990 resultados para Ripley, Ezra, 1751-1841.


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In order to survive and replicate in a variety of stressful conditions during its life cycle, Mycobacteriumtuberculosis must possess mechanisms to safeguard the integrity of the genome. Although DNA repair and recombination related genes are thought to play key roles in the repair of damaged DNA in all organisms, so far only a few of them have been functionally characterized in the tubercle bacillus. In this study, we show that M.tuberculosis RecG (MtRecG) expression was induced in response to different genotoxic agents. Strikingly, expression of MtRecG in Escherichiacoli recG mutant strain provided protection against mitomycin C, methyl methane sulfonate and UV induced cell death. Purified MtRecG exhibited higher binding affinity for the Holliday junction (HJ) compared with a number of canonical recombinational DNA repair intermediates. Notably, although MtRecG binds at the core of the mobile and immobile HJs, and with higher binding affinity for the immobile HJ, branch migration was evident only in the case of the mobile HJ. Furthermore, immobile HJs stimulate MtRecG ATPase activity less efficiently than mobile HJs. In addition to HJ substrates, MtRecG exhibited binding affinity for a variety of branched DNA structures including three-way junctions, replication forks, flap structures, forked duplex and a D-loop structure, but demonstrated strong unwinding activity on replication fork and flap DNA structures. Together, these results support that MtRecG plays an important role in processes related to DNA metabolism under normal as well as stress conditions.


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In this work, possibility of simulating biological organs in realtime using the Boundary Element Method (BEM) is investigated. Biological organs are assumed to follow linear elastostatic material behavior, and constant boundary element is the element type used. First, a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is used to speed up the BEM computations to achieve the realtime performance. Next, instead of the GPU, a computer cluster is used. Results indicate that BEM is fast enough to provide for realtime graphics if biological organs are assumed to follow linear elastostatic material behavior. Although the present work does not conduct any simulation using nonlinear material models, results from using the linear elastostatic material model imply that it would be difficult to obtain realtime performance if highly nonlinear material models that properly characterize biological organs are used. Although the use of BEM for the simulation of biological organs is not new, the results presented in the present study are not found elsewhere in the literature.


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We characterize the eigenfunctions of an equilateral triangle billiard in terms of its nodal domains. The number of nodal domains has a quadratic form in terms of the quantum numbers, with a non-trivial number-theoretic factor. The patterns of the eigenfunctions follow a group-theoretic connection in a way that makes them predictable as one goes from one state to another. Extensive numerical investigations bring out the distribution functions of the mode number and signed areas. The statistics of the boundary intersections is also treated analytically. Finally, the distribution functions of the nodal loop count and the nodal counting function are shown to contain information about the classical periodic orbits using the semiclassical trace formula. We believe that the results belong generically to non-separable systems, thus extending the previous works which are concentrated on separable and chaotic systems.


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We develop the formalism of quantum mechanics on three-dimensional fuzzy space and solve the Schrodinger equation for the free particle, finite and infinite fuzzy wells. We show that all results reduce to the appropriate commutative limits. A high energy cut-off is found for the free particle spectrum, which also results in the modification of the high energy dispersion relation. An ultra-violet/infra-red duality is manifest in the free particle spectrum. The finite well also has an upper bound on the possible energy eigenvalues. The phase shifts due to scattering around the finite fuzzy potential well are calculated.


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We report on the effect of resputtering on the properties of nanocrystalline Ni-Ti alloy thin films deposited using co-sputtering of Ni and Ti targets. In order to facilitate the formation of nanocrystalline phases, films were deposited at room temperature and 573 K (300 A degrees C) with substrate bias voltage of -100 V. The influence of substrate material on the composition, surface topography microstructure, and phase formations of nanocrystalline Ni-Ti thin films was also systematically investigated. The preferential resputtering of Ti adatoms was lesser for Ni-Ti films deposited on quartz substrate owing to high surface roughness of 4.87 nm compared to roughness value of 1.27 nm for Si(100) substrate.


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We consider the nonabelian sandpile model defined on directed trees by Ayyer et al. (2015 Commun. Math. Phys. 335 1065). and restrict it to the special case of a one-dimensional lattice of n sites which has open boundaries and disordered hopping rates. We focus on the joint distribution of the integrated currents across each bond simultaneously, and calculate its cumulant generating function exactly. Surprisingly, the process conditioned on seeing specified currents across each bond turns out to be a renormalised version of the same process. We also remark on a duality property of the large deviation function. Lastly, all eigenvalues and both Perron eigenvectors of the tilted generator are determined.


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The paper presents an experimental study on critical sensitivity in rocks. Critical sensitivity means that the response of a system to external controlling variable may become significantly sensitive as the system approaches its catastrophic rupture point. It is found that the sensitivities measured by responses on three scales (sample scale, locally macroscopic scales and mesoscopic scale) display increase prior to catastrophic transition point. These experimental results do support the concept that critical sensitivity might be a common precursory feature of catastrophe. Furthermore, our previous theoretical model is extended to explore the fluctuations in critical sensitivity in the rock tests.


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Business activities are increasingly taking place across geographical and ownership boundaries. Post-Merger & Acquisition Integration (PMI) processes are more challenging in network organisations due to the extra complexity and interdependency associated with networks. However, network integration issues are not well addressed in the traditional M&A literature or the network organisation literature. Based on ten in-depth case studies across key industry sectors, this research identifies the essential network integration issues for international M&As with a configuration concept, and demonstrates different network integration patterns according to M&A objectives for growth and efficiency. This paper extends the theoretical understanding of PMI for network organisations. It can also provide practical guidance for managers to assess the feasibility of an M&A transition or to go through the PMI process successfully. Copyright © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Multiscale coupling attracts broad interests from mechanics, physics and chemistry to biology. The diversity and coupling of physics at different scales are two essential features of multiscale problems in far-from-equilibrium systems. The two features present fundamental difficulties and are great challenges to multiscale modeling and simulation. The theory of dynamical system and statistical mechanics provide fundamental tools for the multiscale coupling problems. The paper presents some closed multiscale formulations, e.g., the mapping closure approximation, multiscale large-eddy simulation and statistical mesoscopic damage mechanics, for two typical multiscale coupling problems in mechanics, that is, turbulence in fluids and failure in solids. It is pointed that developing a tractable, closed nonequilibrium statistical theory may be an effective approach to deal with the multiscale coupling problems. Some common characteristics of the statistical theory are discussed.


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El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en la Finca Experimental La Compañía, en el municipio de San Marcos– Carazo, Nicaragua, durante la postrera de 1997. Los objetivos fueron determinar el efecto de rotación de cultivos y métodos de control de malezas sobre la abundancia, biomasa y cobertura de las malezas en el cultivo del frijol común, así como el efecto sobre el rendimiento del cultivo y el beneficio económico que de él se deriva. Se estableció un experimento bifactorial en diseño de parcelas divididas, con cuatro repeticiones. El factor A secuencia de cultivo como parcela principal incluye los cultivos a 1), maíz, a2), sorgo, a3), frijol y a4) maleza y el factor B controles de maleza en las sub parcelas incluye: b1) control cultural, (cobertura muerta), b2) control mecánico, (uso de machete) y b3) control químico (herbicidas post-emergentes Flauzifop-butil y fomesafen). El análisis de las variables muestra efecto de los factores en estudio y muy pocas interacciones, por tanto a lo largo del documento se reportan y discuten los resultados de los factores por separado (efectos principales). En el estudio se lograron identificar 27 especies de maleza, de las cuales 16 pertenecen a la clase dicotiledónea y 11 a la clase monocotiledónea. Los mejores rendimientos se obtuvieron con la rotación maleza–frijol. Los mejores beneficios netos se presentaron en la rotación maleza–frijol. Respecto a los controles de maleza, el control químico ejerció mejor control sobre las malezas, contrario al control mecánico y el control cultural.


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Resumen: El presente artículo analiza y compara el discurso verbal de El Grito Argentino (1839) y Muera Rosas! (1841-1842), dos periódicos antirrosistas publicados en Montevideo por jóvenes intelectuales emigrados de la “generación del 37”. Distribuidos secretamente en Buenos Aires y las provincias del litoral, su propósito era movilizar a los sectores antirrosistas en contextos de crisis del gobierno de Juan Manuel de Rosas. Este estudio focaliza especialmente en los distintos recursos proselitistas empleados así como el público al que ambos estaban destinados. Con el apoyo de fuentes históricas y correspondencia de la época, el artículo también aborda las relaciones que los jóvenes emigrados mantenían entre sí y con los dirigentes unitarios también exiliados en la Banda Oriental.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.