995 resultados para Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition, 1946-1948


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The foraging distributions of 20 breeding emperor penguins were investigated at Pointe Géologie, Terre Adélie, Antarctica by using satellite telemetry in 2005 and 2006 during early and late winter, as well as during late spring and summer, corresponding to incubation, early chick-brooding, late chick-rearing and the adult pre-moult period, respectively. Dive depth records of three post-egg-laying females, two post-incubating males and four late chick-rearing adults were examined, as well as the horizontal space use by these birds. Foraging ranges of chick-provisioning penguins extended over the Antarctic shelf and were constricted by winter pack-ice. During spring ice break-up, the foraging ranges rarely exceeded the shelf slope, although seawater access was apparently almost unlimited. Winter females appeared constrained in their access to open water but used fissures in the sea ice and expanded their prey search effort by expanding the horizontal search component underwater. Birds in spring however, showed higher area-restricted-search than did birds in winter. Despite different seasonal foraging strategies, chick-rearing penguins exploited similar areas as indicated by both a high 'Area-Restricted-Search Index' and high 'Catch Per Unit Effort'. During pre-moult trips, emperor penguins ranged much farther offshore than breeding birds, which argues for particularly profitable oceanic feeding areas which can be exploited when the time constraints imposed by having to return to a central place to provision the chick no longer apply.


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A nested ice flow model was developed for eastern Dronning Maud Land to assist with the dating and interpretation of the EDML deep ice core. The model consists of a high-resolution higher-order ice dynamic flow model that was nested into a comprehensive 3-D thermomechanical model of the whole Antarctic ice sheet. As the drill site is on a flank position the calculations specifically take into account the effects of horizontal advection as deeper ice in the core originated from higher inland. First the regional velocity field and ice sheet geometry is obtained from a forward experiment over the last 8 glacial cycles. The result is subsequently employed in a Lagrangian backtracing algorithm to provide particle paths back to their time and place of deposition. The procedure directly yields the depth-age distribution, surface conditions at particle origin, and a suite of relevant parameters such as initial annual layer thickness. This paper discusses the method and the main results of the experiment, including the ice core chronology, the non-climatic corrections needed to extract the climatic part of the signal, and the thinning function. The focus is on the upper 89% of the ice core (appr. 170 kyears) as the dating below that is increasingly less robust owing to the unknown value of the geothermal heat flux. It is found that the temperature biases resulting from variations of surface elevation are up to half of the magnitude of the climatic changes themselves.


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Size-fractionated chlorophyll a and photosynthetic carbon incorporation, microbial oxygen production and respiration and particulate vertical flux were measured in January 1996 at three regions, characterized by distinct hydrographic fields and planktonic communities, of the Antarctic Peninsula: (1) a diatom-Phaeocystis sp., dominated community associated with the relatively stratified waters of the Gerlache Strait, (2) a nanoplankton-Cryptomonas sp. dominated assemblage at the Gerlache-Bransfield confluence; and (3) a nano- and picoplankton community in mixed waters of the Bransfield Strait. Despite the marked differences in both community structure and total phytoplankton biomass and primary production, and against predictions from models about trophic control of C export, the lowest respiration rates were measured at Bransfield (pico- and nanoplankton), and no difference was observed between the Gerlache (large diatoms) and Bransfield stations in relative vertical particle flux (6.4 vs. 5.1 % of suspended C; 14.9 vs. 10.4 % of net community production, respectively). Growth and loss rates of the phytoplankton population studied for each community indicate that microbial populations can be explained by in situ growth, but spatial (diatom-Phaeocystis sp., bloom) and temporal (diatom-Phaeocystis sp. bloom and nanoplankton communities) scales of study were shown to be insufficient for addressing the coupling between primary production and biogenic carbon export, especially after the appreciation of the accumulation of dissolved organic carbon in the water column. This would explain the unexpected results and highlights the necessity of including the mechanisms controlling accumulation and consumption of dissolved organic matter into conceptual models about the trophic control of C export.


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The data on content and composition of lipids and aliphatic hydrocarbons (HC) in aerosols and surface waters obtained during the spring-summer periods of 2001 and 2003 along the vessel route from the North Sea to the Antarctic and backwards are presented. It was shown that the distribution of organic compounds is caused by influence of zonal supply of eolian matter from land, anthropogenic, and marine autochtonous sources. Concentrations of organic compounds in the aerosols varied from 0.22 to 13.04 ng/m**3 for lipids and from 0.04 to 7.03 ng/m**3 for aliphatic HC; in surface waters, it from 9 to 84 and from 1 to 53 µg/l, respectively. There is correlation between fluxes of lithogenic fraction of the aerosols, HC, and lipids. Growth of productivity in the aquatic area increases levels of the HC in the surface waters but to a lower degree than HC supply with oil contamination.


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Fast-flowing ice streams discharge most of the ice from the interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet coastward. Understanding how their tributary organisation is governed and evolves is essential for developing reliable models of the ice sheet's response to climate change. Despite much research on ice-stream mechanics, this problem is unsolved, because the complexity of flow within and across the tributary networks has hardly been interrogated. Here I present the first map of planimetric flow convergence across the ice sheet, calculated from satellite measurements of ice surface velocity, and use it to explore this complexity. The convergence map of Antarctica elucidates how ice-stream tributaries draw ice from the interior. It also reveals curvilinear zones of convergence along lateral shear margins of streaming, and abundant convergence ripples associated with nonlinear ice rheology and changes in bed topography and friction. Flow convergence on ice-stream tributaries and their feeding zones is markedly uneven, and interspersed with divergence at distances of the order of kilometres. For individual drainage basins as well as the ice sheet as a whole, the range of convergence and divergence decreases systematically with flow speed, implying that fast flow cannot converge or diverge as much as slow flow. I therefore deduce that flow in ice-stream networks is subject to mechanical regulation that limits flow-orthonormal strain rates. These properties and the gridded data of convergence and flow-orthonormal strain rate in this archive provide targets for ice- sheet simulations and motivate more research into the origin and dynamics of tributarization.


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The speciation of iron was investigated in three shelf seas and three deep basins of the Arctic Ocean in 2007. The dissolved fraction (<0.2 µm) and a fraction < 1000 kDa were considered here. In addition, unfiltered samples were analyzed. Between 74 and 83% of dissolved iron was present in the fraction < 1000 kDa at all stations and depth, except at the chlorophyll maximum (42-64%). Distinct trends in iron concentrations and ligand characteristics were observed from the shelf seas toward the central deep basins, with a decrease of total dissolvable iron ([TDFe] > 3 nM on the shelves and [TDFe] < 2 nM in the Makarov Basin). A relative enrichment of particulate Fe toward the bottom was revealed at all stations, indicating Fe export toward the deep ocean. In deep waters, dissolved ligands became less saturated with Fe (increase of [Excess L]/[Fe]) from the Nansen Basin via the Amundsen Basin toward the Makarov Basin. This trend was explained by the reactivity of the ligands, higher (log alpha > 13.5) in the Nansen and Amundsen basins than in the Makarov Basin (log alpha <13) where the sources of Fe and ligands were limited. The ligands became nearly saturated with depth in the Amundsen and Nansen Basins, favoring Fe removal in the deep ocean, whereas in the deep Makarov Basin, they became unsaturated with depth. Still here scavenging occurred. Although scavenging of Fe was attenuated by the presence of unsaturated organic ligands, their low reactivity in combination with a lack of sources of Fe in the Makarov Basin might be the reason of a net export of Fe to the sediment.


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The Antarctic continental slope spans the depths from the shelf break (usually between 500 and 1000 m) to ~3000 m, is very steep, overlain by 'warm' (2-2.5 °C) Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), and life there is poorly studied. This study investigates whether life on Antarctica's continental slope is essentially an extension of the shelf or the abyssal fauna, a transition zone between these or clearly distinct in its own right. Using data from several cruises to the Weddell Sea and Scotia Sea, including the ANDEEP (ANtarctic benthic DEEP-sea biodiversity, colonisation history and recent community patterns) I-III, BIOPEARL (Biodiversity, Phylogeny, Evolution and Adaptive Radiation of Life in Antarctica) 1 and EASIZ (Ecology of the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone) II cruises as well as current databases (SOMBASE, SCAR-MarBIN), four different taxa were selected (i.e. cheilostome bryozoans, isopod and ostracod crustaceans and echinoid echinoderms) and two areas, the Weddell Sea and the Scotia Sea, to examine faunal composition, richness and affinities. The answer has important ramifications to the link between physical oceanography and ecology, and the potential of the slope to act as a refuge and resupply zone to the shelf during glaciations. Benthic samples were collected using Agassiz trawl, epibenthic sledge and Rauschert sled. By bathymetric definition, these data suggest that despite eurybathy in some of the groups examined and apparent similarity of physical conditions in the Antarctic, the shelf, slope and abyssal faunas were clearly separated in the Weddell Sea. However, no such separation of faunas was apparent in the Scotia Sea (except in echinoids). Using a geomorphological definition of the slope, shelf-slope-abyss similarity only changed significantly in the bryozoans. Our results did not support the presence of a homogenous and unique Antarctic slope fauna despite a high number of species being restricted to the slope. However, it remains the case that there may be a unique Antarctic slope fauna, but the paucity of our samples could not demonstrate this in the Scotia Sea. It is very likely that various ecological and evolutionary factors (such as topography, water-mass and sediment characteristics, input of particulate organic carbon (POC) and glaciological history) drive slope distinctness. Isopods showed greatest species richness at slope depths, whereas bryozoans and ostracods were more speciose at shelf depths; however, significance varied across Weddell Sea and Scotia Sea and depending on bathymetric vs. geomorphological definitions. Whilst the slope may harbour some source populations for localised shelf recolonisation, the absence of many shelf species, genera and even families (in a poorly dispersing taxon) from the continental slope indicate that it was not a universal refuge for Antarctic shelf fauna.