837 resultados para Savings and loan associations.


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Genome-Wide Association Study analytical (GWAS) methods were applied in a large biracial sample of individuals to investigate variation across the genome for its association with a surrogate low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle size phenotype, the ratio of LDL-cholesterol level over ApoB level. Genotyping was performed on the Affymetrix 6.0 GeneChip with approximately one million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The ratio of LDL cholesterol to ApoB was calculated, and association tests used multivariable linear regression analysis with an additive genetic model after adjustment for the covariates sex, age and BMI. Association tests were performed separately in African Americans and Caucasians. There were 9,562 qualified individuals in the Caucasian group and 3,015 qualified individuals in the African American group. Overall, in Caucasians two statistically significant loci were identified as being associated with the ratio of LDL-cholesterol over ApoB: rs10488699 (p<5 x10-8, 11q23.3 near BUD13) and the SNP rs964184 (p<5 x10-8 11q23.3 near ZNF259). We also found rs12286037 ((p<4x10-7) (11q23.3) near APOA5/A4/C3/A1 with suggestive associate in the Caucasian sample. In exploratory analyses, a difference in the pattern of association between individuals taking and not taking LDL-cholesterol lowering medications was observed. Individuals who were not taking medications had smaller p-value than those taking medication. In the African-American group, there were no significant (p<5x10-8) or suggestive associations (p<4x10-7) with the ratio of LDL-cholesterol over ApoB after adjusting for age, BMI, and sex and comparing individuals with and without LDL-cholesterol lowering medication. Conclusions: There were significant and suggestive associations between SNP genotype and the ratio of LDL-cholesterol to ApoB in Caucasians, but these associations may be modified by medication treatment.^


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Groundwater constitutes approximately 30% of freshwater globally and serves as a source of drinking water in many regions. Groundwater sources are subject to contamination with human pathogens (viruses, bacteria and protozoa) from a variety of sources that can cause diarrhea and contribute to the devastating global burden of this disease. To attempt to describe the extent of this public health concern in developing countries, a systematic review of the evidence for groundwater microbially-contaminated at its source as risk factor for enteric illness under endemic (non-outbreak) conditions in these countries was conducted. Epidemiologic studies published in English language journals between January 2000 and January 2011, and meeting certain other criteria, were selected, resulting in eleven studies reviewed. Data were extracted on microbes detected (and their concentrations if reported) and on associations measured between microbial quality of, or consumption of, groundwater and enteric illness; other relevant findings are also reported. In groundwater samples, several studies found bacterial indicators of fecal contamination (total coliforms, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, enterococci and E. coli), all in a wide range of concentrations. Rotavirus and a number of enteropathogenic bacteria and parasites were found in stool samples from study subjects who had consumed groundwater, but no concentrations were reported. Consumption of groundwater was associated with increased risk of diarrhea, with odds ratios ranging from 1.9 to 6.1. However, limitations of the selected studies, especially potential confounding factors, limited the conclusions that could be drawn from them. These results support the contention that microbial contamination of groundwater reservoirs—including with human enteropathogens and from a variety of sources—is a reality in developing countries. While microbially-contaminated groundwaters pose risk for diarrhea, other factors are also important, including water treatment, water storage practices, consumption of other water sources, water quantity and access to it, sanitation and hygiene, housing conditions, and socio-economic status. Further understanding of the interrelationships between, and the relative contributions to disease risk of, the various sources of microbial contamination of groundwater can guide the allocation of resources to interventions with the greatest public health benefit. Several recommendations for future research, and for practitioners and policymakers, are presented.^


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El objetivo general de la tesis es contribuir al conocimiento de la vegetación sammófila del centro-oeste de la Argentina mediante el análisis geosinfitosociológico (florístico y sinecológico) (paisaje vegetal) de la vegetación de los Médanos Grandes–San Juan, uno de los sistemas eólicos más importantes de Argentina. El análisis realizado permite definir en el sistema dos subambientes, el dominado por procesos eólicos, con megadunas, y el dominado por procesos fluvio-eólicos, sin megadunas. El sistema, en general estabilizado y fijo, tiene actividad sólo en las crestas con escasa cobertura vegetal. La vegetación juega un papel determinante en la dinámica de la arena y en el modelado de este sistema, estando estrechamente relacionada con la disponibilidad de agua que se ajusta a tres modelos: -el de escurrimiento superficial y subsuperficial desde la bajada pedemontana de la sierra de Pie de Palo al norte, -el de la freática relacionada con los ríos San Juan, al oeste, y Bermejo, al este, y – el del agua de lluvia que en las megadunas determina un bulbo húmedo con contenidos de 1,21-2,4 g de agua/100 g de arena, entre los 15-35 m de profundidad, aprovechada por las raíces de los arbustos. Cuatro comunidades vegetales dominan en el sistema:-el pastizal de Panicum urvilleanum en las crestas, el -matorral de Tricomaria usillo-Bulnesia retama en las laderas de las dunas e intermédanos a más de 690 m, el -matorral de Atriplex lampa en los sectores marginales con suelos salinos y el -bosque de Prosopis flexuosa en los intermédanos bajos. Sintaxonómicamente la vegetación pertenece a tres Clases, la Panico urvilleani-Sporoboletea rigentis Esk., 1992 en ambientes sammófilos, la Suaedetea divaricatae Alonso et Conticello ex Martinez Carretero, 2001 en ambientes halófilos y la Larreetea divaricato-cuneifoliae Roig, 89 en la estepa arbustiva del Monte. La relación entre las comunidades vegetales y las asociaciones geomorfológicas permite establecer dos paisajes: el Paisaje I o de Sistema eólico que incluye el 55 % de la superficie y el Paisaje II o de Sistema fluvio-eólico. Palabras claves: eólico, megadunas, comunidades vegetales, dinamismo, bioclima, paisaje vegetal.


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New pollen and radiocarbon data from the Bykovsky Peninsula document the Late Pleistocene and Holocene environmental history of the Laptev Sea coast. More than 60 AMS-14C and conventional 14C dates indicate that the deposits accumulated during the last 60,000 radiocarbon yr BP. High concentration of green alga colonies (Pediustrum and Botryococcus) in the investigated sediment show that sedimentation was mostly in shallow water environments. Scarce grass and sedge communities dominated the vegetation 53-60 kyr BP. Climate was cold and dry. Open Poaceae and Cypcraccae associations with Asteraceae, Ranunculaceae, and Cichoriaceac, dominated in the area about 48-42.5 kyr BP. Steppic communities with Artemisia and shrubby tundra communities with Salix and Betula sect. Nanae were also present. Climate was dry, but relatively warm. Vegetation cover became denser about 42.5-33.5 kyr BP, reflecting more favorable climate conditions. Scarce Poaceae communities with some Caryophyllaceae, Asteraceae, Cichoriaceae, and Selaginella rupestris covered the Bykovsky Peninsula area during the Sartan (Late Weichselian) stage about 26-16 kyr BP. Disturbed, uncovered soils were very common in the area. Climate was extremely cold and dry. Poaceae and Cyperaceae associations with Caryophyllaceae, Asteraceae, Cichoriaceae dominated the vegetation in the late Sartan, ca 16-12.2 kyr BP. Climate was significantly warmer than in the early Sartan time. The lee Complex sedimentation was interrupted about 12 kyr BP; most likely it was connected with the beginning of the Allerod warnring. Shrubby (Betula sect. Nanae, Alnusfnuicosa, Salix, Ericales) tundra was widely distributed on the Bykovsky Peninsula during the early-middle Holacene. Climate was most favorable between 8200 and 4500 yr BP. Vegetation became similar to modern after 4500 yr BP, suggesting a deterioration of climate.


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Radiolarians form a remarkable part of the fossil plankton for Cretaceous sediments of the North Atlantic. Selected sites with long-term sedimentary successions of deep facies were studied (ODP Leg 103 and DSDP Site 398 off northwest Spain and DSDP Site 603 off the east coast of the United States). Preservation of the radiolarian faunas is generally poor, and the faunal abundance and diversity reflect the diagenetic history of the host sediment rather than the original faunal productivity. Several exceptions include abundant and some well-preserved radiolarian faunas from lower Campanian, Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, upper Albian, lower Albian, and Barremian sediments. These increases in radiolarian abundance and preservation coincide with well-established Cretaceous oceanic events in the North Atlantic. Typical faunal associations of these sections are described, and faunal associations from the Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event are documented for the first time in the North Atlantic. The relationship of the radiolarian blooms with coeval oceanic events in the North Atlantic is also discussed.


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This article aims to identify how the Foodstuff Acquisition Program has influenced market creation for family farmers in two Brazilian states - Minas Gerais e Bahia and also the limitations and benefits of the program from the point of view of the extension agents. A bibliographic research and a quantitative exploratory study were conducted, questionnaires were sent to extension agents who work for public rural extension agencies, municipalities, NGOs, cooperatives and producers' associations, during the year 2010-2011.


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El artículo trata sobre la institución de las bibliotecas populares en la Argentina entre 1870 y 1875. Mediante el estudio de diversos documentos, se analizan los siguientes aspectos y sus mutuas relaciones: a. las vinculaciones entre la sociedad civil y el Estado implícitas en el dispositivo legal de fomento a las bibliotecas; b. las responsabilidades asumidas por oficina gubernamental a cargo la política bibliotecaria y la manera en que se construyó un saber especializado en la materia; c. el papel preponderante del Boletín de las bibliotecas populares como instancia de articulación entre las asociaciones y el Estado; d. los resultados cuantitativos obtenidos en la fase fundacional. En el cierre del trabajo se valoran los resultados expuestos en función de la significación histórica que tiene este período como inauguración de una manera concebir la expansión de las bibliotecas de acceso público


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El objetivo del artículo es reconstruir la acción de las asociaciones empresarias agropecuarias en 1998-99, analizándola vis a vis con la situación del sector en la crisis económica iniciada en 1998. Para aproximarnos, analizamos la situación del agro bajo la Convertibilidad mediante estadísticas oficiales y bibliografía especializada. Asimismo, abordamos la organización y demandas de las asociaciones empresarias del agro mediante documentos, comunicados y declaraciones. Se destacan como resultados el cambio a una posición crítica de la SRA y CRA en la crisis, la similitud de demandas con la FAA y Coninagro y los variables grados de unidad expresados en el proceso


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This article aims to identify how the Foodstuff Acquisition Program has influenced market creation for family farmers in two Brazilian states - Minas Gerais e Bahia and also the limitations and benefits of the program from the point of view of the extension agents. A bibliographic research and a quantitative exploratory study were conducted, questionnaires were sent to extension agents who work for public rural extension agencies, municipalities, NGOs, cooperatives and producers' associations, during the year 2010-2011.


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El artículo trata sobre la institución de las bibliotecas populares en la Argentina entre 1870 y 1875. Mediante el estudio de diversos documentos, se analizan los siguientes aspectos y sus mutuas relaciones: a. las vinculaciones entre la sociedad civil y el Estado implícitas en el dispositivo legal de fomento a las bibliotecas; b. las responsabilidades asumidas por oficina gubernamental a cargo la política bibliotecaria y la manera en que se construyó un saber especializado en la materia; c. el papel preponderante del Boletín de las bibliotecas populares como instancia de articulación entre las asociaciones y el Estado; d. los resultados cuantitativos obtenidos en la fase fundacional. En el cierre del trabajo se valoran los resultados expuestos en función de la significación histórica que tiene este período como inauguración de una manera concebir la expansión de las bibliotecas de acceso público


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El objetivo del artículo es reconstruir la acción de las asociaciones empresarias agropecuarias en 1998-99, analizándola vis a vis con la situación del sector en la crisis económica iniciada en 1998. Para aproximarnos, analizamos la situación del agro bajo la Convertibilidad mediante estadísticas oficiales y bibliografía especializada. Asimismo, abordamos la organización y demandas de las asociaciones empresarias del agro mediante documentos, comunicados y declaraciones. Se destacan como resultados el cambio a una posición crítica de la SRA y CRA en la crisis, la similitud de demandas con la FAA y Coninagro y los variables grados de unidad expresados en el proceso


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This article aims to identify how the Foodstuff Acquisition Program has influenced market creation for family farmers in two Brazilian states - Minas Gerais e Bahia and also the limitations and benefits of the program from the point of view of the extension agents. A bibliographic research and a quantitative exploratory study were conducted, questionnaires were sent to extension agents who work for public rural extension agencies, municipalities, NGOs, cooperatives and producers' associations, during the year 2010-2011.


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El objetivo del artículo es reconstruir la acción de las asociaciones empresarias agropecuarias en 1998-99, analizándola vis a vis con la situación del sector en la crisis económica iniciada en 1998. Para aproximarnos, analizamos la situación del agro bajo la Convertibilidad mediante estadísticas oficiales y bibliografía especializada. Asimismo, abordamos la organización y demandas de las asociaciones empresarias del agro mediante documentos, comunicados y declaraciones. Se destacan como resultados el cambio a una posición crítica de la SRA y CRA en la crisis, la similitud de demandas con la FAA y Coninagro y los variables grados de unidad expresados en el proceso


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El artículo trata sobre la institución de las bibliotecas populares en la Argentina entre 1870 y 1875. Mediante el estudio de diversos documentos, se analizan los siguientes aspectos y sus mutuas relaciones: a. las vinculaciones entre la sociedad civil y el Estado implícitas en el dispositivo legal de fomento a las bibliotecas; b. las responsabilidades asumidas por oficina gubernamental a cargo la política bibliotecaria y la manera en que se construyó un saber especializado en la materia; c. el papel preponderante del Boletín de las bibliotecas populares como instancia de articulación entre las asociaciones y el Estado; d. los resultados cuantitativos obtenidos en la fase fundacional. En el cierre del trabajo se valoran los resultados expuestos en función de la significación histórica que tiene este período como inauguración de una manera concebir la expansión de las bibliotecas de acceso público


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Bulk X-ray mineralogy of 47 hemipelagic mud and clay samples from the Blake Outer Ridge has revealed that the sediments contain low magnesian calcite, calcian dolomite, ferroan dolomite, and magnesian siderite. Dolomite and siderite are authigenic and occur as rhombohedrons scattered through the sediments, whereas calcite is mostly biogenic. Pliocene dolomitic lenses are made up of interlocking polyhedral grains of ferroan dolomite. The contents of authigenic dolomite and siderite are 3 to 8% in carbonate sediments and 70 to 89% in dolomitic lenses. Dolomite occurs largely in the cores above 192 m sub-bottom depth, whereas siderite occurs in the cores below 87 m. The distribution and occurrence of dolomite and siderite have determined the diagenetic zonation of carbonates as Zone I (dolomitic zone, top-90 m), Zone II (transition zone, 90-180 m), and Zone III (sideritic zone, 180 m-bottom). Measurements of major and minor elements in the untreated total sediment samples and the insoluble residues after digestion in acid-reducing solution have revealed that the soluble fraction concentrates carbonates and ferromanganese associations (Ca, Mg, Sr, Fe, and Mn). Typical "hydrogenous elements" (Co, Cu, Ni, and V) are more concentrated in the insoluble residues rather than in the soluble fraction; the concentrations of these four elements are low and comparable to modern offshore mud, probably because the Site 533 sediments were deposited at a high rate of sedimentation. The contents of Fe2O3 and MnO are somewhat high for rapidly accumulated mud, particularly in the Pliocene sediments (8.09 and 0.26%, respectively, on a Carbonate-free basis). The high Fe and Mn contents are mainly due to the high contribution of the leacheable nonlithogenous fraction; leacheable Fe and Mn originate in the ferromanganese oxide accumulated on the seafloor. Only a small amount of ferric oxide was converted to iron sulfide in the surficial part of Zone I. Most ferromanganese oxide was reduced and precipitated as ferroan dolomite and magnesian siderite in Zones II and III under high alkalinity and high pH conditions in the organic-matter-rich sediments. Fe2+ and Mn2+ in the deeper sediments beneath Zone III possibly migrated upward and concentrated as siderite in Zone III, hence resulting in high contents of Fe and Mn in the Pliocene sediments. Analysis of carbonate zonation on the Blake Outer Ridge has revealed that the zonation is subparallel to the bedding plane rather than to the present seafloor. The sediments at Site 103 on the flank region of the Ridge are lacking Zone I and most of Zone II, probably the result of erosion of the most of the Pleistocene and Pliocene sediments by the enhanced bottom currents during the Pleistocene.