767 resultados para SOUTH-EASTERN


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The SES_GR2_MICROBIAL PARAMETERS dataset is based on samples collected in the framework of the project SESAME, in the Ionian, Libyan and Aegean Sea during August-September 2008. The objectives were to measure the standing stocks and calculate the production of the microbial compartment of the food web, describe the vertical distribution pattern and characterize its structure and function through the water column. Subsamples for virus, heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria (Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp.) counting were analyzed using a FACSCalibur (Becton Dickinson) flow cytometer equipped with a standard laser (488 nm) and filter set and using deionized water as sheath fluid. Fluorescent beads with a diameter of 0.97 ?m (Polysciences) were added to each sample as an internal standard, and all parameters were normalized to the beads and expressed as relative units. SYBRGreen I stain (Molecular Probe) was used to stain viral and heterotrophic bacterial DNA. Viruses were counted according to (Brussaard 1984). In order to avoid bulk consentrations of viruses samples we dilluted to Tris-EDTA (pH=8,0) buffer to a final sollution of 1/5 to 1/100. Total abundance and nucleid content classes were calculated using the Paint-A-Gate software (Becton Dickinson).


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The SES_GR2_MICROBIAL PARAMETERS dataset is based on samples collected in the framework of the project SESAME, in the Ionian, Libyan and Aegean Sea during August-September 2008. The objectives were to measure the standing stocks and calculate the production of the microbial compartment of the food web, describe the vertical distribution pattern and characterize its structure and function through the water column. Bacterial production was estimated by the 3H-leucine method (Kirchman et al. 1986, Kirchman 1993). At each depth, duplicate samples and a control were incubated with 20 nM L-[4,5 3H]-leucine. Samples were incubated in the dark, at in situ temperature.


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Changes in land use and land cover throughout the eastern half of North America have caused substantial declines in populations of birds that rely on grassland and shrubland vegetation types, including socially and economically important game birds such as the Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter bobwhites). As much attention is focused on habitat management and restoration for bobwhites, they may act as an umbrella species for other bird species with similar habitat requirements. We quantified the relationship of bobwhites to the overall bird community and evaluated the potential for bobwhites to act as an umbrella species for grassland and shrubland birds. We monitored bobwhite presence and bird community composition within 31 sample units on selected private lands in the south-central United States from 2009 to 2011. Bobwhites were strongly associated with other grassland and shrubland birds and were a significant positive predictor for 9 species. Seven of these, including Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii), Dicksissel (Spiza americana), and Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), are listed as species of conservation concern. Species richness and occupancy probability of grassland and shrubland birds were higher relative to the overall bird community in sample units occupied by bobwhites. Our results show that bobwhites can act as an umbrella species for grassland and shrubland birds, although the specific species in any given situation will depend on region and management objectives. These results suggest that efficiency in conservation funding can be increased by using public interest in popular game species to leverage resources to meet multiple conservation objectives.


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Planktic foraminiferal assemblages vary in response to seasonal fluctuations of hydrographic properties, between water masses, and after periodical changes and episodic events (e.g. reproduction, storms). Distinct annual variability of the planktic foraminiferal flux is also known from sediment trap data. In this paper we discuss the short-term impacts on interannual flux rates based on data from opening-closing net hauls obtained between the ocean surface and 500 m water depth. Data were recorded during April, May, June, and August at around 47°N, 20°W (BIOTRANS) in 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, and during May 1989 and 1992 at 57°N, 20-22°W. Species assemblages closely resemble each other when comparing the mixed layer fauna with the fauna of the upper 100 m and the upper 500 m of the water column. In addition, species assemblages >100 µm are almost indistinguishable from assemblages that are >125 µm in test size. The standing stock of planktic foraminifers at BIOTRANS can vary by more than one order of magnitude over different years; however, species assemblages may be similar when comparing corresponding seasons. Early summer assemblages (June) are distinctly different from late summer assemblages (August). Significant variations in the species composition during spring (April/May) are independent of the mixed layer depth. Spring assemblages are characterized by high numbers of Globigerinita glutinata. In particular, day-to-day variations of the number of specimens and in species composition may have the same order of magnitude as interannual variations. This appears to be independent of the reproduction cycle. Species assemblages at 47°N and 57°N are similar during spring, although surface water temperatures and salinities differ by up to 10°C and 0.7 (PSU). We suggest that the main factors controlling the planktic foraminiferal fauna are the trophic properties in the upper ocean productive layer. Planktic foraminiferal carbonate flux as calculated from assemblages reveals large seasonal variations, a quasi-annual periodicity in flux levels, and substantial differences in timing and magnitude of peak fluxes. At the BIOTRANS station, the average annual planktic foraminiferal CaCO3 fluxes at 100 and 500 m depth are estimated to be 22.4 and 10.0 g/m**2/yr, respectively.


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During the late Pleistocene, sapropels (layers of organic-carbon rich sediment) formed throughout the entire Eastern Mediterranean Basin in close association with glacial/interglacial transitions. The current theory for the mechanism of sapropel formation involves a density stratification of the water column, due to the invasion of a large quantity of low-saline water, which resulted in oxygen depletion of the bottom waters. Most workers believe that this low-salinity water was glacial meltwater that entered the Mediterranean via the Black Sea and a series of interconnected glacial lakes, but the suggestion also has been made that the freshwater originated from the Nile River. In this study the oxygen isotope values of planktonic foraminifera,Globigerinoides ruber, have been examined in six gravity cores and one piston core from the southern Levantine Basin, and compared with the oxygen isotope records ofG. ruber from other areas of the Eastern Mediterranean. This study deals mainly with the latest sapropel which was deposited approximately 7000 to 9000 years ago. Results indicate that Nile discharge probably does reduce salinities somewhat in the immediate area surrounding the mouth of the Nile, but this water is rapidly mixed with the highly saline waters of the easternmost Mediterranean. Using a mixing equation and surface water salinity limitations, an approximate oxygen isotope balance of surface waters was calculated for the time of latest sapropel deposition. This calculation shows that neither Nile River discharge nor Black Sea input (nor both together) are large enough to account for the large-scale oxygen isotope depletion associated with latest sapropel deposition in the Eastern Mediterranean. This suggests that part of the isotopic change at Termination I is probably due to increased surface water salinities during the last glacial maximum. In addition, evidence from the timing of sapropel 1 deposition and the dissolved oxygen balance indicates that deposition of the latest sapropel is associated with increased surface water production of biogenic material, as much as three times higher than that of present day.


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We present grain-size distributions of the terrigenous fraction of two sediment cores from the southeast Levantine Sea (SL112) and the northern Aegean Sea (SL148), spanning the time interval from the late glacial to the present. End-member modelling of the grain-size distribution allows discriminating between aeolian and fluvial transport of the sediments and helps to infer palaeoenvironmental conditions in the source areas. Sedimentary and depositional processes during the late glacial and Holocene were controlled by climatic variations of both the northern high latitudes and the African climate system. The sedimentation at site SL112 off Israel is dominated by the suspension load of the River Nile and aeolian dust from the Sahara. Variations in grain size reflect the early to mid- Holocene climate transition from the African Humid Period to recent arid conditions. This climate change was gradual, in contrast to the abrupt humidity change documented inWestern Saharan records. This implies a successive decrease in Nile river sediment supply due to a step-wise aridification of the headwaters. The grain-size data of SL112 show a humidity maximum at 5 kyr BP coincident with a regionally-restricted wet phase in the Levantine Sea. The sediments at the North Aegean site SL148 consist of riverine particles and low amounts of aeolian dust, probably derived from South European sources and with probably minor Saharan influence. The sedimentation processes are controlled by climate conditions being characterized by enhanced deposition of dust during the cold and dry glacial period and by decreased aeolian influx during the temperate and humid Holocene.


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Within the framework of the EU-funded BENGAL programme, the effects of seasonality on biogenic silica early diagenesis have been studied at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP), an abyssal locality located in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Nine cruises were carried out between August 1996 and August 1998. Silicic acid (DSi) increased downward from 46.2 to 213 µM (mean of 27 profiles). Biogenic silica (BSi) decreased from ca. 2% near the sediment-water interface to <1% at depth. Benthic silicic acid fluxes as measured from benthic chambers were close to those estimated from non-linear DSi porewater gradients. Some 90% of the dissolution occurred within the top 5.5 cm of the sediment column, rather than at the sediment-water interface and the annual DSi efflux was close to 0.057 mol Si/m**2/yr. Biogenic silica accumulation was close to 0.008 mol Si/m**2/yr and the annual opal delivery reconstructed from sedimentary fluxes, assuming steady state, was 0.065 mol Si/m**2/yr. This is in good agreement with the mean annual opal flux determined from sediment trap samples, averaged over the last decade (0.062 mol Si/m**2/yr). Thus ca. 12% of the opal flux delivered to the seafloor get preserved in the sediments. A simple comparison between the sedimentation rate and the dissolution rate in the uppermost 5.5 cm of the sediment column suggests that there should be no accumulation of opal in PAP sediments. However, by combining the BENGAL high sampling frequency with our experimental results on BSi dissolution, we conclude that non-steady state processes associated with the seasonal deposition of fresh biogenic particles may well play a fundamental role in the preservation of BSi in these sediments. This comes about though the way seasonal variability affects the quality of the biogenic matter reaching the seafloor. Hence it influences the intrinsic dissolution properties of the opal at the seafloor and also the part played by non-local mixing events by ensuring the rapid transport of BSi particles deep into the sediment to where saturation is reached.


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The geochemistry of the youngest Mediterranean sapropel layer suggests changes in productivity and water column oxygen conditions during sapropel deposition. The Ba-enriched interval is broader than the organic-carbon-rich interval of this sapropel. We suggest that the Ba-enriched horizon records the original thickness of the sapropel prior to subsequent partial oxidation. The main carrier of Ba is barite, as microcrystals (0.5-5 µm ) having a morphology characteristic of marine barite, particularly abundant beneath high productivity regions. Ba concentrations do not change at the sapropel layer oxidation front and diagenetic barite crystals are absent, thus the Ba-enriched layer reflects original oceanic conditions of increased biological productivity during sapropel deposition and not diagenetic Ba remobilization. Paleoredox indicators point to restricted oxygenated bottom water but not to fully anoxic conditions. Detrital elements within this layer indicate a lower eolian terrigenous input, enhanced humidity, and increased precipitation/runoff, thus likely higher nutrient supply.


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The early to mid-Holocene thermal optimum is a well-known feature in a wide variety of paleoclimate archives from the Northern Hemisphere. Reconstructed summer temperature anomalies from across northern Europe show a clear maximum around 6000 years before present (6 ka). For the marine realm, Holocene trends in sea-surface temperature reconstructions for the North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea do not exhibit a consistent pattern of early to mid- Holocene warmth. Sea-surface temperature records based on alkenones and diatoms generally show the existence of a warm early to mid-Holocene optimum. In contrast, several foraminifer and radiolarian based temperature records from the North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea show a cool mid- Holocene anomaly and a trend towards warmer temperatures in the late Holocene. In this paper, we revisit the foraminifer record from the Vøring Plateau in the Norwegian Sea. We also compare this record with published foraminifer based temperature reconstructions from the North Atlantic and with modelled (CCSM3) upper ocean temperatures. Model results indicate that while the seasonal summer warming of the seasurface was stronger during the mid-Holocene, sub-surface depths experienced a cooling. This hydrographic setting can explain the discrepancies between the Holocene trends exhibited by phytoplankton and zooplankton based temperature proxy records.


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High-resolution benthic foraminiferal and geochemical investigations were carried out across sapropels S5 and S6 from two sediment cores in the Levantine Sea to evaluate the impact of climatic and environmental changes on benthic ecosystems during times of sapropel formation. The faunal successions indicate that eutrophication and/or oxygen reduction started several thousand years prior to the onset of sapropel formation, suggesting an early response of the bathyal ecosystems to climatic changes. Severest oxygen depletions appear in the early phases of sapropel formation. The initial reduction of deep-water ventilation is caused by a warming and fresh water-induced stratification of Eastern Mediterranean surface waters. During the late phase of S5 formation improved oxygenation is restricted to middle bathyal ecosystems, indicating that at least some formation of subsurface water took place. During S6 formation oxygen depletions and eutrophication were less severe and more variable than during S5 formation. Estimated oxygen contents were low dysoxic at middle bathyal to anoxic at lower bathyal depths during the early phase of S6 formation but never dropped to anoxic values in its late phase. The high benthic ecosystem variability during S6 formation suggests that water column stratification at deep-water formation sites was in a very unstable mode and susceptible to minor temperature fluctuations at a millennial time-scale.


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The spatial and temporal dynamics of seagrasses have been studied from the leaf to patch (100 m**2) scales. However, landscape scale (> 100 km**2) seagrass population dynamics are unresolved in seagrass ecology. Previous remote sensing approaches have lacked the temporal or spatial resolution, or ecologically appropriate mapping, to fully address this issue. This paper presents a robust, semi-automated object-based image analysis approach for mapping dominant seagrass species, percentage cover and above ground biomass using a time series of field data and coincident high spatial resolution satellite imagery. The study area was a 142 km**2 shallow, clear water seagrass habitat (the Eastern Banks, Moreton Bay, Australia). Nine data sets acquired between 2004 and 2013 were used to create seagrass species and percentage cover maps through the integration of seagrass photo transect field data, and atmospherically and geometrically corrected high spatial resolution satellite image data (WorldView-2, IKONOS and Quickbird-2) using an object based image analysis approach. Biomass maps were derived using empirical models trained with in-situ above ground biomass data per seagrass species. Maps and summary plots identified inter- and intra-annual variation of seagrass species composition, percentage cover level and above ground biomass. The methods provide a rigorous approach for field and image data collection and pre-processing, a semi-automated approach to extract seagrass species and cover maps and assess accuracy, and the subsequent empirical modelling of seagrass biomass. The resultant maps provide a fundamental data set for understanding landscape scale seagrass dynamics in a shallow water environment. Our findings provide proof of concept for the use of time-series analysis of remotely sensed seagrass products for use in seagrass ecology and management.