984 resultados para Ross, Fiona


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to adapt and improve a minimally invasive two-step postmortem angiographic technique for use on human cadavers. Detailed mapping of the entire vascular system is almost impossible with conventional autopsy tools. The technique described should be valuable in the diagnosis of vascular abnormalities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Postmortem perfusion with an oily liquid is established with a circulation machine. An oily contrast agent is introduced as a bolus injection, and radiographic imaging is performed. In this pilot study, the upper or lower extremities of four human cadavers were perfused. In two cases, the vascular system of a lower extremity was visualized with anterograde perfusion of the arteries. In the other two cases, in which the suspected cause of death was drug intoxication, the veins of an upper extremity were visualized with retrograde perfusion of the venous system. RESULTS: In each case, the vascular system was visualized up to the level of the small supplying and draining vessels. In three of the four cases, vascular abnormalities were found. In one instance, a venous injection mark engendered by the self-administration of drugs was rendered visible by exudation of the contrast agent. In the other two cases, occlusion of the arteries and veins was apparent. CONCLUSION: The method described is readily applicable to human cadavers. After establishment of postmortem perfusion with paraffin oil and injection of the oily contrast agent, the vascular system can be investigated in detail and vascular abnormalities rendered visible.


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OBJECTIVE: Smuggling dissolved drugs, especially cocaine, in bottled liquids is an ongoing problem at borders. Common fluoroscopy of packages at the border cannot detect contaminated liquids. The objective of our study was to develop an MDCT screening method to detect cocaine-containing vessels that are hidden between uncontaminated ones in a shipment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Studies were performed on three wine bottles containing cocaine solutions that were confiscated at the Swiss border. Reference values were obtained by scans of different sorts of commercially available wine and aqueous solutions of dissolved sugar. All bottles were scanned using MDCT, and data evaluation was performed by measuring the mean peak of Hounsfield units. To verify the method, simulated testing was performed. RESULTS: Using measurements of the mean peak of Hounsfield units enables the detection of dissolved cocaine in wine bottles in a noninvasive and rapid fashion. Increasing opacity corresponds well with the concentration of dissolved cocaine. Simulated testing showed that it is possible to distinguish between cocaine-contaminated and uncontaminated wine bottles. CONCLUSION: The described method is an efficacious screening method to detect cocaine-contaminated bottles that are hidden between untreated bottles in cargo. The noninvasive examination of cargo allows a questionable delivery to be tracked without arousing the suspicion of the smugglers.


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Cet article présente les résultats d'une revue systématique publiée par la Collaboration Cochrane dans la Cochrane Library (www.cochrane.org) : Gillies D., Sinn J.K., Lad S.S., Leach M.J., Ross M.J., « Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents », Cochrane Database Syst. Rev., 2012 ; 7 : CD007986.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os minerais séricos e as funções hepática e renal de frangos de corte, alimentados com dietas com aflatoxinas e dietas com aflatoxinas e argila clinoptilolita natural. Foram utilizados 528 frangos de corte machos, da linhagem Ross, distribuídos em seis tratamentos com quatro repetições cada: T1 - testemunha: ração sem aflatoxina ou clinoptilolita; T2 - ração com 5 ppm de aflatoxinas; T3 - ração com 0,25% de clinoptilolita; T4 - ração com 5 ppm de aflatoxinas e 0,25% de clinoptilolita; T5 - ração com 0,5% de clinoptilolita; e T6 - ração com 5 ppm de aflatoxinas e 0,5% de clinoptilolita. As aves foram submetidas aos tratamentos do 1º ao 42º dia de idade. Foram abatidos 72 animais, e foram analisadas as concentrações séricas de cálcio, fósforo, uréia, creatinina, ácido úrico, colesterol, triglicerídeos e gamaglutamil-transferase (GGT). As aflatoxinas diminuem o nível sérico de colesterol. A clinoptilolita diminui o nível sérico do ácido úrico, quando na concentração de 0,25%. As aflatoxinas com 0,25% de clinoptilolita diminuem os níveis séricos da creatinina, do ácido úrico e do colesterol. As aflatoxinas acrescidas por 0,5% de clinoptilolita diminuem os níveis séricos da creatinina e do colesterol e elevam os de gamaglutamil-transferase.


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The fire ant Solenopsis invicta is a significant pest that was inadvertently introduced into the southern United States almost a century ago and more recently into California and other regions of the world. An assessment of genetic variation at a diverse set of molecular markers in 2144 fire ant colonies from 75 geographic sites worldwide revealed that at least nine separate introductions of S. invicta have occurred into newly invaded areas and that the main southern U.S. population is probably the source of all but one of these introductions. The sole exception involves a putative serial invasion from the southern United States to California to Taiwan. These results illustrate in stark fashion a severe negative consequence of an increasingly massive and interconnected global trade and travel system.


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Postprint (published version)


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Postprint (published version)


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento productivo y el rendimiento de la canal en pollos de engorda, con el uso de harina de hojas de plantas aromáticas como aditivo fitoterapéutico al 0,07% en la dieta. Fueron utilizados 280 pollitos machos de la estirpe Ross 308, de 1 a 42 días de edad, distribuidos de forma aleatoria en un diseño completamente al azar, en cuatro tratamientos y siete repeticiones con 10 pollos cada una. Las combinaciones fueron en proporción 50:50 de harina de Origanum vulgare y Piper auritum (OHS), O. vulgare y Ocimum basilicum (OA), O. basilicum y P. auritum (HSA), y un testigo con flavomicina al 4%. El grupo testigo obtuvo el mayor peso corporal (2.385 g), consumo de alimento (204 g por ave por día) y mortalidad acumulada (21,87%), al final de la prueba. No hubo diferencias con la combinación de OA (2.198 g) y HSA (2.023 g) en peso corporal y consumo de alimento. La combinación OA registró la menor (1,96) y OHS la mayor (2,44) conversión de alimento. No se encontraron diferencias en el rendimiento de la canal. La combinación al 50% de O. vulgare y O. basilicum, incluida al 0,07% en la dieta para pollos de engorda, es una alternativa como promotora del crecimiento y no altera el rendimiento de la canal.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão de extratos etanólicos na ração, obtidos do caroço e da casca da manga, sobre o desempenho de frangos e a oxidação lipídica da carne. Foram utilizados 360 pintos machos da linhagem Ross 308, de um dia de idade, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e seis repetições de dez aves. Os tratamentos consistiram de: ração sem adição de antioxidante (controle); ração com adição de 200 ppm do antioxidante butilato de hidroxitolueno (BHT); ração com 200 ou 400 ppm de extrato da casca da manga (ECAS); e ração com 200 ou 400 ppm de extrato do caroço da manga (ECAR). A adição de BHT ou dos extratos da manga não influenciou significativamente o consumo de ração, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar. A adição de BHT e a de 400 ppm de ECAR proporcionaram maior estabilidade lipídica da carne fresca, mensurada pelas substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico antes do armazenamento. O extrato etanólico do caroço da manga, na dosagem de 200 e 400 ppm, retarda a oxidação lipídica da carne de frangos armazenada por 15 dias.


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Queens in social insect colonies advertise their presence in the colony to: a) attract workers' attention and care; b) gain acceptance by workers as replacement or supplemental reproductives; c) prevent reproductive development in nestmates. We analyzed the chemical content of whole body surface extracts of adult queens of different developmental and reproductive stages, and of adult workers from monogyne (single colony queen) and polygyne (multiple colony queens) forms of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. We found that the composition of the most abundant components, venom alkaloids, differed between queens and workers, as well as between reproductive and non-reproductive queens. Additionally, workers of the two forms could be distinguished by alkaloid composition. Finally, sexually mature, non-reproductive queens from polygyne colonies differed in their proportions of cis-piperidine alkaloids, depending on their Gp-9 genotype, although the difference disappeared once they became functional reproductives. Among the unsaturated cuticular hydrocarbons characteristic of queens, there were differences in amounts of alkenes/alkadienes between non-reproductive polygyne queens of different Gp-9 genotypes, between non-reproductive and reproductive queens, and between polygyne and monogyne reproductive queens, with the amounts increasing at a relatively higher rate through reproductive ontogeny in queens bearing the Gp-9 b allele. Given that the genotype-specific piperidine differences reflect differences in rates of reproductive maturation between queens, we speculate that these abundant and unique compounds have been co-opted to serve in fertility signaling, while the cuticular hydrocarbons now play a complementary role in regulation of social organization by signaling queen Gp-9 genotype.


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OBJECTIVE: The last decade has seen a proliferation in options for testosterone replacement. However, little is known as to the benefits of different treatment modalities. Our objective was to determine the testosterone prescription pattern and to examine the impact on various outcome measures. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 816 adult-onset hypopituitary males on stable pituitary replacement for at least 1 year were identified from the KIMS database. Patients were classified as either eugonadal (n = 106), or hypogonadal (n = 710) on intramuscular (IM, n = 558), oral (n = 74), transdermal (n = 61), and depot (n = 17) testosterone. RESULTS: After 1 year of stable pituitary replacement therapy, body composition, cardiovascular parameters, GH replacement and quality of life were not significantly different in androgen-replaced hypogonadal patients compared to eugonadal patients. There were no differences in outcome variables within the hypogonadal group according to the testosterone replacement regimen used and no difference in response to GH therapy. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of hypopituitary patients in the last decade have received IM testosterone. Body composition, cardiovascular parameters, GH replacement and quality of life were not different between eugonadal and hypogonadal patients and were not differentially affected by the mode of testosterone replacement. These findings are reassuring that there is no major difference in response to different testosterone replacement regimens.


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The interleukin-6 cytokines, acting via gp130 receptor pathways, play a pivotal role in the reduction of cardiac injury induced by mechanical stress or ischemia and in promoting subsequent adaptive remodeling of the heart. We have now identified the small proline-rich repeat proteins (SPRR) 1A and 2A as downstream targets of gp130 signaling that are strongly induced in cardiomyocytes responding to biomechanical/ischemic stress. Upregulation of SPRR1A and 2A was markedly reduced in the gp130 cardiomyocyte-restricted knockout mice. In cardiomyocytes, MEK1/2 inhibitors prevented SPRR1A upregulation by gp130 cytokines. Furthermore, binding of NF-IL6 (C/EBPbeta) and c-Jun to the SPRR1A promoter was observed after CT-1 stimulation. Histological analysis revealed that SPRR1A induction after mechanical stress of pressure overload was restricted to myocytes surrounding piecemeal necrotic lesions. A similar expression pattern was found in postinfarcted rat hearts. Both in vitro and in vivo ectopic overexpression of SPRR1A protected cardiomyocytes against ischemic injury. Thus, this study identifies SPRR1A as a novel stress-inducible downstream mediator of gp130 cytokines in cardiomyocytes and documents its cardioprotective effect against ischemic stress.


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In spite of recent advances in describing the health outcomes of exposure to nanoparticles (NPs), it still remains unclear how exactly NPs interact with their cellular targets. Size, surface, mass, geometry, and composition may all play a beneficial role as well as causing toxicity. Concerns of scientists, politicians and the public about potential health hazards associated with NPs need to be answered. With the variety of exposure routes available, there is potential for NPs to reach every organ in the body but we know little about the impact this might have. The main objective of the FP7 NanoTEST project ( www.nanotest-fp7.eu ) was a better understanding of mechanisms of interactions of NPs employed in nanomedicine with cells, tissues and organs and to address critical issues relating to toxicity testing especially with respect to alternatives to tests on animals. Here we describe an approach towards alternative testing strategies for hazard and risk assessment of nanomaterials, highlighting the adaptation of standard methods demanded by the special physicochemical features of nanomaterials and bioavailability studies. The work has assessed a broad range of toxicity tests, cell models and NP types and concentrations taking into account the inherent impact of NP properties and the effects of changes in experimental conditions using well-characterized NPs. The results of the studies have been used to generate recommendations for a suitable and robust testing strategy which can be applied to new medical NPs as they are developed.