914 resultados para Reestruturação do habitus


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La recherche sur secteur non-formel de l économie et la dynamique des territoires dans les plages de la ville de Natal/RN, a le but de la compréhension des espaces de ces territoires ainsi que leurs caractéristiques; le rapport des acteurs sociaux et l existence de politiques dirigées direct ou indirectement vers ce secteur de l économie et ses territoires. Pour celà, on donne emphase au scénario économique moulé par le système de production et reproduction dans la mondialisation, ce qui, parmis d autres actions aq l inetrférence sur le marché du travail, lequel subit constamment des transformations importantes cherchant à suivre les changements en niveau global, en devenant, pour ainsi dire, un marché chaque fois plus exigeant et, conséquemment, sélectif. Moyennant la réalité économique et politique vécue, il augmente le nombre de chômeurs dans le pays suscitant, à tort et à travers, la croissance du secteur non-formel de l économie avec ses inombrables travailleurs qui occupent les plus différents segments parmi lesquels les travaux autonomes, ici représentés par les camelots, les propriétaires de baraques, les propriétaires de kiosques ; etc. Pour atteindre ce but, on a cherché les reférenciels théorico-scientifiques ayant pour base la connaissance empirique à travers les inombrables cas d études matérialisés au moyen de donnés primaires et sécondaires. Finalement, on est sûr de ce que les travailleurs du secteur non-formel complèmentent la chaîne repoductive, ils créent et recréent des territoires avec des contenus variés qui sont indispensables pour la croissance et le développement social


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In the Guadalupe city, with the arrival of the Boa Esperança Hydroelectric, the landscape of the municipal district lived important transformations. Those transformations continue growing today, now together with new vectors of territorial ordering, especially the agricultural industry. In front of the context of stability-instability of the environmental systems, it original of its natural vulnerability to the instability and of the transformations in the territorial dynamics of Guadalupe, the present research it analyzed and it mapped that municipal territory with relationship to the degrees of vulnerability of the environmental systems. Therefore, working a leaning methodology in a systemic perspective of the landscape and in the geoprocessing technique, the dissertation showed with thematic mapping, the most vulnerable and less vulnerable parts of the municipal district of Guadalupe, looking for a strategic vision of the problem.


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The geo-environmental zoning is an important means to plan the management of the territory, once it is the result of integration of different elements of the physical environment. The Municipality of Crato has a diversity of geo-environmental systems due to its complex landscape, which characterization and delimitation will contribute to the most appropriate occupation and the fewer prejudicial to municipal area. This study, which was supported by geo-systemic theory, searched to reach the following objectives: to elaborate a proposal of geo-environmental zoning; to characterize identified and demarcated geo-environmental systems, including their potentiality and limitations of land use and human occupation; and to generate a database on digital maps through GIS Geographic Information System. Four geo-environmental systems were identified (Chapada do Araripe: plateau and hillside, Massif and residual crest, Sertão of peripheric southern depression and fluvial Plains) and ten geo-environmental subsystems (Eastern plateau covered by cerradão/cerrado, Western plateau covered by cerrado/carrasco, Northern-west hillside, central residual Massif, Northern Residual Massifs, Sertaneja depression dominated by sedimentary materials, Sertaneja depression dominated by embasement crystalline material; wet fluvial plains and dry fluvial plains). The identified system and subsystem are similar to those proposed by FUNCEME in spite of some changes due to the more detailed mapping


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This work considers the space study of the main road runner of integration of the Region Metropolitan of Natal (RMN) in formation, emphasizing its repercussion for the geographic context of the city, where we identify the positive and negative aspects of such space configuration, as for the aspects of the urban inaquality, economic centrality and of flows, promoted for the state and private capital (national and foreign). The linear convergence and polinucleately of geographic objects in that we identify as Central Space of Attentions (CSA), promoted, and still it promotes, important repercussion in the space estructuretion of the peripheral areas of the RMN, such as in the constitution of the "Capital Value of the Space". In this direction, to endorse the analysis of such reading, choose as cientific ballast the geographic theory, in a perspective dialectic, as well as we rescue contributions of the science of the administration, sociology, economy, amongst others. From the empirical research, subsidized with the application of forms together the entrepreneurs whom they possess investments in the CSA, as well as in the rescue of information you register in cadastre in the Junta Comercial do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (JUNCERN) and telephonic list, we construct a proposal of reading of the current period of training of the process of space production to which is rank the CSA. The analysis of the data, under a comparative space angle, presents an important contribution to reevaluate the urban space of the RMN in its bigger aspect, exceeding the limits of the studied road corridor


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This study was developed in the northern coast of the city of Macau, a total area of 88,52 km², located in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. It presents relatively plain surface, with interlaced of streams and gamboas, characterized by contributions of oceanic water, flooding areas of swamps. Altogether, the climatic and topographical conditions provide an ideal environment for the development of saline activity. Inserted in the geologic context of the Potiguar Basin, the region presents favorable conditions for the production of hydro-carbons. It still presents natural conditions for shrimp breeding and artisanal fishing. This work analyzes the transformations occurred in the land use, using air photographs of 1978, Landsat 5 ETM Images of 1988, 1998 and 2008. A secular analyzes was carried through the dynamics of the use of the territory and the transformations occurred in the landscape due to the increment of the productive activities. In the survey of the data for study of the area, it was verified that little alteration occurred in the 30 years. The saline activity that was present since the year of 1978 having an increase of about 5% in thirty years; the shrimp breeding activity that had its presence in the decade of 1990, presented a high growth in the land use, therefore in 1998 it presented 0.45% and currently it presents 6.59%. In the field it was observed that great areas used previously for the saline activity, today it is prepared for shrimp breeding and that the areas of petroleum exploration occupy salt mines, beaches and trays. In 1988 it presented a percentage of 0, 07% and currently it occupies 0.46%, having grown 50% in the last 10 years. Although the variation of the occupation of the area has been little expressive, shrimp breeding showed a growth of 1,200% in only 10 years. In regards to petroleum activity, there wasn t any demonstration of an increasing impact in the land use in the area of study in 26 years of exploration


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The present dissertação had as objective to study the ambient management in the Farms Saint Rita, Tahim Agropesca and Agropesca Rigomoleiro, in the Great River of the North. For this we use as theoretical tool some fundantes concepts of geographic science, the space, and as concepts auxiliary of ambient management, of estuaries as the half natural one and of manguezais as ecosystem. The study if it gave taking in consideration a model of flow of activities of a typical farm following the way of the residues produced since the beginning until its final destination, in a suitable script of SCHERER (1999). The considered flow established a sequence activities where it is identified the material of entrance, the process of management, the residues of exit and the destination of the residues to the long one of the phase of culture of the shrimp. From it was there had been elaborated a series of managemental pictures with the data raised in the three farms, of different transports and concludes that the ambient management of these farms does not follow the formal standards of a system of typical ambient management. Collating with the system of considered by norm ISO14000 the study it disclosed that all the companies are in a situation of not conformity and that the impacts on the environment continue being many significant ones. However, it is possible to implant norm ISO14000 because some procedures implanted for the farms are correct of the point of view of the ambient management


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This essay: The perception environmental of the Passo da Pátria dwellers in Natal-RN has as its goal, investigate the perception of the dwellers in an degraded environment in ways of urbanizing, at the Potengi River riverine. This is an area in zone environmental risk, which year after year was even forgotten by the municipality, but which attracted a huge estranger public because of its facility in access urbanized areas in Natal at the same rate of its natural riches from the mangue and the sea. Front to problems of economical nature as scarce job offers, its habitants build their dwellings without any kind order or social protection, occupying an inadequate space for the well keeping of the urban environmental equilibrium. The analyzed community is exposed to water floods, tropical diseases, and to criminal problems like gangsters and drug dealers. We propose in such essay observe the connivance of the dwellers with the natural environment and their expectations o citizen transformations. This essay has as its bases the studies of Tuan (1983), Nunes (2000) and principally in Wilhem Reich (1998) in who we found our concept of perception, that here plays like an important analytical category to confront our corpus. Our first chapter debates the concept of place, not in an historical materialistic vision, but within an phenomenological survey; the second chapter presents the impacts of the urbanization in the community perception, and in the third one is analyzed the perception of the Passo da Pátria community. Based in this analyzes we confirmed that the conditions of living of the dwellers are extremely dangerous; but, the most of them do not see such dangers, even saying that are well living in its community


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Since the second semester of 2004, the first refugees guided by ACNUR arrived at Potiguar s territory. Then we follow closely, with other local actors, the implementation and development of this innovative action, namely the resettlement of those refugees in Rio Grande do Norte. To accomplish this, we consider the concepts of territory, dispossession, repossession and international migration. The state of Rio Grande do Norte is a pioneer in the Northeast, in this type of action, since, before this experience, just Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo were engaged in this kind of action. Therefore, this paper analyzes the process of resettlement of refugees, fulfilled in Rio Grande do Norte, between 2004 and 2005. The research broaches the regards that resulted in departure of these refugees from their respective territories (Colombia and Palestine) as well as the characteristics and prospects of the areas that hosted the refugees (Natal, Lajes e Poço Branco). Finally, the work deals with the results achieved afield, through interviews and photographic record, near by refugees


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The work however presented try to make an analysis of the relation urban-agricultural in the context of the process of metropolization of Natal. On the basis of this approach searched to argue the estruturation of the Brazilian urban space and the relation with the agricultural one, evidencing an academic debate little contemplated, in view of that the space transformations guided by Brazilian industrialization had earned as endorsement a mere urban direction, fact that neglected factors more complex than they for the urban-agricultural relation in the context of the urbanization and, more recently, of the metropolization. Another important factor in the construction of the work was the contextualization of the urbanization of the Rio Grande do Norte, as well as of the metropolization of Natal, where if the significant presence of an agricultural reality made an analysis of the configuration metropolitan in the present time displaying that also remains and reproduces the metropolis, fact that conditions and justifies the treatment of the reality metropolitan for the bias of the urban-agricultural relation. The approach of this relation was directed for the agricultural nestings of the Region Metropolitan of Natal (RMN), understood as fragments agricultural in the context of the metropolis, in view of that a tenuous correspondence of these nestings with the metropolis in the direction of its integration was observed. As methodology one used bibliographical survey in periodic and books and collected secondary data-collecting next to the IBGE and to the INCRA and still were directed a field research where interviews next to the seated ones had been carried through. In this direction, one evidenced that the metropolization also absorbs and even though it reproduces the ruralidade that if verifies in the RMN finishing for mining the idea of an urban one that it excludes the agricultural one. In the case of the RMN, we have agricultural and the urban one exactly if conforming in one space that is metropolitan


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La presente pesquisa contempla reflexiones referentes de la actividad turística en la organización socio-espacial en el litoral de las comarcas de Extremoz y Ceará-Mirim, región de la Grande Natal. Nuestro objetivo principal es el estudio de las transformaciones del espacio y de sus implicaciones socio-ambientales en curso en el proceso de producción del espacio turístico en el litoral de las referidas comarcas desde 1997 hasta 2007, momento de importancia publica-privada que, a partir del PRODETUR, tuvo la base para el incremento de las potencialidades turísticas. En este sentido, varias fueron las técnicas para una mejor compresión de las aspiraciones y de la percepción de los actores envueltos con la actividad turística (comerciantes, turistas, populación y poder publico local) para conocer cuales son sus consideraciones en cuanto a los cambios que proceden de la implantación de la actividad turística en el lugar, cuanto a la mejora de la calidad de vida, de la generación de empleo y de renta, comercialización, conservación, preservación del ambiente, cumplimiento de la legislación, afirmación cultural así como las acciones puestas en ejecución en las comarcas. Para tal necesidad, se buscó analizar los datos estadísticos a partir del uso de los cuestionarios con preguntas estructuradas y semi-abiertas como instrumento de colecta de información que les era correlacionada con la opinión de los actores locales de modo que podamos formar y entender los elementos básicos que son parte de los espacios turísticos en foco. Fueran utilizadas fotografías aéreas de las comarcas de Extremoz y Ceará-Mirim, provistas por el IDEMA, con la intención de percibir acerca de los cambios del espacio y las implicaciones socio-ambientales de la área en estudio. Concluimos en función de los resultados que el modelo de Turismo concebido por lo Brasil, estimulado y financiado por lo Gobierno Federal, está insertado en el contexto de la economía global y, por lo tanto, el Estado del Rio Grande del Norte, en específico los espacios litoraneos de las comarcas de Extremoz y Ceará-Mirim, que poseen características similares a este modelo, con sus particularidades, que si traduzca por la exclusión social, formas de apropiación privada de los espacios público y áreas de protección ambiental como las playas, las dunas y las lagunas, el desacato o no el cumplimiento de la legislación ambiental, aumento de las desigualdad de renta en una región que posee una problemática social grave y sin inversión, implantación de la infraestructura, ausencia de política pública local, donde los intereses económicos son prioridad delante de las aclamaciones populares. Se sugiere un repensar cuanto al modelo actual de desarrollo adoptado, que el planeamiento sea pautado en base a la participación integrada de los varios agentes implicados con la actividad turística, incluyendo en la medida del posible, las aspiraciones de la población local como precusoras de sus reales necesidades, donde esta acción interactiva contestará ciertamente en un esfuerzo significativo en la construcción de un nuevo paradigma, modelo del desarrollo sustentable, siendo posible superar gradualmente el incremento de la pobreza, de la exclusión y de los impactos ambientales, donde la calidad de vida sea factor fundamental


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thèse de maîtrise, qui a été idealizée et exécutée à partir de la réunion et les relations dialogiques établies entre la géographie et l'histoire, et l'espace et le temps, a considéré l'environnement urbain comme le thème général et, comme la référence empirique, l'espace urbain de Caicó, incrusté dans les terres semi-arides du Sertão do Seridó Potiguar, plus précisément à la mi-sud de l'État du Rio Grande do Norte. Dans cet espace, à travers de recherche des fragments de mémoires acquis de diverses sources historiques, on a tenté de faire des investigations sur les transformations urbaines qui ont eu lieu dans la ville au cours des années 50 et 60 du XXe siècle. Ces transformations, dans l espace urbain de Caicó à un moment du pic de l'activité de développement de coton, reflétaient et conditionnaient les propres projets de modernization urbaine qui représentants des élites locales eurent conçu avec l'objectif de la construction d une ville idéal dans les regions isolées du Seridó: moderne, civilisé, progressive et capitale régionale du Seridó. Pour cette construction, les nouveaux équipements et services urbains ont passé du plan imaginaire à l espace réel, installés dans plusieurs quartiers de la ville en transformant le paysage urbain. Face à cette situation, cinémas, magasins, station de radio, énergie électrique, institutions de l'éducation, téléphonie, maison de soins infirmiers, usine de bénéficiement de coton, banques, politiques urbaines, hygiéniques et sanitaires, modes de comportement, sociabilités urbaines distincttes, parmi d'autres éléments géographiques se sont institués à travers la réalisation de certains idéaux de progrès social et dans un esprit de modernité urbaine, dans de nouveaux espaces et pratiques inventés, tramés et éprouvés sur les rochers et entre le cours d eau au milieu d'un quotidien urbain marqué par ruptures et permanence de certaines coutumes et habitudes antiques et de certains paysages et environnement ridé


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The process of urbanization of Natal city has been going in the last years by importants changes, mainly, because we can observe the development of a new kind of housing: the horizontal closed condominiums, from 1995 began to expand quickly on the city. In this way, the present study has as objective analyse the expansion of the horizontal closed condominiums on the urban area of Natal. Emphasizing the sociogeographic changes that these ventures engender. For this, we have done a research that was based on quantitative procedures, however, preferring a qualitative approach. So, data were gathered from sources and procedures: the first, we performed a literature search and document on issues related to the relevant issues in libraries, public and privates institutions; The second, in accordance with the procedures, or the production of informations, performed enterview and implemetation of questionnaires with key stakeholders involved with the expansion of horizontal condominiums in Natal. Within this perspective, our research showed that the expansion of demand in the city, the existence of volume of land in areas suitable for the production building, the formation of capital property, the appearance of new points of modern consumption, the actions of the state and the low cost of production of these enterprises, are factors that have been decisive in the expansion of the horizontal condominiums in Natal. Also, we can observe that the process of production of the urban space from the horizontal condominiums comes in providing the redefinition of land use in areas that appear, because they expand into outlying areas of Natal, changes in its structure and its pattern of socio segregation, observing that the condominiums put the diferents social groups living side by side, but not mantaining relationships among them, the emergence of spaces to homogenization, the fragmentation of the urbanization, the privatization of the city and several environmental problems. In short, we believe that the horizontal expansion of condominiums is enabling a number of social changes to Natal city


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Acid rain is a major assault on the environment, a consequence of burning fossil fuels and industrial pollutants the basis of sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere. The objective of this research was to monitor and analyze changes in water quality of rain in the city of Natal, seeking to investigate the influence of quality on a local, regional and global, in addition to possible effects of this quality in the local landscape. Data collection was performed from December 2005 to December 2007. We used techniques of nefanálise in identifying systems sinóticos, field research in the search for possible effects of acid rain on the landscape, and collect and analyze data of precipitation and its degree of acidity. Used descriptive statistics (standard deviation and coefficient of variation) used to monitor the behavior of chemical precipitation, and monitoring of errors in measurements of pH, level of confidence, Normalized distribution of Gauss, confidence intervals, analysis of variance ANOVA were also used. Main results presented as a variation of pH between 5,021 and 6,836, with an average standard deviation of 5,958 and 0,402, showing that the average may represent the sample. Thus, we can infer that, according to the CONAMA Resolution 357 (the index for fresh water acidity should be between 6.0 and 9.0), the precipitation of Natal / RN is slightly acidic. It appears that the intertropical convergence zone figures showed the most acidic among the systems analyzed sinóticos, taking its average value of pH of 5,617, which means an acid value now, with a standard deviation of 0,235 and the coefficient of variation of 4,183% which shows that the average may represent the sample. Already in field research and found several places that suffer strongly the action of acid rain. However, the results are original and need further investigation, including the use of new methodologies


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This work entitled "Planning and Tourism Territorial Management in the Metropolitan Region of Natal-RN" analyzes the tourism and its relationship to (re) production of socio-territorial inequalities in the metropolitan region of Natal (RMNatal) to from the planning and territorial management of the activity. For both, the methodological procedures were undertaken from research held about of literature on tourism, planning and territorial management, surveying and public policy analysis of tourism in national and local as well as the construction of levels of integration and differentiation of metropolitan municipalities in relation to tourism. Besides the shortage of studies on this subject, this research has shown that public policies focused on this sector has come under a great fragility in regard to tourism planning in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Norte, causing the planning activity is a strong array of fragmentation and socio-territorial inequalities in RMNatal


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This dissertation aims to analyze the territory of the new economies and their social implications in the district of Barra do Cunhaú / Canguaretama. We used techniques of qualitative research (document analysis, interviews and observations in situ). It was found that the changes occurring in the territory are linked to the pressures caused by factors internal and external orders, such as the deployment and expansion of projects for development of tourism and shrimp in place, which led to the advancement of real estate speculation and intensification of the deforestation of areas of mangroves along the estuary of the river Curimataú / Cunhaú, contributing to the abandonment of fishing and agriculture for livelihood in this community, therefore, the loss of traditional knowledge applied in the conduct of this activity. It was also found that changes in the use of territory and resources threaten biodiversity and have contributed to the reduction of fish stocks of the Municipality of Canguaretama and thus bar the Cunhaú, especially the stock of crab, Uca (ucides cardatus ). The results indicated that the production in large scale in a market economy, as is the shrimp, ignores the search for balance in regional settings. Thus the environmental disturbances resulting from the shrimp and tourism have consequences for social and cultural aspects, directly affecting the livelihood of the residents of Barra do Cunhaú. Companies of shrimp and related to tourism have absorbed the fishermen who are leaving the fishing activity. However, the low level of education associated with age are factors that make them far outside the framework of employees of these companies. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions that allow the development of the shrimp and tourism without putting at risk the sustainability of the region