962 resultados para Saints, Polish.


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Contient : I德行譜 ; II


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Vie de saint Louis de Gonzague.Par le P. Parrenin ; publié par les soins du P. Hinderer.3 livres.


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Contient : I避靜根本Bi jing gen ben ; II八日內每日行工時刻Ba ri nei mei ri xing gong shi ke ; IIISheng jing guang yi


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Contient : I救世主實行全圖Jiu shi zhu shi xing quan tu ; II聖教經聖像全圖Sheng jiao sheng xiang quan tu ; III玫瑰經圖像十五端Mei gui jing tu xiang shi wu duan ; IV救世主預像全圖Jiu shi zhu yu xiang quan tu ; VSheng ruo se zhuan ; alias : Sheng mu jing pei sheng ruo se zhuan ; VI諸聖宗徒行實聖像Zhu sheng zong tu xing shi sheng xiang ; VII教要六端全圖Jiao yao liu duan quan tu ; VIII江蘇省Jiang su sheng


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Imitation des saints.Par le P. Vagnoni ; avec autorisation du P. Diaz. Introduction par Sun Yuan hua, de Wu song.54 feuillets.


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Contient : 1° « Regula beati BENEDICTI, translata de latino in vulgari » ; 2° « Oratio sancti AUGUSTINI, episcopi » ; 3° Quatre autres prières en latin ; 4° Les Litanies des saints ; 5° Prières diverses ; 6° « Orationes beate Marie Virginis » ; 7° « Confessio perfecta » ; 8° « Evangelium beate Marie secundum JOHANNEM » et « LUCHAM » ; 9° « De cruce, secundum JOHANNEM » ; 10° « Pro defunctis, secundum JOHANNEM » et « MARCHUM » ; 11° « Oratio sancti AMBROSII, episcopi » ; 12° « Oratio sancti GREGORII, pape » ; 13° Des Cas reservés, en latin ; 14° Instruction pour le carême, adressée à des moines, en provençal


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Liste des saints patrons pour les principales fêtes de l'année.Avec méditations et prières appropriées ; introduction (1701) par le frère Dominique Lu, Jésuite, Chinois (Lu Xi yan Si mo, 1630-1704).Sans pagination.Cf. Catalogus librorum 168.


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Contient : « Magie sacrée, que Dieu donna à Moïse, Aaron, David, Salomon et autres saints patriarches et prophètes, qui enseigne la vraie sapience divine, laissée par Abraham à son fils Lamech ; traduite de l'hébreu en 1458. » — Copie du ms. 2351 (Sc. et Arts, fr. 79) de la bibliothèque de l'Arsenal ; « Anachrist, ou manière d'avoir communication avec les bons anges par les Psaumes et ouvrages du prophète royal David... » ; « Clavicule de la sacrée Caballe juive, ou véritable traité de la Caballe juive... » ; « Sepher, mot à mot de la lettre... »


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Contient : « Livre de clergie, » ou Image du monde, par GAUTIER DE METZ. (1245.) Avec notes marginales de la main de Cl. Fauchet. — Rédaction non interpolée ; Fragment d'un répertoire alphabétique de préceptes de médecine, en latin (lettres E.-P) ; « La Destruction de Jherusalem et la vengence de nostre seigneur Jhesucrist. Après quarante ans que Jhesucrist fut mis en croix... » (Note de Cl. Fauchet en tête de ce morceau) ; « Liber Turbe, [qui est abstractus a libro qui vocatur Lumen luminum ARISTOTILIS,]domini regis Aragonum. » (Incomplet du début) ; Tractatus de usu astrolabii. « Nomina instrumentorum astrolabii sunt hec : Primum est armilla... » ; Cisiojanus, vers mnémoniques pour les fêtes et saints du calendrier. « Cisio Janus Epi sibi vendicat... »


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Newspaper reporting on contemporary events of the wars in North America and Europe including the Battle of Queenston Heights and the death of Isaac Brock. News items include: Page 1: Sheaffe announcement regulating the sale of alcohol in Niagara; Myers announcement asking citizens for the return of American muskets recovered from the battle at Queenston; local notices on business claims and education; want ads for wood, straw, flour and pork for military use; announcement by the Prince Regent in Council putting an embargo on American ships. Page 2: release of American prisoners captured at Queenston; results of a battle by Riga, Latvia the French army under MacDonald against Russia; address of Emperor Alexander I of Russia to troops on declaring war on France; news of the British Navy; mediation between Spain and South American colonies; the security of Canadian properties in wartime; American ships leaving Britain with licenses. Page 3: American ships leaving Britain with licenses; Russian General Platoff’s (Platov) victory over Polish Uhlans; Battle of Salamanca with Lord Wellington. Page 4: report on the Battle of Queenston Heights and the death of Isaac Brock.


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Based on the theoretical framework of Dressler and Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (2006a,b), the Strong Morphonotactic Hypothesis will be tested. It assumes that phonotactics helps in decomposition of words into morphemes: if a certain sequence occurs only or only by default over a morpheme boundary and is thus a prototypical morphonotactic sequence, it should be processed faster and more accurately than a purely phonotactic sequence. Studies on typical and atypical first language acquisition in English, Lithuanian and Polish have shown significant differences between the acquisition of morphonotactic and phonotactic consonant clusters: Morphonotactic clusters are acquired earlier and faster by typically developing children, but are more problematic for children with Specific Language Impairment. However, results on acquisition are less clear for German. The focus of this contribution is whether and how German-speaking adults differentiate between morphonotactic and phonotactic consonant clusters and vowel-consonant sequences in visual word recognition. It investigates whether sub-lexical letter sequences are found faster when the target sequence is separated from the word stem by a morphological boundary than when it is a part of a morphological root. An additional factor that is addressed concerns the position of the target cluster in the word. Due to the bathtub effect, sequences in peripheral positions in a word are more salient and thus facilitate processing more than word-internal positions. Moreover, for adults the primacy effect most favors word-initial position (whereas for young children the recency effect most favors word- final position). Our study discusses effects of phonotactic vs. morphonotactic cluster status and of position within the word.