993 resultados para Roig, Jaume, 1401-1478. Spill
Ex-libris du XVe s. "Iste liber est beate Marie de Amberto. 348" et ajout du XVIIIe s. "nunc S. Germani a Pratis" (1); — ex-libris du XVIe s. "Hic liber me jurae posside [sic] qui vocatus sum Edmondus Theveneon" suivi d'une formule en grec "Tevenon bonus puer" (f. de garde)
Catalogue de l'abbaye de Corbie (éd. d'E. Coyecque, Cat des mss des bibliothèques de France, XIX, p.XI-XLVIII) 1621: n°429 Ex-libris : f.1 : « Sti Germani a Pratis » ; — au verso du dernier f. de garde : « Corbeiensis Monasterii »
Contient : Carmen de S. Agnete ; Ivonis panormia ; Vita S. Sulpitii ; Novitiorum institutio ; Summa Guillelmi Autissiodorensis de officiis ecelesiasticis
Contient : Lettres de Suger et pièces relatives à Suger et à Yves, abbé de S. Denis ; Lettre du comte Étienne à Ade, sa femme, sur la croisade ; Lettres d'Yves de Chartres ; Poëme d'Adalberon, adressé au roi Robert ; Charte de l'abbaye de Gigny en 898 et passion de S. Nazaire et S. Celse ; Registre de la confrérie de S. Maur et S. Fiacre à Paris ; Ad Paulum III Augustini bibliothecarii de Via Pauli et de fontibus inducendis in eam ; Cérémonial du sacre
Contient : I S. Bernardi epistola de vita solitaria ; Psalterium Mariale (91) ; II Henrici II, regis Anglorum, epistola de morte Thome Beket ; III Miracula s. Jacobi metrice (1) ; Questiones magistri Boecii super majus volumen Prisciani (61)
Contient : I Extraits et notes pour réfuter les hérésies et préparer des sermons ; II Flos medicine compilatus in studio Salerai a magistro Johannis de Salerno (87) ; Daretis historia Trojanorum (112) ; Pomponii de corographia libri tres (121) ; In Senece tragedias (145) ; III Summa Reymundi metrificata (159) ; Ecclesiale Alexandri de Villa Dei (164v) ; De confessione (175) ; De grammatica (191) ; Michaelis de Marbaix tractatus de modis significandi
Contient : I Revelationes cuidam facte in cenobio Enigsaviensi ; Regula vers vite (85) ; Bonaventure liber de vita et conversatione Christi (115) ; Henrici de Balma tractatus de triplici via (133) ; Guidonis de Ponte tractatus de contemplatione (216) ; Bernardi gradus ad humilitatem et ad superbiam (278) ; II Contentio vite private et tirannice, auctore Xenophonte, interprete Leonardo Aretino (279) ; Pogii scriptum contra delatores (295) ; Dialogus veritatis et philalitis ad Thomam Franchum, christianissimi regis prothophisicum (303) ; Comparatio Alexandri, Hanibalis et Scipionis, auctore Luciano, interprete Aurispa (319) ; Orationes Heschinis, Demosthenis, etc., interprete Leonardo Aretino (223)
INTRODUCTION We have hypothesized that incompatibility between the G1m genotype of the patient and the G1m1 and G1m17 allotypes carried by infliximab (INX) and adalimumab (ADM) could decrease the efficacy of these anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) antibodies in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS The G1m genotypes were analyzed in three collections of patients with RA totaling 1037 subjects. The first, used for discovery, comprised 215 Spanish patients. The second and third were successively used for replication. They included 429 British and Greek patients and 393 Spanish and British patients, respectively. Two outcomes were considered: change in the Disease Activity Score in 28 joint (ΔDAS28) and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response criteria. RESULTS An association between less response to INX and incompatibility of the G1m1,17 allotype was found in the discovery collection at 6 months of treatment (P = 0.03). This association was confirmed in the replications (P = 0.02 and 0.08, respectively) leading to a global association (P = 0.001) that involved a mean difference in ΔDAS28 of 0.4 units between compatible and incompatible patients (2.3 ± 1.5 in compatible patients vs. 1.9 ± 1.5 in incompatible patients) and an increase in responders and decrease in non-responders according to the EULAR criteria (P = 0.03). A similar association was suggested for patients treated with ADM in the discovery collection, but it was not supported by replication. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that G1m1,17 allotypes are associated with response to INX and could aid improved therapeutic targeting in RA.