821 resultados para School-students
The sleep is an active brain process that allows the efficient realization of daily tasks. The changes on sleep patterns may influence the different cognitive processes performance. Many recent studies show the possibility of cognitive performance improvement, through the cognitive training with the use of computer games. The question is if these interventions may be influenced by the sleep quality. Thus, we evaluated the sleep quality effect about the efficacy of an intervention with computers games based on the working memory and attention for a cognitive performance training of elementary school students. The sample was constituted by 42 students with average age of 10,43 years old (SD=1,23), with 22 male participants and 20 female participants. We used to evaluate the sleep with the parents a sleep questionnaire, a sleep diary and the Sleep Behavior Questionnaire. In regard to intervention, the subjectives were distributed in an experimental and in a control group, both with 21 participants. In the first group occurred the intervention that consisted in the working memory and attention training with two cognitive tasks (Safari e Brain Workshop) during 30 daily minutes, for a 6 weeks period. In an equal period, the students from the control group should reproduce an artwork using drawing software. To evaluate the cognitive performance we applied before and after the intervention period the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III). The results showed that in both the groups the performance of the intelligence, working memory, attention and visuospatial skills was below of the mean. The cognitive processes evaluated after of intervention in the experimental group had a performance significantly higher in the Perceptual Reasoning Index (t = -6,24; p < 0,01) and in the Full Scale IQ (t = -5,09; p < 0,01) and Performance IQ (t = -6,52; p < 0,01), suggesting a improvement on the visuospatial skills, attention, working memory and processing speed. On the control group, the performance was significantly higher in the Coding subtest (t = -5,38; p< 0,01) and in the Perceptual Reasoning Index (t = -3,66; p = 0,01), suggesting a improvement on the visuospatial skills and attention. The mean obtained with the Sleep Behavior Questionnaire was 53,76 (SD=14,96) for an experimental group and 61,19 (SD=12,82) for a control group, indicating tendency for a bad sleep quality in that last one. Not only during the first days, but also in the last fifteen days of the intervention we verified in the two groups an adequate time to sleep, duration and regularity, in the weekdays and on the weekends. We didn t find significant differences between the two groups in none of the sleep variables. We verified statistically meaningful improvement on the performance of the experimental group with the intervention in the two games. We didn t verify significant correlations between the games performance index and in the sleep variables of the experimental group individuals. We verified significant correlations among the performance on the Brain Workshop and the Cubes subtest, the Perceptual Reasoning Index and the Scale Performance IQ, suggesting that the significant improvement of the visuospatial skills and of the attention was correlated with the performance in the Brain Workshop. Although the absence of correlations with the performance in the Safari, possibly it also has relieved in the improvement of the cognitive performance. The findings support the hypothesis that the computer games might be a satisfactory tool for the improvement of the performance in visuospatial skills and attention. This can be resulted of the insertion of visuospatial stimulations in the task, for example, graphical elements with thematic for children that increase the interest. The IQ below mean the individuals might have influenced the improvement absence on the cognitive processes like the working memory with games. Moreover, it wasn t verified a relation between the sleep quality and the intervention efficacy. It might have been influenced by the n of the sample. Future studies must focalize in the improvement of the effect of the interventions with games
This study deals with cognitive competences and abilities that are relevant to selection and education regarding Information Technology (IT). These competences relate to problem solving, decision making, and practical intelligence that regard scholar and extracurricular knowledge mobilization. The research aimed to contribute for the improvement of a selection instrument, consisting of five arrays of skills (dealing with objectives and prospection), as well as the development and comprehension of those skills that are involved in IT education. This is done by means of an analysis on the selection instrument used in the first selective process that occurred at Metropole Digital an Institute at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil. This was evaluated aiming to acknowledge IT education (with basic training and emphasis on Web programming and electronics). The methodology used was of quantitative method involving performance scores relating education delivery. An Anova analysis of variance was done along with descriptive analysis involving socioeconomic data that was not observed in the meaningful relations between parental instruction and student performance in the graduate course. These analyses were able to point out the importance and need of the policies for vacancy reservation on behalf of public school students. A Spearman correlation analysis was done considering the instrument selection performance in the training course. The instrument is presented as a predictor that is significantly moderate and presents a good performance in the course as a whole. A Cluster and Regression analysis was also realized in the process. The first analysis allowed finding performance groups (Clusters) that ranged from medium and inferior. The regression analysis was able to point out association amongst criterion variables and the (average performance in basic and advanced modules) and explanatory (five matrixes). Regression analysis indicated that matrix 1 and matrix 3 were pointed out as being the strongest ones. In all the above analysis, the correlation between the instrument and the course was considered moderate. Thus this can be related in some of the aspects present in the course such as emphasis on evaluation itself as well as in technical contents and practical skills (educational ones) and competences and selection skills. It is known that the mediation of technological artifact in cultural context can foster the development of skills and abilities relevant to IT training. This study provides subsidies to reflect on the adoption of selection instrument and IT training in the Institute. Thus the research offers means to achieve a interdisciplinary discussion and enriching of areas such as Psychology and Information Technology; all of which regarding competencies and skills relevant in IT training
Although water scarcity is recognized as one of the main world-wide problems to be faced by human kind, ecologically unsustainable patterns of behavior still persist. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze pro-environmental behavior related to water, as well as meanings associated to it by high school students of Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte, in Natal. The convenience sample was composed by 315 students, 146 women and 169 men, who answered a questionnaire about use and perception of water, containing indicators of proenvironmentalism, environmental care, sustainable development, time perspective, externalities and collectivism, besides socio-demographic items. According to participants, water is synonymous of life, even though the relationship they present with it is ambiguous, much more functional than ecological; they consider it a finite resource, an indispensable life patrimony, however there was no coherence between such conceptions and the self-reported behaviors of water use. Results indicated three important predictors of pro-environmental behavior: sex of respondent, New Ecological Paradigm Scale and telephone/address left for eventual contact to participate in future environmental campaigns. They may be used in additional studies for theoretical development, or to assist in the planning of programs of environmental education, aimed at the inhibition of the effects of a culture of consumption and of an utilitarian perception of water, extending individual and collective efforts towards the preservation of common resources as water
Educational games can work as a complementary tool in teaching and learning chemistry, playing an important role in the development of the students cognitive structures, familiarizing them with certain conceptual content, which may arouse interest in the study of such content. In this work, we made an analysis of organic chemistry textbooks recommended by Programa Nacional do Livro Didático 2012, for high school students in order to verify the existence of methodological proposals using educational games. From this analysis, we proposed an educational game to be developed for students on 3º year of high medium and undergraduate chemistry, that are in 1º semester of the course, which is constituted of a tray and 48 letters, which work various concepts concerning organic functions, such as: structural characteristics, physical properties, chemical and properties diverse of the compounds used for the confection of the letters. The game was applied to a class degree in chemistry, period 2012.1 to a Federal Education of Rio Grande do Norte and a group of students of the 3rd year of the state schools of Rio Grande do Norte, in the period the months of April and May 2012. The analysis of the performance of the game proposed was made using visual observations, photographic records and testimonials of students who participated in the games. The instrument used for the data collection was the student questionnaire, which was similar for both groups, differing only in the amount of questions, because one of them had one more question. During application of the game it was observed that it constitutes a dynamic strategy in the teaching and learning of chemistry concepts, given that students actively participated in the classes as well, demonstrated more motivation in the construction of concepts, furthermore, it was possible to observe evidence of other possibilities of the game. This could be verified through visual observations and testimonials at the end of each game, by reading the answers to the questionnaires
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Neste artigo são apresentados os principais resultados obtidos em uma atividade realizada para avaliar um software hipermídia destinado ao ensino e à aprendizagem da Física. Para a realização desta pesquisa, foi desenvolvido, aplicado e avaliado um sistema hipermídia para o ensino de Gravitação, com base nas pesquisas em ensino de Ciências. Foram considerados também os princípios fundamentais que caracterizam a hipermídia enquanto linguagem que permite o acesso não-linear à informação e a apresentação desta com a utilização dos recursos gráficos, sonoros, interativos e de animação do computador, e ainda suas implicações para as práticas de ensino. A maior parte dos professores e dos estudantes envolvidos na pesquisa avaliou positivamente o software quanto a seus aspectos técnicos, pedagógicos e motivacionais. O estudo forneceu evidências de que a hipermídia contribui para a aprendizagem de Física de modo motivador e significativo para os alunos do ensino médio.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study has as objective to examine the level of perception of high school students from two private schools in Natal-RN about the existence of a direct link between alimentary habit and its effects on environmental. The research was lead with 433 students, who had their school alimentary habits investigated according to the 24-hour recall method and presents the results of data collection from their opinions on participating in the generation of industrialized solid residues and their yearnings about the improvements of the standard of the food offered in the school. The students show a high rate of grading age for level at school, traditional family structure, riding, predominantly, by car or by bus in the house-school-house way, have generally all three important meals at home, feed frequently at their school, getting it from their won school, which included, mainly, soft drinks and fried or grilled appetizers; show a good knowledge about selective collectors, however with a high variation in their correct use. They show significant approval in the existence of a connection between their alimentary habits and debased effects about environmental and consider their food compounds at school could improve the offering of health/natural food, slowing industrialized foods, which are highly used, sometimes. The study on the students knowledge and concern level with regard to the interface alimentary habit-environmental impact allowed delimitating some of the mainly involved components in the alimentary choices of the same students in the school environment, what might help to develop a set of proposals that stimulates the formation of a responsible consumption standard among teenagers and the need of a consideration about the consequences of their choices
OBJETIVO: Estudar a ocorrência dos erros refracionais em escolares de nosso meio. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal avaliando crianças da pré-escola e do ensino básico, quanto ao sexo, tipo de erro refracional, acuidade visual e tratamento realizado. RESULTADOS: Quatro mil seiscentos e vinte e três crianças foram submetidas a exame de acuidade visual, das quais 8,1% apresentaram necessidade de exame oftalmológico completo. Houve 63,2% de portadores de astigmatismo hipermetrópico, 15,7% de astigmatismo miópico, 12,5% de astigmatismo misto, 4,9% de hipermetropia e 3,7% de miopia. Foi indicada a prescrição de lentes corretoras para 48,7% da amostra estudada. A frequência de erros refracionais na população foi de 3,9%. CONCLUSÃO: O astigmatismo hipermetrópico foi o erro de refracional mais frequente, havendo necessidade de tratamento em cerca de 50% das crianças triadas com frequência de 3,9% de erro refracional passível de correção na população de estudo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Neste artigo são descritas formas simples e de baixo custo de se montar pilhas, empregando-se placas de zinco, magnésio e cobre mergulhadas diretamente nas soluções eletrolíticas. Como soluções eletrolíticas podem ser empregadas suco de frutas cítricas, ou mesmo apenas água de torneira. A tensão e corrente produzidas pelas pilhas montadas são suficientes para acionar dispositivos com baixa demanda de potência, como relógios analógicos e digitais . Os experimentos podem ser explorados como simples demonstração de transformação de energia química em elétrica para alunos do nível fundamental, ou utilizados como práticas interdisciplinares de Física e Química para alunos mais avançados.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os gêneros de discursos utilizados por alunos da terceira série do Ensino Médio a respeito de um dos conteúdos vinculados ao ensino de química ambiental: o estudo do gás ozônio e os problemas relacionados à degradação de sua camada na atmosfera terrestre. Os resultados apontam para um nível de envolvimento discursivo em que se percebe a apropriação da linguagem científica como ferramenta de argumentação acerca das questões ambientais.
Nos últimos anos, os avanços nas Ciências Biológicas têm levado a sociedade a discutir diversas questões no campo da moral e da ética. Questões como engenharia genética, clonagem e pesquisas com células-tronco são questões chamadas de sociocientíficas por estarem na interface entre a ciência e a sociedade. Nesse trabalho buscamos entender como estudantes de Ensino Médio percebem e interpretam questões relacionadas à manipulação genética em seres humanos. Houve divisão de opiniões em relação à eugenia negativa, que se destina a remover características desfavoráveis das pessoas; mas a eugenia positiva, que busca melhoramento de características estéticas, foi rejeitada por todos os estudantes. As variações nas opiniões em relação ao assunto tratado podem ser, em grande medida, devidas às representações sociais dos estudantes.
OBJETIVO: Elaborar uma bateria de provas que se propõe a avaliar o processamento de habilidades necessárias para a aquisição do sistema de escrita alfabético do Português do Brasil, e caracterizar e comparar o desempenho dos escolares de 1ª a 4ª série do ensino fundamental nas provas desta bateria. MÉTODOS: Foram elaboradas provas específicas para este fim, seguindo os princípios fonológicos da língua portuguesa do Brasil. Foram avaliados 120 escolares de 1ª a 4ª séries, sendo 30 de cada série escolar divididos em quatro grupos, respectivamente GI, GII, GIII e GIV. As provas elaboradas e aplicadas foram: prova de habilidades metafonológicas (identificação e manipulação de sílabas e fonemas, além de repetição de não-palavras); prova de leitura (leitura de palavras reais e de pseudopalavras). RESULTADOS: Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos nas habilidades metafonológicas com as médias diminuindo da 1ª à 4ª série sucessivamente. Também houve diferenças quanto ao tempo de leitura de palavras reais e de pseudopalavras, com as médias diminuindo da 1ª à 3ª série, mantendo-se igual ou próximo entre esta e a 4ª série. CONCLUSÃO: Os desempenhos foram se tornando superiores da 1ª à 4ª série, sendo que os escolares obtiveram desempenhos superiores nas provas de identificação em relação às provas de manipulação, assim como os desempenhos nas provas silábicas foram superiores aos das provas fonêmicas. Há uma prevalência da rota fonológica nas séries iniciais (1ª e 2ª) com as outras séries, especialmente a 4ª, usando mais a rota lexical.