisa diferentes cuestionarios, inventarios y escalas construidos desde la teoría propuesta por Lang, revelando que, en la actualidad, la teoría tridimensional de la ansiedad continúa siendo aplicada en el ámbito clínico, de la salud y el escolar, lo que denota su actualidad, relevancia y practicidad.


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Purpose. Transplantation of human central nervous system stem cells (HuCNS-SC) into the subretinal space of Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rats preserves photoreceptors and visual function. To explore possible mechanism(s) of action underlying this neuroprotective effect, we performed a detailed morphologic and ultrastructure analysis of HuCNS-SC transplanted retinas. Methods. The HuCNS-SC were transplanted into the subretinal space of RCS rats. Histologic examination of the transplanted retinas was performed by light and electron microscopy. Areas of the retina adjacent to HuCNS-SC graft (treated regions) were analyzed and compared to control sections obtained from the same retina, but distant from the transplant site (untreated regions). Results. The HuCNS-SC were detected as a layer of STEM 121 immunopositive cells in the subretinal space. In treated regions, preserved photoreceptor nuclei, as well as inner and outer segments were identified readily. In contrast, classic signs of degeneration were observed in the untreated regions. Interestingly, detailed ultrastructure analysis revealed a striking preservation of the photoreceptor–bipolar–horizontal cell synaptic contacts in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) of treated areas, in stark contrast with untreated areas. Finally, the presence of phagosomes and vesicles exhibiting the lamellar structure of outer segments also was detected within the cytosol of HuCNS-SC, indicating that these cells have phagocytic capacity in vivo. Conclusions. This study reveals the novel finding that preservation of specialized synaptic contacts between photoreceptors and second order neurons, as well as phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments, are potential mechanism(s) of HuCNS-SC transplantation, mediating functional rescue in retinal degeneration.


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The relationship between whole-core compressional wave velocities and gamma-ray attenuation porosities of sediments cored at CRP-1 is examined and compared with results from core-plug samples and global models. Both core-plug and whole-core velocities show a strong dependence on porosity: this relationship appears to be independent of lithology. In the range from 0.1 to 0.4 of fractional porosity (Miocene strata), plug velocities are generally 0.2 - 0.5 km s-1 higher than whole-core velocities. Possible reasons include decreased rigidity in the whole core and diagenetic changes in the plugs. Possibly both velocity measurements are correct but neither is fully representative for in situ conditions. It appears that the core-plug results are more compatible with data from other regions than the whole-core data. After removing first-order compaction control from the whole-core porosity record, a second-order control by clay content can be quantified as a simple positive linear regression (R=0.6). In contrast, after correction for first-order control, porosity and velocity are not significantly influenced by lonestone abundance except for rare, very large lonestones.


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We have used the Two-Degree Field (2dF) instrument on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) to obtain redshifts of a sample of z < 3 and 18.0 < g < 21.85 quasars selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging. These data are part of a larger joint programme between the SDSS and 2dF communities to obtain spectra of faint quasars and luminous red galaxies, namely the 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO (2SLAQ) Survey. We describe the quasar selection algorithm and present the resulting number counts and luminosity function of 5645 quasars in 105.7 deg(2). The bright-end number counts and luminosity functions agree well with determinations from the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ) data to g similar to 20.2. However, at the faint end, the 2SLAQ number counts and luminosity functions are steeper (i.e. require more faint quasars) than the final 2QZ results from Croom et al., but are consistent with the preliminary 2QZ results from Boyle et al. Using the functional form adopted for the 2QZ analysis ( a double power law with pure luminosity evolution characterized by a second-order polynomial in redshift), we find a faint-end slope of beta =-1.78 +/- 0.03 if we allow all of the parameters to vary, and beta =-1.45 +/- 0.03 if we allow only the faint-end slope and normalization to vary (holding all other parameters equal to the final 2QZ values). Over the magnitude range covered by the 2SLAQ survey, our maximum-likelihood fit to the data yields 32 per cent more quasars than the final 2QZ parametrization, but is not inconsistent with other g > 21 deep surveys for quasars. The 2SLAQ data exhibit no well-defined 'break' in the number counts or luminosity function, but do clearly flatten with increasing magnitude. Finally, we find that the shape of the quasar luminosity function derived from 2SLAQ is in good agreement with that derived from Type I quasars found in hard X-ray surveys.