830 resultados para Rodas de conversa


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Esse trabalho examina a relação da Comunicação com o Turismo discutindo a importância dos produtos de comunicação junto ao negócio do turismo no Brasil. Tem como corpus da pesquisa o Núcleo de Turismo da Editora Abril, formado pelas publicações Guia 4 Rodas, revistas Viagem e Turismo e National Geographic Brasil, e o portal de viagens www.viajeaqui.com.br. Investiga o peso e o amadurecimento do setor de turismo na economia brasileira, o crescimento e a consolidação do mercado editorial neste segmento. Discute o papel do Cluster na área de Turismo e seus efeitos no Jornalismo. Por meio da análise de conteúdo avalia os processos de produção das publicações do Núcleo, o caminho das informações compartilhadas pelos profissionais envolvidos e o impacto dessas informações nos públicos-alvos de cada veículo. Faz ainda uma reflexão sobre os limites entre Jornalismo e Publicidade em mídias segmentadas dentro de um Cluster.(AU)


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Este estudo tem como propósito pesquisar o diretor de escola pública, refletindo sobre a sua prática cotidiana, suas perspectivas e realizações, visando atender a tantas e tão diferentes tarefas que lhe são impostas. Para tanto, fizemos uma investigação teórico-bibliografica sobre a gestão da escola pública, sua finalidade social, autonomia e a busca pela qualidade do ensino oferecido, além de uma análise dos concursos e formas de provimento do referido cargo e analisamos também a oferta de atualização profissional que foi oferecida pela SEE à equipe gestora das escolas públicas estaduais, através do curso de formação continuada Progestão. Na parte prática desta, realizamos uma roda de conversa - uma nova metodologia de pesquisa - com quatro diretores concursados e que atuam frente às escolas públicas estaduais de São Paulo e do Grande ABC e ouvimos deles depoimentos autênticos que retratam suas práticas diárias, tensões, dificuldades e realizações no desempenho de sua função, o que contribuiu em muito para a pesquisa aqui proposta. Apontamos ainda, como uma possível saída para essa situação, a gestão escolar na perspectiva multirreferencial e finalizando este estudo apresentamos as conclusões da pesquisa.(AU)


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Considerando a relevância do tema nas discussões acerca da educação e novas tecnologias na sociedade contemporânea, a presente pesquisa de cunho exploratório, propõe compreender relação dos adultos e crianças com o computador e como ele media (ou não) está relação. Tomando os pais e a educadora como imigrantes e as crianças como nativos digitais do grupo do 1º no do EF I, de uma escola da rede particular de ensino, em São Bernardo do ampo. É uma pesquisa quantitativa na medida em que estuda frequência com que os dados aparecem entre o grupo de participantes e qualitativa uma vez que recorre a estratégias de coleta de dados tais como: roda de conversa com os educandos; questionário, e-mails e grupo de discussão com os pais (pai ou mãe); questionário, e-mails e entrevistas com a educadora. E como aporte teórico para as reflexões desta pesquisa autores como: BABIN & KOULOUMDJIAN (1989); CHAVES & SETZER (1980); HUIZINGA (2001); LÈVY (1993; 1996; 1999); KENSKY (2003; 2007); MORAN (1987; 2007); PAPERT (2008); VALENTE (2002); SANCHO (1998); QUEIROZ (1999), SÁ (2001) que contribuíram na medida em que possibilitaram uma conversa entre suas ideias, concepções e com as vozes dos participantes da pesquisa. Os resultados caminham para compreensão de que o computador para os educandos está atrelado à relação entre: infância, experiência, ludicidade como elementos para a construção do conhecimento; para os pais uma possibilidade ainda em adaptação, mas que requer orientação; e para a educadora a tecnologia parece ainda estar nos limites do campo da resistência, provalvelmente em decorrência da incongruência entre qualificação e políticas de trabalho docente. O trabalho deixa questões, esperando-se incentivar, com isso, novos estudos.


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The recognition of the food as determinant and health-disease process etching requires new explanations and interventions of the food and nutrition policy action and demand health care model based on the completeness of the actions and focused on health promotion. This study, characterized as research-action of interventionist character, sought to develop strategies to support the transverse insertion of healthy eating promotion in professionals practices a core of support for the health of the family and a family health strategy Unit in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, from the analysis of perceptions and work processes of these teams. Several methodological strategies were adopted: Dialectical Hermeneutical Circle, direct observation, reflective and Thematic Meetings Workshop "Rethinking the educational practices for promoting healthy eating". For data logging, search diaries - SD were used and moments. The analysis of procedural form occurred in conjunction with research participants, in constant movement of reflection-action-reflection, based on hermeneutics-dialectic. About the results, in relation to the promotion of health, showed the following insights: health promotion and disease prevention-related harms; health promotion related to quality of life and well-being, in its various dimensions; health promotion as a responsibility of the State; health promotion related to the actions of health education; health promotion as an expression of efficaciousness and accessibility to health services. Regarding healthy nutrition, predominated the perceptions relating to nutritional aspects. With regard to food and nutritional education - FNE, it was observed a predominance of perception of FNE as information, guidance and knowledge transfer for changes of dietary practices. As regards the working process, it was observed that among the actions for health promotion, educational activities predominate, such as lectures, conversations, groups that mostly occur in fragmentary form, without joint planning teams, varying according to the professionals and the moment of work in which they are carried out. The results pointed to the need for reorganization of the work processes, in the context of intra-and intersectoral coordination and the construction of new technologies, such as: Health project of the territory – HPT, Unique Therapeutic Project- UPT, Expanded Clinic and educational practices, Shared with active teaching and learning methodologies. From the results we believe that it is necessary to "thought reform", from changes in vocational training and strengthening of the permanent education spaces, whereas the complexity that involves feeding, food and nutrition education and health promotion. The reformation of thought must be articulate and closely tied to the production of knowledge and practices that encourage intersectoral approach, the transversality, dialogue and democratic and supportive attitude, based on the collective construction of know-how. We hope that this study can contribute with reflections and initiatives that encourage building practices that promote healthy eating in primary health care, in terms of completeness of the care and the attainment of food security and nutrition.


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The thesis presented is committed to a poetic reading that results in the creation of meaning and images of the death from the various cultural practices and symbolic representations exposed in urban cemeteries in some Brazilian cities, aiming to give visibility to new understandings about the imaginary of the in the contemporary scene. Death, therefore, will be seen as a imagining condition of anthroposwhen starts itself from the prerogative of the human consciousness of death (MORIN, 1970), in other words, this awareness that man has he will die and that triggers reflections about their existence allows the emergence of a number of practices such as: mourning, funeral rituals and the creation of several impregnated representations of human emotions emerged from the death facing the man and present, in a more evident form in cemeterial spaces. For this, it focuses on the conflictuous dimension that man establishes with death, because the cultural practices and symbolic representations observed in the research field are the result of this conflict and allow the expansion of the senses about this issue, to the extent that these are coated with a fantastic aura, mystical, secret, spooky, fearful, religious, building a complex imagination. The general plan of this study is to discuss and create, from a phenomenology of imagination and materials / dynamics imagination, as well as along the lines treated by Gaston Bachelard, images of death, from a field experience in cemeteries in Brazil. For this, it is assumed, to observe the cultural practices and symbolic representations in these spaces, a posture able to make the experience into the search field a moment of symbolic exchanges and creation. Thus, it was used observation, conversations with visitors and employees of the cemeteries and the capture of photographic records. The data produced as a fragment of a conversation, a tearful outburst about the loss of a relative, a melancholic epitaph, a flower on the grave or a cry captured by photography were seen as detonators of meanings and a poetic of the imagination.


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The thesis presented is committed to a poetic reading that results in the creation of meaning and images of the death from the various cultural practices and symbolic representations exposed in urban cemeteries in some Brazilian cities, aiming to give visibility to new understandings about the imaginary of the in the contemporary scene. Death, therefore, will be seen as a imagining condition of anthroposwhen starts itself from the prerogative of the human consciousness of death (MORIN, 1970), in other words, this awareness that man has he will die and that triggers reflections about their existence allows the emergence of a number of practices such as: mourning, funeral rituals and the creation of several impregnated representations of human emotions emerged from the death facing the man and present, in a more evident form in cemeterial spaces. For this, it focuses on the conflictuous dimension that man establishes with death, because the cultural practices and symbolic representations observed in the research field are the result of this conflict and allow the expansion of the senses about this issue, to the extent that these are coated with a fantastic aura, mystical, secret, spooky, fearful, religious, building a complex imagination. The general plan of this study is to discuss and create, from a phenomenology of imagination and materials / dynamics imagination, as well as along the lines treated by Gaston Bachelard, images of death, from a field experience in cemeteries in Brazil. For this, it is assumed, to observe the cultural practices and symbolic representations in these spaces, a posture able to make the experience into the search field a moment of symbolic exchanges and creation. Thus, it was used observation, conversations with visitors and employees of the cemeteries and the capture of photographic records. The data produced as a fragment of a conversation, a tearful outburst about the loss of a relative, a melancholic epitaph, a flower on the grave or a cry captured by photography were seen as detonators of meanings and a poetic of the imagination.


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This research is a study that deals with the language of the players bodies of Ciranda (a typical dance in circle in Brazil) – more specifically the one of Lia from Itamaracá. Our interest is to observe how this body dances, communicates, writes on time and space, establishing relations that complement and help to remain in construction. Thus, in a circular way and in an energy that is transmitted with the contact of the touch of the hands, in the power of song, in a circle that can be seen from many places, but by different angles, holding on that the particularities of its subjects players/dancers/observers, and that we propose ourselves to think: who are those players bodies and how do they build the circles of Ciranda? Therefore, during the pathway of the research, we were conducted by the phenomenological method and, from this, used the concepts of lived and sensible world. Our interest in this manifestation is, also, the body that dances and insert itself in the artistic expression, meaning and opening itself to the knowledge by the experience. Therefore, we assume a conception of the body that refers itself in the merleaupontyana fenomenologic approach, in this way, in its criativity in relation to the body as a fragmented being, as it is pointed by the Cartesiana theory. In this perspective, we understand the body in its relations with the culturals, sociais, economics and artistics issues that integrates it, in others words, in the relations that helped us to better understand the body as it is. This way, this research has as main objective to present the refletions about the players body, mainly, of Lia from Itamaracá and with this body to dance, to communicate, to write itself on time and space, estabilishing relations that complement and help to stay in construction. Such a statement leads us in this work, to inquire, for example: what mobilizes those subjects on this dance? We understand that elements as the place that is always in modification, the costumes, the musicality and the change in the movimentation of the players body in each new circle, those elements are factors that activate a permanente reconfiguration that are happening in the Ciranda dance nowadays. Finally, we assert that this investigation comes in reason to the big dimension that the Ciranda has achivied in Brazil, especially in the Northeast, as the existence of few references and registers of the reseach manifestation in the academic areas. It is possible to verify, in this research, that, in reason to this spreading, the nuances of the players bodies is even more diversified and that the missing of experiences on Itamaracá island - PE, its origin has putting away the original and community, becames, more and more, a dance of others stages and squares.


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The stratigraphic and biogeographic distribution of more than 170 species of deep-water agglutinated benthic foraminifers (DWAF) from the North Atlantic and adjacent marginal seas has been compared with paleoenvironmental data (e.g. paleobathymetry, oxygenation of the bottom waters, amount of terrigenous input and substrate disturbance). Six general types of assemblages, in which deep water agglutinated taxa occur, are defined from the Turonian to Maastrichtian times: 1. High latitude slope assemblages 2. Low to mid latitude slope assemblages 3. Flysch-type assemblages 4. Deep water limestone assemblages (,,Scaglia,,-type) 5. Abyssal mixed calcareous-agglutinated assemblages 6. Abyssal purely agglutinated assemblages Latitudinal differences in faunal composition are observed, the most important of which is the lack or extreme paucity of calcareous forms in high latitude assemblages. East-to-west differences appear to be of comparatively minor importance. Most DWAF species occur in all studied regions and are thus considered as cosmopolitan. Biostratigraphic turnovers in the taxonomic content of assemblages are observed in the lowermost Turonian, mid-Campanian and in the upper Maastrichtian to lowermost Paleocene. These datum levels correspond to inter-regional and time-constant paleooceanographic events, which probably also affected the deep-water benthic biota. This allows us to use deep-water agglutinated foraminifers for biostratigraphy in the North Atlantic sequences deposited below CCD and to geographically extend the currently used zonal schemes which have been established in the Carpathian and Alpine areas.


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Public communication is based on the public interest and the effective democratization of communication in publics agencies. Access to information is the base for this is materializes solidly, helping even in formation as an individual. The work of the press office is the instrument for the Public Communication and access to information is guaranteed to society , since one of the goals of the press officer is to be committed to media , providing it material quality and depth , benefiting so the citizen. The research the look exactly on reflections on the topics listed above. The purpose of this study was to analyze the news published in Fanpage and Santarem Town Hall site, in western Para, meet the demands of Public Communication and the precepts of the Access to Information Law (AIL), starting the questioning until point to Santarem Town Hall works to public communication. For this analysis, we developed a work using the techniques of bibliographic and descriptive research. Such referrals have served as a starting point for fieldwork and for exhibition on the concepts of Public Communication of Access to Information Law, Organizational Communication and Press office. The research was considered, also, because document was to identify and verify the documents with a specific purpose. This research was lifting a quantitative survey to support the qualitative analysis of the object. So considering its features is that it was monitor the Fanpage and the Town Hall site, through a specific tool and then the analysis of posts, searching to observe public communication accomplished in the Town Hall of Santarem, on the Internet, especially social media and corporate website. The methodology helped obtain indicators that allowed add knowledge about the production of the Town Hall press office, and identify if the press office productions meet AIL and Public Communication. Finally, it was suggested in this study the elaboration a strategic script of communication because it scales the actions and policies of the Santarem city, allowing citizen participation. For this, too, it suggested the training of Santarem municipal government communication team as a strategy. This training consists of speeches and wheels conversations with all the press officer of the town hall, including the secretariats.


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O consumidor contemporâneo, inserido em um novo ambiente de comunicação, potencializa suas expressões, capaz de avaliar uma marca ou produto e transmitir sua opinião pelas redes sociais, ou seja, o consumidor expressa suas opiniões e desejos dialogando com seus pares de forma espontânea nas redes sociais on-line. É neste ambiente de participação e interação (ciberespaço) que está nosso objeto de estudo, o boca a boca on-line – a voz do consumidor contemporâneo, também conhecido como uma manifestação informativa pessoal ou uma conversa, a opinion sharing. Proporcionado pelos consumidores nas redes sociais on-line, o boca a boca se fortalece em função das possibilidades de interação, característica da sociedade em rede. Nesse cenário, oobjetivo desta pesquisa é caracterizar o boca a boca on-line como um novo fluxo comunicacional entre consumidores, hoje potencializado pelas novas tecnologias da comunicação, capazes de alterar a percepção da marca e demonstrar o uso, pelas marcas, das redes sociais on-line ainda como um ambiente de comunicação unidirecional. Mediante três casos selecionados por conveniência (dois casos nacionais e um internacional), o corpus de análise de nossa pesquisa se limitou aos 5.084 comentários disponibilizados após publicação de matérias jornalísticas no Portal G1 e nas fanpages (Facebook), ambos relativos aos casos selecionados. Com a Análise de Conteúdo dos posts, identificamos e categorizamos a fala do consumidor contemporâneo, sendo assim possível comprovar que as organizações/marcas se valem da cultura do massivo, não dialogando com seus consumidores, pois utilizam as redes sociais on-line ainda de forma unidirecional, além de não darem a devida atenção ao atual fluxo onde se evidencia a opinião compartilhada dos consumidores da sociedade em rede.


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Desde sempre que a tecnologia tem procurado ajudar, complementar ou mesmo substituir o ser humano em todas as suas tarefas e necessidades mais tediosas e/ou perigosas. A indústria automóvel é das que mais investe na investigação e desenvolvimento desta área, procurando desenvolver viaturas inteligentes, baseados em condução autónoma que ajudem o ser humano enquanto condutor, seja ao nível do conforto como da segurança. Em Portugal, no Festival Nacional de Robótica, existe uma prova onde se aplicam conceitos de decisão, controlo e visão para a condução autónoma num ambiente à escala. É com este conceito em mente que se executa este projeto, com a intenção de construir um veículo à escala, com direção de Ackerman, com a capacidade de se conduzir sem a intervenção ou controlo humano, que possa ser também utilizado na referida prova de competição. O projeto criado é baseado num sistema de controlo de baixo nível, responsável por controlar a velocidade, direção e travagem do veículo, sob comando de um sistema de alto nível baseado em visão computacional. O sistema desenvolvido foi testado, com sucesso, numa fase preliminar na prova a que se destinava. A versão atual do veículo inclui duas câmaras (uma delas móvel) para aquisição de informação múltipla, e codificadores nas rodas para um controlo mais preciso da velocidade do veículo.


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Este trabajo pone en común la segunda etapa de análisis de los relatos que se publican y circulan en el Grupo cerrado de Facebook, de un Equipo de nadadores adultos del Club Banco Provincia City Bell. A un año y tres meses de fundar el Grupo y participar activamente con posteos, decidimos revisar lo que nos sucede en la red social. El trabajo se centra en la observación de las publicaciones a fin de conocer los relatos compartidos, los tipos de narraciones (temáticas, textuales, imágenes), que permiten presentarnos y representarnos y articular proyectos y deseos como un colectivo, y al mismo tiempo considerar la contribución que las narraciones le insinúan al entrenamiento en la pileta. También examinamos la actividad de la aplicación de WhatSapp, que fue inaugurada en el mes de junio de 2014. Desde allí se organizan actividades, se comparte información, se conversa y se debate sobre temas que proponen los integrantes del equipo y que se asumen con los matices de las personalidades que lo completan


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En su primera sátira, Juvenal se encarga de dejar bien claros los motivos por los cuales decidió incluirse dentro de esta tradición. A todas luces programática, la obra adopta la forma de recusatio respecto de varios géneros de los cultivados por sus contemporáneos, pero es principalmente la épica contra la cual parece construirse su futura poética. Hacia el final, antes de que el nuevo ?héroe? Lucilio haga su aparición, son mencionados otros campeones del género, figuras tan representativas como Eneas, Turno y Aquiles. Pero a continuación el satírico sorprende al incluir en el mismo grupo a Hylas, junto a una breve alusión a su rapto. ¿Cómo puede entenderse la introducción de este personaje, tras los típicos héroes griegos y latinos? ¿Qué hay de heroico en él? La historia del rapto de Hylas y la desesperada búsqueda que Heracles comienza es un tema recurrente en la poesía helenística. Particularmente llamativa es la relación entre el tratamiento del mito que hace Apolonio de Rodas en sus Argonáuticas y el de Teócrito en el Idilio XIII. Las tensiones estéticas entre los autores que el tema pone en relieve son heredadas por los poetas latinos, atentos observadores de los modelos alejandrinos. Virgilio hace algunas referencias significativas y desde Propercio hasta la Antigüedad Tardía encontramos obras que desarrollan el mito. Sin embargo, de ninguna de ellas podríamos decir que prime el tono épico. Por lo tanto, este trabajo intenta analizar las diversas plasmaciones del mito en la poesía latina y su relación con las helenísticas. De esta manera, se retomará luego el pasaje de Juvenal conun mejor panorama para comprender qué significa en este contexto la alusión al mito, proponer una lectura posible y conjeturar alguna de sus consecuencias


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Este trabajo pone en común la segunda etapa de análisis de los relatos que se publican y circulan en el Grupo cerrado de Facebook, de un Equipo de nadadores adultos del Club Banco Provincia City Bell. A un año y tres meses de fundar el Grupo y participar activamente con posteos, decidimos revisar lo que nos sucede en la red social. El trabajo se centra en la observación de las publicaciones a fin de conocer los relatos compartidos, los tipos de narraciones (temáticas, textuales, imágenes), que permiten presentarnos y representarnos y articular proyectos y deseos como un colectivo, y al mismo tiempo considerar la contribución que las narraciones le insinúan al entrenamiento en la pileta. También examinamos la actividad de la aplicación de WhatSapp, que fue inaugurada en el mes de junio de 2014. Desde allí se organizan actividades, se comparte información, se conversa y se debate sobre temas que proponen los integrantes del equipo y que se asumen con los matices de las personalidades que lo completan