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The tongue of birds fills the oral cavity and has a beak-like shape. Morphological studies of birds reveal a correlation between the structure of the tongue and the mechanism of food intake and the type of food. However, several studies have shown morphological differences among the tongues of bird species. The aim of this study was to analyze ostrich tongue morphology and ultrastructural features using scanning electron microscopy. Tongues from 12 adult ostriches were examined. Six tongues were sectioned sagittally into lateral and middle portions, fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution, and examined under light microscopy. The other six samples were sectioned longitudinally, and the dorsal and ventral surfaces were separated, Immersion-fixed In modified Karnovsky solution, and examined under scanning electron microscopy. The tongue surface of the ostrich was smooth, without lingual papillae, and covered by stratified non-keratinized epithelium. In the submucosal layer, mucous salivary glands were surrounded by connective-tissue capsules, with septa dividing the glands Into lobes. Numerous salivary gland ducts of different sizes and connective-tissue laminae dividing each opening could be clearly seen in scanning electron microscope Images. The ventral surface had fewer openings than the dorsal surface. In samples treated with NaOH, connective-tissue papillae from the dorsal region were oriented posteriorly.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of laser irradiation (LI) on enzymatic activities of amylase, catalase and peroxidase in the parotid glands (PG) of diabetic and non-diabetic rats. Ninety-six female rats were divided into eight groups: D0; D5; D10; D20 and C0; C5; C10; C20, respectively. Diabetes was induced by administration of streptozotocin and confirmed later by the glycemia results. Twenty-nine (29) days after the induction, the PGs of groups D5 and C5; D10 and C10; D20 and C20, were irradiated with 5 J/cm(2), 10 J/cm(2) and 20 J/cm(2) of laser diode (660 nm/100 mW) respectively. On the following day, the rats were euthanized and the enzymatic activity in the PGs was measured. Diabetic rats that had not been irradiated (group D0) showed higher catalase activity (P < 0.05) than those in group C0 (0.14 +/- 0.02 U/mg protein and 0.10 +/- 0.03 U/mg protein, respectively). However, laser irradiation of 5 J/cm(2) and 20 J/cm(2) decreased the catalase activity of the diabetic groups (D5 and D20) to non-diabetic values (P > 0.05). Based on the results of this study, LI decreased catalase activity in the PGs of diabetic rats.
In the present study, the immunoprofile of chronic sclerosing sialadenitis, also known as Kuttner tumor, was analyzed. Two,cases that occurred in the submandibular gland of male patients were submitted to immunohistochemical reactions to different antibodies. Histological examinations showed a submandibular gland exhibiting various degrees of atrophy with destruction of acini, infiltration by inflammatory cells, and periductal fibrosis. Reactions to cytokeratins (CKs) showed acini and duct remnants positive to CKs 7, 8, 19, and 13. CK14 stained myoepithelial cells around preserved acini and intercalated duct, and also basal cell of excretory ducts, but was negative in proliferating and branching ducts. Smooth muscle actin (SMA) was expressed by myofibroblasts in periductal fibrosis, and an intense expression of extracellular components was also seen. Lymphocyte markers showed, besides mature follicles, a higher presence of CD45RO positive cells. Thus, the immunoprofile of Kuttner is much more in keeping with an inflammatory-induced degenerative disease than with a preneoplastic lesion.
Objective: Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) was the first human retrovirus discovered and its pathogenesis is related to T cells infection. This study aimed to verify the presence of oral manifestations in a Brazilian population of patients who was seropositive for HTLV, and identify risk factors for oral manifestations. Subjects and methods: An assessment was made of 139 patients at the Emilio Ribas Institute of Infectious Diseases. Results: A total of 112 (80.5%) patients were HTLV-1, 26 (18.7%) were HTLV-2+. About 35.2% of patients had myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), with 48 of them being HTLV-1+ and one patient was seropositive for HTLV-1 and -2. The most common oral manifestations were: xerostomia (26.8%), candidiasis (20.8%), fissured tongue (17.9%), and loss of tongue papillae (10.0%). A multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that HAM/TSP is an independent risk factor for xerostomia (P = 0.02). The patients who were HAM/TSP+ were three times more likely to develop xerostomia when compared with patients without HAM/TSP (odds ratio = 2.69, 95% confidence interval = 1.17-6.17). Conclusion: Despite the fact that the findings of this study suggest a relationship between xerostomia and HAM/TSP, more studies should be developed to show what the association would be between xerostomia presented by HTLV patients and pathogenesis of the virus.
Objective: To determine the oral status, salivary flow rate, Candida carriage in saliva, and prevalence of Candida albicans colonization in several areas of the mouth in patients with primary and secondary Sjogren`s syndrome as opposed to those of healthy subjects. Study design: Thirty-seven patients with Sjogren`s syndrome (SS), [14 patients with primary SS (SS-1) and 23 patients with secondary SS (SS-2)], along with 37 healthy controls were examined in regard to number of teeth, pro-bing pocket depth (PPD), approximal plaque index (API), bleeding on probing (BOP), presence of prosthetic appliances and smoking habits. Salivary flow rate (SFR), Candida carriage in saliva, presence of Candida albicans colonization on buccal, angular, palatal and sulcular areas, on dentures and on the tongue`s dorsal surface were determined. Statistical analyses were performed using the 2-tailed Fisher exact and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: No statistically significant difference was found between SS-1 and SS-2 groups based on the parameters analysed. Statistically significant differences were observed between patients with SS and healthy subjects in terms of SFR, oral signs and symptoms, API, BOP, C. albicans colonization on tongue and buccal area, and Candida carriage in saliva. In the gingival crevicular fluid positive C. albicans colonization was found in only one subject of SS subgroup. Conclusions: SS patients carry a higher risk of having periodontitis and are more predisposed to develop candidiasis. C. albicans is scarcely detected in gingival crevicular fluid despite high scores on C. albicans colonization in different areas of the oral cavity in SS patients.
Background: Cheilitis glandularis (CG) is a condition in which thick Saliva is secreted by minor labial salivary glands and adheres to a swollen lip causing discomfort to the patient. Most Publications refer to single case reports or small case series. Objective. We sought to report and to analyze clinical, pathological, and therapeutic data oil 22 patients with CG seen at the department of dermatology at our university. Method: Retrospective data about 22 patients with CG are reviewed and presented. Results: Seventeen patients were male and 5 were female. All were fair skinned, including 6 albino individuals. Several of them presented significant signs of photodamage on the lips. treatment was performed in 10 severely affected patients and consisted of I vermilionectomy followed by minor salivary gland removal. Histopathological Study revealed Various degrees of chronic sialadenitis and vermilion epithelial changes. Superficially invasive and in Situ squamous cell carcinoma of the vermilion was detected in 3 cases. Limitations: Biopsy and surgery were not performed in all patients. Conclusions: CG is strongly related to Sun sensitivity and may be more severe in albino patients. The swollen, sun-exposed lip may become more susceptible to the occurrence of squamous Cell carcinoma. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62:233-8.)
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a member of the intermediary filament protein family. It is an important component of astrocytes and a known diagnostic marker of glial differentiation. GFAP is expressed in other neural tumors and pleomorphic adenoma and, less frequently, in cartilage tumors, chordomas, and soft tissue myoepitheliomas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of GFAP and its reliability in nonglial tumors as an immunohistochemical marker. We evaluated GFAP gene and protein expression using Q-PCR and immunohistochemistry, respectively, in 81 and 387 cases of soft tissue, bone tumors, and salivary pleomorphic adenomas. Immunohistochemistry staining for GFAP was observed in all osteosarcomas (8 cases), all pleomorphic adenomas (7 cases), in 5 of 6 soft tissue myoepitheliomas, and in 21 of 76 chondrosarcomas. By Q-PCR, GFAP was highly expressed in pleomorphic adenomas and, to a lesser extent, chondrosarcomas, soft tissue myoepitheliomas, and chondroblastic osteosarcomas. The results that we obtained by immunohistochemistry and Q-PCR were well correlated. GFAP is a potential marker for tumors with cartilaginous differentiation, supported by evidence that GFAP is expressed in certain cases of myoepithelial tumors by immunohistochemistry, including soft tissue myoepitheliomas, which are related to cartilaginous differentiation. These findings contribute significantly to the diagnosis of soft tissue myoepitheliomas with cartilaginous differentiation and chondroblastic osteosarcoma in mesenchymal tumors. Modern Pathology ( 2009) 22, 1321-1327; doi: 10.1038/modpathol.2009.99; published online 7 August 2009
Central mucoepidermoid carcinomas (CMC) are uncommon tumours, comprising 2-3% of all mucoepidermoid carcinomas reported. They have been reported in patients of all ages, ranging from 1 to 78-years, with the overwhelming majority occurring in the 4th and 5th decades of life. They are histologically low-grade cancers, usually affecting the mandible as uniocular or multiocular radiographic lesions. The authors report a case of CMC of the mandible with a long evolution, and peculiar clinical and macroscopical features related with the long term evolution of the disease. A 53-year-old male patient had expansion of buccal and lingual cortices of the anterior region of the mandible, covered by ulcerated mucosa, with 11 years evolution. An incisional biopsy was performed, and the histopathological findings confirm low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma. The patient was treated with a mandibulectomy, followed by supraomohyoid neck dissection. There was no evidence of local recurrence, regional or distant metastasis revealed; and the patient was alive and without disease after a follow-up interval of 36 months.
Mucoceles are common benign lesions of the oral cavity that develop following extravasation or retention of mucous material from major or minor salivary glands. Most series report a higher incidence of mucocele in young patients but no studies exist for this specific age group. The records of 104 patients presenting with mucocele who underwent surgery in the Oral Diseases Clinic of the Department of Dermatology of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 1991 and 2006, were reviewed. Of these, 36 (34.6%) were 15 years old or younger, the youngest being 2 years old. Twenty-six patients were girls, 10 were boys. Lesions were located on the lower labial mucosa (30 patients), tongue (three), floor of the mouth (one), buccal mucosa (one), and in one patient the location was unknown. Histopathology revealed an extravasation pattern in 35 patients and a retention pattern in one. Of the distinct subtypes of mucocele, tongue lesions (mucocele of the glands of Blandin-Nuhn) seem to be more prevalent and retention mucoceles seem to be very rare in children.
In order to verify possible association between immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) and oral manifestations (OMs), we selected AIDS patients who had low CD4 count before the initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and who returned three months later for therapy evaluation. The oral lesions observed three months after the initiation of HAART were evaluated and associated with the type of antiretroviral therapy (ART), CD4 count and HIV-RNA load levels (before and three months after HAART initiation). A total of 105 patients matched the selected criteria. Immune reconstitution (IR) was identified in 35.2%. Among these patients, the mean CD4 cell count rose from 105.97 to 330.29 and the mean viral load dropped from 168.005 (log 5.22) to 21.852 (log 4.33). There was no significant difference in age (P=0.78), sex (P=0.41) or previous history of ART (P=0.55) between IR and non-IR patients. In the IR group, the most common OM was. parotid enlargement (57.14%) (P=0.619), whereas in the non-IR group candidiasis (46.15%) was the most common OM. The results of our study suggest that the parotid gland enlargement found in the studied population might be an IRIS event, as it was found in patients with IR three months after the initiation of HAART.
It has been suggested that fluoride retention in plaque is limited by available binding sites. We determined the effects of fluoridated or placebo dentifrices on plaque and salivary fluoride concentrations [F]s in communities with different water fluoride concentrations (0.04, 0.85, 3.5 ppm). After one week of dentifrice use, samples were collected 1.0 and 12 hrs after the last use of dentifrices. After the use of fluoridated dentifrice, plaque fluoride concentrations were higher at both times, except at 12 hrs in the 3.5-ppm community. Plaque concentrations at 1.0 hr after the use of fluoridated dentifrice increased almost constantly (6.5 mmol/kg), but then decreased approximately 50% at 12 hrs in each community. Unlike previous studies, the present findings suggest that the use of fluoridated dentifrice is likely to increase plaque fluoride concentrations significantly for up to 12 hrs in areas where the water contains fluoride close to 1.0 ppm. As previously reported, plaque fluoride concentrations were directly related to calcium concentrations.
Objective: This in situ/ex vivo study assessed the effect of titanium tetrafluoride (TiF4) on permanent human enamel subjected to erosion. Design: Ten volunteers took part in this study performed in two phases. In the first phase (ERO), they wore acrylic palatal appliances containing two enamel blocks, divided into two rows: TiF4 (F) and no-TiF4 (no-F). During the 1st day, the formation of a salivary pellicle was allowed. In the 2nd day, the TiF4 solution was applied on one row (ERO + F), whereas on the other row no treatment was performed (ERO + no-F). From 3rd until 7th day, the blocks were subjected to erosion, 4x per day. In the 2nd phase (no-ERO), the volunteers wore acrylic palatal appliances containing one enamel block, during 2 days, to assess the effect of TiF4 only (no-ERO + F). Enamel alterations were determined using profilometry (wear), microhardness (%SMHC) tests, scanning electron microscope and microprobe analysis. The %SMHC and wear were tested using ANOVA and Tukey`s post hoc tests (p < 0.05). Results: The mean of %SMHC and wear ( mu m) values ( +/- S.D.) were, respectively: ERO + F -73.32 +/- 5.16(A)/2.40 +/- 0.60(a); ERO + no-F -83.49 +/- 4.59B/1.17 +/- 0.48(b) and no-ERO + F -67.92 +/- 6.16(A)/0.21:E 0.09(c). In microscope analysis, the no-F group showed enamel with honeycomb appearance. For F groups, it was observed a surface coating with microcracks. The microprobe analysis revealed the presence of the following elements (%) in groups ERO + F, ERO + no-F and no-ERO + F, respectively: Ca (69.9, 72.5, 66.25); P (25.9, 26.5, 26.06); Ti (3.0, 0, 5.93). Conclusions: The TiF4 was unable to reduce dental erosion. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Abstract: The Murray-Darling Basin comprises over 1 million km2; it lies within four states and one territory; and over 12, 800 GL of irrigation water is used to produce over 40% of the nation's gross value of agricultural production. This production is used by a diverse collection of some-times mutually exclusive commodities (e.g. pasture; stone fruit; grapes; cotton and field crops). The supply of water for irrigation is subject to climatic and policy uncertainty. Variable inflows mean that water property rights do not provide a guaranteed supply. With increasing public scrutiny and environmental issues facing irrigators, greater pressure is being placed on this finite resource. The uncertainty of the water supply, water quality (salinity), combined with where water is utilised, while attempting to maximising return for investment makes for an interesting research field. The utilisation and comparison of a GAMS and Excel based modelling approach has been used to ask: where should we allocate water?; amongst what commodities?; and how does this affect both the quantity of water and the quality of water along the Murray-Darling river system?
Individuals with cariogenic diet can also consume erosive beverages. Thus, it seems necessary to investigate a possible caries/erosion interaction. To test in situ/ex vivo a combination of these challenges, 11 subjects wore intraoral appliances containing four enamel blocks randomly assigned. In the first 2-week phase, the appliances were immersed in a cola drink 3 times/day. Two blocks were free of plaque (erosion only: EO) and two blocks were covered with plaque (erosion + plaque: EP). In the second 2-week phase, four new blocks were all covered with plaque and subjected to a sucrose solution 8 times/day. Among the four new blocks, two were also subjected to the cola drink 3 times/day (erosion + caries: EC) while the other two were not (caries only: CO). Thus, in EO, the specimens were fixed at the intraoral appliance level. In EP, EC and CO they were fixed 1.0 mm under the appliance level and covered with plastic meshes for dental plaque accumulation. Changes in wear and hardness were measured. Data were tested using ANOVA and Tukey`s test (p < 0.05). Mean values of wear (mu m) and change in hardness (kp/mm(2)) were: EO 4.82/310; EP 0.14/48; EC 0.34/245; CO 0.42/309. With respect to surface softening, EP and EC differed significantly from each other and from EO and CO, which did not differ significantly. EO presented significantly higher wear than the other groups. The data suggest that the presence of dental plaque can decrease the acid attack of an erosive drink and the association of erosive and cariogenic challenges showed less enamel alterations when compared to erosive or cariogenic challenges only. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
This study evaluated the caries risk of asthmatic patients on the basis of mutans streptococci (MS) and lactobacilli levels in saliva samples as well as the index of oral hygiene and dental caries (DMFT index). The study population was composed of 80 asthmatic children, aged 3-15 years, who use specific medication, and 80 matched, healthy control children. The parents were interviewed about oral health-related factors. The World Health Organization criteria were used for dental examinations. The Kohler and Bratthal methodology was used to detect salivary MS levels and dilutions of saliva were done for lactobacilli counting. No differences between asthma and control groups were observed for caries prevalence in children aged 3-6 and 7-10 years, except in severe cases in the younger group. However, higher caries prevalence for permanent dentition was observed in 11- to 15-year-old asthmatic children. An increased dental biofilm was observed in the asthma group, as well as salivary levels of MS. No differences were observed in levels of lactobacilli. No statistical correlations were found between medication, frequency of treatment, method of consumption and caries experience, dental biofilm and salivary levels of MS or lactobacilli. However, there was a correlation between MS levels and treatment duration. The logistic regression revealed that MS level is an important risk factor for increased caries experience. Asthma should be evaluated as a risk factor for caries experience because it can increase the levels of MS and the dental biofilm. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel