978 resultados para Rna-binding Rotein


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An "in-house" RT-PCR method was developed that allows the simultaneous detection of the RNA of the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and an artificial RNA employed as an external control. Samples were analyzed in pools of 6-12 donations, each donation included in two pools, one horizontal and one vertical, permitting the immediate identification of a reactive donation, obviating the need for pool dismembering. The whole process took 6-8 hours per day and results were issued in parallel to serology. The method was shown to detect all six HCV genotypes and a sensitivity of 500 IU/mL was achieved (95% hit rate). Until July 2005, 139,678 donations were tested and 315 (0.23%) were found reactive for HCV-RNA. Except for five false-positives, all 310 presented the corresponding antibody as well, so the yield of NAT-only donations was zero, presenting a specificity of 99.83%. Detection of a window period donation, in the population studied, will probably demand testing of a larger number of donations. International experience is showing a rate of 1:200,000 - 1:500,000 of isolated HCV-RNA reactive donations.


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The question of whether HIV-1 RNA in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is derived from viral replication in the central nervous system or simply reflects the transit of infected lymphocytes from the blood compartment has long been a matter of debate. Some studies found no correlation between CSF and plasma viral load, whereas others did. The lack of a correlation between the two compartments suggests that the presence of HIV-1 RNA is not simply due to the passive passage of the virus from blood to CSF but rather due to intrathecal replication. To evaluate the correlation between plasma and CSF HIV-1 RNA levels and to identify situations in which there is no correlation between the two compartments, seventy patients were prospectively studied. The association between CSF and plasma viral load was evaluated in the total population and in subgroups of patients with similar characteristics. A correlation between the CSF and plasma compartments was observed for patients undergoing highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), those with a CD4 T lymphocyte count lower than 200 cells/mm³, and those with increased CSF protein content. On the other hand, no correlation was observed for patients without adequate virological control, who had a CD4 count higher than 200 cells/mm³ and who did not use HAART. The correlation between the two compartments observed in some patients suggests that CSF HIV-1 RNA levels may reflect plasma levels in these subjects. In contrast, the lack of a correlation between the two compartments in patients who were not on HAART and who had normal CSF proteins and a poor virological control possibly indicates compartmentalization of the virus in CSF and, consequently, plasma-independent intrathecal viral replication.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica, Especialidade Bioquímica Estrutural


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica – Ramo Bioquímica Estrutural


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RESUMO: O vírus chikungunya (CHIKV) é um vírus de RNA, com invólucro, da família Togaviridae, transmitido por mosquitos Aedes spp. Distribuído por largas regiões de África e Ásia, causa grandes epidemias de artrite grave. A semelhança de sintomas com outras doenças como a dengue e a malária e a persistência de IgM específicas, dificultam o diagnóstico da infeção por CHIKV. A deteção no sangue de E3, uma glicoproteína viral secretada, a incluir num ensaio imunoenzimático poderá melhorar o diagnóstico nos países onde as técnicas de biologia molecular são de difícil acesso. Para testar a utilidade de E3 num ensaio de diagnóstico, esta deverá ser expressa em quantidade, purificada e usada para produção de anticorpos específicos. Para expressar E3 numa forma solúvel, suscetível de ser purificada num único passo cromatográfico sem proteases, recorreu-se à estratégia da fusão com o domínio de ligação à quitina (CBD)-inteína (IMPACT™ System, NEB). A sequência codificadora de E3 foi amplificada a partir de RNA viral, clonada em pTYB21 e expressa em E. coli como uma proteína de fusão insolúvel de 64 kDa. A expressão a 12ºC induzida por IPTG 0,1 mM aumentou a solubilidade de CBD-inteína-E3. A aplicação de lisados celulares em colunas de quitina originou a retenção de CBD-inteína-E3 na matriz. Porém, a autoclivagem da inteína na coluna, induzida com reagentes tiol, foi pouco eficiente e mesmo a proteína E3 separada não eluiu da coluna. E3 foi ainda expressa em E. coli com uma cauda de seis histidinas (E3[His]6) por clonagem no vetor pET28b(+). Lisados celulares aplicados em colunas de níquel permitiram a eluição de uma proteína de 9 kDa, compatível com a massa molecular estimada para E3[His]6, ainda que com outros contaminantes proteicos. A identidade da proteína de 9 kDa será confirmada pela indução de anticorpos com esta preparação e reatividade daqueles com células infetadas com CHIKV.----------------ABSTRACT: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an enveloped, positive strand RNA virus belonging to the family Togaviridae. Transmitted by Aedes spp mosquitoes, CHIKV causes large epidemics of severe arthritogenic disease in Africa and Asia and represents a serious threat in countries where vectors are present. Symptoms similarity with other diseases, e.g. dengue and malaria, along with CHIKV IgM persistence turns accurate CHIKV diagnosis a difficult task in low-income countries. Detection of E3, a small secreted viral glycoprotein, to be included in an immunoenzymatic test was envisaged as a possible improvement in CHIKV diagnosis. To test the diagnostic value of E3, recombinant E3 should be expressed and purified to generate antibodies. In order to express CHIKV E3 in a soluble form amenable to purification by a single step affinity chromatography, the chitin binding domain (CBD)-intein fusion strategy without proteases (IMPACT™ System, NEB) was employed. The E3 coding sequence was amplified from viral RNA, cloned in pTYB21 and expressed in E. coli ER2566 as an insoluble 64 kDa CBD-intein-E3 fusion protein. Solubility was partially achieved by lowering the expression temperature to 12ºC and the inducer (IPTG) concentration to 0.1 mM. Clarified cell lysate loaded onto a chitin column allowed ligation of the fusion protein but the intein-mediated cleavage efficiency was low and E3 failed to elute from the column as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE. E3 was further expressed with a six histidine tag, E3[His]6, employing the pET System (Novagen). E3[His]6 was expressed in E. coli Rosetta (30ºC, 0.4 mM IPTG) as a 9 kDa protein. Soluble cell extracts in 20-40 mM imidazole, applied onto a nickel column and eluted with 500 mM imidazole yielded a protein preparation enriched in the 9kDa protein. The 9 kDa will be used as antigen to generate antibodies that upon reaction with CHIKV infected cells will confirm its identity.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry


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INTRODUCTION: The present study investigated the association between mannose-binding lectin (MBL) gene polymorphism and serum levels with infection by HIV-1. METHODS: Blood samples (5mL) were collected from 97 HIV-1-infected individuals resident in Belém, State of Pará, Brazil, who attended the Special Outpatient Unit for Infections and Parasitic Diseases (URE-DIPE). CD4+ T-lymphocyte count and plasma viral load were quantified. A 349bp fragment of exon 1 of the MBL was amplified via PCR, using genomic DNA extracted from controls and HIV-1-infected individuals, following established protocols. MBL plasma levels of the patients were quantified using an enzyme immunoassay kit. RESULTS: Two alleles were observed: MBL*O, with a frequency of 26.3% in HIV-1-infected individuals; and the wild allele MBL*A (73.7%). Similar frequencies were observed in the control group (p > 0.05). Genotype frequencies were distributed according to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in both groups. Mean MBL plasma levels varied by genotype, with statistically significant differences between the AA and AO (p < 0.0001), and AA and OO (p < 0.001) genotypes, but not AO and OO (p = 0.17). Additionally, CD4+ T-lymphocytes and plasma viral load levels did not differ significantly by genotype (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study do not support the hypothesis that MBL gene polymorphism or low plasma MBL concentrations might have a direct influence on HIV-1 infection, although a broader study involving a large number of patients is needed.


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INTRODUCTION: Occupational HIV infection among healthcare workers is an important issue in exposures involving blood and body fluids. There are few data in the literature regarding the potential and the duration of infectivity of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) in contaminated material under adverse conditions. METHODS: We quantified HIV-1 viral RNA in 25×8mm calibre hollow-bore needles, after punctures, in 25 HIV-1-infected patients selected during the sample collection. All of the patients selected were between the ages of 18 and 55. Five samples were collected from 16 patients: one sample for the immediate quantification of HIV-1 RNA in the plasma and blood samples from the interior of 4 needles to be analyzed at 0h, 6h, 24h, and 72h after collection. In nine patients, another test was carried out in the blood from one additional needle, in which HIV-1 RNA was assessed 168h after blood collection. The method used to assess HIV-1 RNA was nucleic acid sequence-based amplification. RESULTS: Up to 7 days after collection, HIV-1 RNA was detected in all of the needles. The viral RNA remained stable up to 168h, and there were no statistically significant differences among the needle samples. CONCLUSIONS: Although the infectivity of the viral material in the needles is unknown, the data indicate the need to re-evaluate the practices in cases of occupational accidents in which the source is not identified.


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Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is diagnosed by the presence of antibodies and is supplemented by confirmatory testing methods, such as recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA) and HCV-RNA detection. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of RIBA testing to diagnose HCV infection in blood donors positive for anti-HCV antibodies. Methods: A total of 102 subjects positive for anti-HCV determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at the Hematology and Hemotherapy Foundation of Bahia (HEMOBA) were later assessed with new samples using the Abbott Architect anti-HCV test (Abbott Diagnostics, Wiesbaden, Germany), the RIBA III test (Chiron RIBA HCV 3.0 SIA, Chiron Corp., Emeryville, CA, USA), the polymerase chain reaction (PCR; COBAS® AMPLICOR HCV Roche Diagnostics Corp., Indianapolis, IN, USA) and line probe assay (LiPA - Siemens, Tarrytown, NY, USA) genotyping for HCV diagnosis. Results: Of these new samples, 38.2% (39/102) were positive, 57.8% (59/102) were negative and 3.9% (4/102) were indeterminate for anti-HCV; HCV-RNA was detected in 22.5% (23/102) of the samples. RIBA results were positive in 58.1% (25/43), negative in 9.3% (4/43) and indeterminate in 32.6% (14/43) of the samples. The prevailing genotypes were 1 (78.3%, 18/23), 3 (17.4%, 4/23) and 2 (4.3%, 1/23). All 14 samples with indeterminate RIBA results had undetectable viral loads (detection limit ≤50 IU/mL). Of these samples, 71.4% (10/14) were reevaluated six months later. Eighty percent (8/10) of these samples remained indeterminate by RIBA, and 20% (2/10) were negative. Conclusions: In this study, individuals with indeterminate RIBA results had no detectable HCV-RNA.


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DNA may fold into a diversity of structures and topologies such as duplexes and triplexes. Some specific guanine-rich DNA sequences may even fold into a higher order structures denominated guanine G-quadruplexes (G4). These G-quadruplex forming sequences have shown biological interest since were found in telomeres and in promoter region of oncogenes. Thus, these G4 forming sequences have been explored as therapeutic targets for cancer therapy, since G4 formation was demonstrated to inhibit RNA-polymerase and telomerase activity. However, the G4 structures are transient and are only formed under specific conditions. Hence the main objective of this work is to develop new G4-specific ligands which may potentially find applications in the therapeutic area. Several potential G4-binding ligands were synthesized and characterized. The synthesis of these compounds consisted on a procedure based on van Leusen chemistry and a cross-coupling reaction through C-H activation, affording phenanthroline compounds (Phen-1, 50%; Phen-2, 20%), phenyl (Iso-1, 61%; Iso-2, 21%; Ter-1, 85%; Ter-2, 35%), and quinolyl (Quin-1, 85%; Quin-2, 45%) compounds. Screening assays for selecting the potential G4 compounds were performed by FRET-melting, G4-FID, CD-melting and DSF. Qualitative biophysical studies were performed by fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. Two high-specific G-quadruplex ligands, Phen-1 and Phen-2, were found to effectively bind telomeric and c-myc G4 structures. Phen-1 was found to stabilize parallel telomeric 22AG and c-myc sequence by 4.1 and 4.3 ˚C, respectively. Phen-2 also displayed high affinity towards 22AG (


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INTRODUCTION : We hypothesized higher mannose-binding lectin level and classic factors (i.e., age, sex, alcohol consumption, exposure, and specific treatment) are associated with the severity of periportal fibrosis in schistosomiasis. METHODS : This cross-sectional study involved 79 patients infected with Schistosoma mansoni with severe or mild/moderate periportal fibrosis. Serum concentrations of mannose-binding lectin were obtained by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). RESULTS: Higher serum level of mannose-binding lectin was significantly associated with advanced periportal fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Mannose-binding lectin may contribute to liver pathology in schistosomiasis and may represent a risk factor for advanced periportal fibrosis in the Brazilian population studied.