878 resultados para Resistance to anthelmintics


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In patients with breast cancer (BC), deregulation of estrogen receptor (ERα) activity may account for most resistance to endocrine therapies. Our previous study used a whole-human kinome siRNA screen to identify functional actors in ERα modulation and showed the implication of proteins kinase suppressors of ras (KSR1). From those findings we evaluated the clinical impact of KSR1 variants in patients with ERα+ BC treated with TAM. DNA was obtained from 222 patients with advanced ERα+ BC treated with TAM who had undergone surgery from 1981 to 2003. We selected three potentially functional relevant KSR1 polymorphisms; two within the 3'UTR (rs224190, rs1075952) and one in the coding exon 7 (rs2293180). The primary end points were overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS). After a 6.4-year median follow-up, patients carrying the rs2241906 TT genotype showed shorter DFS (2.1 vs 7.1 years, P=0.005) and OS (2.6 vs 8.4 years P=0.002) than those with the TC or TT genotypes. Those associations remained significant in the multivariable analysis adjusting age, lymph node status, LMTK3 and IGFR variants and HER2 status. The polymorphisms rs2241906 and rs1075952 were in linkage disequilibrium. No association was shown between rs2293180 and survival. Among the actors of ERα signaling, KSR1 rs2241906 variants may predict survival in patients with advanced ERα+ BC treated with adjuvant TAM.


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The ease with which we avoid falling down belies a highly sophisticated and distributed neural network for controlling reactions to maintain upright balance. Although historically these reactions were considered within the sub cortical domain, mounting evidence reveals a distributed network for postural control including a potentially important role for the cerebral cortex. Support for this cortical role comes from direct measurement associated with moments of induced instability as well as indirect links between cognitive task performance and balance recovery. The cerebral cortex appears to be directly involved in the control of rapid balance reactions but also setting the central nervous system in advance to optimize balance recovery reactions even when a future threat to stability is unexpected. In this review the growing body of evidence that now firmly supports a cortical role in the postural responses to externally induced perturbations is presented. Moreover, an updated framework is advanced to help understand how cortical contributions may influence our resistance to falls and on what timescale. The implications for future studies into the neural control of balance are discussed.


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O tributilestanho (TBT) é considerado um dos xenobióticos mais tóxicos, produzidos e deliberadamente introduzidos no meio ambiente pelo Homem. Tem sido usado numa variedade de processos industriais e subsequentemente descarregado no meio ambiente. O tempo de meia-vida do TBT em águas marinhas é de várias semanas, mas em condições de anóxia nos sedimentos, pode ser de vários anos, devido à sua degradação mais lenta. Embora o TBT tenha sido descrito como sendo tóxico para eucariotas e procariotas, muitas bactérias podem ser resistentes a este composto. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal elucidar o mecanismo de resistência ao TBT em bactérias. Para além disso, pretendeu-se desenvolver um biorepórter para detectar TBT no ambiente. Para atingir estes objetivos foram delineadas várias tarefas cujos principais resultados obtidos se apresentam a seguir. Várias bactérias resistentes ao TBT foram isoladas de sedimento e água do Porto de Pesca Longínqua (PPL) na Ria de Aveiro, Portugal. Entre estas, Aeromonas molluscorum Av27 foi selecionada devido à sua elevada resistência a este composto (concentrações até 3 mM), à sua capacidade de degradar o TBT em compostos menos tóxicos (dibutilestanho, DBT e monobutilestanho, MBT) e também por usar o TBT como fonte de carbono. A. molluscorum Av27 foi caracterizada genotipica e fenotipicamente. Os fatores de virulência estudados mostraram que esta estirpe i) possui atividade lipolítica; ii) não é citotóxica para células de mamíferos, nomeadamente para células Vero; iii) não possui integrões de classe I e II e iv) possui cinco plasmídeos com aproximadamente 4 kb, 7 kb, 10 kb, 100 kb e mais de 100 kb. Estes resultados mostraram que a estirpe Av27 não é tóxica, aumentando assim o interesse nesta bactéria para futuras aplicações, nomeadamente na bioremediação. Os testes de toxicidade ao TBT mostraram que este composto tem um impacto negativo no crescimento desta estirpe, bem como, na densidade, no tamanho e na atividade metabólica das células e é responsável pela formação de agregados celulares. Assim, o TBT mostrou ser bastante tóxico para as bactérias interferindo com a atividade celular geral. O gene Av27-sugE, que codifica a proteína SugE pertencente à família das “small multidrug resistance proteins” (SMR), foi identificado como estando envolvido na resistência ao TBT nesta estirpe. Este gene mostrou ser sobreexpresso quando as células crescem na presença de TBT. O promotor do gene Av27-sugE foi utilizado para construir um bioreporter para detetar TBT, contendo o gene da luciferase do pirilampo como gene repórter. O biorepórter obtido reúne as características mais importantes de um bom biorepórter: sensibilidade (intervalo de limite de detecção de 1-1000 nM), rapidez (3 h são suficientes para a deteção de sinal) e, possivelmente, não é invasivo (pois foi construído numa bactéria ambiental). Usando sedimento recolhido no Porto de Pesca Longínqua da Ria de Aveiro, foi preparada uma experiência de microcosmos com o intuito de avaliar a capacidade de Av27 para bioremediar o TBT, isoladamente ou em associação com a comunidade bacteriana indígena. A análise das amostras de microcosmos por PCR-DGGE e de bibliotecas de 16S rDNA revelaram que a comunidade bacteriana é relativamente estável ao longo do tempo, mesmo quando Av27 é inoculada no sedimento. Para além disso, o sedimento estuarino demonstrou ser dominado por bactérias pertencentes ao filo Proteobacteria (sendo mais abundante as Delta e Gammaproteobacteria) e Bacteroidetes. Ainda, cerca de 13% dos clones bacterianos não revelaram nenhuma semelhança com qualquer dos filos já definidos e quase 100% afiliou com bactérias não cultiváveis do sedimento. No momento da conclusão desta tese, os resultados da análise química de compostos organoestânicos não estavam disponíveis, e por essa razão não foi possível tirar quaisquer conclusões sobre a capacidade desta bactéria remediar o TBT em sedimentos. Esses resultados irão ajudar a esclarecer o papel de A. molluscorum Av27 na remediação de TBT. Recentemente, a capacidade da estirpe Av27 remediar solo contaminado com TBT foi confirmada em bioensaios realizados com plantas, Brassica rapa e Triticum aestivum (Silva 2011a), e também com invertebrados Porcellionides pruinosus (Silva 2011B). Assim, poder-se-á esperar que a bioremediação do sedimento na experiência de microcosmos também tenha ocorrido. No entanto, só a análise química dos compostos organostânicos deverá ser conclusiva. Devido à dificuldade em realizar a análise analítica de organoestânicos, um método de bioensaio fácil, rápido e barato foi adaptado para avaliar a toxicidade do TBT em laboratório, antes de se proceder à análise química das amostras. O método provou a sua utilidade, embora tenha mostrado pouca sensibilidade quando se usam concentrações de TBT baixas. Em geral, os resultados obtidos contribuíram para um melhor entendimento do mecanismo de resistência ao TBT em bactérias e mostraram o potencial biotecnológico de A. molluscorum Av27, nomeadamente, no que refere à sua possível aplicação na descontaminação de TBT no ambiente e também no desenvolvimento de biorepórteres.


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A hiperglicemia é a principal característica da diabetes mellitus (DM), uma das causas de morte que mais cresce em Portugal, e cujas complicações a longo prazo são mais debilitantes e mais sobrecarregam os sistemas de saúde. No entanto, os mecanismos subjacentes à resposta fisiológica de alguns tecidos à hiperglicemia não estão completamente esclarecidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar de que forma o tempo de exposição à hiperglicemia afeta dois tecidos epiteliais, o endotélio e as glândulas salivares, que são frequentemente associados a complicações da DM, utilizando um modelo animal. Adicionalmente, procurou-se encontrar novos biomarcadores para avaliar a suscetibilidade a complicações orais em diabéticos, analisando as modificações pós-traducionais (PTMs) da família de proteínas mais representativa na saliva humana: proteínas ricas em prolina (PRPs). A disfunção vascular está na origem de várias complicações da diabetes. Neste sentido, observou-se uma progressiva disfunção endotelial com o aumento do tempo de exposição à hiperglicemia, que resulta do aumento de danos no endotélio e da diminuição da capacidade de mobilização de células progenitoras. Simultaneamente, o aumento observado na atividade da via de ativação do sistema de complemento mediada por lectinas (MBL), sugere um envolvimento do sistema de imunidade inata na patogénese da disfunção vascular. Outra complicação comum da DM é o desenvolvimento de doenças orais, nomeadamente as relacionadas com a redução da secreção salivar. Na análise às glândulas submandibulares, observou-se uma resposta inicial à hiperglicemia com fortes variações na expressão de proteínas, mas a longo prazo, estas variações foram atenuadas, sugerindo um mecanismo de adaptação à hiperglicemia crónica. Adicionalmente, as proteínas relacionadas com a secreção, como as anexinas, apresentaram-se sobre-expressas, enquanto as calicreinas e proteínas metabólicas estavam sub-expressas. Estas variações sugerem que, apesar de uma diminuição da capacidade de regeneração, as células tentam superar a perda de tecido por meio do aumento da secreção, embora sem êxito. O comprometimento funcional das glândulas salivares tem consequências na composição e funções da saliva. Analisando as PTMs das PRPs salivares humanas, observou-se um aumento da frequência de péptidos com ciclização de resíduos N-terminais de glutamina a piroglutamato, o que confere uma resistência à atividade proteolítica que, por sua vez, se encontra aumentada em diabéticos. Assim, a presença de péptidos com N-piroglutamato poderá ser um potencial biomarcador da suscetibilidade a complicações orais em diabéticos.


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We report the exploration of some unique metabolic pathways in Perkinsus olseni a marine protist parasite, responsible to significant mortalities in mollusks, especially in bivalves all around the world. In Algarve, south of Portugal carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus mortalities can reach up to 70%, causing social and economic losses. The objective of studying those unique pathways, is finding new therapeutic strategies capable of controlling/eliminating P. olseni proliferation in clams. In that sense metabolic pathways, were explored, and drugs affecting these cycles were tested for activity. The first step involved the identification of the genes behind those pathways, the reconstitution of the main steps, and molecular characterization of those genes and later on, the identification of possible targets within the genes studied. Metabolic cycles were screened due to the fact of not being present in host or differ in a critical way, such as the following pathways: shikimate, MEP-­‐ isoprenoids, Leloir cycle for chitin production, purine biosynthesis (unique among protists), the de novo synthesis of folates (absent in metazoa) and some unique genes like, the alternative oxidase (a branch of respiratory chain) and the hypoxia sensor HPH. All those pathways were covered and possible chemical inhibition using therapeutic drugs was tested with positive results. The relation between the common host Ruditapes decussatus and P. olseni was also explored in a dimension not possible some years ago. With the accessibility to second generation sequencers and microarray analysis platforms, genes involved in host defense or parasite virulence and resistance to the host were deciphered, allowing aiming to new targets (mechanisms and pathways), offering new possibilities for the control of Perkinsus in close environments. The thousands of genes, generated by this work, sequenced and analyzed from this commercial valuable clam and for Perkinsus olseni will be an important and value tool for the scientific community, allowing a better understanding of host-­‐parasite interactions, promoting the usage of P. olseni as an emerging model for alveolata parasites.


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We have previously constructed a genetic map of Brassica oleracea L. containing the Pp523 locus that confers downy mildew resistance to adult plants. In this work, 44 SSR markers of reference for the Brassica C genome chromosomes were added to the map, allowing the nine major linkage groups to be assigned to the nine chromosomes of B. oleracea. Locus Pp523 was located on chromosome C8, and a locus determining flower colour was mapped to chromosome C3. In comparison with the first version of the map, the new map is denser and more compact. The available genomic information on B. oleracea was enriched with the chromosome location of two phenotypic traits and 421 DNA markers (RAPD, ISSR, AFLP, SCAR, BAC-end derived STS, SSR and other PCR markers). Conversely, the genomic information on B. oleracea chromosome C8 is being used as an additional tool for the map-based cloning of Pp523, the first gene for adult plant resistance to downy mildew precisely located to a specific chromosome of this crop species.


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This synopsis summarizes the key chemical and bacteriological characteristics of β-lactams, penicillins, cephalosporins, carbanpenems, monobactams and others. Particular notice is given to first-generation to fifth-generation cephalosporins. This review also summarizes the main resistance mechanism to antibiotics, focusing particular attention to those conferring resistance to broad-spectrum cephalosporins by means of production of emerging cephalosporinases (extended-spectrum β-lactamases and AmpC β-lactamases), target alteration (penicillin-binding proteins from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and membrane transporters that pump β-lactams out of the bacterial cell.


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This synopsis summarizes the key chemical and bacteriological characteristics of β-lactams, penicillins, cephalosporins, carbanpenems, monobactams and others. Particular notice is given to first-generation to fifth-generation cephalosporins. This reviewalso summarizes the main resistancemechanism to antibiotics, focusing particular attention to those conferring resistance to broad-spectrum cephalosporins by means of production of emerging cephalosporinases (extended-spectrum β-lactamases and AmpC β-lactamases), target alteration (penicillin-binding proteins from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and membrane transporters that pump β-lactams out of the bacterial cell.


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Abstract The emergence of multi and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB and XDRTB) has increased the concern of public health authorities around the world. The World Health Organization has defined MDRTB as tuberculosis (TB) caused by organisms resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the main first-line drugs used in TB therapy, whereas XDRTB refers to TB resistant not only to isoniazid and rifampicin, but also to a fluoroquinolone and to at least one of the three injectable second-line drugs, kanamycin, amikacin and capreomycin. Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is mainly due to the occurrence of spontaneous mutations and followed by selection of mutants by subsequent treatment. However, some resistant clinical isolates do not present mutations in any genes associated with resistance to a given antibiotic, which suggests that other mechanism(s) are involved in the development of drug resistance, namely the presence of efflux pump systems that extrude the drug to the exterior of the cell, preventing access to its target. Increased efflux activity can occur in response to prolonged exposure to subinhibitory concentrations of anti-TB drugs, a situation that may result from inadequate TB therapy. The inhibition of efflux activity with a non-antibiotic inhibitor may restore activity of an antibiotic subject to efflux and thus provide a way to enhance the activity of current anti-TB drugs. The work described in this thesis foccus on the study of efflux mechanisms in the development of multidrug resistance in M. tuberculosis and how phenotypic resistance, mediated by efflux pumps, correlates with genetic resistance. In order to accomplish this goal, several experimental protocols were developed using biological models such as Escherichia coli, the fast growing mycobacteria Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Mycobacterium avium, before their application to M. tuberculosis. This approach allowed the study of the mechanisms that result in the physiological adaptation of E. coli to subinhibitory concentrations of tetracycline (Chapter II), the development of a fluorometric method that allows the detection and quantification of efflux of ethidium bromide (Chapter III), the characterization of the ethidium bromide transport in M. smegmatis (Chapter IV) and the contribution of efflux activity to macrolide resistance in Mycobacterium avium complex (Chapter V). Finally, the methods developed allowed the study of the role of efflux pumps in M. tuberculosis strains induced to isoniazid resistance (Chapter VI). By this manner, in Chapter II it was possible to observe that the physiological adaptation of E. coli to tetracycline results from an interplay between events at the genetic level and protein folding that decrease permeability of the cell envelope and increase efflux pump activity. Furthermore, Chapter III describes the development of a semi-automated fluorometric method that allowed the correlation of this efflux activity with the transport kinetics of ethidium bromide (a known efflux pump substrate) in E. coli and the identification of efflux inhibitors. Concerning M. smegmatis, we have compared the wild-type M. smegmatis mc2155 with knockout mutants for LfrA and MspA for their ability to transport ethidium bromide. The results presented in Chapter IV showed that MspA, the major porin in M. smegmatis, plays an important role in the entrance of ethidium bromide and antibiotics into the cell and that efflux via the LfrA pump is involved in low-level resistance to these compounds in M. smegmatis. Chapter V describes the study of the contribution of efflux pumps to macrolide resistance in clinical M. avium complex isolates. It was demonstrated that resistance to clarithromycin was significantly reduced in the presence of efflux inhibitors such as thioridazine, chlorpromazine and verapamil. These same inhibitors decreased efflux of ethidium bromide and increased the retention of [14C]-erythromycin in these isolates. Finaly, the methods developed with the experimental models mentioned above allowed the study of the role of efflux pumps on M. tuberculosis strains induced to isoniazid resistance. This is described in Chapter VI of this Thesis, where it is demonstrated that induced resistance to isoniazid does not involve mutations in any of the genes known to be associated with isoniazid resistance, but an efflux system that is sensitive to efflux inhibitors. These inhibitors decreased the efflux of ethidium bromide and also reduced the minimum inhibitory concentration of isoniazid in these strains. Moreover, expression analysis showed overexpression of genes that code for efflux pumps in the induced strains relatively to the non-induced parental strains. In conclusion, the work described in this thesis demonstrates that efflux pumps play an important role in the development of drug resistance, namely in mycobacteria. A strategy to overcome efflux-mediated resistance may consist on the use of compounds that inhibit efflux activity, restoring the activity of antimicrobials that are efflux pump substrates, a useful approach particularly in TB where the most effective treatment regimens are becoming uneffective due to the increase of MDRTB/XDRTB.


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The aim of this study was to present the initial validation of a new questionnaire, the Transition to Retirement Questionnaire (TRQ) and to study its relationship with resistance to change and personality dimensions. Based on Schlossberg's typology of the retired, the TRQ is designed to assess five dimensions related to personal perceptions of transition to retirement, retirement, and personal plans and activities. The sample consisted of 1,054 professionally active or retired adults from the Swiss French-speaking Canton of Vaud. Exploratory principal components and confirmatory factor analyses highlighted a five-factor solution that fit coherently with Schlossberg's typology. Moreover, TRQ dimensions were related to resistance to change tendencies and personality dimensions. The TRQ seems to be an interesting tool for use in research but also for interventions with young retirees or people preparing for retirement.


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Oxidative stress, determined by the balance between the production of damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defences, is hypothesized to play an important role in shaping the cost of reproduction and life history trade-offs. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated reproductive effort in 94 breeding pairs of tawny owls (Strix aluco) to investigate the sex- and melanism-specific effects on markers of oxidative stress in red blood cells (RBCs). This colour polymorphic bird species shows sex-specific division of labour and melanism-specific history strategies. Brood sizes at hatching were experimentally enlarged or reduced to increase or decrease reproductive effort, respectively. We obtained an integrative measure of the oxidative balance by measuring ROS production by RBCs, intracellular antioxidant glutathione levels and membrane resistance to ROS. We found that light melanic males (the sex undertaking offspring food provisioning) produced more ROS than darker conspecifics, but only when rearing an enlarged brood. In both sexes, light melanic individuals had also a larger pool of intracellular antioxidant glutathione than darker owls under relaxed reproductive conditions (i.e. reduced brood), but not when investing substantial effort in current reproduction (enlarged brood). Finally, resistance to oxidative stress was differently affected by the brood size manipulation experiment in males and females independently of their plumage coloration. Altogether, our results support the hypothesis that reproductive effort can alter the oxidative balance in a sex- and colour-specific way. This further emphasizes the close link between melanin-based coloration and life history strategies.


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By using glucosamine resistant mutants of Saccharomyces ceriv~sa~ an attempt was made to discover the mechanisms which cause glucose repression and/or the Crabtree effect. The strains used are 4B2, GR6, lOP3r, GR8l and GRI08. 4B2 is a wild type yeast while the others are its mutants. To characterize the biochemical reactions which made these mutants resistant to glucosamine poisoning the following experiments were done~ 1. growth and respiration; 2. transport of sugars; 3. effect of inorganic phosphate (Pi): 4. Hexokinase; 5. In yivo phosphorylation. From the above experiments the following conclusions may be drawn: (i) GR6 and lOP3r have normal respiratory and fermentative pathways. These mutants are resistant to glucosamine poisoning due to a slow rate of sugar transport which is due to change in the cell membrane. (ii) GR8l has a normal respiratory pathway. The slow growth on fermentable carbon sourCEE indicates that in GR8l the lesion is in or associated with the glycolytic pathway. The lower rate of sugar transport may be due to a change in energy metabolism. The invivo phosphorylation rate indicates that in GR81 facilitated diffusion is the dominant transport mechanism. (iii) GR108 msa normal glycolytic pathway but the respiratory pathway is abnormal. The slow rate of sugar transport is due to a change in energy metabolism. The lower percentage of in vivo phosphorylation is probably due to a lowered availability of ATP because of the mitochondrial lesion. In all mutants resistance to glucosamine poisoning is due to a lower rate of utilization of ATP. which is caused by various mechanisms (see above), making less ADP available for phosphorylation via ATP synthase which utilizes inorganic phosphate. Because of the lower utilization of Pi, the concentration of intra-mitochondrial Pi does not go down thus protecting mutants from glucosamine poisoning.


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Popular culture has a strong influence on youth, and the creation of meanings associated with youth. Representations within popular culture, specifically film, branch beyond entertainment and become discourses that construct how we perceive our world. Youth resistance is commonly represented in films geared towards the teenage gene{ation. Yet, the discourse of resistance has positioned females as non-resistors. This thesis addresses representations of teenage girl resistance within popular culture due to the strong influence film has on teenage girls today. This thesis will specificaIJy examine three films directed at North American teenage girls: Thirteen, Ghost World and The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. Through a feminist poststructurallens utilizing discourse analysis, this thesis will examine teenage girl resistance as it is represented in the aforementioned films. This thesis repositions teenage girl resistance as a multi-dimensional concept, allowing for resistance to branch beyond the traditional meaning associated with it.


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It has been proposed that phages can be used commercially as a biopesticide for the control of fire blight caused by the phytopathogen Erwinia amylovora. The aim of these studies was to investigate two common bacterial resistance mechanisms, lysogeny and exopolysaccharide production and their influence on phage pathogenesis. A multiplex real-time PCR protocol was designed to monitor and quantify Podoviridae and Myoviridae phages. This protocol is compatible with known E. amylovora and Pantoea agglomerans rtPCR primers/probes which allowed simultaneous study of both phage and bacterial targets. Using in vitro positive phage selection, bacteriophage insensitive derivatives were isolated within sensitive populations of E. amylovora. Prophage screening with real-time PCR and mitomycin C induction determined that the insensitive derivatives harboured the temperate Podoviridae phage ΦEaTlOO. Lysogenic conversion resulted in resistance to secondary homologous phage infections. Prophage screening of environmental samples of E. amylovora and P. agglomerans collected from various locations in Canada, United States and Europe did not demonstrate lysogeny. Therefore, lysogeny is rare or absent while these bacterial species reside on the plant. Recombineering was used to construct exopolysaccharide deficient E. amylovora mutants. The EPS amylovoran mutants became resistant to Podoviridae and certain Siphoviridae phages. Increasing amylovoran production increased phage population growth, presumably by increasing the total number of bacterial cell surface receptors which promoted increased phage infections. In contrast, amylovoran did not playa role in Myoviridae infections, nor did production of the EPS levan for any phage pathogenesis.


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La stabilité génomique, qui est essentielle à la vie, est possible grâce à la réplication et la réparation de l’ADN. Une des enzymes responsables de la réplication et de la réparation de l’ADN est la ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), qui est retrouvée chez la levure et chez l’humain. Cette enzyme catalyse la formation de déoxyribonucléotides et maintien le pool de dNTP requis pour la réparation et la réplication de l’ADN. L’enzyme RNR est un tétramère α2β2 constitué d’une grande (R1, α2) et d’une petite (R2, β2) sous-unité. Chez S. cerevisiae, les gènes RNR1 et RNR3 encodent la sous-unité α2 (R1). L’activité catalytique de RNR dépend d’une interaction avec le fer et de la formation d’un complexe entre R1 et R2. L’expression de toutes les sous-unités est inductible par les dommages causés à l’ADN. Dans cette étude, nous démontrons que des cellules qui n’expriment pas une des sous-unités, Rnr4, du complexe RNR sont sensibles à divers agents endommageant l’ADN, tels que le méthyl méthane sulfonate, la bléomycine, le péroxyde d’hydrogène et les rayons ultraviolets (UVC 254 nm). Au contraire, le mutant est résistant au 4-nitroquinoline-1- oxide (4-NQO), un composé qui engendre des lésions encombrantes. Par conséquent, le mutant rnr4Δ démontre une réduction marquée en mutations induites par le 4-NQO comparativement à la souche parentale. Nous voulions identifier la voie de réparation de l’ADN qui conférait cette résistance au 4-NQO ainsi que les protéines impliquées. Les voies BER, NER et MMR n’ont pas aboli la résistance au 4-NQO de la souche rnr4Δ. La protéine recombinante Rad51 ne joue pas un rôle critique dans la réparation de l’ADN et dans la résistance au 4-NQO. La délétion du gène REV3, qui encode une polymérase de contournement, impliquée dans la réparation post-réplication, a partiellement aboli la résistance au 4-NQO dans rnr4Δ. Ces résultats suggèrent que la polymérase Rev3 et possiblement d’autres polymérases translésion (Rev1, Rev7, Rad30) pourraient être impliquées dans la réparation de lésions encombrantes dans l’ADN dans des conditions de carence en dNTP. La réparation de l’ADN, un mécanisme complexe chez la levure, implique une vaste gamme de protéines, dont certaines encore inconnues. Nos résultats indiquent qu’il y aurait plus qu’une protéine impliquée dans la résistance au 4-NQO. Des investigations plus approfondies seront nécessaires afin de comprendre la recombinaison et la réparation post-réplication.