980 resultados para Saulcy, Félicien de (1807-1880)
Incluye datos sobre la exportación, las existencias y los precios del azafrán
Incluye datos sobre la exportación, las existencias y los precios del azafrán
Microfilme. Valencia: BV, ca. 1990
Microfilme. Valencia: BV, ca. 1990
Microfilme. Valencia: BV, ca. 1990
1st & 6th President In Office: 1880-1898, 1922-1923 Inman E. Page was the first individual named "president" at Lincoln University of Missouri. He was born a slave, bought his and his family's freedom, graduated from Brown University in Washington and was nominated there as Class Orator. During his tenure he brought in many new instructors, built several campus buildings, was president of the Negro Teacher's Association, worked with the state government for meaningful funding of the institute and was popular with the press because he was well spoken. In 1889, the Board tried to oust him, to put in a new person, but the move was so highly controversial that the candidate withdrew from the process. While Inman was president, in 1891, Lincoln University became a Land-Grant Institution under the Morrill Land-Grant Fund and the first Memorial Hall was built. He also began instituting college-level courses, which faced some serious opposition, but inevitably led to Lincoln Institute becoming Lincoln University. Reference Marshall, A. P. (1966). Soldiers' Dream: A Centennial History of Lincoln University of Missouri. Lincoln University: Jefferson City, MO.
Índice detallado del tema 01 que desarrolla las corrientes más relevantes que se producen en el seno de la disciplina arquitectónica entre el s. XVIII a la segunda mitad del s. XIX: del paisajismo a los historicismos en el contexto europeo y americano. Este índice se acompaña de una bibliografía sintética del periodo y otra escrita por los protagonistas (correspondencia con pdf 11 a 18).
This study has a double objective: to provide foreign colleagues with an insight into the controversy surrounding the international competitiveness of pig iron produced in Bilbao and also to present previously unpublished documentation regarding the European iron industry, which I have retrieved from the historical archive of Credit Lyonnais of Paris. This information includes the costs of Biscayan, French, British, German and Belgium pig iron broken down into five components (iron ore, coke, flux, labour and other costs), which is useful in determining the reasons why the pig iron from Bilbao became less competitive. The article is made up of three parts. Firstly, I will synthesise the controversy surrounding the competitiveness of the Basque iron and steel industry. Then I will present the itemised costs which provide information to illustrate how Biscayan pig iron was not competitive because it was produced with English coal which was more expensive than that consumed by the European factories located "on top of" or near coal seams. The article will finish with a section that, by way of conclusion, explains the comparative advantage and disadvantage of Bilbao, applying the first model of Alfred Weber's Theory of Industrial Location to three technological advances, occurring between the 1860s and 1913 (malleable iron, Bessemer steel and Thomas steel).
La rápida propagación del método empírico para combatir la viruela dado a conocer por Edward Jenner conllevó algunas dificultades. A la necesidad de obtener la máxima aceptación posible entre la población, se añadió la de ejecutar con rigor la técnica así como la de producir, transportar y conservar el fluido vacunal con garantías de calidad. Abastecerse de vacuna era una preocupación solventada en parte gracias a los envíos realizados desde instituciones radicadas en Londres o París. Tras su recepción se iniciaban cadenas de vacunaciones mediante la técnica del brazo a brazo. El temor a la extinción del fluido vacunal, no obstante, despertó el interés por la producción autóctona. Era necesario encontrar vacas afectadas por viruela vacuna o en su defecto aprender a conservar la materia vacunal en las propias vacas u otros animales. Varias iniciativas exploraron esta posibilidad. El fondo documental de la Biblioteca Nacional de España conserva un texto que refleja 2 de estos ensayos realizados en la Real Escuela Veterinaria de Madrid a cargo del médico Joaquín de Villalba y el albéitar Antonio Roura en 1802 y 1803. La tentativa no obtuvo el éxito deseado.