983 resultados para Retenção de repatriado


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Devido à ação antrópica e consequente fragmentação e degradação do bioma Cerrado, as Unidades de Conservação cada vez mais se inserem como importantes locais de retenção da biodiversidade. A Estação Ecológica de Itirapina apresenta-se como um dos poucos locais do Estado de São Paulo que conservam as diversas fitofisionomias comuns nesse domínio. No intuito de contribuir com informações que auxiliem na conservação e restauração desse bioma, este trabalho traz como questões: as “Ilhas” de Vegetação facilitam o processo de sucessão no Campo Cerrado da Estação Ecológica de Itirapina, SP? Há diferença na regeneração em função da cobertura de copa condicionada pelas espécies formadoras das ilhas estudadas? Para isso, foram selecionadas ilhas com predomínio de Dalbergia miscolobium Benth. (Fabaceae), de Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Apocynaceae) e “Ilhas” Mistas, nas quais levantaram-se todos os indivíduos lenhosos e sublenhosos em parcelas montadas sob sua cobertura de copa e no seu entorno, além de amostrada a cobertura do estrato herbáceo, em função da aplicação do Método do Toque. Comparando-se o entorno e o interior das ilhas analisadas através do uso do Teste t pareado, foram relacionados os componentes diversidade, densidade, riqueza, cobertura do estrato herbáceo, além dos parâmetros de estrutura de habitat: temperatura, luminosidade, umidade do ar e do solo, e biomassa de serrapilheira. Utilizando-se a análise de ANOVA foram usados os mesmos parâmetros para a comparação das ilhas entre si. Alguns resultados nas Mistas, como a diversidade e cobertura do estrato herbáceo (t=5,113; p=0,00373/ t=-3,51; p=0,017, respectivamente), e nas ilhas de Dalbergia miscolobium, como a densidade e a riqueza (t=3,264; p=0,0223/ t=2,850; p=0,0463, respectivamente), associados com análises de estrutura de habitat (para p≤0,06), indicaram... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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O processo de envelhecimento origina uma série de alterações na pele, dentre elas as o estresse oxidativo e as discromias. O ácido kójico tem a capacidade de atuar no tratamento do envelhecimento cutâneo em virtude de sua atividade ferro-quelante e de promover a despigmentação da pele devido inibir a tirosinase, impedindo a formação da melanina. Sistemas de liberação controlada de substâncias ativas, como os sistemas líquido-cristalinos, tem a propriedade de modular a permeação cutânea de fármacos, além de melhorar a sua ação. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver e caracterizar um sistema líquido cristalino constituído por água e isonomanoato de cetoestearila (óleo), e estabilizado com o tensoativo álcool cetílico etoxilado e propoxilado contendo ácido kójico, avaliando sua permeação cutânea in vitro. A partir da construção de um diagrama de fases, foram selecionadas três formulações caracterizadas microscopicamente como CLs de fase hexagonal, denominada de A (35% O, 50 % T e 15% A), B (30% O, 50 % T e 20% A) e C (20% O, 50% T e 30% A), para prosseguir com o estudo, que consistiu na incorporação do ácido kójico na concentração de 2% e a realização dos ensaios de textura, bioadesão, reologia e de permeação e retenção cutânea in vitro. O ensaio de textura demonstrou que a formulação B com valores intermediários de água e fase oleosa apresentou valores intermediários de dureza, compressibilidade e adesividade, ideais para aplicação tópica. O ensaio de bioadesão mostrou que com o acréscimo de água na fórmula a força bioadesiva aumentou, o que pode melhorar a fixação do produto na pele do usuário. O ensaio reológico evidenciou que há aumento da viscosidade com acréscimo de água na formulação e que os sistemas analisados tratavam-se de fluidos pseudoplásticos com tixotropia tempo dependente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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With the accelerated urbanization process of Brazil from the 50s, there was a disorderly occupation of spaces and consequent soil sealing. Unlike this growth, the support capacity of urban environments has not evolved in the same way, generating negative environmental impacts to the citizens. Among these impacts are the effects of flooding. In order to minimize the negative effects of extreme precipitation over cities, the government invests in corrective measures, like compensatory techniques on urban drainage, which have as a basic principle the retention and infiltration of the rainfall, dampening the peak flow and runoff. An example of applying these techniques in urban areas are the detention basins, commonly called large pools. The hydraulic design of these structures is dependent of complex data and variables, and projects involving small areas generally use simplified methods for defining the reservoirs volume of the storage (Tassi, 2005). One of these methods is presented in this study, which relates to the percentage of soil sealing to the specific storage volume (m³/ha) in combination by applying the hydrological model of the Rational Method and analyzing regional rainfall and soil occupation over the basin. Within this context, the basin of the Wenzel stream, which is located amidst the urban area of Rio Claro/SP, also presents the problems related to human occupation in its valley. Thus, by the method presented has been adjusted a curve correlating the percentage of impermeable area and the specific volume of a detention basin. For the current situation of Wenzel Basin with 82% of impermeable area, and return period of 10 years, the specific volume is 262.1 m³/ha. The presented method is consistent with the results of other studies in the area, and the expression obtained allows estimating the volume of storage required to match hydrograph pre and post-occupancy. It presents itself as a useful tool in the planning stage of...


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The biological principles of osseointegration caused the rehabilitation treatment with osseointegrated implant become a safe, well alternative accepted by the dental community for the high success rate, allowing the preparation of functional and aesthetic prostheses in edentulous and partial patients. We passed the initial phase of functional vision for an aesthetic approach, too, depending on the demands of the patient and the quest for excellence by professionals. Over these last years, implant treatment has undergone many changes in surgical and prosthetic protocols. The less invasive surgical techniques and the development of restorative materials, especially ceramics allow the prosthetic rehabilitation of high functional quality and aesthetics. The installation of implants in sockets immediately after extraction of teeth involved by fracture, periodontal disease, endodontic lesions, is part of the arsenal of techniques for rehabilitating a number of advantages that we get to the outcome of multidisciplinary treatment. For this, we must consider several criteria in its planning as a fundamental unit, adjacent teeth, multiple losses, system, form and number of implants, type of retention of the prosthesis components, the patient expectation of the outcome perspective, gingival biotype, standard of ridge resorption, the smile line, etc. occlusal analysis. With the three-dimensional placement of the implant can immediately join the biological processes of repair of the socket, implant osseointegration, speeding treatment time. Much has been made by companies in the surface treatment of endosseous implants to be osseointegration shortened and restorative procedures started earlier, bringing benefits to the patient and professional. Among the main advantages we can emphasize the preservation of the structures adjacent to the teeth replaced, minor resorption of bone tissue involved... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Since the beginning of the railway industry until today, rail wheels are important components to the good working of a railway. For being a critical security item, design and maintenance are done with extremely care to avoid failures. Despite de fact of railway components be projected to support a big number of cyclic solicitation during its life, some accidents still occur. These accidents, despite the low frequency, always have great consequences, drawing in great financial, material, and people losses. Nowadays, railway component failure is relatively low, because it’s been projected to work below the materials Fatigue Resistance Limit, however, with the growing demand of faster trains and higher load for each axle, the occurrence probability is even bigger. This work includes a comparative study of two fabrication processes (casting and forging) applied in the production of rail wheels where it was measured the mechanical properties of traction and fatigue. The study also verified through microstructural analysis, hardness, traction and fatigue tests, statistical analysis of fatigue test results and fractographic analysis that forging process lead to better correlations between fatigue life and mechanical properties, providing more security in railroads, less wagon retention caused by corrective maintenance and smaller operational cost with its use


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The DGT technique has been used to determine and better understand the dynamics and bioavailability of metals in the sea near to marine outfalls. In this work, the DGT was assessed for the determination of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Ni in marine water samples from Potiguar Basin in its conventional aspect (binding agent, Chelex-100 and diffusive agent: Diffusive polyacrylamide gel (D) and restrictive (R)) and determination of Pb and Cd through its alternative aspect (binding agent: Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized in agarose gels and diffusive agent: 3MM Chromatography Paper). The deployment curves for long periods of immersion in the sample, showed a good linear correlation for the conventional aspect to Zn (D: R²=0.9586, R: R²=0.9444), Ni (D: R²=0.9789, R: R²=0.9286) and Cu (D: R²=0.764, R: R²=0.8143), and alternative to Pb (R²=0.9228) and Cd (R²=0.9673). The results of the organic and inorganic composition analysis in conventional aspect, showed that for every element there is no significant fraction of organic compounds in the sample. In addition, considering the alternative aspect, the comparison of obtained and expected masses suggests that some of the Pb is not labile and that the main retention mechanism of Pb for S. Cerevisiae occurs through ion exchange


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The genetic selection and the nutritional management to improve milk production make the dairy cattle more susceptible to the development of diseases, such as the abomasal displacement. It is the most frequently detected abomasal problem and it is the main cause of abdominal surgeries in dairy cattle. It is a multifactorial disease that occurs mainly in dairy cattle of high production during the puerperium. The abomasal displacement can occur to the right (DAD) or to the left (DAE), being the former more frequent than the latter. It is related to feeding management and occurs in animals that also have other diseases such as hypocalcaemia, ketosis and retained placenta. The disease causes economical losses in dairy cattle because of the costs with treatment, reduction of production, increase of the interval between the parturition, loss of body weight, early discard of the matrix and mortality. The most usual clinical signs are apathy, dehydration, low to serious ruminal timpanismo (gas accumulation in the abomasum) with reduction or lack of motility, liquid splash sound during the ballottement of the right flank, metallic sound to percussion, presence of a structure similar to distended viscera in the thorax or in the paralombar cavity on the side corresponding to the displacement, and liquefied, dark, scarce and fetid feces. The treatment is surgical, and the most used technique is the omentopexy on the left flank. The hidroelectrolytic correction must be performed and the concomitant diseases must be treated. The prophylaxis consists of adequate nutrition and pre-parturition management, besides reduction of stress and other diseases of the puerperium


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Function of the uterus is often compromised in cattle by bacterial contamination of the uterine lumen after parturition. Pathogenic bacteria often persist, causing uterine disease, a major cause of infertility in cattle. Knowledge of the immunological aspects of the uterus involved in maintaining reproductive healthiness is fundamental to the study of uterine infections that affect the uterus postpartum. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes have an important role because they are the first line of defense against colonization of bacteria in utero (Hammon and Goff, 2006). The establishment of uterine infection depends in parts of endocrine environment, particularly progesterone, which suppresses the immune system (Lewis, 2003). In the puerperium may occur uterine disorders, such as retained placenta, puerperal metritis, clinical and subclinical endometritis and pyometra, this review was proposed a study of the immunology involved in uterine health and a better understanding of uterine disorders, using the model of Sheldon et al. al, (2006) for classification of diseases, and a study of best treatment options and discussion about its functionality, because a lot of controversy among authors about choosing a treatment and another and between treated and untreated


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The objective of this in vitro study was quantify the micro strain development around the internal hexagon implants, varying the type of prosthetic coping. For This reason, three implants of internal hexagon were inserted into one polyurethane block in line placement. Microunit abutments were screwed onto the implants. Tangentially the implants were bonded the strain gauges, two to the center implant. Ten structures, each one containing three copings were cast in Co-Cr alloy, that were divided into groups in the first group, plastic copings were used, and in the second group machined copings were used. The superstructure’s occlusal screws were tightened onto Microunit abutments with 10 Ncm torque, the magnitude of micro strain was recorded. The mean values of each strain gauge of each plastic copings were 363,37 ± 237,66 and the machined copings were 338,12 ± 223,01. The data were analyzed statistically by t- Student test. No statistically significant difference was found between the prosthetic copings (p= 0,867). It was concluded that to internal hexagon implants in line placement, the type of copings presented similar magnitude of micro strain after prosthetic occlusal screw was tightened


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Os sistemas nanoestruturados são capazes de aumentar a permeação de um fármaco sem alterar as suas propriedades e direcioná-lo para regiões específicas favorecendo a interação com sistemas biológicos. Algumas formações dos sistemas nanoestruturados cristais líquidos, microemulsões podem permitir a liberação lenta do fármaco o que propicia um efeito mais prolongado da ação deste, aumento da solubilidade e estabilidade de fármacos, capacidade de agir como sistemas reservatórios, diminuição da toxicidade, bem como melhor a biodisponibilidade dos fármacos. A dexametasona (DMA) é um corticóide muito utilizado, mas que possui muitos efeitos colaterais,como eritema,hipertensão arterial,acne,aumento de peso e apetite,entre outros,devido sua capacidade de atravessar o estrato córneo por difusão, assim ele é capaz de alcançar a circulação e causar efeitos colaterais sistêmicos. Para diminuir a ação desses efeitos indesejáveis é preciso controlar a permeação desta classe de fármaco e aumentando a sua retenção cutânea. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de sistemas nanoestruturados estabilizados com álcool cetílico etoxilado e propoxilado(PRO) como tensoativo, ácido oléico (AO) ou óleo mineral (OM) como fases oleosas para a administração cutânea de DMA. Estas fases oleosas foram selecionadas por apresentarem características físico-químicas diferentes, bem como promoveram diferenças estruturais em formulações de estudos anteriores. A caracterização por microscopia de luz polarizada mostrou que a dexametasona pouco interfere na estruturação das formulações. A reologia mostrou que as formulações, com ácido oléico como fase oleosa, AO1 e AO2 são as formulações com melhores condições de aplicação cutânea. Os cristais líquido de fase cúbica, foram os que mais foram capazes de solubilizar DMA, além de apresentarem... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cheeses are known to be sources of calcium, phosphorus and protein, important nutrients for a suitable nutrition. However, certain cheeses imply the ingestion of large amounts of fats, which can cause the development of coronary heart and carcinogenic diseases. Although consumers are aware of the necessity of reducing the fats intake, they are still not pleased with the quality of light cheeses available on the market, because the partial or total fat removal provides some undesirable changes, especially regarding to the product texture and flavor. In order to offer products nutritionally adequate and palatable, alternatives have been developed to improve the characteristics of light cheeses. Such alternatives include the use of fat substitutes, those additives that improve the functional and sensory characteristics of cheeses with reduced fat. Fat substitutes composed of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, or a combination of them, help the retention of moisture and eliminate the undesirable characteristics of fat reduced-cheeses. In this context, this review aims at reporting the innovations and trends on the use of fat substitutes to produce light cheeses.