987 resultados para Reynolds, Irving
The numerical simulation of flows past flapping foils at moderate Reynolds numbers presents two challenges to computational fluid dynamics: turbulent flows and moving boundaries. The direct forcing immersed boundary (IB) method has been devel- oped to simulate laminar flows. However, its performance in simulating turbulent flows and transitional flows with moving boundaries has not been fully evaluated. In the present work, we use the IB method to simulate fully developed turbulent channel flows and transitional flows past a stationary/plunging SD7003 airfoil. To suppress the non-physical force oscillations in the plunging case, we use the smoothed discrete delta function for interpolation in the IB method. The results of the present work demonstrate that the IB method can be used to simulate turbulent flows and transitional flows with moving boundaries.
The autorotation of two tandem triangular cylinders at different gap distances is investigated by numerical simulations. At the Reynolds number of 200, three distinct regimes are observed with the increase of gap distance: namely, angular oscillation, quasi-periodic autorotation and ‘chaotic’ autorotation. For various gap distances, the characteristic of vortex shedding and vortex interaction are discussed. The phase graphs (angular acceleration vs. angular velocity) and the power spectra of moment are analyzed to characterize the motion of the cylinder. The Lyapunov exponent is also calculated to identify the existence of chaos.
液滴是自然界中普遍存在的一种物质形态。非连续微流体(液滴)是近年来微流体技术重要发展方向之一。对液滴的产生、启动、移动、合并、分离和碰撞过程的研究对于航天、微纳系统、电子显示、计算机冷却、喷墨、生物医学等学科领域有着重要的应用价值。液滴属于软物质,其力学性质介于流体和固体之间,其类固体(solid-like)行为来自于曲率产生的Laplace压力和表面张力的约束。对液滴动力学行为的研究有着重要的学术价值。 本文的主要工作是针对生物微电子机械系统(Bio-MEMS)以及柔性微纳电子加工中常用的材料聚二甲基硅氧烷(Polydimethylsiloxane,PDMS)为基底的液滴动力学实验研究。 液滴是一个理想的微反应器,许多实验可以集成在一个液滴或多个液滴内完成。液滴本身的动力学特性对于实验的完成效率和质量有着重要的影响。液滴的微操控技术包括多相流法、电润湿法、热毛细管法、介电泳法等。液滴的动力学特性受到基底的影响非常大,包括基频、振动模态、运动过程等均随基底的润湿性、弹性模量的变化而有所变化。 在Bio-MEMS以及柔性微纳电子加工当中,PDMS扮演着越来越重要的角色,尤其是PDMS的润湿性和电润湿特性。目前的PDMS在Bio-MEMS当中主要是用于制备各种微流道。常见的问题主要是一方面PDMS是疏水材料,影响流体的输运。另一方面是液体在这种低Reynolds数情况下不易混合,反应效率低。本文提出了在PDMS表面溅射纳米厚度的金来减小PDMS表观接触角的方法。这种方式在特定喷金量的情况下可以在PDMS表面产生多层次的压应力波纹。这种压应力波纹对于柔性微纳电子加工,以及微流道中加速流体混合有着非常重要的作用。 电润湿是另一种可以使PDMS亲水化的方法。实验证明,PDMS具有较好的电润湿性质。此外电润湿也是目前操纵液滴的主要方式。目前一个常见的问题是电击穿现象阻碍了驱动电压的低压化,且低Reynolds数情况下液滴的混合效率偏低。此外电极还会由于少量电解的发生导致腐蚀及对液体样品的污染。本文提出了接触式的电润湿,在电极逐渐触碰液滴的过程中,液滴发生百Hz的失稳振动,稳定后接触角减小。这种电润湿模式可以有效的提高临界击穿电压,避免液滴被腐蚀后的电极污染,同时可以加快液滴的混合效率。其失稳特征时间在10 ms量级,这恰是所用液滴特征尺度在1 mm左右的电润湿器件的最快响应时间。并采用液滴振动的理论估算了液滴的失稳时间,同时还考虑了基底润湿性对液滴振动过程的影响。 液滴的启动是电润湿操控液滴过程中的重要环节。通常的液滴启动都是在非连续基底上依靠逻辑电路产生的电势变化来驱动液滴。无论是逻辑电路的设计还是驱动装置的加工都非常复杂。本文首次实现了在超疏水生物样品荷叶上的液滴启动,启动速度为数十毫米/秒,启动时间为10 ms量级。并利用PDMS成功的仿制了荷叶结构实现了超疏水的PDMS表面,荷叶同仿荷叶的PDMS超疏水表面具有相近的润湿性。 在数字微流体操控液滴的过程中,液滴的合并涉及液滴的碰撞,而且MEMS系统当中利用液滴撞击进行冷却的实验已经有所开展。同时理解液滴碰撞还对许多领域包括生物、化学、喷墨、大气物理等有着非常重要的作用。本文实验研究了Weber数和毛细数对液滴碰撞过程的影响,通过改变Weber数和毛细数得到了四种不同的响应模式。
A "swallowtail" cavity for the supersonic combustor was proposed to serve as an efficient flame holder for scramjets by enhancing the mass exchange between the cavity and the main flow. A numerical study on the "swallowtail" cavity was conducted by solving the three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations implemented with a k-epsilon turbulence model in a multi-block mesh. Turbulence model and numerical algorithms were validated first, and then test cases were calculated to investigate into the mechanism of cavity flows. Numerical results demonstrated that the certain mass in the supersonic main flow was sucked into the cavity and moved spirally toward the combustor walls. After that, the flow went out of the cavity at its lateral end, and finally was efficiently mixed with the main flow. The comparison between the "swallowtail" cavity and the conventional one showed that the mass exchanged between the cavity and the main flow was enhanced by the lateral flow that was induced due to the pressure gradient inside the cavity and was driven by the three-dimensional vortex ring generated from the "swallowtail" cavity structure.
In this paper, multi-hole cooling is studied for an oxide/oxide ceramic specimen with normal injection holes and for a SiC/SiC ceramic specimen with oblique injection holes. A special purpose heat transfer tunnel was designed and built, which can provide a wide range of Reynolds numbers (10(5)similar to 10(7)) and a large temperature ratio of the primary flow to the coolant (up to 2.5). Cooling effectiveness determined by the measured surface temperature for the two types of ceramic specimens is investigated. It is found that the multi-hole cooling system for both specimens has a high cooling efficiency and it is higher for the SiC/SiC specimen than for the oxide/oxide specimen. Effects on the cooling effectiveness of parameters including blowing ratio, Reynolds number and temperature ratio, are studied. In addition, profiles of the mean velocity and temperature above the cooling surface are measured to provide further understanding of the cooling process. Duplication of the key parameters for multi-hole cooling, for a representative combustor flow condition (without radiation effects), is achieved with parameter scaling and the results show the high efficiency of multi-hole cooling for the oblique hole, SiC/SiC specimen. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, a new computational scheme for solving flows in porous media was proposed. The scheme was based on an improved CE/SE method (the space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element method). We described porous flows by adopting DFB (Brinkman-Forchheimer extended Darcy) equation. The comparison between our computational results and Ghia's confirmed the high accuracy, resolution, and efficiency of our CE/SE scheme. The proposed first-order CE/SE scheme is a new reliable way for numerical simulations of flows in porous media. After investigation of effects of Darcy number on porous flow, it shows that Darcy number has dominant influence on porous flow for the Reynolds number and porosity considered.
The heat transfer characteristics of China no. 3 kerosene were investigated experimentally and analytically under conditions relevant to a regenerative cooling system for scramjet applications. A test facility developed for the present study can handle kerosene in a temperature range of 300-1000 K, a pressure range of 2.6-5 MPa, and a mass How rate range of 10-100 g/s. In addition, the test section was uniquely designed such that both the wall temperature and the bulk fuel temperature were measured at the same location along the flowpath. The measured temperature distributions were then used to analytically deduce the local heat transfer characteristics. A 10-component kerosene surrogate was proposed and employed to calculate the fuel thermodynamic and transport properties that were required in the heat transfer analysis. Results revealed drastic changes in the fuel flow properties and heat transfer characteristics when kerosene approached its critical state. Convective heat transfer enhancement was also found as kerosene became supercritical. The heat transfer correlation in the relatively low-fuel-temperature region yielded a similar result to other commonly used jet fuels, such as JP-7 and JP-8, at compressed liquid states. In the high-fuel-temperature region, near and beyond the critical temperature, heat transfer enhancement was observed; hence, the associated correlation showed a more significant Reynolds number dependency.
Gas flow over a micro cylinder is simulated using both a compressible Navier-Stokes solver and a hybrid continuum /particle approach. The micro cylinder flow has low Reynolds number because of the small length scale and the low speed, which also indicates that the rarefied gas effect exists in the flow. A cylinder having a diameter of 20 microns is simulated under several flow conditions where the Reynolds number ranges from 2 to 50 and the Mach number varies from 0.1 to 0.8. It is found that the low Reynolds number flow can be compressible even when the Mach number is less than 0.3, and the drag coefficient of the cylinder increases when the Reynolds number decreases. The compressible effect will increase the pressure drag coefficient although the friction coefficient remains nearly unchanged. The rarefied gas effect will reduce both the friction and pressure drag coefficients, and the vortex in the flow may be shrunk or even disappear.
本论文中采用IP方法模拟硬盘读写头的气膜润滑问题,并选择耗时但精准的DSMC方法作为该问题中IP方法的检验标准,IP方法计算得到的读写头表面压力分布及读写头所受净升力为读写头的设计提供可靠的参考数据。 首先,将读写头复杂表面简化为平面并假定尺寸为微米(远小于真实的毫米),微米尺寸时可以得到DSMC的模拟结果用于比较。IP法对该问题的模拟结果与DSMC的模拟结果完全吻合。 其次,选定一个真实的读写头表面几何,但仍然假定尺寸为微米。IP法在该问题的应用过程中遇到四点困难,我们提出或采取了相应的解决办法。在复杂表面几何的读写头气膜润滑问题中,IP法的模拟结果与DSMC的模拟结果也相符一致。 最后完成真实几何、真实尺寸(毫米)的读写头气膜润滑问题的模拟,这也是本论文的最终研究目标。IP法模拟该问题时需要采用大网格,为此我们构造二维检验模型验证了大网格的合理性。 真实几何读写头气膜润滑问题的模拟结果表明,在流场的局部区域压力沿着高度方向变化显著,这意味着读写头问题的传统计算方法(即概括性雷诺方程)在该局部区域不成立,故用它计算得到的结果值得认真检验,但文献中尚未给出过这类检验。这正是该论文的研究背景和采用新方法(IP方法)的原因。 本论文研究的问题属于过渡领域、低速流动问题,故本论文还介绍了该领域另外一种粒子模拟方法(LVDSMC方法)以及我们对该方法提出的一些改进。 关键词:硬盘读写头,气膜润滑,概括性雷诺方程,IP方法,DSMC方法,过渡领域,LVDSMC方法
A continuation method is applied to investigate the linear stability of the steady, axisymmetric thermocapillary flows in liquid bridges. The method is based upon an appropriate extended system of perturbation equations depending on the nature of transition of the basic flow. The dependence of the critical Reynolds number and corresponding azimuthal wavenumber on serval parameters is presented for both cylindrical and non-cylindrical liquid bridges.
Hydrocyclones are widely used in industry, of which the geometrical design using CFD techniques is gaining more popularity in recent years. In this study, the Euler-Euler approach and the Reynolds stress model are applied to simulate the liquid-solid flowfield in a hydrocyclone. The methodology is validated by a good agreement between experimental data and numerical results. Within the research range, the simulation indicates that the liquid-solid separation mainly occurs in the conical segment, and increasing conical height or decreasing cylindrical height helps to improve the grade efficiencies of solid particles. Based on these results, two of the same hydrocyclones are designed and installed in series to establish a liquid-solid separation system. Many experiments are then conducted under different conditions, in which the effects of the water cut and the second hydrocyclone on the separation are investigated. The results also confirm that smaller solid particles are more susceptible to the inlet conditions, and the second hydrocyclone plays a more important role as the water cut reduces.
Studies in turbulence often focus on two flow conditions, both of which occur frequently in real-world flows and are sought-after for their value in advancing turbulence theory. These are the high Reynolds number regime and the effect of wall surface roughness. In this dissertation, a Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) recreates both conditions over a wide range of Reynolds numbers Reτ = O(102)-O(108) and accounts for roughness by locally modeling the statistical effects of near-wall anisotropic fine scales in a thin layer immediately above the rough surface. A subgrid, roughness-corrected wall model is introduced to dynamically transmit this modeled information from the wall to the outer LES, which uses a stretched-vortex subgrid-scale model operating in the bulk of the flow. Of primary interest is the Reynolds number and roughness dependence of these flows in terms of first and second order statistics. The LES is first applied to a fully turbulent uniformly-smooth/rough channel flow to capture the flow dynamics over smooth, transitionally rough and fully rough regimes. Results include a Moody-like diagram for the wall averaged friction factor, believed to be the first of its kind obtained from LES. Confirmation is found for experimentally observed logarithmic behavior in the normalized stream-wise turbulent intensities. Tight logarithmic collapse, scaled on the wall friction velocity, is found for smooth-wall flows when Reτ ≥ O(106) and in fully rough cases. Since the wall model operates locally and dynamically, the framework is used to investigate non-uniform roughness distribution cases in a channel, where the flow adjustments to sudden surface changes are investigated. Recovery of mean quantities and turbulent statistics after transitions are discussed qualitatively and quantitatively at various roughness and Reynolds number levels. The internal boundary layer, which is defined as the border between the flow affected by the new surface condition and the unaffected part, is computed, and a collapse of the profiles on a length scale containing the logarithm of friction Reynolds number is presented. Finally, we turn to the possibility of expanding the present framework to accommodate more general geometries. As a first step, the whole LES framework is modified for use in the curvilinear geometry of a fully-developed turbulent pipe flow, with implementation carried out in a spectral element solver capable of handling complex wall profiles. The friction factors have shown favorable agreement with the superpipe data, and the LES estimates of the Karman constant and additive constant of the log-law closely match values obtained from experiment.
This work proposes a new simulation methodology in which variable density turbulent flows can be studied in the context of a mixing layer with or without the presence of gravity. Specifically, this methodology is developed to probe the nature of non-buoyantly-driven (i.e. isotropically-driven) or buoyantly-driven mixing deep inside a mixing layer. Numerical forcing methods are incorporated into both the velocity and scalar fields, which extends the length of time over which mixing physics can be studied. The simulation framework is designed to allow for independent variation of four non-dimensional parameters, including the Reynolds, Richardson, Atwood, and Schmidt numbers. Additionally, the governing equations are integrated in such a way to allow for the relative magnitude of buoyant energy production and non-buoyant energy production to be varied.
The computational requirements needed to implement the proposed configuration are presented. They are justified in terms of grid resolution, order of accuracy, and transport scheme. Canonical features of turbulent buoyant flows are reproduced as validation of the proposed methodology. These features include the recovery of isotropic Kolmogorov scales under buoyant and non-buoyant conditions, the recovery of anisotropic one-dimensional energy spectra under buoyant conditions, and the preservation of known statistical distributions in the scalar field, as found in other DNS studies.
This simulation methodology is used to perform a parametric study of turbulent buoyant flows to discern the effects of varying the Reynolds, Richardson, and Atwood numbers on the resulting state of mixing. The effects of the Reynolds and Atwood numbers are isolated by looking at two energy dissipation rate conditions under non-buoyant (variable density) and constant density conditions. The effects of Richardson number are isolated by varying the ratio of buoyant energy production to total energy production from zero (non-buoyant) to one (entirely buoyant) under constant Atwood number, Schmidt number, and energy dissipation rate conditions. It is found that the major differences between non-buoyant and buoyant turbulent flows are contained in the transfer spectrum and longitudinal structure functions, while all other metrics are largely similar (e.g. energy spectra, alignment characteristics of the strain-rate tensor). Also, despite the differences noted between fully buoyant and non-buoyant turbulent fields, the scalar field, in all cases, is unchanged by these. The mixing dynamics in the scalar field are found to be insensitive to the source of turbulent kinetic energy production (non-buoyant vs. buoyant).
The laminar to turbulent transition process in boundary layer flows in thermochemical nonequilibrium at high enthalpy is measured and characterized. Experiments are performed in the T5 Hypervelocity Reflected Shock Tunnel at Caltech, using a 1 m length 5-degree half angle axisymmetric cone instrumented with 80 fast-response annular thermocouples, complemented by boundary layer stability computations using the STABL software suite. A new mixing tank is added to the shock tube fill apparatus for premixed freestream gas experiments, and a new cleaning procedure results in more consistent transition measurements. Transition location is nondimensionalized using a scaling with the boundary layer thickness, which is correlated with the acoustic properties of the boundary layer, and compared with parabolized stability equation (PSE) analysis. In these nondimensionalized terms, transition delay with increasing CO2 concentration is observed: tests in 100% and 50% CO2, by mass, transition up to 25% and 15% later, respectively, than air experiments. These results are consistent with previous work indicating that CO2 molecules at elevated temperatures absorb acoustic instabilities in the MHz range, which is the expected frequency of the Mack second-mode instability at these conditions, and also consistent with predictions from PSE analysis. A strong unit Reynolds number effect is observed, which is believed to arise from tunnel noise. NTr for air from 5.4 to 13.2 is computed, substantially higher than previously reported for noisy facilities. Time- and spatially-resolved heat transfer traces are used to track the propagation of turbulent spots, and convection rates at 90%, 76%, and 63% of the boundary layer edge velocity, respectively, are observed for the leading edge, centroid, and trailing edge of the spots. A model constructed with these spot propagation parameters is used to infer spot generation rates from measured transition onset to completion distance. Finally, a novel method to control transition location with boundary layer gas injection is investigated. An appropriate porous-metal injector section for the cone is designed and fabricated, and the efficacy of injected CO2 for delaying transition is gauged at various mass flow rates, and compared with both no injection and chemically inert argon injection cases. While CO2 injection seems to delay transition, and argon injection seems to promote it, the experimental results are inconclusive and matching computations do not predict a reduction in N factor from any CO2 injection condition computed.