986 resultados para Regional Poultry Research Laboratory (U.S.)


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The Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratory (ACIRL) furnace is scaled to simulate slagging and fouling in operating boilers. This requires that the gas and target temperatures, the heat flux, and the flow pattern be the same as those in real boilers. The gas and target temperatures are maintained by insulating the wall and cooling the target respectively. The flow pattern of a small burner cannot be the same as a large furnace. However, this flow pattern is partially compensated for by placing the slagging panels in three vertical locations. The paper develops the models of radiant heat transfer from the flame to the deposits both in pilot-scale and full-scale furnaces. They are used to compare the effective radiant heat transfer of the pilot- and full-scale furnaces. The experimental data both from the pilot- and full-scale furnaces are used to verify the incident heat flux and temperature profiles in the pilot- and full-scale furnaces. The results showed that the thermal condition in the pilot-scale furnace meets the requirements for studying the slagging regarding the gas temperature and the incident heat flux, particularly for the panel #1. The gas temperature in the convective section also meets the requirement for studying the fouling.


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Objective: To test the effect of liquid feeds on the responses to splanchnic ischaemia of a continuous rapid response PCO2 sensor inserted in the jejunum. Design: Prospective experimental animal study in a university research laboratory. Subjects: Adult male Wistar rats. Interventions: Adult male Wistar rats (285-425 g) were anaethetised with sodium pentobarbitone 60 mg/ kg i.p. and ventilated with 100 % oxygen and isoflurane via tracheostomy to a PaCO2 of 30-40 mmHg. A sensor was inserted into the mid-jejunum to record PCO2 every second. Distal aortic pressure was transduced. Four control rats received no feeds whilst in another four rats liquid feed was infused into the proximal jejunum at 3 ml/h. In each rat five episodes of splanchnic ischaemia were induced by 2-min elevations of an aortic sling to a mean distal aortic pressure of 30 mmHg. Measurements and main results: PCO2 elevations were always detectable, usually less than a minute from the onset of splanchnic ischaemia in both fed and unfed rats, with no difference in mean times to detectable response. In the fed rats there was a small but significant increase in the time to peak sensor response (196 +/- 16 vs. 180 +/- 12 s) and a trend towards an elevated mean baseline luminal PCO2 (67 +/- 9 vs. 55 +/- 4 mmHg). Conclusions: Brief episodes of splanchnic ischaemia were tracked successfully by a rapid response jejunal continuous PCO2 sensor during the infusion of a proprietary liquid feed preparation despite minor changes in PCO2 response characteristics and a possible elevation in baseline luminal PCO2.


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The personal computer revolution has resulted in the widespread availability of low-cost image analysis hardware. At the same time, new graphic file formats have made it possible to handle and display images at resolutions beyond the capability of the human eye. Consequently, there has been a significant research effort in recent years aimed at making use of these hardware and software technologies for flotation plant monitoring. Computer-based vision technology is now moving out of the research laboratory and into the plant to become a useful means of monitoring and controlling flotation performance at the cell level. This paper discusses the metallurgical parameters that influence surface froth appearance and examines the progress that has been made in image analysis of flotation froths. The texture spectrum and pixel tracing techniques developed at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre are described in detail. The commercial implementation, JKFrothCam, is one of a number of froth image analysis systems now reaching maturity. In plants where it is installed, JKFrothCam has shown a number of performance benefits. Flotation runs more consistently, meeting product specifications while maintaining high recoveries. The system has also shown secondary benefits in that reagent costs have been significantly reduced as a result of improved flotation control. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This report describes the road map we followed at our university to accommodate three main factors: financial pressure within the university system; desire to enhance the learning experience of undergraduates; and motivation to increase the prominence of the discipline of developmental biology in our university. We engineered a novel, multi-year undergraduate developmental biology program which was student-oriented, ensuring that students were continually exposed to the underlying principles and philosophy of this discipline throughout their undergraduate career. Among its key features are introductory lectures in core courses in the first year, which emphasize the relevance of developmental biology to tissue engineering, reproductive medicine, therapeutic approaches in medicine, agriculture and aquaculture. State-of-the-art animated computer graphics and images of high visual impact are also used. In addition, students are streamed into the developmental biology track in the second year, using courses like human embryology and courses shared with cell biology, which include practicals based on modern experimental approaches. Finally, fully dedicated third-year courses in developmental biology are undertaken in conjunction with stand-alone practical courses where students experience first-hand work in a research laboratory. Our philosophy is a cradle-to-grave approach to the education of undergraduates so as to prepare highly motivated, enthusiastic and well-educated developmental biologists for entry into graduate programs and ultimately post-doctoral research.


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By controlling the transmission of Chagas disease, the challenge of providing assistance to millions of infected patients that reach old age arises. In this study, the socioeconomic, demographic and comorbidity records of all elderly chagasic patients followed at the Pharmaceutical Care Service of the Chagas Disease Research Laboratory were assessed. The information related to the clinical form of the disease was obtained from medical records provided by the Walter Cantídio University Hospital. The profile of the studied population was: women (50.5%); mean age of 67 years; retired (54.6%); married (51.6 %); high illiteracy rate (40.2%); and family income equal to the minimum wage (51.5%). The predominant clinical forms of Chagas disease were cardiac (65.3%) and indeterminate (14.7%). The main electrocardiographic changes were the right bundle branch block (41.0%), associated or not with the anterosuperior left bundle branch block (27.4%). The average number of comorbidities per patient was 2.23 ± 1.54, with systemic arterial hypertension being the main one found (67.0%). It was found that the elderly comprise a vulnerable group of patients that associate aging with cardiac and/or digestive disorders resulting from the evolution of Chagas disease and other comorbidities, which requires special attention from health services to ensure more appropriate medical and social care.


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Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um homem de 55 anos com antecedentes de sífilis primária na juventude e quatro reinfecções posteriores, a última das quais há dois anos, adequadamente tratada e com remissão do quadro. Observado em consulta externa de Oftalmologia, por olho vermelho, foi-lhe diagnosticada pan-uveíte, com íris de características sifilíticas (roséola sifilítica). Na sua avaliação laboratorial salientaram-se: Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) positivo, Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorbed Test (FTA-ABS) positivo, Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH-1) positivo. Internado no Serviço de Medicina, foi submetido a punção lombar, tendo a análise do liquor revelado pleocitose, proteinorraquia aumentada, VDRL negativo, Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination Assay (TPHA) positivo e FTA/ABS positivo, aspectos estes compatíveis com envolvimento sifilítico do SNC. O diagnóstico de neurosífilis assintomática nos doentes duplamente infectados é difícil e complexo, pois fundamenta-se em testes serológicos que não obedecem ao padrão habitual. A terapêutica é controversa, devido à recorrência dos quadros neurológicos após terapêuticas consideradas adequadas, sendo recomendada vigilância apertada destes doentes.


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A sífilis é uma doença sexualmente transmitida, reconhecida como tal desde o século XVI, cujo agente etiológico é Treponema pallidum subespécie pallidum, para o qual não existe meio de cultura artificial. Sendo uma infecção com inúmeras manifestações clínicas, incluindo a fase de latência e não havendo uma técnica que possa ser um verdadeiro teste padrão, o seu diagnóstico clínico e laboratorial afigura-se muitas vezes difícil. Nesta tese foram avaliados vários testes Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), Rapid Plasma Reagin Test (RPR), Treponema pallidum Hemaglutination Antibody (TPHA), Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absortion (FTA-Abs), Passive Particle Agglutination Test (TP.PA), teste imunoenzimática (SYPHILIS-EIA) e Western-blot para a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-Treponema pallidum e técnicas de biologia molecular reacção em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para o diagnóstico da sífilis nos seus diferentes estádios, incluindo neurossífilis. Experimentaram-se várias sequências iniciadoras (47-F/47-R, polA-F/polA-R-(PE), KO3A/KO4 e polA-F/polA-R) para amplificação de fragmentos dos genes da lipoproteína de 47kDa e do ADN polimerase I, e diferentes tipos de amostras: exsudado de úlceras genitais e de lesões cutâneas de secundarismo, exsudado de biopsias do lóbulo da orelha, sangue total, plasma, soro e liquor. Foram também optimizadas técnicas de PCR para a genotipagem de Treponema pallidum (amplificação de um fragmento do gene tpr e do gene arp) as quais foram aplicadas em algumas amostras incluídas neste estudo. Com a técnica de RPR obtiveram-se resultados idênticos ao VDRL no sangue e no liquor, pelo que parece que ambas as técnicas podem ser indiscriminadamente utilizadas nos dois tipos de produtos. Com os testes treponémicos obtiveram-se também, resultados semelhantes no liquor e no sangue. No entanto, as diferenças encontradas indicam que: a) o FTA-Abs, o Western-blot e o TP.PA devem ser os testes a utilizar nas fases precoces da infecção; b) o teste EIA parece indicado no caso de um grande número de amostras; c) o TP.PA e o TPHA podem ser utilizados na rotina laboratorial e, o primeiro eventualmente, também, na monitorização da terapêutica; d) o FTA-Abs e o Western-blot são os testes treponémicos que, de preferência devem ser utilizados no diagnóstico de neurossífilis embora os resultados do TP.PA se comparem aos do TPHA, no caso da infecção do sistema nervoso central por Treponema pallidum. A co-infecção com o VIH parece, ter efeito apenas, na reactividade dos testes não treponémicos, ocasionando falsa reactividade, independentemente da existência simultânea de toxicodependência. Em relação à técnica de PCR para o diagnóstico de sífilis, e para as várias sequências iniciadoras experimentadas os melhores resultados obtiveram-se com o par KO3A/KO4. A sensibilidade da técnica de PCR e de genotipagem nas amostras das úlceras genitais e das lesões cutâneas de sífilis secundária foi de 100%, o mesmo não acontecendo quando as técnicas se aplicaram à identificação de Treponema pallidum no sangue e no liquor, pelo que a técnica de PCR aplicada a este tipo de amostras necessita de ser aperfeiçoada. No entanto o exsudado de biopsia do lóbulo da orelha, seguida do plasma são os produtos, em que mais vezes, se identificou ADN de Treponema pallidum. O genótipo de Treponema pallidum subespécie pallidum mais frequentemente encontrado foi o 14c, sendo que o genótipo 10a foi pela primeira vez identificado no presente estudo.


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Estudo de prevalência da co-infecção HIV-sífilis realizado com 830 pacientes em acompanhamento ambulatorial para HIV/aids entre janeiro e maio de 2005 no Hospital na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os participantes realizaram exames de VDRL (veneral disease research laboratory), contagens de células CD4+/CD8+ e de carga viral e responderam perguntas sobre características sócio-demográficas e história prévia de sífilis. A prevalência da sífilis foi de 2,7% (22), a relação entre homens e mulheres co-infectados foi de 4:1, aproximadamente. Homossexuais masculinos foram os mais acometidos e não encontramos associação entre co-infecção e idade, escolaridade e parâmetros laboratoriais testados. Do total de casos com sífilis, 73% (16) relataram tratamento prévio; destes, 14 (88%) pacientes foram re-infectados, enquanto 2 (12%) pacientes realizaram tratamento inapropriado. A presença de co-infecção HIV-sífilis em pacientes em acompanhamento rotineiro alerta-nos para necessidade de aconselhá-los a adotar práticas sexuais seguras durante os seus atendimentos ambulatoriais.


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O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a soroprevalência de sífilis em 5.752 doadores de sangue atendidos no Hemonúcleo de Guarapuava-PR, em 2006. As taxas de positividade foram de 2,1% pelo teste de ensaio imunoenzimático e 0,2% pelo Veneral Disease Research Laboratory, mostrando baixa prevalência de sífilis nos indivíduos que procuraram este banco de sangue.


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The future of the construction industry will require changes at many levels. One is the ability of companies to adapt to new challenges, converting needs to opportunities and simultaneously contributing to the solving of social and environmental problems. In the coming decades we will see a change in attitude in the industry, with a strong tendency to adopt natural and recycled materials, as well as bet on green technology and social innovation oriented to emerging countries. On the other hand, emerging countries have a high demand for housing construction on a large scale, but the current techniques in the developed countries for building requires a large amount of natural resources and skilled labor. This contextualization brings sustainability problems for the construction sector in emerging countries, often with scarce natural resources and with the construction sector underdeveloped. Through a cooperative action between the construction company Mota-Engil Engineering and the University of Minho in Portugal, a construction technology was developed based on the use of Compressed Earth Blocks as part of a social concept for innovative small houses, favoring the adoption of local and natural materials and with the main premise of being dedicated to self-construction. The HiLoTec project - Development of a Sustainable Self-Construction System for Developing Countries was based on this idea. One of the several results of this project is this construction manual. To Mota-Engil the project was a platform for incubation of knowledge about earth construction and to obtain a constructive solution validated technically and scientifically, suitable to be implemented in the markets where it operates. For the University of Minho the project was an opportunity to strengthen skills in research, laboratory and scientific development, through the development of engineering studies, architecture and sustainability, as well as supporting the doctoral scholarships and dissemination of scientific publications. May the knowledge of this project be of benefit, in the future, for the welfare of those who build a HiLoTec house.


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Self-compacting concrete (SCC) demands more studies of durability at higher temperatures when subjected to more aggressive environments in comparison to the conventional vibrated concrete (CC). This work aims at presenting results of durability indicators of SCC and CC, having the same water/binder relations and constituents. The applied methodologies were electrical resistivity, diffusion of chloride ions and accelerated carbonation experiments, among others, such as microstructure study, scanning electron microscope and microtomography experiments. The tests were performed in a research laboratory and at a construction site of the Pernambuco Arena. The obtained results shows that the SCC presents an average electrical resistivity 11.4% higher than CC; the average chloride ions diffusion was 63.3% of the CC; the average accelerated carbonation penetration was 45.8% of the CC; and the average open porosity was 55.6% of the CC. As the results demonstrated, the SCC can be more durable than CC, which contributes to elucidate the aspects related to its durability and consequent prolonged life cycle.


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Within a research project on «academic excellence in the state school», this paper is a contribution to the sociological reflection on the cultural and organisational characteristics of the school and its relationship with the academic success of students. The data we present stem from a case study underway at a secondary school in the north of Portugal, referring to the universe of students that since 2003 have distinguished themselves for achieving grades equal to or greater than 18 (on a scale of 0 to 20) and have thus been included in the school’s Framework of Excellence. From a contextual approach to this educational practice, we focused on the cultural characteristics of the school/subject as analytical support for the study of school and non-school dimensions in their mutual connections. To this end, we used the information from document analysis and data collected from a questionnaire survey administered to more than two-thirds of the students included in the above-mentioned Framework of Excellence. Subsequently, we will use the data from this survey to understand the extent to which academic excellence is perceived as an indivisible social construction of the school’s political and organisational matrix, particularly in terms of the educational and teaching guidelines adopted by the management body. We will conclude by questioning the meaning of the school’s management policies regarding the emphasis on educational outcomes, with particular focus on the representations of excellent students in the processes of school leadership, teaching organisation, school merit and justice.


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"A workshop within the 19th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets - ICATPN’1998"


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the University of Linköping between April to July 2007. Monitoring of the air intake system of an automotive engine is important to meet emission related legislative diagnosis requirements. During the research the problem of fault detection in the air intake system was stated as a constraint satisfaction problem over continuous domains with a big number of variables and constraints. This problem was solved using Interval-based Consistency Techniques. Interval-based consistency techniques are shown to be particularly efficient for checking the consistency of the Analytical Redundancy Relations (ARRs), dealing with uncertain measurements and parameters, and using experimental data. All experiments were performed on a four-cylinder turbo-charged spark-ignited SAAB engine located in the research laboratory at Vehicular System Group - University of Linköping.